If you look at the top of this page and zoom in on my art I sent to Thrasher Magazine in 1988. Look at the bottom right of my envelope art. It has my name and the date 88 underneath it. The art was made in 1988, it was not published until the 1991 issue; that is shown above on every blog page of this blog.
Black Out Series
All of these original paintings made by me are available to print and frame for you and can be put on eBay for sale. Or you can buy the original paintings. These paintings as well as digital art is expertly stored in my home. Just email me and ask me which one you want me to put on sale for you on eBay. I have this all backed up on DVD also for sale.
The Black Out series was a breakthrough series of paintings for me. I became expert at acrylics during this series. I truly believe I can now paint in acrylics with the same intensity as oil painting. Since the moment I began to use acrylic paints that was my goal.
I took these paintings down from the internet about 5 years ago because I thought they were a little to intense to show. Since then I revealed something about those paintings on my home page here I never shared on the internet before. I quote my home page fro this blog:
"These are some of the greatest water colors I have ever done from the greatest black and white if not thee greatest painting series of paintings I have ever done. The Black Out series was my nod to Black Metal music. I love all Black Metal music and always will. I always think about Kiss as the band that started the theatrical side of Black Metal Music that I love the best. I also love the bands that don't dress up and spit fire and blood too though. My Black Out series was so intense I had to edit what I showed on the internet. For the first time ever I am going to reveal the artist who inspired me to do most of the art for that series: http://www.chrismoyen.com/news.htm This dude is so hard to find on the internet it is unreal. Chris Moyen is thee best Black Metal artist there is or ever has been. I signed his guest book while I was working on those great paintings I created. His web site is the biggest and coolest I have ever seen on the web. Just like me he is not on wikipedia.org, unreal."
I thought about how I was going to present this series online since I started to re-do the pages on this site. As always I was inspired by emails between me and my mom. I decided that I would feature my favorite art from the other side of the spectrum. This would provide a balance as much as I can. I found some favorite art that stands out in my mind from around the time I was in my late teens. The Jesus knocking on the World Trade Center, I have no idea who did it and I searched. That goes for the rapture painting as well. All I can tell you is when I saw these in my late teens they left this ???
impression on me so that when I looked for them on the internet...wait a minute, I found it! I was a big fan of the art work from this ministry in my late teens: ??
This art was made in Sherman Texas in my late teens.
The next art I would like to feature here that is outstanding is from Jack Chick. When my mom gave me this art in my late teens it changed my life at the time. I have tried to mimic this style of comic art all my life/ People love it but I have always thought it was not my best stuff. The first Radman_art comic that I made, basically inventing Radman as a comic super hero for the first time; was made in this style of art. You can see part of it in the animation I made and posted on YouTube:
I am trying to keep to my word and keep this blog about art only; but I had to put a disclaimer my old Radman comic. I felt it was necessary to show it sensible to anyone who may be critical of it. Here is a copy of the original Radman comic made in 1988 unedited and never before seen on the internet:
You should read here to judge this rightly click here they are very non violent.
Here is the special art I admired in my late teens; from the other side of the coin; enjoy and be amazed:
Here are some picks I made of Jack Chick's art. No one can not deny that he is a amazing artist and that is why I am posting his; inspiring and innovative art, here to balance this page:
From Jack Chick's amazing color comics made long
before we ever heard of image comics.
From Jack Chick's amazing color comics made long
before we ever heard of image comics.
From Jack Chick's amazing color comics made long
before we ever heard of image comics.
This is not my favorite Jack Chick leaflet style comic but is stands out in my mind the most. I love wordless comics though. I love the old Pink Panther cartoons for this reason. I have made some cool wordless comics in my day see my comics page here: Radman_Art Comics
I had to piece this together, it took a lot of work.
This is one of those pages that stuck in my head forever.
This one was down right horrific, this page is a exclamation point of this comic.
Here is 4 panels from a comic that really made me think back then:
Here are four panels from a war themed comic. War and comics go together like peanut butter and fluff. Speaking of food wait till you see my old photos from my old Tridpod site yummy!
then dial to the 4:05 minute mark and pause the video, I made in 2002. Notice those books?
The video paused at 4:05 minutes should look like this. I added some names of those books.
These are all printed in their original year.
Here is some of my favorite art from some of those books.
From the Moody book marked on the photo.
From the Moody book marked on the photo.
From the Moody book marked on the photo.
From the Spurgeon book marked on the photo.
From the Evil of the Cities book marked on the photo.
From the Evil of the Cities book marked on the photo.
This book by Talmage is special because of this inlay
I had to buy it from a collector for 11.00.
From the Evil of the Cities book marked on the photo.
From the Evil of the Cities book marked on the photo.
From the Evil of the Cities book marked on the photo.
This is from the FEA my wife and I went there for 2 years 1990-1992
This is from the FEA
This is from the FEA
This is from the FEA
This is from the FEA
This is from the FEA
I made these for my friends at the FEA church when we went there 1990-1992. I made a book mark out of them lined up and gave them to my friends at the church. The theme is the Bible because that was the name of the radio broadcast. Click these links to see them in full size: Heaven and Earth and What Does The Bible Say? and What Does The Bible Say?
My attempt at drawing in the old style fallen short.
I swear if there was a class or I book I could get,
I would; to draw like they did in the 1800's.
I picked this up back in 1996 after we moved to McKinney
Ok enough of that stuff. Time for the Black Out series; unseen for 5 years on the internet. These scans took hours to get just right so you can see all the hard work I did on these great paintings of acrylic and watercolor perfection, so;
"BLACK METAL lay down your soul to the gods rock `n' roll black metal"
(Venom from the Album Black Metal)
This entire series of which I am not done with is dedicated to Black Metal Music! I love it and always will. To best describe Black Metal Music I give you the trinity of Black Metal:
Below is a photo of the series I am working on now
This is a acrylic painting 18 inches by 24 inches in size on store bought canvas.
This is a perfect reproduction of the original.
I made a modern version of this but never completed it. It is almost done and the best of this series same exact size too. It was all part of my disenfranchisement of not making money from my paintings and just stockpiling them. I have talked about it many times on the internet and on my words page here: Little Radman_Art History
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
This is a band logo of one of my favorite Black Metal bands, I totally changed it around and took the band name out. It is a Goat head with a upside down cross for a nose in case you don't see it.
I found out where I was inspired to paint this from; Barad Dur
Their logo is genius it spells their name:
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
I made this from Black Metal CD art I liked but the goat head over lapped the star. I fixed it.
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
This is a scull I liked from cd art from a Black Metal band I like.
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
This is one of the finest paintings of the series other than the Baphomet
I am afraid you have to see this one in person to see it's glory.
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
Some more Black Metal CD art I perfected. I added a star I designed myself.
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
It is what it is Black Metal CD art with a old fashioned goat star. Although I get ideas from CD's I never copy, I give my version often times better than the original.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is the first painting of the series. I love to doodle this on a whim. The options are endless.
This is a water color painting 5 inches by 7 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. This little ditty has to been seen in person like all my art; to be appreciated. I mixed blue with black to create this blue hued black. This is my version of the bands Archgoat's CD art done by Chris Moyen. Archgoat is one of my favorite Black Metal bands. This is one of the few bands names I see the second I look at the art. Here is a copy of the original:
Having just finished the psychedelic symmetry series, I used my imagination to form images in the middle of this great art.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is a example of my never ending quest to combine the art with the star perfectly. The nose is a upside down cross again. This is a art behind the star not easy as the shading has to be just right. When was the last time you saw goat horns on a human skull?
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
I this was the third in the series. The castle in the background looks great in person. This painting is harder than it looks.
This is a water color painting 11 inches by 14 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. I took a photo of this monster. It is amazing, trust me this one defies nature. His spikes forearms are perfect holding two upside down crosses. It is designed as a clock. Most of my goat heads have 6's hidden in their foreheads.
This is a water color painting 5 inches by 7 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is a version of one of my favorite bands cd art I love I did it in black and white with only my imagination to guide me.
This is a water color painting 5 inches by 7 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is a version of one of my favorite bands cd art I love I did it in black and white with only my imagination to guide me.
This is a water color painting 5 inches by 7 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. The thing I love about this finely tuned masterpiece is the horns. My invention of horned majesty.
This is a water color painting 5 inches by 7 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. This is all me wrapping those horns around this perfectly shaded example of things that can not be.
This painting is 5 and a half inches x 15 inches acrylic on canvas board hand made and hand stretch by me. I only use the finest quality paints on all of my paintings, the idea is to make them last hundreds of years.
I had this spot on the wall I wanted to fill (you can tell by the photo of the series on this page), so I custom made this goats head of which you can clearly see the 6's on, also that nose thing again.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is the second painting in the series, this Black Metal solder has died in battle.
This is a water color painting 11 inches by 14 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. This one is one of my famous got too much going on rendering. I like to think of it as giving you more for your money type painting. This is from a cd that I believe is taken from ancient art. The goats on each side are carrying swords originally. I replaced the sword with a upside down cross with a pentagram in it and what could be perceived as a Jesus head. You can not see it unless in person, too much tiny stuff here.
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
This one is all me as you can see by the name of this file it is called split cross because it splits the crosses in half.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This was third to last in the series. I combined Micron pen and water color and actually pulled it off.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This was forth to last in the series. My bow to the originators of the Black Metal style I love so much.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
I have never done a painting with more perfect shadows as this.
This is a water color painting 11 inches by 14 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This one has it all if you like that sort of thing, I do.
This is a water color painting 8 inches by 10 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint. Woops I did it again, 6's on the crosses and the head.
This is a water color painting 8 inches by 10 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This one is one of my famous got too much going on rendering. I like to think of it as giving you more for your money type painting. You can not see it unless in person, too much tiny stuff here. My 6 design here is a radman_art original.
This is a water color painting 8 inches by 10 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This one is one of my famous got too much going on rendering. I like to think of it as giving you more for your money type painting. You can not see it unless in person, too much tiny stuff here. Crosses and 6's dawn the regal robe. This could also be a clock. I can not begin to tell you how hard it was to make those skulls, each one has studs on it's head.
This is a water color painting 11 inches by 17 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This is in my opinion the best of the water colors in this series the tiniest detail is given to everything. The depiction of Jesus was to be a realistic look, hence shredded skin making him unrecognizable. My completely original designs here are to be found no where else. I could have never done it without the Chris Moyen website though.
I never do this but I took a photo of the sketch before I put paint on it. This was the sixth to the last of this series
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
I was definitely peaking on my ability to show blasphemy on this great watercolor. This was the fifth to the last of this series and the best for showing off what is going on here verses doing tiny detail.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This was the sixth painting of the series. It depicts a stone grave marker statue on a jutting rock in the middle of a cliff. In the background is a giant castle on the edge of that cliff.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
This was my first attempt at the head combined with the star. It has a awesome cloud effect in the background.
This is a water color painting 4 inches by 6 inches in size on Arches French water color paper made with French water color paint.
These solders are dead and protect you in the under world that surrounds us all, or just some cool art it's up to you. They have no eyeballs though.
This is one of those let's see what happens paintings I have done. Towards the end of the series this show my new blending technique that flows naturally from me to the paper. Lets see what happens when I run the star off the paper in case you did not catch that. Also; how simple can I make it?
Here it is in all it's grandeur!
This is a acrylic painting 16 inches by 20 inches in size on store bought canvas.
There is more going on here than you think. I thought up this from a photo from a Black Metal bands cd art. I saw this in the guys hand and thought this up. I think it was a regular cross though.