All of this original digital video art made by me is available for sale and can be put on eBay for sale. Just email me and ask me which one you want me to put on sale for you on eBay. I have this all backed up on DVD also for sale.
I took this down to edit it. Here it is again I hope you like it better. I am encouraged by the number of hits for Radman_Art on Google now, cool. I know you want to see the other Radman_Art animation I made and also had on my website for 11 years in a low quality flash animation. Of course I will present it here in HQ quality. I have to edit it so the sound will work perfect here, I will do that soon.
I just want to say for the 1,000 time on the internet; I have every Maya and Cinema 4d file for all my animations. I have all the tiff files to make reproductions of these in super IMAX sized movies, even bigger than IMAX.
Well here ya go this is it for today. I uploaded close to a couple gigs today. This is the full version of the very first Radman_Art comic from 1988 done to standards of the industry on Bristol board. I was in a transition back then. I heard urban legends of cults and such taking children for sacrifices. I have no idea if the hideous stories were true at all. I just though it would make the ultimate super hero story at the time. Voices by me.
This is the full blown HQ version and should be near perfect to view. I had this on the Radman_art website for 10 years but it was a low quality flash animation. This one also has the actual comic at the end. Hope you like it for it's classic superhero style comic. Now you know who Radman is. I am not Radman nor ever was even though they called me that at CCCCD. I drew the comic in 1988 with no college at all. I also had a contract selling art work to the biggest skateboard company in the world with no college. Now I have 7 years college in graphic design and no job. I did this comic on official Bristol board in official size. I taught myself to do comics by reading Will Eisner Instructional Books suggested to me by the good people of the San Diego Comic convention. I learned a lot from the San Diego Comic convention just sitting down and watching them draw talking to the art. I spoke to so many famous artist there it is too many to list. There was a presence there that weekend. You can check out over 50 pages of comics I did here: some before the convention some after. After the convention in the late 1980's all my comics changed to industry standard. The comic is based on a comic charater I invented called Radman, he was a skateboarding superhero who could fly. Yes back then I was muscle bound and skated like lightning. Yes he was made after me then. Yes the R on his uniform stands for my first name. Ok! The story is based on a urban legend I heard back then. The animation is not that good I was just starting back then. I did it frame by frame in Macromedia Director, a program I got very good at. I even taught my teacher Mike McKee to made it talk. I manipulated the scans in Photoshop also taught to me by Mike McKee.
All the sound is my voice manipulated at times.
The opening and end is 6 seconds of music is from my favorite Irish rockers, The Pogues from the song Tuesday Morning.
October 17 2012:
I made a video of yesterday October 16 2012 for you all:
You know it has been years since I have skated on cement. The last time would be Allen Skate Park about 5 years ago. I forgot how much fun it is.
Ceeement is dog gone fun.
I like jumping off curbs.
I made this graphic:
And I made this new graphic:
October 16 2012:
Went sk8ing this morning got some cool footy. I will put it to music and post it on my YouTube channel. Here is a quick jpeg for ya:
Added 3 funny animations on my YouTube channel:
I made a video of yesterday October 16 2012 for you all:
You know it has been years since I have skated on cement. The last time would be Allen Skate Park about 5 years ago. I forgot how much fun it is.
Ceeement is dog gone fun.
I like jumping off curbs.
I made this graphic:
And I made this new graphic:
October 16 2012:
Went sk8ing this morning got some cool footy. I will put it to music and post it on my YouTube channel. Here is a quick jpeg for ya:
Added 3 funny animations on my YouTube channel:
October 11 2012:
I thought I would clarify what I said about my 3 best digital video animations. I am unable to take the music out of these great creations. The only way to do that would be to start from scratch and I am unable to do that. I really do not think it is fair at all though that I am limited creatively with these three great video short movies.
October 05 2012:
Made a new graphic for my poitical blog.
I want to mention that I use Carrier Builder to find a job so if anyone out there knows of a job let me know. Also I use Texas Workforce and if someone hires me through them they get $2000.00 for hiring me.
October 04 2012:
I never ask anything from anyone on the internet ever and never have. I am asking something of you all that have enjoyed my art for over 10 years for free on the internet.
October 01 2012:
Uploaded the greatest complete digital movie I ever made:
This is the first time this has been posted on the internet. Crank up the quality setting and be transported.
I think I thought of this from spending so much time at home doing homework for college, The idea is your home is transported to another dimension while your in it with out you knowing it. Sram? A play on words for a backwards story. Again I am using the mars theme as a backdrop for the movie. The fact that the first Mars rover landed on Mars at the time is probably the reason I chose Mars. The beam shows the wormhole from Mars to earth. Oh how adorable in my wife’s words are my dogs when they were puppies, I love them just as much today as then. The scene with me drawing is a collage type drawing I never completed; long before all my great paintings within paintings were completed. That is my art desk I use to this day. The photos in the corner are of me as a child. Of course that is my wife in the hand made India tapestry. She is supposed to be a spirit I should have used transparency on her. The entire script comes from my head at the time it was made around 2004. The idea was the house was very close to Mars in it’s rotation around the earth. I posted the house scene on my YouTube channel a while ago in expectation of posting this. The video has great Maya creations of my work. The space background unlike the Alien Flyboy was made by me in Photoshop. The spacey part is me dreaming. You can barely see my wife with the tapestry in the background throwing the Frisbee. The ending is bloopers of my laughing so hard I can not talk.
Uploaded the greatest 3d animation full lenth movie I ever made:
This is the first time anyone has ever seen the full version of Deadman. Also this is the first time any has seen the High quality version of this on the internet ever. So crank up the quality and be dazzled.
Dead Man is based on a comic I made back in 1988. I worked on deadman up until the my wife was in basic training for the army in 1993. Dead man is one of my favorite comic characters besides Radman of course that I created. He was supposed to be the ultimate cool chopper riding dude. Look the best thing you can do is go to this page and view the great comics I have had on the web for over tens years now:
I wrote this ten years ago about the Deadman comics:
This Deadman comic is one of the best as far as art goes. Deadman is the result of reading under ground comics as a kid. There was this skeleton dude that rode a chopper. Every episode would start out where he was in trouble then would end where he had it made. It stuck with me my whole life, hence the animation Deadman. My dad was a cop and I loved and looked up to my dad and his friends. I always would relate my heroes I drew in comics co-operating with the police. This effect of ink in this comic is something I did allot. People love it. I was showing my art at San Diego Comic Con and this dude said to the vender why don't you have more comics like this, pointing to my comics. I liked to use a poetic way of speaking especially with dead man. When ever he spoke it would be like surreal poetry.
I wrote this ten years about the shorter version of this great animation:
This is a cut and edited version of the Deadman animation I did for my 3d animation class part 2. I had reached my peek in my ability to use Maya at the time. I remember for the final test we where to a gravity piece and although I never did gravity I was able to complete the test perfectly. I never concentrated on the detail of the modled characters I made in 3d to save time. i think I made up for that with shadows and texture and of course story line. Deadman is a character I invented in the late 1980's. The story for this aniamation comes directly from the comic I made in the 1980's. On the dvd I featured the comic and story board and 3d story board I did for my class, in Premier. The comic was drawn quickly as was my style in the late 1980's. The story has to do with polution verses greed's reward. I took the chopper scene I did from a animation I did separatly from this project. I just stuck Deadman on his chopper in it and made it part of the animation. My teacher did not like how long I made my animations so I did this as a way of making my animation really long to rebel:) and to be funny. The chopper scene alone was over 3 minutes making the animation 10 minutes long. Ye Haw! In Texas we like every thing big! Deadman and Alien Fly boy was my grand finaly I really poured my heart out. I have never asked anything from anyone as long as I have lived, that a I have not earned.
Also you can go to this page and view the very tiny flash animation I made and has been on this page for over ten years here:
digital art cinema 4d May Drawing Painting Paint Draw Artist Internet Animation 2d 3d photoshop surreal abstract "Cinema 4D (Brand)" "Adobe Photoshop (Software)" "3D Modeling (Profession)" Best pen and ink filters lighting Full Drawings Cartoon "Full Filmmovie" Sculpture Watch Free Paintings Museum Speed Artwork Contemporary Artists Painter Design Pencil Sketch Installation "Speed Painting" Color Modern science fiction Star Space Photography Concept Creative
Uploaded 1 of the best movies I ever made:
October 01 2012:
Uploaded Alien Flyboy
Crank up the quality setting all the way and check it out.
Although this animation has been on the internet for over ten years here: this is the first time anyone will see it in high Quality Format. I can never show any of my animations' in their highest raw format because the size would be too large in the gigabyte aria. The raw format would too great for a computer to play. I would have to burn a DVD for that. I could make them theater quality as well.
Alien Flyboy is one of my finest creations while in College during my time as a Animation student as of which I received my first of three certificates from Collin County Community College. I did this project fro Mark Kaufman the greatest digital video teacher in the world. This project was huge. My wife really helped out allot. I used allot of Maya in this one. The Mars photos are actual photos form the first Mars Rover. I bet you didn't know it had Killer lasers on it. I think that is one of the funniest things I did in a animation. I had my poor wife dressed in her army uniform for many takes to make this fine science fiction tale. Yes my wife was in the US Army for real out of Killeen Texas Fort Hood. Her sunglasses are actual army issue sunglasses, mine are my old Oakley bicycle sunglasses. This is based on a comic I did back in the late 1988's. I have a animation that shows the original comic this was based on. I used it for a story board to make this great science fiction tale. I will work on getting it posted. Although I am posting my 3 best creations next I still have many more animations I want to post. So stay tuned. The ships were designed by something I saw on the internet. The bad guy ships were inspired by the alien ships from the move independence day. I actually used a photo I found on the internet of the ships actual outer lining when I modeled the ship. This is one of the finest animations slash digital video creations I ever did. My top three in my opinion are Alien Flyboy, Wormhole and Deadman. I think I was thinking of 2001 Space Odyssey hen I chose the on board computer for my ships. I liked making this with no fancy lights that are very dangerous. The lights were used extensively in Wormhole of which I hope you can see. If I post Wormhole it will be the first time anyone has seen it on the internet. Someone told me his girlfriend saw Wormhole and it changed her life.
This is what I posted over ten years ago about this:
Alien Flyboy is the final project for Mark Kaufman's Digital Video class part 2. I had done so much video wok for this class before I got to the final production of the Alien Flyboy I decided to make it mostly 3D. I was a part time student back then so there was plenty of time to work on my homework. I was taking 3D animation class at the same time I was taking this class so that was a big help. The space whole thing was made in Maya, with help of Photoshop and After Effects. I learned how to animate in After Effects in Digital Video Class part 2 and I have not looked back. After effects is the best way to animate with or with out digital video. I mean I could make a Who Killed Roger Rabbit type movie myself now. My wife stars in this animation too. The whole animation is based on a comic I made in the late 1980's. In the DVD I put the story board, the animatic, and a animation with the original comic, I even put in cut scenes of me and my wife laughing. For the scene where my wife is floating above mars she stood there in her old army uniform and I cut her out in Photoshop and used After Effects to do that scene. Allot of Maya Textures in this animation. The Alien ship was a version of the first in class project for 3d animation part two. I added a offset Photoshop tiff of the actual alien space ship from the movie Independence Day. The texture for the planet mars was taken from actual mars pictures from back in 1995 when I was a Internet expert. The earth texture is from a earth picture. The lighting effects are a flash light with a plastic cover colored. The colored lights are us shaking a bunch of Christmas lights. Funny it was almost Christmas when I made this and I am posting this and it is almost Christmas and I am listening to my favorite band from my childhood Thin Lizzy "The Cowboy Song". What does all this mean? You tell me.
Added captions to my YouTube video links on this page. I wrote all these when I posted them. You can only see portions of them on You Tube unless you click more. I also added more YouTube links.
This animation is one of the last ones I made in Maya. I owned a sport bike at the time and many of the riding in this animation I did myself. I actually do the vocals in the music, my exited voice is from ridding around for real at speeds up to 150 miles an hour. I made the music myself with my trusty harmonica and the computer. I have had a harmonica handy all my life. It kind of make me sad to view this because it makes me thing of all that could have been. All those buildings were pretty tuff to make. It was the one time I slowed down Maya with too much models. It was the first time I used the smoke effect. The smoke effect is done separately then added latter. I basically redesigned the chopper motorcycle I made for the Deadman animation to make the sport bikes. Starring Deadman and Mega Radman.
This is one of the highest quality animations I have uploaded so max out the quality setting and check this out.
This is also one of my favorites. It is little more advanced. This was one of my last Cinema 4d animations and models before I went on to use Maya. You have some cool symbolism going on here. Ying Yang, Sun Moon. The red white and blue was made this time. I latter made that awesome design you have seen on my site before. Getting a little better on the skull.
I have had this on this page for almost 10 years in a very low quality Flash format:
I have also had this posted for ten years on that page:
Eggtopia was done in the 3d modeling class the second time I took it. I had learned to animate in Cinema 4D and I attack it with a vengeance. Eggtopia is from the comic Eggtopia I wrote in the late 1980's. It is exactly like that comic. Of course I picked a comic that I thought would be easy for me to make a animation out of. As always in my 3 d animation's I model as little as I can aiming for the look. I made the whole thing in black and white. I saw a French animation in class from the sigraph dvd and I was inspired by that. substituted the rambo movie in the animation with Twister because it was one of the only jpegs I had from around 1995-1997 when I was the man of the Internet. I was thinking of modeling a egghead like rambo for the fun of it though. I need more web space
See the comic here I made in 1988 here:
Egghead Part 2
I have had this on the internet for almost 10 years now. Here is a link to that page:
This is the high quality version of that animation. I will paste words from the origonal page.
Egghead in first place is the actual title for this animation. Unlike most all of my animation's I was unable to take the music out easily. The only way to do that is to redo the whole thing. Like I was telling my wife the other day the only way I am going to go back to animating is if I should do so for employment purposes. It is extremely difficult to animate and unlike my paintings that hang graceful on my walls I can not enjoy my animation's all the time. This was my final project for my animation class part 1 with Tom Otenger. I worked very hard to complete this. I did the whole thing in Maya. I made some things like the numbers around the waste of the egg's in photoshop. The Sk8board was originally made in Cinema by me. I became very good at learning tricks to import file from Cinema 4D to Maya. I created the story board in between semesters one day in the McKinney Campuses multi media room. I also started working on the animation in between semesters. If Tom did not approve the Idea for the animation I would have been in trouble. I had Tom for 2 classes by then and new what to expect though. I created the egg for egg for egghead in Cinema 4d too. I just imported it from my original egghead animation. The ramp was created in Maya. The spattered egg was made using Maya's glass texture. The voices are all me.
September 28 2012:
Worked those political blogs for a couple hours. This site is not about politics really though. It is about the blood sweat tears and sacrifice that is my creative art.
Worked those political blogs for a couple hours. This site is not about politics really though. It is about the blood sweat tears and sacrifice that is my creative art.
September 27 2012:
Added highest quality animation yet with new music:
2d Psychedelic Photoshop Fractal Animation
This is the highest quality animation I have posted so far. Crank up the quality and check this out.
I made this when I first started college around 2001 - 2002. I bought this really cool program called Gif Animator. This combined with another programs helped me get these awesome effects. It features a lot of the work I did in Photoshop after my first class in Photoshop. I was inspired to make this as a background for the rock band while they played in concert. Many of my other animations like this I always thought would go great as background for a rock concert.
September 26 2012:
Added a very high quality animation to my YouTube channel
here is my last 6 I uploaded:
This is my all time favorite 3d animation I made in Maya. It is a lot more complex than it looks. In fact I jammed up Maya with the amount of models in it. It is near imposable to jam Maya but I have done it many times including this video. The tunnel effect is one of my greatest accomplishments and can be seen at the end of this animation. It was very difficult to get the spinning effect because of the complexity and the rendering of this beautiful texture work by no one else but me. Than you for viewing my work at least I know someone can enjoy them. It does not matter to me if people can not afford to buy my art. With YouTube I at least can entertain people with my art. I get back when I give like this. Isn't that what life is really all about?
This is a great preview of my old web site and all the work I did for it when it first was published on around the year 2001. I can not begin to tell you how hard it is to edit these animation and upload them. The time it takes is unreal. This collection of art is unreal. I have never been shy about showing my art on the internet. I have never sold 1 piece of art since 1988 I still have hopes of the possibility of sales. The way my life has gone I always think I have nothing to loose. This animation has some really cool art that tool a lot of work a life time of most artist's that ar selling art. Leading up to college I did a lot of 2 d art you are seeing a lot of that in this animation. Then I began to manipulate it in college in Photoshop. Photoshop with my teacher Mike McKee was one of my first classes in college. Also this has many 3d renderings from my first 3d classes. This art in this animation should be a testimony to you that the work I have done is nothing more than miraculous.
Radman_Art is here:
The Camera and the lighting were very expensive and we had to use the college stuff. This was made by some real high tech stuff. This version now has cool music. The class with Mark Kaufman was held on Friday night. There was no one at all at the college on Friday night so it was easy to use the college for filming. The feet scenes are my wife and I and the lady. I still have the same boots to this day. I get them in the Allen Outlet Mall, they are called Wolverines. I have some extra footage on this and some funny scenes, it is just a matter of finding it. I was the director for this and did the story board. I gave many animatics and story board animations I could show but I am trying only to show the best of the best. Enjoy my can movie staring the can.
This is one of my favorite surreal animations. It has some of the first models I ever made. I was first discovering textures and modeling and lighting in Cinema 4d. I still love this one and it is like my first creative animation. Maybe my first animation period. Note the end it was supposed to be a skull you can see the out line of a skull. I was so new at this I could not model a skull. The glass effect rules though.
Edited September 23 2012
I am uploading this in honor of peace day.
Go to: for more info.
I made this exact video my first years in college in 2002. I could not fid it but I found a video not the full one. I had to completely reconstruct it this morning. I spent 7 hours so far upgrading and editing my animations for your enjoyment this morning. I added a poem I wrote on this day for this animation.
Oh yeah I was in the process of uploading the single loop peace animation when my wife told me it was peace day after viewing it on the calendar. My point is I was uploading a peace sign animation and did not know it was peace day. My poems page is on my web site Radman_Art and has been for like 12 years now. Peace
This is a really great Surreal 3d animation. I used a really cool black shiny texture effect to make this Maya animation. I invented this texture myself in Maya. This animation is full of textures I invented myself. I became very good at this out of sheer will power. Many of the effects you see in my Maya animations were not taught in my classes, I taught myself. This animation moves fast and is full of my favorite colors and combination of shades. I was inspired my the glossy colored Image comics. Those black uniforms of the superheroes always blew me away. I had come up with this inner glow effect that I still love as much as when I made it. This is one of the fastest animations I made. The amount of models are so immense it became hard to manipulate this animation in Maya. With Maya speed was allot more possible verses Cinema 4d. One this that I never liked about 3d was the slow movements. The dimensions on this was made to save disk space at the time.
September 25 2012:
added new page to this blog here
I added 2 animations to my YouTube channel.
Click YouTube to see:
I updated my Peace Sign Animation and my still update it again. I though this was a good time to mention it. Click on the peace sign to see it:
September 24 2012:
I added 2 animations to my YouTube channel.
September 23 2012:
I added 6 animations to my YouTube channel. I edited the peace animation and added my edited peace poem to it too. Stay tuned the best is still yet to come.
I added 6 animations to my YouTube channel. I edited the peace animation and added my edited peace poem to it too. Stay tuned the best is still yet to come.
Click YouTube to see:
Today is peace Day

September 21 2012:
September 16 2012:
Added 2 very high quality Mondrian 3d animations here:
I added 4 animations to YouTube.
Click YouTube to see:

September 12 2012:
Added new animation today on YouTube:
What can I say about this one. It is very surreal. I just made up the title, just now. I did this in Maya. I found this cool texture that looked like fire and went with it. The texture came default with Maya then. I had a obsession with the logo of my county at the time. The butterfly means freedom. Note the cool image of Radman at the end on the skull. I was getting good with sound affect around this time in college.
September 3 2012:
I added a new page to this site, it was easy as pie:
Added new 3d animation up on YouTube from my college days with new sound:
This is a cool one. I thought I only had a low resolution copy of this animation until I found this the other day. Many times I name projects wrongly so I can not recognize them latter. A good lesson for you all animators. This animation I did toward the end of my college course in animation. The more advanced I became the more surreal I created. Many times I would use the old 3d models from Cinema 4d and import them into Maya. When I discovered how to do this; it was on! I had allot of cool stuff I modeled in Cinema :Cinema 4d while not as good as Maya with animation; is easier to model. Shortly after I took Cinema 4d it was discontinued.
Maya is the first and best all round 3d program and always will be. It can not be beat. It is made in America too. Remember Jurassic Park 1, that was Maya.
The pool balls looked better in Cinema on both sides. The jell effect is something I invented by experimenting in may with textures and lighting. You can get some jpegs on my Google Blog Site. The flag is one of my first models and still a favorite of mine. The phoenix was done for this animation exclusively. I changed the sound to a techno mix and like it better.
August 30 2012:
Added new high quality Egghead Animation to YouTube here:
August 27 2012:
August 26 2012:
August 25 2012:
Ok this is it. I promised to post this a while ago. Sorry it took so long. Searching for these masterpieces is very hard, I have about 600 or more CD’s and about 200 or more DVD’s I burned during college to give you a idea of what I am up against. The fact is I do not get paid for this or get college credit for this so these things will take more time. I plan on sticking with it and presenting to you the best of the best of around 600 or more great animations; a lot of these need editing
This animation was my first 3d animation I did for my Cinema 4d class with Tom Ottenger. I handed it in for my midterm to boost my grade. I came into class a little late that night one week latter and when I walked into the class the lights were out and the entire class about 30 people including my wife; were watching my animation. It was quit a honor to see all those happy faces watching the first 3d animation I ever made. I sat down quietly in back and watched too. The three character you see talking are the full midterm project. They are exact models of 3 toys I had at home. Editing this was not easy I replaced the original music with me playing my eighty dollar electric guitar I got at The Date for the music is June 6 2011. So this is the all new version. I tweaked out the music in a sound program I also learned to be quit good at this in college. As always I hope you like this.
Here is the link to this great colorful shinny animation:
This animation was my first 3d animation I did for my Cinema 4d class with Tom Ottenger. I handed it in for my midterm to boost my grade. I came into class a little late that night one week latter and when I walked into the class the lights were out and the entire class about 30 people including my wife; were watching my animation. It was quit a honor to see all those happy faces watching the first 3d animation I ever made. I sat down quietly in back and watched too. The three character you see talking are the full midterm project. They are exact models of 3 toys I had at home. Editing this was not easy I replaced the original music with me playing my eighty dollar electric guitar I got at The Date for the music is June 6 2011. So this is the all new version. I tweaked out the music in a sound program I also learned to be quit good at this in college. As always I hope you like this.
Here is the link to this great colorful shinny animation:
August 22 2012:
Updated layout of this blog and:
I found this site today. We like playing old fashioned board games against each other. Some of these games are like 3,000 years old. We needed to find directions and this game and it was found here. I liked the site so much, so here is the link:
Also I want to say I found music for my animations from my college days. Also I found in my long search this morning; a bunch of really, really great animations to post. Like the full never before seen Deadman and the high quality version of Alien Flyboy.
Also I want to say I found music for my animations from my college days. Also I found in my long search this morning; a bunch of really, really great animations to post. Like the full never before seen Deadman and the high quality version of Alien Flyboy.
Oh and you know that harmonica riff I always talk about I did in college, I found that too.
Alien Flyboy in low, low quality; has been on the internet here for about 10 years:
Also the low, low quality very short version of Deadman; has been on the internet here for about 10 years:
August 18 2012:
Posted animation on YouTube. Stay tuned I will be posting another big animation from my college days soon.
August 14 2012:
I just finished uploading my surreal 3d animation with me on guitar here:
August 10 2012:
Not too much going on worth mentioning. I edited the surreal techno video and have been thinking of making the music myself for it. I thought I had a photo of a hummingbird yesterday but it turned out too small to see. I think I need a new camera. I made some really cool stuffed jalapenos the other day, I will leave a photo here. I froze them and they make a great snack once and a while. I steamed the jalapenos first then put shredded cheese inside and batter dipped them. They came out really great and warm up good in the toaster oven.
Not too much going on worth mentioning. I edited the surreal techno video and have been thinking of making the music myself for it. I thought I had a photo of a hummingbird yesterday but it turned out too small to see. I think I need a new camera. I made some really cool stuffed jalapenos the other day, I will leave a photo here. I froze them and they make a great snack once and a while. I steamed the jalapenos first then put shredded cheese inside and batter dipped them. They came out really great and warm up good in the toaster oven.
Jully 31 2012:
Still focusing on my you tube site will keep updating it:
Jully 24 2012:
I added a very cool animation to YouTube today:
Jully 21 2012:
Updated my YouTube page. I now have 16 animations there like:
How To Make A BLT
Singing in the Rain 3d
Jully 04 2012:
Happy 4th of July! As you all know I am politically active and very patriotic. So here is a great 3d creation I did back in college with Cinema 4d. This took alot of work and is so complex it is amazing in every way. I made this Sunday, June 15, 2003.
I have a bunch of animations I am editing getting ready to share on my YouTube page:
I will go put a old ditty I made back in my raging political days with lots of blab as always :)
Jully 02 2012: Added edited animation the big free style contest comic radman art
and updated my YouTube page:
Jully 02 2012: Added edited animation and updated my YouTube page:
Update June 19 2012:
Ok check this out, I found this while looking for my animations. I have so many computer backgrounf I made would never be able to show you all of them.
Adding new page called Radman_Art_Digital_Art, check it out.
I still want to share the great programs my wife and I made in college, too.
Update June 8 2012:
Put new video of me rockin out here:
Update June 5 2012:
I updated my animations on YouTube. I fixed em. I will be uploading more great ones soon.
I am working on a better sk8 video of me too.
Here is something cool I made of me sk8ing it on May 24 2012. I made this with the new Microsoft Paint. That program got way better, I use it all the time now.
You know I was one of the first people to use sk8 in the late 1980's instead of the word skate. I have dated Kodak photos of it in my writing to prove it.
I finished updating all of my are on this site. 90% of the art on this page is my best art all done after I finished College in 2007.
Update June 2 2012:
Updated art page this morning. I am getting good at this. Soon all my art will be in full size and ready to enjoy fully. Also I am choosing the best of the best to show here only. I have about 1000 more paintings and drawings I want show here so be patient while I pick them out resize and post them here.
When you do things with love it is a driving force.
Without love I would have never created one piece of art. I would have never archived them all in acid free containers since 1988. Without love I would have not got a contract to sell my art to the largest skateboard company in the world; in 1988. With out love I would have never archived the best most radical art I have ever done for almost 30 years. Without love I would have never gone to college here in Collin County for 7 years and maintained a 4.0 grade average. Without love I would have never received 3 certificates in the graphic design discipline from CCCCD, that hangs on me wall waiting.
Update June 1 2012:
I updated my art pages here, that took about 3 hours. It is time for me to focus on my art and trying get something out of 3 certificates from College that took me 7 years to get at a 4.0 grade average. So far I have made zero dollars so what ever I can do towards that goal is at least something.
It took me about 6 hours to upload to YouTube my last animations. I am having trouble with the sound of many of my animations on YouTube. Also many of my animations need editing.
This has been on my website for over 10 years:
Update May 25 2012:
You better check this out:
Update May 25 2012:
Update June 2 2012:
Updated art page this morning. I am getting good at this. Soon all my art will be in full size and ready to enjoy fully. Also I am choosing the best of the best to show here only. I have about 1000 more paintings and drawings I want show here so be patient while I pick them out resize and post them here.
When you do things with love it is a driving force.
Without love I would have never created one piece of art. I would have never archived them all in acid free containers since 1988. Without love I would have not got a contract to sell my art to the largest skateboard company in the world; in 1988. With out love I would have never archived the best most radical art I have ever done for almost 30 years. Without love I would have never gone to college here in Collin County for 7 years and maintained a 4.0 grade average. Without love I would have never received 3 certificates in the graphic design discipline from CCCCD, that hangs on me wall waiting.
Update June 1 2012:
I updated my art pages here, that took about 3 hours. It is time for me to focus on my art and trying get something out of 3 certificates from College that took me 7 years to get at a 4.0 grade average. So far I have made zero dollars so what ever I can do towards that goal is at least something.
It took me about 6 hours to upload to YouTube my last animations. I am having trouble with the sound of many of my animations on YouTube. Also many of my animations need editing.
This has been on my website for over 10 years:
If anyone out there knows of a job in the Dallas, Texas aria, in
graphic design or animation, or digital video (all of which I have diplomas in)
email me a copy of the posting or feel free to forward any helpful information
you can.
I have 3 certificates in Graphic Design from the best Community
College in Texas, CCCCD. I have a certificate in Graphic Design, Animation
Specialization, Digital Video / Web Design. I have about 120 credit hours under
my belt as of 2007. I also took every art class offered at CCCCD some times more
than once.
Concerning my qualifications as a graphic design major 3 times
over. I ask you to see my grade point average. I have received A's in 98% of my
classes. I can provide a official transcript to prove this on request.
I have filed out about 1,000 online applications and have my
resume every where online. So you know I have done my part.
Update May 25 2012:
You better check this out:
Update May 25 2012:
I am on YouTube. This is the first time I have ever used YouTube. :
I made this, this morning. It is of me skateboarding on October 11 16 2012. I have been wanting to make a file like this for a while. It's a little big and may take a couple minutes to load to your browser.
These are gifs I made back in my first year of college; with a limited knowledge of computers, with a program I bought at Comp USA called Ulead Gif Animator. I want to share many creations I made on computers years ago on this blog. I switched out allot of my stuff on the original Radman_art web site. I just have to sort through hundreds of CD-ROMs. I found this folder awhile ago and put it were I could find it; while looking for some sk8 footy I found it. I will feature them on my homepage for a while and then move them to my animation page to help this page load faster.Check out this page that I started around 2002. It has a lot of stuff I made with CorelDraw. My wife bought CorelDraw 9 in 1999 and I went off using it for art. I used many hand drawn art I did scanned into CorelDraw.
This drawing is very cool and was a tough one to complete.
I drew this on a paper plate for this animation.
Love to draw wicked clowns.
The original drawing for these two is one of the favorite drawings I have ever done and it is big. It is inside one of my frames for safe keeping.
This is the greatest drawing I ever did. I did it in 1999. The colored copy was featured in my Art Bar show in Dallas.
This is part of a drawing I did.
This is from a index card drawing I did around 1991.
I drew this for this ani.
Wicked clowns rule! One is for my email short cut I made.
I made and bought a t-shirt from Café Press. Still have the shirt.
This is from a drawing that hung in the Skate Rags warehouse in Oceanside California in 1988 -1989.
This is the color copy that was in my Art Bar show. I scanned it piece by piece.
This is from a buch of great Radman drawings I did.
Another good one with great backgrounds I found on the internet.
One of my first 3d works.
He is supposed to be grinding his trucks.
The backgrounds for this is from a favorite site I liked around 1995.
Juggling in space.
This was supposed to be my banner.
Again this drawing was done for this ani, only in black and white.
These are all made with hand drawn art I have done. Then I used this program to complete it.