Radman Art 2022 The Bad Death and Black Metal Music Art

If you do not like death or black album art then please leave here. If you have to put death or black album art in google then come back here. Just uploaded a bunch more stuff to Pinterest including the death metal stuff. I got the ideas for this serries from other death metal art work on CD covers mostly. I might pick out a tiny head on the art and drew it in this series. When I was uploading it I noticed that much of it was just too gross and weird and just drawn bad to post. It is good to know (I guess) the hardest I try to draw gross death metal art good I always fall short. I still am a fan though and that and listening to the music when ever I drew this cool stuff made this series *funly *Funly - definition of funly by The Free Dictionaryhttps://www.thefreedictionary.com › funly To speak or act facetiously; joke or fool. v.tr. To tease or speak playfully to. adj. Informal. Enjoyable; amusing This paragraph was updated December 6, 2022