Little Radman_Art History

I met my wife and for the first time I became focused. Around 1986, I started sending my artwork to skateboard companies in hopes of getting recognition. In 1987, I moved to California where I got a job working for Tracker Designs. Tracker Designs was at the time the largest skateboard company in the world, they published Transworld Skateboarding Magazine and the best trucks in the world. They invented OJ skateboard wheels. They sponsored Tony Hawk in the 1980's when only dudes like me knew who he was. Let me tell you this about Tony Hawk from the 1980's. He had a bowl ramp at his home allot of skaters I used to hang with went there. They used to say "That Tony Hawk he is so conceded, one time I cut out in front of him and he said don't you know I am the greatest skateboarded on earth?" You know what he was right. No one has done more for skateboarding than Tony has. In the 1980's while working for Tracker is when I went off the hook and did so much ding dang artwork. I mailed many copies to skateboard companies and originals. Tracker Put me on a contract and purchased a bunch of comics from me. I have a bunch from back then. It seemed like that is when I started doing really great stuff. To any artist to sell their work is a huge ego booster. I have been doing art like a machine since then. In 2005 I did over 100 rad paintings. Anyway if you talk to me for more than 5 minutes about my art I will mention 250 pages of really cool skateboard comics I have from back then. The past years have been ground breaking for me. I must have about 500 + pieces of art that I did since 1998 that can only be described as the top of it's genre, what ever that may be, and to my enemies or (envy)mies as I call them, I am a no body. I have seen envey many times in college. You work almost a year on a animation and you sit in class and some students refuse to watch it. Envey is awful thing. I want people to journey with me, to let me be their art instead of envey. To them I say I am the reason artist to day are not discovered I am the missing link. Without my recognition, there is no recognition. The quality of my art is on the rise. So stay tuned. I have 1500 + art and comics from 1988-now, that I want to entertain with. I plan to reveal all of these pieces to the www in the future. All 1500 + pieces of art I have saved all this time are frame worthy. I throw trashy scribbles in the trash. I have a small fraction of my art up on the web. When I lived in California I had moved there for the sk8ing as well as my passion for artwork. In the late 1980's Skateboarding was at a all time high and that is because I move from Connecticut to California than and got a job with Tracker Design the biggest skateboard company in the world. Tracker also owns Transworld Skateboarding (and snowboarding) Magazine. Clothing, equipment you name it. Also they where the Sponsor of Tony Hawk. Gleaming the cube came out I knew and had skated with almost every pro there was back then. I used to have free access to Mike McGuil's skatepark in Carlsbad, California. Mike did the stunts for Gleaming The Cube Movie and Police Academy. My whole life I seem to be surrounded by important people. I should have went to college out of high school, Yale or something in Connecticut or Boston. I was a rebellious kid though. I just wanted to have a good time. I am trying to make up for that now. It is never too late. Look at it this way, by some miracle I survive to be like some museum piece from the seventy's untouched. I give you the art of the seventy's with out any influence of college in the 1980's. I learned what I know by experience. I have been going to college for 4 years now (since 2001) with a A Average all paid for in cash by me. It is a struggle believe me. But I choose art my way and I hope the whole world will enjoy that someday. That will be the day. My love for art shines in every work of art I do. I can use any medium. Give me any art tool including a computer art and I will blow you away. It has taken years of hard work to arrive at this point. Now I am at a place and time in my life where I would like to get a job as a animator, comic artist or illustrator or anything where I will be developing cool art. One of my favorite teachers said I would make a great art director. College is intense and will take me to that job I want as a graphic artist. Before you go check out the art, and animation's I have created please note: if you are offended by movies like Harry Potter you should understand like Harry Potter and video games like Doom, my art is make believe, pretend meant only to entertain. Oh and I could say drugs are cool, to go along, the truth is I hate drugs and I do not even drink. If you label my art as drug related that is the type of prejudice that ruins lives and ambitions. If you say some one's art looks like it is drug related and they hate drugs, then you are saying they should hate their art. This is my push for all great artists, be a rock to this and forge forward (for you, not to please others) no matter what bigots think or say or use to oppress you with. I do not do comics or animation’s allot or hardly ever. The reason is I have to get paid to do this. When I do a painting I can hang it on my wall and it entertains me every day. It is like food for the eyes where ever I walk in my house. Also it inspires me to do more and better paintings. Comics and animation’s I have to go find then I watch or read it and then what? You can only watch or read something so many times before you are sick of it. Doing this site was a real moral booster to me. I promise you this if I where to start comics again they would be spectacular! I would like to do a modern art comic novel. If any of you all can help me by giving a good word or linking me to a site please do! I want more than any thing to publish the comics I already have. Of course I have all the original art if excellent condition. I always use fine quality paper and bristol board. I have been hanging out in art stores talking to people since the mid 1980's, that is how I got my education. Also around 1988 I attended the San Diego Comic Convention (the largest in the world) I spent the whole weekend there talking to all the venders and sitting with the artist's. That is when the Teenage Ninja Turtle came out and the actual artist drew me a picture for 1 dollar. As you can tell by the way I write I talk allot . I guarantee if you read my comics you will laugh. I would except for all the blood sweat and tears put into it. Good health and prosperity, friends.

Updates on my art can be seen here:


and here:

July 09 2012:
It is not my fault this is the most activity this web site has had practically in the past 12 years. It is obvious that this requires a response from me.
Whoever is spamming me through this website I have told the powers that be about it and I also told Tripod will find out who you are. When I complain about spam it is recorded forever, that is why I rarely get spam. I sent the emails in full format to the authorities and tripod immediately after I got them, always have and always will. I have had this website and my emails for over 12 years. I have been a respectful, responsible gentleman online since I first used the internet. I have never used a curse word online; this is a example of how I view the internet. I see the internet as a instrument of helping others. I believe the internet can not only bring peace to the world but protect every individual on earth from unfair treatment. I have no interest destructive or contemptible online activity; this is the real reason people are ignorant to and hate the internet.
I am just going to take down this convenient service of emailing me through this web site I put up 10 years ago.
There has got to be this guy that says; hey we should hire this guy as art director or the like. I can not imagine that if you look at my work without discrimination that you would not like it allot. Then there has always got to be this guy that says; this guy is no good, why would you want to feature his art or whatever to help him? Now I can not imagine anyone that does not have a soft spot in their heart for my art. In my paintings for example; I have basically touched on every subject there is. So anyone that would put my work down must feel a little bit guilty; even if it seems they have no guilt, even to themselves. Is this guilt a positive thing and what does guilt not acknowledged do to a person and those around them? I say this; what if history someday shows that all them that put my work down were the bad people. By putting my work down you may be changing your future and the future to your own shame and the shame of those you influenced wrongly and selfishly. This could be from jealousy or envy and I can think of nothing more low than that. History has shown the folly of envy and the shapers of life out of this self degrading emotion. I guess this puts even more responsibility on my shoulders. This burden of truth; I have had and do have is a part of my life that I carry honestly. I know I only want to help others and peace on earth and every human on earth to be treated fairly and that is the honest truth from my heart.

I do not usually do watercolor on art board. I sprayed all of them with fixative for hundreds of years of wear. I will be switching back to fine quality watercolor paper soon. If it does not specify on my site than all watercolors are done on the best watercolor paper available.

This entire series of which I am not done with is dedicated to Black Metal Music! I love it and always will. To best describe Black Metal Music I give you the trinity of Black Metal:


I made a web site a while back dedicated to Death and Black music. I kind a stuck on my bands page where it has been lost for a while but since it is the subject of my new series I want to celebrate it. I created the design for the web site in web design 2 at the college. It is like viewing art in a gallery.
Here is the link to that site: It is gone thanks to Geocities shut down

See the painting (Fence Glow) below, at:

Elvin L Carr

Farmers Insurance Group

2750 Virginia Pkway Ste 101

McKinney, TX

See the painting below "CCCCD Summer 2006" at CCCCD Spring Creek Campus, Plano, Texas, in the Library behind the check out desk.

See the painting below at Collin County Community College in the Communications & Humanities Division Office. This office is located on the first floor of the view I used to do the sketch the sketch for this painting for Dr. Marilyn Todd-Daniels

Drawing 2 class. I did the sketch from the balcony above.

The Television Commercial I made is up and running and will play the entire month of August on; Allen City Television (see above link). It is for the August show as mentioned in the Jpeg below.

It looks like this will be a annual event. I will be getting ready for next year, every year, with all new western paintings for every one to enjoy. If you really want to see my art, you must see it in person, and this is your chance every year. Till next August.

I will have my art work in 2 display case's, the month of August 2007 in The Allen Library, Allen, Texas.
Here is a link to what my art display looked like August 2007.
Radman_Art Western Art

Read the Allen American Article online


These are the only inaccuracies in the article shown below are:
My wife did active duty in Killeen, Texas for three years. After her in active duty of 3 years we decided to stay in Texas for her to go to college. The army transferred her to Seagoville, Texas for her reserve time she was there for three years. She served a total of over 6 years. She did very well in the army she was a honor graduate at AIT and has many awards from her time in the army. She has a Associate in Science from CCCCD.
I live in McKinney, Texas.
Anyone that has ever talked to me knows it is hard to keep up. Troy and I talked for one and a half hours on the phone. I am amazed he got as much as he did.
Thank you, Radman of Radman_Art

I will have my art work in 2 display case's, the month of August 2007 in The Allen Library, Allen, Texas.
Here is a link to what my art display looked like August 2007.
Radman_Art Western Art
Also I will have a ad in the Friday Dallas Morning new pull out and the August 2007, Allen Neighbors.
I will also have my animation playing on the Allen Television Station, for the month of August 2007.

I would like to add that I was on the Allen, Television Station too. It was a picture of me behind me was my art and a announcement in writing of my show at the Allen library. I would tell you more but I do not get the Allen station where I live, and I just found out about it. I will want to see it in August I think you can see it on the web site. Here:

Hey yall! My buddy Jim Phillips came out with 3 new books, check em out:

and Here

This web site is not about 3d work, it is dedicated to painting and the about 1,000 paintings I have completed.
January 02 2012
I added 8 more 3d renders for you all. Notice they are more elaborate? I am posting them as I progressed in my first 3d class. We used a program call Cinema 4D.


I want to show you a little of what my web site looked like when my wife first started in 2001. She named it Radman_art because she thought it was clever with a under score. She was taking a programming class at the time and she received a A in part one and two of those classes.
I made all these in Cinema 4d my first 3d class I took. They are all fully animated and can be used for a movie. I would like to remind you all I have 2 hours of animation from my first CCCCD certificate I aced.

These images took on average 5 hours each. I ran test renderings over and over to get just the right reflection and shadows. The building of these images took about 5 hours each or more.

All this food was made by me; except the pizza doe, my wife is a expert at that. She also has started to make bread and dog treats to save money.

I finally got around to adding a photo of my wife’s dog treats. She loves to buy the dogs treats at the store but they can be expensive. She has found dog treats I did not know existed and are very cool at the store. She used to buy allot of dog cookies so when I found a recipe for peanut butter cookies for dogs on the internet I was sure she would like it. It has been months since then and her cookies have gone from little lumps to actual cookie looking treats. I have to help her on double batches because this is a lot of work. Saving money is awesome and my best buddies have a happier day too. I have the recipe link posted on my recipe page.
I also am posting a photo of a omelet I made. We got a good deal on ham, 99 cents a pound. I have been thinking of new things to make with ham. I was read Green Eggs and Ham as a child and ham and eggs are a perfect match.
I pre made the egg in a pan. I made them the same size a small flour tortilla. I placed them in a brownie sized pan up like a big scoop. Then I filled them with all the good stuff and baked them. Better than Dennys and a whole lot cheaper.
I make over stuffed burritos the same way. My secret is spray on oil, the Kroger brand is cheap and just as good as the name brand. I spray the Kroger aluminum foil half the price of Reynolds by the way. Then I cut small pieces of foil and put them in between the burritos or omelets to keep them from sticking.
I have been making cookies lately. I am not to crazy about sweet food and have quit eating candy for over 2 years now. I like oat meal cookies loaded with raisins because they are good for you. When I was in my 20’s I was a holistic vegetarian and I could bake some great stuff using honey and molasses, eating that way is too expensive for us regular folks. I was a member of a great co-op in my old home town of Middletown Connecticut and got discounts on the food at that time. I will try to get a photo up here of my heavy oatmeal cookies soon. Taste good and good for you.

January 20, 2012 added macaroni and cheese computer background

I make macaroni and cheese for dinner. I add allot of extra ingredients. I added canned mushrooms and canned black olives to this one, but the sky is the limit. I like to ad vegetables to things you normally would not. The more fresh vegetables the better. I keep vegetables in reusable disposable plastic containers and feed from them all week adding a little peppers here, onions there and so on. I got this recipe from the internet of course. It did not tell me to combine the ingredients to a sauce pan over medium low heat. I thought of that myself. If you do this it really comes out great. I use Kroger, Velveeta type cheese, to save money. I also sprinkle Kroger shredded cheese on top. I have noticed that Kroger shredded cheese is the same price as regular block cheese. I ad parmesan cheese oregano, parsley, and garlic salt. I use shells because it captures the ingredients best. You have to use Italian bread crumbs.

This is a link to the recipe:

December 24 2011
These are mini chicken sandwiches a little bigger than a American dollar coin.

My wife and I made the bread and we are now making dog treats as well to save money.
Here is a link to the dog treats and bread recipes. If you like easy recipes these are it. I picked them out.

I am adding a photo of little chicken sandwiches I made. I used Cheese and frozen chicken breasts. I took the portion of chicken and cut it into 6 pieces and batter dipped it in beer batter. Mayo on both sides.

Bobli Pizza:
I made this pizza with too much food and cheese. It was very yummy, I used bottled peppers
I wanted to show how crab meat can be removed from the shell un cooked.
Italian Buritos
These are a big favorite for me. I make them with fresh peppers, fried potatoes, onions and fried sausage.
Read more about it at,161,156170-252202,00.html
Content Copyright © 2011 - All rights reserved.
6 lg. firm unblemished green pepper
1 lb. hot (or sweet) Italian sausages
2 c. finely chopped onion
1 clove garlic, finely minced
1 1/4 lb. fresh mushrooms, cut into tiny cubes or chopped (about 3 1/2 c.)
1 c. finely chopped parsley
2 c. fine fresh bread crumbs
2 eggs
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
3/4 c. tomato sauce
3/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Split the peppers in halves lengthwise. Remove and discard the seeds. Cut away and discard the white veins inside the pepper halves. Remove the meat from the sausage skins. Discard the skins. Add the sausage meat to a skillet. Do not add any more fat. Cook, stirring and cutting down with the side of a heavy kitchen spoon to break up any lumps in the meat.
When cooked through, add the onion and garlic. Cook about 5 minutes and add the mushrooms. Cook about 2 minutes and spoon the mixture into a mixing bowl. Let cool slightly. Add the parsley, bread crumbs, eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Blend well. Spoon equal portions of mixture into the pepper halves. Smooth over.
Arrange pepper halves in a buttered baking dish. Spoon 1 tablespoon of tomato sauce on top of each half. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake 40 to 45 minutes until piping hot throughout and nicely browned. Yield: 6-12 servings.

Steak and Mushrooms:
This is steak and mushrooms on egg noodles.
Taco Salad:
This is taco salad. I used the fancy salad mix in a bag, black olives, Mexican cheese, tomatoes, Doritos, onions, spicy guacamole, toped with sour cream.

October 9th 2011

My wife has been making the best pizza, I have had since Connecticut. I could eat pizza every day.

Also I have been taking photos of food I have cooked. I have been approaching every meal like a work of art. I am posting a meal I made recently. Ravioli with ricotta and shrimp with red pepper, (bottled), baked with olive oil minced garlic parmesan oregano, parsley and cut up salami..

November 18, 2011
When I say this is me at my best I do not mean my guitar skills. I mean this is me at my heart felt soulful best. I bought this guitar for my birthday last year. I am getting better all the time. I love all types of rock music especially guitar greats. I also like Black and Death Metal Music and this gives me allot of freedom when performing because this music is not all melody. My goal is to play like Eddie Van Halen form the first Van Halen albums. Like this: check it out it is like my favorite you tube video. He seems so free in this performance.
I made my first guitar video and my wife and watched it and both agreed it was not good. My wife pushes me to learn more and play better. I did save a photo from a frame and posted it on my site about a week ago. My problem is I do not practice enough. I practice about once a month to tell the truth now. I played every day for the first month I owned it, then less and less. that first month I really tore the tips of my fingers up, it could have been my job too though. I soon learned to always use the pick. I like to practice with no amp sometimes.
The next video I made that is posted on this site I got the guitar and practiced for about a 30 minutes first. I like the way it came out. My amp is not that great but it has a head phone jack and when I hook it into the computer I can manipulate the sound to sound way cool. I posted the first 3 mp3’s I made here but no one downloaded them. I paid $80 for the guitar and it is just as good as a Fender. I will tell you all where I got it for the first time now. I got it on ;weird huh? Other stores were selling it for $150.00. Most electric guitars cost at least $300.00. The video lacks good sound but I can post it because it is small enough. I forgot to shut off the fan next to the camera, that did not help. Try to imagine what it would sound like with a proper amp. We shall see how well I can out do myself. I am just playing around but every once and a while I do some reading and training. For now I watch the video allot and try to out do that. I also love my new long hair. It finally got long enough recently that I can tie it back so you would never know I have long hair from the front. I just think long hair is essential for a guitar player.
Pasted from my words page:
All my life I have wanted a guitar and have not been able to get one. Thanks to the internet I was able to find a pretty good electric guitar at a doable price for my birthday. I actually found a good modern sounding electric guitar for like eighty dollars. I took lessons when I was a child because I picked up my sisters guitar and was able to play by ear. My family was so impressed by this my grandparent’s bought me a electric guitar and amp and my mother who did not have much money; paid for lessons for me for about a year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art. year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art.

The above painting Freedom dance:
I named the painting Freedom Dance because I have a infatuation with freedom although I never feel free since the past 17 years. I am going to do something I hardly ever do. I am going to tell you where I got reference to my paintings. The above painting is one of the greatest water colors I ever did. That was Cathy Cotter Smiths view also. She was my teacher for my College courses watercolor one and two. She said she never had a student do so much work for a class ever and she is one of the first teachers at the college here. I got the idea for this painting from a tiny photo in a Texas magazine. It was about 1 inch by 1 inch. It was one of those things when you look at a photo and you say I must paint this. It is some kind of spiritual connection made by painter and subject. The storm clouds in the back round almost touching the skyline is defiantly a Texas skyline. In fact this morning when I went outside with the dogs to go bathroom and the sky to the Texas skyline south west looked like this painting. I have no idea where the photo came from. When I paint something from a photo I always destroy the photo. I usually burn it in my fireplace. This to me is like a ceremonial thing. As always the photo you see here does not do this justice. The native American is donned in eagle feathers with a staff with a eagle claw on it. He is dancing. The near by Choctaw tribe did a eagle dance when a treaty was signed. The eagle dance is done by many tribes to imitate the surrounding wild life to honor it. The landscape was very difficult thing for me to do. I wanted to actually show the roundness of the earth. The most difficult thing about this painting was the feather like streams just below the shield. The shield has a red white and blue eagle on it, you can not see that really in this photo. The feathers look like real feathers and that is always a real challenge. The frame I got from the good will store that took a half hour to break down and rebuild it is a really cool gold metal and must weigh 5 pounds at least. As with many of my paintings I try to incorporate my face into the structure of the face I am painting.

The above painting Be True to Your School is a painting of the front main entrance to the Spring Creek campus of my alma mater. The title is from a Beach Boys Song. This painting got so many hits it had it’s own link on Google.

The above painting Sunshine Skylight School is a painting of the new wing to the Spring Creek campus of my alma mater. The title is because of the strange effect of the sun coming from the open windowed ceiling. This painting has a acrylic twin that hanged the Humanities department of CCCCD.

The above painting County Building Too is a painting of the new Court House in McKinney, Texas. The title is because it is the second County building painting I did. I was very angry about the cost of the tax payers to make this building. Then they really built up the college too, but it was after I had my fill of college. I guess we are very proud of our court houses here. It is a very beautiful building, I must admit.

The above painting A County Building is a painting of the newer smaller court building in McKinney, Texas. I remember when this building was a small hospital. The title is because it is the first County building painting I did. It took me a while to take this photo and it was making security antsy. Many government offices are here including the probation department and traffic courts.

The above painting To The Beat is a painting that comes from my favorite skateboard video Yeah Right . The title is because this frame of the video was amazingly done to the beat of the hip hop music. This was a difficult painting because of the lens that was used to film it. The lens has a rounded look.

The above painting Spiral Staircase Going Down is a painting that comes from my favorite skateboard video Yeah Right . The title comes from one of my favorite songs by Kings of Leon. This was a favorite of Cathy Cotter Smith also she like the round direction of it. This is from the last seen of the movie. The trick was unreal. The song the plays I want to live in Los Angelus is a favorite song of mine in this video. This dude ollies onto the rail from the side walk down to what looks like a subway entrance.

The above painting Who I looked Up To and Who I Look Up To is a painting that comes from my favorite skateboard video Yeah Right . The title is because I looked up professional skateboarders as a kid and still look up to them today. This is one of my favorite and last skateboard paintings I did. I have only done three sk8 painting because like every thing else I do; the lack of interest.

This is one of the greatest step jumps I have ever seen in a video. I did see this Spanish dude jump steps in Spain that was unreal too though that is a different story. I painted the steps exactly to the video frame, that was not easy. I love the shadow and the tiny red wheels and those trees that just kept getting better at. I would have made a great designer painter for model buildings.

This is a drawing I did of a foot bridge in a small park near the Spring Creek Campus of Collin County Community College. This was required by my drawing class head by Doctor Marilyn Daniels. The class drove there and spread out and drew things. I did many sketches that day and this is the one I like the most, to do a finished work on. I did the best I could with a pencil to show reflections and sunshine. The clouds were tough, but that was the way they looked that day; I told someone in my class.
The foliage and the tress shows my attempt to draw every leaf. This is the way I draw foliage and trees. It is something to see me draw this way. It is frantic and quick. I like to listen to rap, or hard rock music with a fast beat to do this.
I ask a black male fellow school mate, I kind of looked up to, if he saw my show in Allen and to my surprise he said he did. I asked him which piece of art he liked best and he said this was his favorite. I remember the expression on his face like it was real good.

This is a painting I did in watercolor on French water color paper. I did the painting in black and white water paint. This is against traditional watercolors that let the paper be the white. Many things I have been taught in college in my 8 or more painting classes (outside my required classes) I took to heart and practice like religion. This is one thing I have rarely done. I do not like seeing the paper or canvas or wood of any painting I have ever done. I have used this technique with my Elvis Presley painting and such but I mostly use white to enhance the painting and hide the back. Since my first painting I have always painted thick I used to try to gob paining on until it stuck out. Like the painting I had in Half Priced Books, in McKinney, Texas for two years or so.

April 21 2012 added inside of ZZ Top Album Tres Hombres from 1973

Update April 19 2012:
I have a painting on ebay, this is a first for me;
lets see if this works, peace
What can I say bout this painting? Hum. I could talk about my art all day and the more I talk about it the more excited I get. If I sell work like this I assure you it would take a piece of my heart away. My wife and I love all my art. Some art my wife likes but it is a little too wild for her taste.
This painting hangs on my wall and is one of my favorite. I have done many business card size sketches of this and gave them to co workers at my last job. This was done for my last watercolor class with Kathy Cotter Smith. Its is a beauty and my wife is in love with this one, but we need money and it may inspire me to paint more to sell something.

I have never sold a painting! I have a warehouse of art in my house all of which I have created my self. I have 2 hours of Animations I made on 2 DVDs. I have made programs and other animations too. I have competed about 800 paintings and about 1,000 pencil and inks I have saved since 1988. I have had 7 or 8 art shows here in the Dallas Texas aria and have had art hanged in about 20 stores all this in the past 10 years. About 4 years ago I was featured in the Dallas Morning News 6 or more times you can see copies on my website; here is a link to my home page:

I have paid for this website for over 10 years and have been called a internet guru by a fan once when I first started the site.

March 30th 2012 I edited one of those photos. I was out in my yard working like you would not believe. Between that and working out I have sore muscles allot. Doing a lot more lawn mowing these days as well. Lots of rain makes me a happy hubby.

I also resized all those great recipes on my recipe page so everyone can see with ease. I will add my newest creations here for a while. That sure looks like a great cheese burger huh? It was messy to eat, but outstanding.

February 25 2012:
Here is a photo of my grandmother and her two sisters. I quote from my words page:
I loved my grandfather, my dads dad. He was a tough as nails Sicilian man. He was so tough he came across to me as very mean, even though I know in his heart he loved me. The only reason I say that is because he was like a drill sergeant to me. You have to understand my father was a police officer and my grandfather being like a drill instructor always seemed to much to me. I believe it is the reason I am more disciplined at every thing I do. It is also the reason for the greatness in me. My grandfather was a Navy man from World War II. No one likes to be bossed around even though it was for my own good. I did not see that as a kid though. Now that I look back on it I understand. I have a hard time talking about all that because I get choked up. He loved me like a son. I felt more like his son than his grandson. My grandmother seemed closer to me than my own mother at times. It is kind of hard to talk about them with out getting very sad. I was close to them and always felt it all my life. I lived with my grandparents for almost a year. They were like movie stars to me. It was one of the best years of my youth. They always believed in me. They are the big percent of the reason I have achieved, at all, in my life time. They loved my wife very much. They were very happy for us. My grandfather was like a hero to me. I hope I never end up like a grumpy old man though. I don’t think my grandfather was like that. I don’t think he could have been married to my sweet grandmother for 60 years if he was. I used to call my grandmother a angel, you can ask my wife. She was like a angel to me all my life. I could cry at any moment, thinking of her, to this day. I could never talk enough about how great my grandparents were. They had a real presence, I believe I inherited that part of them. I have known this all my life and have leaned on that and built on that all my life. I think living with them in my youth really helped me in my life, because of that. I do not want to say to much, as out of respect, and it makes me too sad too.

January 31 2012
Added myself to this web site:

You can find me here by searching for: Artist of web site Radman_Art
I usually do not do this ever because most of these sites are a scam and do more damage to the artist than good. I remember these people from about 6 years ago and hope they are more mature now. We shall see. Maybe I can get some art sold, I assure you this would pick up my spirits as a artist.
January 28 2012

It was fun, we had fun making home made egg roles. Like eating condensed vegetables. Very good for you. It was easier than I thought and when I tell you they fried perfect. best I ever had. The wife had made crab ragoons a couple of weeks before and I notice how great they fried. Too much fried food is bad for you. Once in a great while it is ok. Added new photo to recipe page.
link to recipe:

January 20, 2012 added macaroni and cheese computer background to recipe page.
I make macaroni and cheese for dinner. I add allot of extra ingredients. I added canned mushrooms and canned black olives to this one, but the sky is the limit. I like to ad vegetables to things you normally would not. The more fresh vegetables the better. I keep vegetables in reusable disposable plastic containers and feed from them all week adding a little peppers here, onions there and so on. I got this recipe from the internet of course. It did not tell me to combine the ingredients to a sauce pan over medium low heat. I thought of that myself. If you do this it really comes out great. I use Kroger, Velveeta type cheese, to save money. I also sprinkle Kroger shredded cheese on top. I have noticed that Kroger shredded cheese is the same price as regular block cheese. I ad parmesan cheese oregano, parsley, and garlic salt. I use shells because it captures the ingredients best. You have to use Italian bread crumbs.
This is a link to the recipe:,1635,145168-252193,00.html

January 10 2012
I am starting to learn more about my family history. Yes I am Sicilian and yes both sides of my family are originally from the same village in Sicily,
Melilli. I am going to upload a PDF file I found from the great college of Wesleyan University. It says it allot better than I ever can. This appears to be a paper written on the history of Middletown Connecticut my home town of which I am at least three generations thick from there.

Here are some more links you might like to see where this artist‘s true background:*Prince&year=1903&sdate=11/09/1903&port=Palermo&page=1,_Connecticut

January 02 2012
I added 8 more 3d renders for you all. Notice they are more elaborate? I am posting them as I progressed in my first 3d class. We used a program call Cinema 4D.
See Radman_Art 2001 page

December 24 2011
These are mini chicken sandwiches a little bigger than a American dollar coin.
see recipe page
My wife and I made the bread and we are now making dog treats as well to save money.
Here is a link to the dog treats and bread recipes. If you like easy recipes these are it. I picked them out.

I am adding a photo of little chicken sandwiches I made. I used Cheese and frozen chicken breasts. I took the portion of chicken and cut it into 6 pieces and batter dipped it in beer batter. Mayo on both sides.

I think I should mention that nothing on this web site is rated R. I just say that to keep kids away. I do have some art that could be considered fictional violence I guess. Any way name one gallery that is owned by a kid.

December 12 2011 added Christmas background image and Christmas Screen Saver I made back in 2001.

January 20, 2012 added macaroni and cheese computer background to recipe page.
I make macaroni and cheese for dinner. I add allot of extra ingredients. I added canned mushrooms and canned black olives to this one, but the sky is the limit. I like to ad vegetables to things you normally would not. The more fresh vegetables the better. I keep vegetables in reusable disposable plastic containers and feed from them all week adding a little peppers here, onions there and so on. I got this recipe from the internet of course. It did not tell me to combine the ingredients to a sauce pan over medium low heat. I thought of that myself. If you do this it really comes out great. I use Kroger, Velveeta type cheese, to save money. I also sprinkle Kroger shredded cheese on top. I have noticed that Kroger shredded cheese is the same price as regular block cheese. I ad parmesan cheese oregano, parsley, and garlic salt. I use shells because it captures the ingredients best. You have to use Italian bread crumbs.
This is a link to the recipe:,1635,145168-252193,00.html

January 10 2012
I am starting to learn more about my family history. Yes I am Sicilian and yes both sides of my family are originally from the same village in Sicily,
Melilli. I am going to upload a PDF file I found from the great college of Wesleyan University. It says it allot better than I ever can. This appears to be a paper written on the history of Middletown Connecticut my home town of which I am at least three generations thick from there.

Here are some more links you might like to see where this artist‘s true background:*Prince&year=1903&sdate=11/09/1903&port=Palermo&page=1,_Connecticut

italians_in_middletown_1893_1932.pdf click here to download file

January 02 2012
I added 8 more 3d renders for you all. Notice they are more elaborate? I am posting them as I progressed in my first 3d class. We used a program call Cinema 4D.
See Radman_Art 2001 page

December 24 2011
These are mini chicken sandwiches a little bigger than a American dollar coin.
see recipe page
My wife and I made the bread and we are now making dog treats as well to save money.
Here is a link to the dog treats and bread recipes. If you like easy recipes these are it. I picked them out.

I am adding a photo of little chicken sandwiches I made. I used Cheese and frozen chicken breasts. I took the portion of chicken and cut it into 6 pieces and batter dipped it in beer batter. Mayo on both sides.

I think I should mention that nothing on this web site is rated R. I just say that to keep kids away. I do have some art that could be considered fictional violence I guess. Any way name one gallery that is owned by a kid.

December 12 2011 added Christmas background image and Christmas Screen Saver I made back in 2001.

November 18, 2011
When I say this is me at my best I do not mean my guitar skills. I mean this is me at my heart felt soulful best. I bought this guitar for my birthday last year. I am getting better all the time. I love all types of rock music especially guitar greats. I also like Black and Death Metal Music and this gives me allot of freedom when performing because this music is not all melody. My goal is to play like Eddie Van Halen form the first Van Halen albums. Like this: check it out it is like my favorite you tube video. He seems so free in this performance.
I made my first guitar video and my wife and watched it and both agreed it was not good. My wife pushes me to learn more and play better. I did save a photo from a frame and posted it on my site about a week ago. My problem is I do not practice enough. I practice about once a month to tell the truth now. I played every day for the first 3 months I owned it, then less and less.
The next video I made that is posted on this site I got the guitar and practiced for about a 30 minutes first. I like the way it came out. My amp is not that great but it has a head phone jack and when I hook it into the computer I can manipulate the sound to sound way cool. I posted the first 3 mp3’s I made here but no one downloaded them. I paid $80 for the guitar and it is just as good as a Fender. I will tell you all where I got it for the first time now. I got it on ;weird huh? Other stores were selling it for $150.00. Most electric guitars cost at least $300.00. The video lacks good sound but I can post it because it is small enough. I forgot to shut off the fan next to the camera, that did not help. Try to imagine what it would sound like with a proper amp. We shall see how well I can out do myself. I am just playing around but every once and a while I do some reading and training. For now I watch the video allot and try to out do that. I also love my new long hair. It finally got long enough recently that I can tie it back so you would never know I have long hair from the front. I just think long hair is essential for a guitar player.
Pasted from my words page:
All my life I have wanted a guitar and have not been able to get one. Thanks to the internet I was able to find a pretty good electric guitar at a doable price for my birthday. I actually found a good modern sounding electric guitar for like eighty dollars. I took lessons when I was a child because I picked up my sisters guitar and was able to play by ear. My family was so impressed by this my grandparent’s bought me a electric guitar and amp and my mother who did not have much money; paid for lessons for me for about a year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art. year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art.

November 12, 2011
I added 10 new recipe photos to my recipe page all made by me the great chef. My grandfather in the photo below was also a great chef and was a cook for the Navy also during World War Two. He was on the ship most of the time in hostile territory. He has a tattoo on his forearm that was given to him after crossing the equator. He was a great man and I lived with my grandparents when I was 17 for about a year, best year of my life. I talk about it on my words page which is now not hidden any more. I come from a great family. My Sicilian blood is the key ingredient to my cooking. I am three forths off the boat Sicilian and one forth Yugoslavian off the boat everyone. My great grandparents were all off the boat.

October 24 2011 I took all the hidden pages from this web site and put them the left column. Added recipe page.

October 22 2011 moved Radman_Art how it looked in 2001

Added two new ones. Will add more to it latter.


October 9th 2011

My wife has been making the best pizza, I have had since Connecticut. I could eat pizza every day.

These images took on average 5 hours each. I ran test renderings over and over to get just the right reflection and shadows.

I want to show you a little of what my web site looked like when my wife first started in 2001. She named it Radman_art because she thought it was clever with a under score. She was taking a programming class at the time and she received a A in part one and two of those classes.
I made all these in Cinema 4d my first 3d class I took. They are all fully animated and can be used for a movie. I would like to remind you all I have 2 hours of animation from my first CCCCD certificate I aced.

What? August 29 2011

I have never sold a painting shown on this web site! Ever!

If you ever want to see a new work of art SHOWN on this web site, that needs to change!

I have paid for this web site for 10 years!

Ten years of a free web site, no ads!

Ten years of non offensive art!
Do not worry about me I will be happy no matter what.

You know the one thing I remembered from 1995 when I got my first computer? Google an Yahoo. If we are all honest we will admit it is true for all us geniuses. I do not care about Myspace or Twitter as long as I can have a website. Dah? I am really tired of showing my art on the web. I think I may go back to the old days of sending people and co.’s snail mail. with original art work. I did that for so many years with no prosperity from it at all; between the years of 1984 to 1997. It sure was fun surprising people and making them happy.
Bill, bill, bill, hey cool; artwork!
I have been getting these surge of hits lately and if that keeps up I will keep this site as a photo site or some thing. I will show what I ate last night or my new sk8 trick. Lol.
Thanks Google and Yahoo.

I deleted a bunch of stuff today. I have been paying tripod for this web site for about ten years and have been displaying my art here as well. Tripod is the best: that is why I choose them. Lately I have been asking myself why. It seems like a lot of work for nothing. I am thinking of not paying for this site anymore and letting it float in cyber space. I would first have to change this entire site over to the new interface, that would take a lot of work. I will let you know here of any updates, but that is why I deleted the files today. No one was downloading them so I guess like everything else on this web site it does not really matter. I have also discovered many times over the years many security programs block this web site for no reason. There is and never will be any dangerous files in any of my sites.

May 27 2011 added 1 piece to Science Fiction Fantasy Watercolors I will leave it on the home page for now.
Boy that is a good one huh? Showing the technique I learned doing all those metal paintings I did for my Burst series. I have many of these paintings on my walls. These paintings are a must display in my house. Funny I did a burst type painting as the first painting I have done in a long time. The burst series was also a series I did after not doing paintings in a while. My idea was to name it burst because I burst out with art then. Basically this painting is of a dragon on wet rocks in a blood red sea with a fire sky. The Dragon seems to be on fire. I have another similar painting on the way.
I added another song I made. I put no special effects on it. It is just straight guitar. Hope you like it I do. I am doing my best to learn to play as much as possible. My wife is encouraging me allot to learn to play.
Work was so difficult this week I barely had enough strength to do anything this week. I plan on talking to the boss about have the right amount of good workers. That is always the problem isn’t it, good workers? I have always been the type of person to do others work if I have to.

May 20 2011 added 1 piece to drawings page 3 and one peice to Southwest Art Page I will leave it on the home page for now.

No matter what I can not complain about politics and things on this web site. This web site is made for fun and that is just the way it is. I try to complain here but always take it down. It is like to opposite ends on a magnet. Complaining and this web site do not go together.
I had a great week for art. I was telling my wife I am not only her artist, sk8boarding hero I am now her rock star guitar hero too.
For some reason I did a horse this week. I saw the pre sketch and broke down and did what I do best; convey the raw true grit of Texas life. So I promises to do 2 western art pre sketches next week. The pre sketch I finished is from back when I was working on my southwest art page series. I did my last South West piece in December 02 2010. Maybe I will go on with it or maybe as always keep that in a special place in my mind and let it out for you all once and a while. I am a westerner, I was even born in the deep country of western America. My dad was in the US Air Force and my pregnant mom went to be with him and I was born there and lived there for 1 year before returning to Connecticut. I think that even though I was 1 year old I became accustom to that. I always longed to live in the west all my life and I think it is because I lived there till I became 1 year old. Weird huh?
I really went wild with my new Engine Engine Number 6. I would like to dedicate this Alfa Romeo engine to my favorite band The Snake The Cross The Crown. These are a bunch of southern boys from Alabama; who grew up in the Independent Rock scene quietly. They burst out with Cotton Teeth in 2007, like the Beatles in the album Abby Road. I have loved this band since my college days. The college has very fast internet and I discovered this band by listening to Cotton Teeth on the Walden Books web site. I had no clue from MTV Subterranean or any thing and I was watching all that stuff back then. I read about them on a site and listened to them at school. These guys are thee best band and should be celebrated and not so obscure like me, lol.
Link to The Snake The Cross The Crown:

I am going to quote this from my favorite web site in the world Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
Their current name ( The Snake The Cross The Crown) is a reference to the logo of Italian car company,
Alfa Romeo, where Kevin Jones' father owned a repair shop that burnt to the ground. The name is an homage to his father.
I made you all a great rock song. I plan on dubbing my harmonica next time and try to get my wife a synthesizer latter on the internet. She is actually pretty good on it we had one when we first met. Check out the down loadable MP3 I made with my cool black electric guitar; as soon as I got it; this week. I think it is a dark black metal type song, and a little sad too. I look forward to making more great music and posting it for down load here. I do not have time again to continue my marriage biography, I will though. Being married to my wife has only brought me happiness all my life. When I am happy I do great things. This has made my marriage to my wife like one huge adventure.
All my life I have wanted a guitar and have not been able to get one. Thanks to the internet I was able to find a pretty good electric guitar at a doable price for my birthday. I actually found a good modern sounding electric guitar for like eighty dollars. I took lessons when I was a child because I picked up my sisters guitar and was able to play by ear. My family was so impressed by this my grandparent’s bought me a electric guitar and amp and my mother who did not have much money; paid for lessons for me for about a year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art. year, I was 11 years old. So I am excited about all the possibilities of creating music and posting it hear to promote my art
Oh and I hope you like the photo of me taken by one of the best skateboarder photographers in the world my wife. I hope to share more photos of me sk8ing by her soon. I reversed the photo so it would make good background. The shirt is the only sk8 shirt I own. I have been a baker fan since I bought the DVD Baker 3. Awesome team. Peace from the Creator of Radman_Art.

May 12 2011 added 1 piece to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

Well I only got one piece done this week and it is a miracle I could do that. I like it and it looks sharp; even when view from far away you can make it out. I do not remember ever making a serious attempt at a car. I guess it is one of those things I have not gotten around to mastering that I would like to. I think I remember doing cars when I was a kid though. I know I did choppers allot to scale as a kid and into my 20’s. I even have some saved from when I worked for Tracker Designs in the late 1980’s; that has chopper motorcycles done well.

If I had my way I would do art everyday and that’s it. My responsibilities although they may seem unreasonable to me at times, like my back breaking job or having to spend most of this week in my yard doing hard labor. One of our trees decided to loose a limb so I had to go rent a chain saw and chop it up then relocate it. My body has got like 5 chigger bite spots and two bruises on my legs plus my skin is chafing from my sunglasses. Every muscle in my body is very sore. If I had known I was going to be doing this this week I would have not worked out like a banshee.

No time to add to my biography of my marriage this week maybe next week. Peace and love to everyone, at least the hippies got that one right. There is just not enough peace and love to one another and I have and always will believe in the brotherhood of man. Like my favorite modern country blue grass rock band say’s:

Old Crow Medicine Show
We're All In This Together Lyrics:

Well my friends, I see your face so clearly
Little bit tired, little worn through the years
You sound nervous, you seem alone
I hardly recognize your voice on the telephone

In between I remember
Just before bound-up, broken-down
We drive out to the edge of the highway
Follow that lonesome dead-end roadside south

We're all in this thing together
Walkin' the line between faith and fear
This life don't last forever
When you cry I taste the salt in your tears

Well my friend, let's put this thing together
And walk the path with worn out feet of trial
'Cause if you wanted we can go home forever
Give up your jaded ways, spell your name to God

All the hour there's a picture in a mirror
Fancy shoes to grace our feet
All there is is a slow road to freedom
Heaven above and the devil beneath

May 06 2011 added 1 piece to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

I just did one this week and it is the best engine yet. It took me all week. Remember last week when I said I do not work a hour at a time on art, well I did that on two occasions this past week. I actually drew this engine 3 times before darkening it. It is amazing how dark I get with the pencil, huh? You know how I do it? I break the lead allot, let me just say that, allot. I really wanted to submerse my self in this drawing. I would guess I spent 14 or more hours on this one. You know if you were to stand there with me I could tell you what each and every engine was. I have always been a admirer of cars motorcycles, tractors, anything motorized; since I was a child. Again like cowboys and Indians and army men we find me just drawing things I liked as a kid. I had a pretty good child hood. I do have my family photo, from the seventy’s, up on my home page. People really liked me when I was a kid. A had a broad appeal like the rock band Pearl Jam, I appealed to everyone.

OK, more about my wife and I. I had 2 cars when I met her one was a Mustang 2, it was nice and in real good condition even though it was a 1970’s car. But when I met her I had a One Ton Ford, custom van. It had rust on the bottom but it was nice. It had hard wood floors and velvet cushioning. When we moved into the new place I got a cheap motorcycle like a 400 I think. It had straight pipes so it was load. It was a Honda and it was shiny and neat looking. Then there was this dude in Meriden, a older guy that fixed up bikes, he had this Early model 500 cc Honda Shadow, I loved that bike and still think they look nice. I wish they made bikes like that. I would take that thing out allot and took my wife every where on it. I even took her to where I used to ride my 250 Honda when I was a kid in Cacaponsit State Forest. Just looked it up on, this bike was so nice they would customize it into a chopper, Yamaha and Kawasaki had similar models and even Ducati had a nice model like this, in the 1980’s. One time I had that bike out on a sunny day with the walkman on full blast I popped the best wheelie of my life at the stop light. That bike went straight up I road it out and made a nice light landing. Like I said when I met my wife I told her I wanted to move to California for a while and was determined to do it. So the idea was to put the motorcycle in the van so we would have two modes of transpiration in California.

April 29 2011 added 3 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

Whelp here I am again. I just want to say for the ten years this web site has been up I have added art up here every week, a amazing amount of art. Some times I do not post about it, so if you do not see a post for that week it means nothing. Basically all the free time I have is spent caring for my wife and pets and chores and maintenance here. What every time I have left from that every week I do art. I try very hard every week to make sure I have enough time to do art and it is not easy. I wish I could sit down for a hour or so when ever. To me art is a event and there must be time to absorb all the greatness within me and let it flow from me like a great rock song.

You like my new engines? I now officially have a series of engine art. These drawings are extremely difficult and take maybe 10 hours each. I love just being in the middle of them surrounded by moving mechanical parts. I guess it is like doing the insides of one of my mechanical robots. I grew up around mechanics and muscle cars. My uncle always owned a gas station in Meriden Connecticut, my wife’s home town. My other uncle did all the work on his vehicles. My two cousins both my age owned big time muscle cars the practically made themselves. My cousin who’s dad owned the gas station had a white mustang mach 1totally supped up. I went for a ride with my cousins one time and when that thing took off it plastered me against the back seat in the air. Also do not forget the 7 years I spent on the king of all sport bikes, recently; the Kawasaki Ninja 1200. I had a reputation on route 75 that will live forever. To make a long story short I got racing in my blood. My uncle the famous stock car guy. My cousin Tony Catanzaro racing motorcycle in my youth had me hanging out a motorcycle races a large part of my youth. Love that smell of the track and the bikes.

I through in a dragon for good measure this week. I want to remind you all of how good I am at drawing dragons. Did a huge amount of dragon drawings before I started college. I do not have scans of all this work online but let me put it this way I drew at least two hundred dragons of every kind. I know all the different types of dragons and the features of them all. When every create a dragon I like to mix and match the way they look. This dragon seems to be looking proud. So I named it recognize, also because when it comes to creating dragon art there can not be many to compare to. Too bad the world needs more dragon art. Dragons have existed since and after dinosaurs and have been legendary and not always been bad. Many dragons have been good and defenders of men.

I done went and wrote too much again this week. I would like to start where I left of last week. So my wife and I lived in the apartment in this cool old house. We have always had a cat so we got the cat my wife had in her home at the time. We returned it back to my wife’s home and got our first cat Baby a pure bread Persian. Light blue in color. We used to go skate boarding allot together. She would watch and sit in the sun. It was what we did for many years for outside fun. I was always asking around about ramps and spots and actually found a few that we visited in Connecticut in the mid late 1980’s. My favorite thing to do was just find a nice smooth parking lot near a factory of what ever. My wife was at work one time and I went on my own one time in her brand new Colt. On my way home it was getting dark, some guy hit me in a giant old car, he was not even in a car lane at the time and was passing on the right. Pop! That car popped like a balloon and I was in it. To look at the car it was a miracle I was able to walk away. The ambulance took me away the main problem was glass in my head. I had a bunch of x-rays and was sent on my way with my health in tacked. There was the usual 3 feet of snow on the ground that night as I walked from the from the hospital to our nice little neighborhood. As I got close to my apartment Led Zeppelin played loud on my walkman. The words “as I look to the west, my spirit is crying for leaving” played. I can remember that moment crystal clear to this day. I made up my mind not to wait any more and to move to California.

April 22 2011 added 5 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

I rescanned war_machine_xxvi so you can see this sketch I did instantly off the top of my head. I believe at this point I can make anything into a mechanical robot. This stuff is in my brain at all times, lol.

I realized I had not updated my skateboard video so I did that at that moment. It was wet that morning so I could not get as much speed but I did do some olies for ya. It is a big file about 50 mb and features my favorite band from Middletown Connecticut; Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. My home town is Middletown; and my family’s, family’s home town. Home of the greatest college for mathematical geniuses Wesleyan University. The greatest colleges in the history of the world are in Connecticut and with out these students there would not be America. I grew up hanging out such places and always had students as my heroes.


Also two days ago I put up downloadable versions of my web sites for animation and comics. It as not easy to do this but it was worth it. I will do the same thing for the Geo Cities web site that shut down. This web site was exactly like this site when it first started; all 3d computer art.

Of course I added a special Easter sketch for you desktop or card for that special someone. Bomb’s away, lol. I did fast and showed my wife and said; it as my new Easter art; she was like oh ho nice but why the bombs? Lol. I will delete this file after Easter.

Since I am doing so much this week I will not write to much about the biography of my marriage. I do want to say this; my first most precious memory of my wife in our first apartment is of her falling asleep in my arms night after night as we watched movies. I even carried her to bed once or twice.

April 15 2011 added 2 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

The war scene is a quick sketch I did on the fly, it is not really finished but I am going to include it in the series because it is so complex. I actually started something like that on the back of war_machine_xxvii and realized I could not have time this week to finish it. War_machine_xxvii came out awesome though and I love it. It has a real modern look to it. This drawing took me a very long time. I have not worked on a single drawing for so long in a long time.

I have been working out for about 3 months now and my work outs are getting longer and more intense now that is the main reason this week for not completing a proper war scene. I have been doing aerobic type work outs. We bought a DVD awhile back for my wife and I have been trying to tackle it all this time. We just walked into Best buy and bought a exercise DVD; and I have to tell you it is a great one. It does the complete body. I excel in arms and upper body, and do great with legs; abs are always the hardest for me. In the 20 years or so of me working out I never did abs, my body building coach Jerry Augustine (Mr. North Eastern early 1970’s) told me abs are worked in every exercise. I did do leg raises in the 1980s allot though. The first month I started exercising it was just touch and go; but now I am full on. I still am not able to perfect some exercises but I am working on it.

I would like to talk more about my wife, she has lived every adventure I have had since I have met her. We have been married for almost 25 years now and she has made me happy all these years. Like Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones says: "I need a love to make me happy. Happy!" Web site almost 10 years old, email almost 10 years old and me married almost 25 years and I am about to hit 40,000 hits on this site. When I met her I lived in that room above the bar and it was so small. I had my weight set, like a universal machine and it took up the whole room. Since we were un separable we got a small apartment on the top floor of a house. It was kind of nice I had a great job delivering auto parts. Jobs seemed so easy to get back home, now I am lucky to have a job even though I know it is causing me problems with my art arm and hand; I stick with it. I am hoping the aerobic exercising will help me though, I do not expect any thing over night but in time it will get me in better shape and build endurance. I had room for my weight set in our apartment and worked out hard for the first 2 years I was married. We had nice furniture; hand me downs from friends and family. We had this cool sectional couch my wife’s friends gave us. We would go out skateboarding allot together back then. I had a nice white board a G&S I bought in a skate shop in my home town. I started sending art work to skate board companies in California and was interested in moving there to work for a skate company. I will try to pick up where I left off and continue writing latter.

April 08 2011 added 2 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

Whelp this is cool and I love it on my walls. It is so rough and tough. Am I rough enough? Am I tough enough? Like Mick Jagger said. I think this is just a practical application of my mechanical robots. I like to leave these type things a mystery to everyone. I noticed how easy it was for me to do the mechanical parts of the monster trucks since I was into creating mechanical robots and mechanical spaceships and tanks. It is basically the same art I have been good at since I was a child. Remember I said I did well in drafting class because I was able to draw by site instead of measuring; every high school semester.

I took drafting every year of high school; untill my junior year, in beautiful Middletown Connecticut were I lived in a upper-class neighborhood. I was living with my grandparents at the time who spoiled me rotten every day of my life. I tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt I loved my grand parents Alexander and Lucile more than any other relative in my life. I tell you this much when I lived there in this pristine place with million dollar homes in the late 1970’s, I never missed a chance to ski Powder Ridge a ski resort in Middlesex Connecticut where my grandparents where originally from. Powder Ridge was close to their home. I was never a drinker my whole life but my grandparents had a full bar with every kind of fancy liquor you could imagine. I was joking with my wife the other day and mentioned that I never remember them entertaining when I lived there, they must have put it on hold for me. My grandparents were like celebrities to me. Every Friday and Saturday night they stayed out all night too. These were the coolest people I knew and this is that which flows through me everyday. This magic blood of ancient people of distinguished taste. My Grandfather on my dads side his parents came from Sicily, the same for my gramy and my mother’s father. My mom’s mother; her parents came from Yugoslavia and were so old school they had a arranged marriage.

Been having fun mowing the lawn and having barbeques with my sweetie. Since I am talking about those I love I want to talk about just how much I love my wife. Make no mistake about it I would probably die without her, my body would just stop functioning. I met my love in 1986. I was working with her for a while in a lovely restaurant named Friendly’s where all the female workers wore nice dresses. She was out of work when a young man approached me who looked like the boy from those old Dutch boy paint cans. I had been dating wild girls only back then, who were never a good match with me. He said to me why don’t you date my wife. As soon as my wife got back to work I asked her where she was hoping to start a conversation that would lead to me asking her out. She looked at me angry and said that is non of your business. I thought there is no way she is going out with me now, latter I asked her to a movie I think a drive in, we used to do that allot those days always corny horror movies. Once we went out she would not leave me alone. I was so used to young ladies dating me a dumping me I assumed she would do the same but she did not. I lived over a rough and tough bar at the time. I had lived over or near a bar all my single bachelor life it seemed. This was a big bar that would have bad fights almost every Saturday night. She had come to the bar to meet me that snowy afternoon and she looked great. She always dressed like the perfect East Coast girl, pretty yet cool that is what she was like to me. She was a leader all her life with out knowing it just like me. She would not leave me ever, she was just always there back then. We had so many fun times back then so innocent. I thought this is the woman I wanted to marry and tried not to be intimate with her wanting to save ourselves for marriage. I told her right off my intention to move to California and work for a skateboard company and that is exactly what I did the biggest in the world Tracker design. The first 2 years were tough because I was a very good looking guy lifting weights at least 4 days a week for about 6 years then. But she was so beautiful and we just took off to Big Bear Mountain one weekend and got married. The skiing was great too. We have been in love ever since then and to this day I love her more than words can say, so I dedicate this web site again to my love, my other half of whom I would stand in chivalry to her honor; I am a willing slave, a knight to her beck and call.

March 31 2011 added 3 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

I am sorry I noticed once again how you can not see the detail of my drawings. I need to have a show. Try to picture the size and how it would look at that size. I may try a bigger size on some art, I have the psd files for all my art.

March 25 2011 added 4 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.
I did something I rarely do I went back into a work of art and redid it. War_machine_XXII just did not fit with my other drawings because it was not dark enough. I looked at it framed on my wall for a while with the others next to it and it bugged me so much I took it out and inked it. I only use Micron Pens. I have used Micron pens since the late 1980’s so all my art from back then that and still have about 1,000 pieces are all in this ink. So I figured I better ink my new piece too. I like it and may ink again. I do like the effect of dark pencil also verses ink.
Anyay Monster trucks rule! I saw a live show in 1986 and loved it Big Foot forever!
It did take me about four years to do a space ship. My life is so busy, I really believe work is the number one reason I do not immerse my self in art completely like my college years. I really would love if a collector would help support me so I could devote all my time to art. Until then work is a reality for me. Things seemed to be getting better at work now it seems to be getting worse fast. I blame my work for multiple injuries I have sustained in fact quit literally my job is killing me. What ever ailments I have had have gotten worse since I have had my job. Ever since last week my right arm the arm and hand have been throbbing. It actually woke me up 3 nights in a row when I was sleeping. I wrapped it in neo foam and it seems to be better for now. I am constantly hurting my fingers on my right hand from lifting heavy metal fixtures at my job. I think I actually may have broke something in my hand about 6 months ago. I looked down at my fingers on my right hand and they had turned purple. Most of the people I work with are cold and indifferent since they are also working under the same inhuman conditions. It is not fare that I say something like this with out giving a solution to the problem. I think our store needs to stop being 24 hours. I am a cook not a janitor. Maybe we should only be 24 hours on our busy days and have a cleaning crew come in the rest of the time. Or just shut down the night shift all together. I say this knowing full well these are the hours I work.
Where, I "work": The man say’s; the problem is not the work, the problem is the people are not able to do the job. Maybe he is right, maybe, not.
I have some great work for next week. My spouse said it looks very intricate. I am three fourths done with one piece of art and one eighth done with another so should have two competed.

March 18 2011 added 1 piece to drawings page 3 I will leave it on the home page for now.

Mini paintings added to Horses page

I did a lot of art this week although I strayed from my series a little for Saint Patrick’s day and a lady I work with. I did complete a great mech though and am about one forth of the way done with another mech. The detail in this new mech War_machine_XXII has reached a new level in this series. I am becoming better and better at drawing these mechanical masterpieces. I become mesmerized in detail. It was kind of stress full here. I had a hole in my fence made by a new dog on my street, Then the dog made it’s way through the hole and tore my trash up. My trash was all over the street. I hate trash and am picking it up around where I live all the time. I think you should keep where you live trash free to make you feel good and let others know this is a good place too. I wish more people were like me. It took me 4 hours in the hot sun to fix the fence. I have a unexpected sun tan this week. I thought there is no way I am going to finish this sketch of War_machine_XXII from being so tired. I sat down and started to sketch and 6 hours latter I was finished, This sketch was half done when I started. I noticed that all the stress from the day before just kind of melted away. I was so focused I forgot about stress. Amazing sometimes what art does to a person. our trash company gave us these super cool trash barrels so it worked out for the best. The barrels we had we found when we moved here almost a decade ago and they were rusty and old.

I brought a painting into work and one of the ladies freaked out when she saw it. Every once and a while I show my painting to someone and they freak out and beg me to give it to them. So I made these paintings that will fit in my card case so I can give them to everyone that I think would like them. I have given out close to 1000 small unfinished works of art to people in my community. I always think it is something I can do make people happy.

The Saint Patrick’s day mech came out so great. It has 3 machine guns and are fed by 6 belts of ammo. It is a mech that is just guns. It is a unfinished piece though and quickly done. I have a deep seated love and comradely to Irish people and Ireland. I went to a Irish Catholic school from second grade to eighth grade.

I almost forgot this web site has been up for almost a decade. My wife started this web site in 2002 I will find out the exact date soon. My email is that old too. I have never sold a painting through this web site though, I will not let that stop me.

I want to say one more thing I am against war (see my blogs on democrat site) and my new series is not promoting war. In fact I specially drew all my mechs with no heads. This is my way of saying it war is a mindless act.

March 11 2011 added 2 pieces to drawings page 3 I will leave them on the home page for now.

These beauties are almost as big as the 11" x 14" drawings I have done. Notice again how small the driver of the tank is. The robot is a classic. These types of mechanical robots are awesome and quick runners packed with fire power.

I am very empathetic (we have been through earth quakes in California) about the Japanese earth quake. I have been doing this series since January of 2011. just before I started the series I was doing abstract drawings and I put some mechanical robots in a abstract drawing called Nature to War. I have not looked back since. I have done many drawings and acrylic paintings of mechanical robots in my life but never a actual series. The mech paintings are fantastic and can be seen here and here.

I have a super mech on a tee shirt I made for Cafe Press like 10 years ago. In other words I am a old pro at this and a bigger fan than most people that are fans. All this art originates from the great high tech country of Japan. So my spouse and I are very empathetic to learn of this tragedy, more than most people especially since I am doing all this great art.

March 04 2011 added 1 piece to drawings page 3

Another big one. this one took a long time. I have been really working the lines. I devoted about 10 hours just doing light sketching. Setting up my drawings has been taking me longer and longer. I think what gives me my edge as a artist is me graduating 3 times as a graphic design artist in college. I take a long time deciding what I will draw. I also custom cut all my bristol board and thanks to graphic design I am good at it, it is still time consuming.

I have wanted to do a tank for a very long time. I did to a bunch of tanks for this painting:

this painting is 3' x 4' and done on hand made stretched canvas I made myself. It can be seen on my soldiers page.

I have had this painting in my living room since I did it about 4 years ago. I liked playing cowboys and Indians with plastic toys and also army men. I think this is why I like doing this type of art. The thing I like about this drawing is it looks really bold and can be made out from 50 feet away; even if you did not know what it was. I went in last with some smudging stick. This is the first time I have done this in this series. I spent so much time on the pre sketch that I had to do this because of smudged pencil. I have been working almost as hard as the sketching as keeping the bristol board clean. Notice the fire power on this beast. The size of the solder means you can walk around in this thing, lol. I have another tank sketch about half done will post next week.

February 25 2011 added 2 pieces to drawings page 3

Well I did not do to much on my free time except do art. I found out that doing this type of pencil art on a large scale is extremely time consuming. The intricacy of this work is unparallel. That is exactly why I am doing this art now. I just want to open up on detail. I am also a big fan of the art work of Japanese animation. When I was in Killeen Texas I rented every Japanese animation I could find. Being near a military base I am sure many of these animated movies were available for rent because the solders were big fans. Akira and Tank Police come to mind right away. US and Europe’s Manga Corps was the best. These pieces look great from across the room. The closer you look at it the better it looks. I like to let my mind drift when viewing this art, moving around the detailed arias.

I took a photo of the series so far. I will post it here.

Also I have been taking photos of food I have cooked. I have been approaching every meal like a work of art. I am posting a meal I made recently. Ravioli with ricotta and shrimp with red pepper, (bottled), baked with olive oil minced garlic parmesan oregano, parsley and cut up salami..

February 18 2011 added 3 pieces to drawings page 3
Only 3 works of art this week. I did a special Valentines mechanical robot. I put a special huge jpeg on the homepage for Valentines day only. I did the same thing Christmas too. The Valentines robot was done quickly so it is not really finished. I like it though and it made my spouse laugh. It just seemed like Valentines day was a big deal here in town. I guess Valentines is a southern holiday, I like the Valentines day song from the Drive by Truckers. I had a link up on my site to the mp3 when the CD was coming out. My valentines mechanical robot is equipped with nuclear grenades that explode on a delayed timer. The arm is a actual ICBM nuclear rocket launcher.
I finally got around to doing a space ship. I have been wanting to do a space ship for about 4 years now. I hope you like them I just love all these pieces so far. I have the ten best on display, on my shelf now and they look so 3d they really seem to come out of the Bristol board like a hologram.

January 28 2011 added 3 new mech drawings to drawings page 3; for a series of 5, so far.


I have been doing the best of this series. Stay tuned when you see these they almost defy explanation. I have been a fan of the mechanical robot thing for years. I am going strong all out. Haven’t done that in while. The fact that I can set loose on Bristol board and show as soon as I’m done is cool I think. Can not do this in photo shop yet is the basic of all art. The free look of the free form art can not be replace. Raw art. From my broken hand to you. There is nothing to hate about this art.

check this out:

This is one of my favorite cartoons as a child. This would make a great movie remake! Tell Steven Spielberg for me!

January 18 2011 Finished the drawing I started 2 weeks ago and did a bonus drawing as well for a extra 200 points. Will post soon.

I want you all to know I do art for one reason. Love.

Let’s all face it. In 1997 I was ruined. Just Like my favorite band said.

This blessed band from my home town of Middletown, Connecticut.

For some reason I reached down into my heart and soul and took over a decade to present to the world a artist novel. Just like I said about my motorcycle you can hate me but please do not hate my motorcycle. She was a beauty and to hate something so beautiful would be a doing something that would be against your very nature as a human. Of course as always I am talking to humanity not to the inhuman. There is a population of people that believe in hate only. I think at least half of them are just follower though. That’s cool I follow things I do not believe absolutely in too.

I am just the little boy from the giant old brownstone school like I always was. The boy the whole class would gather around my desk in the morning and watch me do art. Everyone said I was a great artist since I was a kid, so that is what I have rested my head on all these years. Not a easy life and I would try to discourage any young person from pursuing a carrier in art.

I would like to like to post a copy of the front cover to one of my favorite album of my youth; Captain Fantastic. I was a big fan of Elton John in grades 7 and 8. I had my room full of classic Elton John posters. I remember I got in trouble for something as a kid and my construction foreman step dad; he tore all of those posters off my wall to punish me. We get along fine now but that left a terrible impression on me. Even though we did not get along well my step dad was and is a American Icon. That was a bad idea tearing down those posters. The worst thing you can do is take top rated graphic design art from a young man who wanted to be graphic artist. In a way it is the same thing as 1997 isn’t it. To punish me I was torn down by ignorance and hate by people who liked to misuse the order of things. You can not destroy art. It is everywhere and will always be. Even in the far reaches of space art abounds.

The art of the Captain Fantastic Album a Album I bought when I was 14 years old; is so much like my art from the very beginning . Yes I still have all the best art I did from the late 1980’s. They are in a huge crate I made from lumber from Home Depot; that doubles as a table and entrance way to my front door.

I have always thought that at least in Japan I could be popular. I have loved Japanese art since Akira:


and my first Nintendo game from the first unit made by them. I love to see modern Japanese art. It copy’s American skull and flames artist like me. They try so hard to copy American art. You have to actually be a American to successfully create American art though. I think you have to endure the hardship of it to express it’s freedom.

December 23 2010

I have added 11 drawings on Drawings Page 3 .
January 07, 2010
I seem to be recuperating from my job during the holidays. My job is ten times harder during the holidays. I have a very cool sketch I am almost done with like a week ago. I plan on continuing with my South West series. I have been having a great time with my spouse having cook outs. I love these marinades we have been using them for years. Here is a link to
Lawry’s Marinades.

December 23 2010

I have added 11 drawings on Drawings Page 3 . Woopty do! I think I am going to do bigger; one subject drawings like the sketches I will be handing out for a while. Many times I have been inspired to do whole series by what sketches I give to people. I think the whole black out series went like that. Well this has been a pretty cool Christmas. Me and the honey bunny bought lots of gifts for the dogs and cat too. The dogs got some flee drops and the cat got a new card board scratching post, stuff like that. My job is so much more hectic during the Christmas season and I have all I can do to recharge. I like to take time out to enjoy my holiday time more too. The cold can be hard on my old bones as well. I do like to take time to smell the roses once and while. It is not like I do not have the best art around filling up all my wall space and more stored away if I want to change it. Oh the beautiful droopy sad western art, so appropriate for the back drop of my life these past decades. I am working Christmas and Christmas eve almost back to back. I think we will have lots of people working this year because I have been warning everyone all this time how busy we are Christmas. Last Christmas I remember thinking, “this is the worst Christmas ever”; because we were so short handed. Work is only temporary though and as soon as I got home to my cup cake all was happy again. I have become very good at leaving work at work with this job. I always block out work as soon as I leave I concentrate on it and usually do not have to do that again till I am back. I have this sincere mantra like thing I do in a meditative state like. I do not think about work when I am not at work religiously.

I am adding a special wallpaper of my art for your computer background. Merry Christmas to all, everyone.

5 new drawings on Drawings page 3. 1 new drawing on SW_ART page the series I am working on now. Added December 02 2010.

I do not consider myself one of the greatest south western artists. I consider myself one of the greatest MODERN south western artist.

I am really having fun with my new sketches on drawings page 3. I have not done drawings like this since the early 1990's. I was a great comic style artist back then. I was well connected with the skateboard industry and made friends with people like Jim Phillips. My comics is how I got my contract with Tracker Designs the biggest skateboard company in the world in the late 1980's. I drew comics that took place at the Tremont office where I worked. The powers that be saw them and began to buy my art. I had absolutely no college then and was so young. That always seems weird to me now that I have 7 years and 3 certificates, 120 credit hours, 4.0 grade average, ending in 2008; from college and; no art job. I will do my best to keep my South West Drawings series going. I want this series to shine so I may not have enough time to out put like I want to. I will keep up the new modern art sketches more; as it more abstract and easier for me to produce in abundance.

I have added 5 new drawings and 1 new watercolor and one new pencil and ink to the SW_Art_Drawn series November 17 2010. Click on these 3 links to see them.

I loved this cheese since I lived in Connectcut, try it. I am glad to see a actual television commercial on them.

1 11" x 14" Drawing added to SW_Art_Drawn Page, for the SW_Art_Drawn Series, October 31 2010

I have passed out at least over 1,000 (maybe even over 2.000 sketches and paintings to the good Texas people around here. Your welcome. This new stuff is something I have wanted to do for awhile. It is abstract but tight at the same time. I like finely done abstract. It sure looks cool and is a good way for people to see some thick paint.

I have also passed out well over 2,000 business cards. I like my new one red embossed and all. This time I gave Google a pat on the back I am always a Yahoo, dude; though. How else would I talk to my mommy. Ain’t no good American don’t love his mommy and some apple pie too.

Below is pictured the school I went to as a child with my brother and sister. My grandfather made the brownstone arch that connects the church to the school.

3 Drawings added to SW_Art_Drawn Page, for the SW_Art_Drawn Series, October 14 2010

3 Drawings added to Angel_Art Page. for the Angel_Art Series, October 14 2010

Isn’t like I have not been here before. All the lines so familiar. I draw my way because I know of all the best features in this type of art.

I have done the greatest art of my life the past 2 years, in abundance.

lol, huh, what? Yea well I worked my butt off this morning drawing 2 pre sketches for the final 2 sketches. I have one great one now and 2 more to do and I will have my new series. I am still undecided what to call it. I promise to draw for you like a heavenly angel for a while.

I am doing something, I have not done: pretty much never. I am stopping in the middle of a great painting. I will go back to it. The way I want to do it seems too daunting now.
My musical taste has changed as well again. I am listening to old stuff from my youth, classic rock like Bruce Springsteen. I bought everyone of Bruce’s albums during the 1970’s. I remember buying Darkness On The Edge Of Town when it first came out. I remember bringing it home in great expectation. I went directly to the basement of my grandparents home, (where I was living at the time). This magnificent home was in a neighborhood I loved every inch of it. I took that album to the basement where I worked out for my tight end position on high school football team. I did not play much I was a Junior and it was my first year ever as a football player. I tell you this I took that 17 year old body and turned it into Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I quit art this time last year. I do not like to do art during the holidays, besides it has been a long hot hard summer and I need a rest. I sat and sketched a beautiful horse for my love. I think this is what I am going to do. The other half went and got me some Bristol board at Michaels with a coupon. I got a Micron pen set with a coupon when I ran out of Arches paper. So I plan on sketching only till around December I guess.

September 09, 2010 added 1 new painting, 1, 18" x 24" Acrylic to Black Out

Working on another big one. Very intricate! Most lines yet! This may take 2 weeks or maybe 3. I am aiming at doing a new biggest and best of the series. Working on this painting about 20 hours now.
My new painting is like painting’s within paintings like the greatest artist in the world today;
Mark Ryden

September 09, 2010 added 1 new painting, 1, 18" x 24" Acrylic to Black Out

This is the biggest and best painting of the series.
I worked about 30 hours on it. My spouse say’s it looks eerie and real looking. While it is not only the biggest painting since college, It is also a maximum use of space. The painting process went well. You can sketch forever and not have to be concerned that at any moment a painting can be ruined. One false move and spilled paint could be a huge set back. A painter has to have their mind going in many places at once.
I have been wanting to do Baphomet_Inquisition for about 3 months now. I have planned to paint it big since my spouse bought a larger size canvas than I requested from Michaels. Sometimes mistakes are good. I have had the canvas for about a month and a half now. Also I saved a spot on the wall where it will go. You can see this spot on the photo below. It is the small section facing you. It fit’s perfect horizontal.
Jumping back and forth from watercolor to acrylic seems to be working well for me. I would love to do some oils but the mess and smell would take a studio to do that. I am maybe thinking of some serious pencil and inks like the old days. I made some very metal pencil and inks. I may start digging in my archive and get those up here. One of my most metal pencil and inks; was featured at my Art Bar Show in Deep Elem, Texas. I actually copied the original pencil and copied it on a special poster machine in Plano at the Kinko’s. I redid the inks and colored it with cheap Walmart markers. Lol! That machine was awesome! I am very tired after doing this painting, to say the least. I also started about 30 new sketches.
Click This Link
for definition.

September 02, 2010 added 3 new paintings, 1 11" x 17" watercolor to Black Out series.

I updated the photo of all my art in this series. I hope you like it. The sculpture in the bottom left hand corner is from my Sculpture 2 class. I also have a headphone sculpture I made that is very black metal. I did two 6 inch by 4 inch paintings of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanly. Kiss; in my opinion started black metal music. All the things black metal music bands do today; Kiss did in the mid to early 1970’s. Spitting fire, blood, painted faces, spikes, all my favorite things, all started with the greatest rock band of all time KISS. I bought the Destroyer album like every one else my age when it first came out. I also attended a mock Kiss concert at my High School, Haddam Killingworth, in Haddam, Connecticut. I swear these dudes looked just like Kiss. It blew my mind. The Destroyer album is still the greatest rock album of all time. My plan is to do small water colors or sketches based on these painting and hand them out to people and maybe drop some in the mail to all my art friends.

Sheild_of_Blasphemy_VI was one of the hardest painting I have done in this series. The sheer amount of lines is the testimony to this. There is so much going on but at the same time it has a harmony. Wind blows free through the garment of this gargantuan creature.

I would like to share a list of my favorite modern country music bands, on bands page too. Most of these guys make music that will just make you cry it is so beautiful!

Hank Williams III is just so different, lol! I memorized his first song on his first album almost the first time I heard it. It goes like this: “I might get drunk and rob a bank, shoot my car if it don’t crank”. I love this guy forever!

Old Crow Medicine Show is the greatest! I have loved them since I saw their first video on MTV Subterranean.

Bonny Billy


Clint Osmus & The Bushmills

Cory Branan & Jon Snodgrass

Drag the River

Hank Williams III
Hayes Carll
Justin Townes Earle
Old Crow Medicine Show
Palmer Divine
Ryan Bingham
Scott H. Biram
The Avett Brothers
The Band of Heathens
The Kerosene Brothers
The Kill Devil Hills
William Elliot Whitmore

August 20, 2010 added 1 new painting 11" x 17" watercolor to Black Out


New Movie!

This guy was awesome. A total abstract artist that I love his work. I usually do not like abstract but this guy was magical during a magical time for art. The same time I had my contract with the worlds biggest skateboard company in the late 1980's
This is a very detailed painting. I even scanned it in segments to get the best resolution so you could see the detail better; to no avail. At least you can see it better than a photo. I upped the size and resolution a little; never the less. I must tell you again that you can not see the detail of my paintings on this web site. So if you know a gallery that might want to show my paintings tell them to email me.

The sketches for this series keep getting better and better. I finally broke down and took a photo of this one also, in a slightly better resolution. I can not wait to update my photo of this series, yet I am not quit ready. I think in about 2 or 3 more weeks I will be ready.

I never talk about politics or religion on this web site. I did however add 3 new blogs on recently. There is, and always has been, and always will be; a link to all my blogs on on every one of the pages of this site. It is on the bottom of the pages, so check it out. I will paste it here for you:

LOL! Awesome! :

August 14, 2010 added 2 new paintings to Black Out

I want to tell you all back in 1982; I think. Everything was a blur back then; if you know what I mean. I listened to a album. I listened to a album that changed my life. I mean to tell you it changed my life for many years to come. It changed my life so much that; that is the reason I stand before you now, making all your favorite art work. That album was the concert for Bangladesh by George Harrison. I suggests you buy that, because until this day I think it helps the people in these poor countries.
I also want to say this ; sometimes when I am doing art work I have to look at other artwork to get ideas. I do not have photo reference when it comes to dragons. When I have photo reference I go out and take photos. Sometimes I look at other art work for ideas.

August 14, 2010 added 2 new paintings to Black Out

There good aren’t they? I made a few changes to Sheild_of_Blasphemy_II and replaced last weeks entry. I will be showing you all a new photo of the series on the wall soon. It is getting a lot bigger.
When I turned 24 back in Middletown, Connecticut. I requested A Neil Young song on the Wesleyan University College radio station. Old man was the name of the song. As the song was playing I listened to it on my walkman and climbed the hill to Wesleyan from main street. I skated down this very steep long hill like I had many time before singing the song.

I am glad that Neil Young is still playing music. His music has always been my favorite as a teenager and now too. Between Neil Young and Bob Dylan the songs are the first songs as a teenager I ever memorized in length.

Neil Young was the first and greatest activist/rock artist I ever heard of.

Some of the songs I memorized as a kid I do not think are even on any albums Neil made. I love that song about him wanting to be a musician and people picking on him for it. I have only heard this song on a bad live recording. He is also one of the first rock artists that I know of that made unpublished music that was really great.
Hey? Who is

Read about them, I think it is kind of sad they were never recognized for there work until like 10 years after some of their best work.

All I know is when I was growing up they sang the sound track to my life. We only know Supertramp from the US release of breakfast in America. When that album came out I was a wild young man going through a lot of changes, and the music almost describes me at that time.

August 06, 2010 added 2 new paintings to Black Out


So I am sitting in the break aria around 1999 and this dude tells me his girlfriend bought him a new cd. He says his girlfriend bought him a new cd. He says it was the newest cd by the band Type O Negative. I said was it good? I was just getting into Metal at the time and sincerely wanted to know. He leaned as if to motion to me the cd blew him away. He said ya it is really good. So ya know what, I went out and bought that cd. World Coming Down was in my opinion the greatest cd Type O Negative ever made.
Peter T. Ratajczyk (January 4, 1962 – April 14, 2010)
I assure you this one passed me by. I did not know until someone I work with told me about a month ago. I checked it last week and could not believe it. I am still trying to come to cope with the fact that this genius of a man is no longer here.

August 06, 2010 added 2 new paintings to Black Out


These are really great paintings. I hope you like them. I painted so hard last time because my schedule changed at work. My schedule changes constantly lately. All of a sudden I got more hours than ever. I always work late too. I am scheduled for 8 hours but I could work up to 12 hours instead. Always know my job keeps me from producing more art. Please do not think I am complaining. I need to work for money to pay the bills. I work in one of the hardest places to work in my town. I realize I could be digging ditches; but for this type of work; this is one tough place to work. The volume of customers is overwhelming. I appreciate every one of our customers immensely. I just wish they wouldn’t order so many taco’s in one order. At least 20 percent of people last a week at my job and quit. But again I am not complaining because it is the only place that would hire me. Believe me; I have applications in every business in my town. I have a request for work; I went to college for 7 years for, on every one of my web pages here too. I appreciate that my job hired me and am loyal to the bone to my employer. Anyone who paints the way I do; loyalty means something, coming from me.

July 29, 2010 added 2 new paintings to Black Out


I took a deep breath. I had a bunch of extra energy saved up. I was strong and ready. I knew this could be my last chance to paint like this for at least one week. I felt the presence of all them who appreciate my art and my new series. My obligation as a specially gifted and talented able minded artist. It tugged at me like a five ton iron support beam. And I painted 5 straight days. From the moment I woke up till I went to sleep. I offer to all; two great big painting‘s. #_ov_da_beast and master_&_servents sixteen inches by twenty inches and eleven inches by fourteen inches. I have discovered that I am unable to show you the detail in my paintings more and more. Photo’s are hiding many small and important things about my painting. My only other option would be to scan them in many pieces and this takes a lot of time. Maybe someday. For now I have given you high resolution bigger photos. The glare you see is from the flash. Imagine the black background as pitch black and solid. #_ov_da_beast has very small symbols that took me hours to create. Acrylics are great but to get supper intricate; become’s difficult on a small scale. The symbols are located in each pentagram. I would also like if you all could see the fur better and the tiny, tiny pentagrams on the crosses in master_&_servents. The pentagrams measure one quarter of a inch across. These two paintings’ so are full of detail. Guess you will just have to come to my next show when ever that would or could be. Nothing ever beats seeing paintings in person.

July 02, 2010 added 4 new paintings to Black Out


Just finished another big one. It is very blackened. I also finished a custom sized horned masterpiece; last week. I used store bought pre gessoed canvas and stretched it on a piece of ply wood. I did it to fill in a space on the wall. It came out so good; I am sure this will not be the last. Soon my wall will be finished, very tightly I will post a photo of this icon to the Devil then. I have no plans on stopping I have already started on another wall. Yes I am and have been fully aware that I am a Icon painter. That is why I seem to be unable to paint a bad looking American or Texas flag. It is what a do best. My best to you, my community, my country, and the big blue ball we all live on.

July 02, 2010 added 4 new paintings to Black Out


Wow huh? I mean yea! I really love doing this stuff. It’s all about the music baby. It also reminds me of the 1980’s when I did art for the biggest skateboard company in the world; Tracker Designs. Back then all the skateboard art was so cool. I paint for me, then my honey, then the people. All people. If I were to dedicate my new series to anyone it would be the holy trinity of Black Metal. I remember being in the cd store down in Dallas off the old toll way going north towards Frisco. I am looking and looking for Black Metal music. This one guy found a old Mayhem cd, I think the Wolf’s Layer one. Every thing in this place was cheap but to find a used CD was the thing to do to save money. This Guy actually found that Mayhem cd, used. I was in there for like a hour and did not find it. I will never forget it. I bought almost every CD from these three Black Metal groups years ago. If you were to have only 3 bands in your collection this would be it. Mayhem, Immortal, Marduk. If you listen to these bands and model them on how a Black Metal band should be you will never go wrong. I switched from big acrylics to small water colors. What a big change. It really took some getting used to. I realized that some small paintings take longer than I thought. You know when you tackle a big acrylic that it is going to take a while. Small paintings take long to though, longer than you think. I am painting small again to fill in the spaces on my wall. I have never painted like this before but I want the wall to look just right. I never use my fire place since I have hung my painting there so I never have to worry about smoke damage. I just love that spot in my living room though. It is in the center of our dwelling as well. The center seems to take on new meaning in my new paintings. Oh also I would like to dedicate my new series to Absu and all they collaborate with. I have told you about them before. They are from my sister city, Plano, Texas. They are also one of the greatest bands in existence.

June 11, 2010 added 3 new paintings to Black Out


What can I say I worked very, very hard to do these 3 paintings in one week. I was at work the other day and I actually felt tired for the first time. I never fell tired at work. I prepare 12 hours in advance for work. I make sure I get enough sleep and drink lots of strong fresh ground coffee before work. I realized it was because I was painting so much. Sometimes as a artist I am so into a series I am in a rush to paint. I want to decorate my walls with what I like to see too. Even my wife said I should take it easy. This is the first time I have used acrylic paint in about 4 years.

June 03, 2010 added new painting to Black Out


It’s all about Black “Satanic” Metal music. You going to tell me music is not beautiful? Than you are a stupid ignorant fool. You going to judge against me because I love Black Satanic Metal music? There is only one kind of Black Metal music.

I have a clue for you; all “music” is of absolute beauty. With out all music, county, classical, classic rock, independent; I would not be a artist. It is the fuel that make me run.

I have some very big paintings on the way. Big painting are very difficult for me. I have a extremely demanding job as a fast food worker here in McKinney, Texas. As a result of my situation; I have very little time to create art. I have to paint a little at a time. This section now, this part latter, it is very difficult. It is very draining to say the least; to have so little energy left each day to paint. It seems like no one cares at all.

Never the less; you have your professional guitarist? Well I am your professional painter. Able to paint beyond what most people that call themselves artist can ever do. Qualified; not “talented“, qualified.

May 05, 2010 added new painting to

I have not been able to finish this weeks painting. I am about half way done or so. I should be posting it up next week.

Every painting I do; I just think and think about what I am what I am going to do. I spend allot hours and hours about what I am going to do with a painting. I have scene this portrayed in movies like Basquiat, Pollock and The Rauschenberg documentarily. All of which I saw thanks to my college library. Pollock spent days just starring at the canvas before he painted in this one scene. There just isn’t enough great movies made about painters. All those sad untold stories.
Lucero (one of my favorite bands) played on the second day at night. I was born at night 8:30pm about. Tomorrow is my birthday. The event was on the weekend though. I was working. For something like this I would have ask for that day off. The ad was actually in my Juxtapoz magazine.. It was in the beginning of April. They had live paintings there. These people would have loved to see my art. Maybe next year.

Lucero song:

Lucero on You Tube:

May 05, 2010 added new painting to SychedelicSymmetry series.

I love the way the colors came out on this one. Sometimes the colors just blend perfectly. This is one of those paintings. I named it Color Skull for that reason. It is made up of my favorite colors. That is why I chose them for Radman's uniform years ago. I really believe that a painting can not have too many colors. Someday I will go back to acrylics or oils and do some big paintings with lots of color. Probably when I retire.

I did not think I would have a painting done this week because of my job being so back breaking this past week. I actually gave up on the dishes. I usually always finish washing dishes every night, soaking my cloths with chemicals. It has been so extremely busy at my job, with the weather being nicer. I think I am developing problems with my painting hand because of preparing so much food. I answered the phone the other day and pressed answer twice and hung up on my dentist. It as if I am loosing control of my hand sometimes. I literally work my fingers to the bone from scrubbing and preparing thousands of food items every night, myself with no help from any one. My fingernails just peel off after every shift from so much work. I am the cook slash maintenance person. I was washing bugs out of all the light fixtures last week. I also seem to have a sprained back this week as well. My manager got fired the other day and the pressure has gone from bad to worse. The manager is the person that hired me. I think I have been grinding my teeth at night from all the stress, my dentist told me that.

April 29, 2010 added new painting to SychedelicSymmetry series.

Sorry the link in this text was not working but I fixed it.

I like this one. It is totally abstract but not globs of paint. I get so angry when I see painters throw paint on a canvas and call it art. I really believe this: if you can not draw do not paint. Ask any one who calls themselves a artist to do a great drawing in less than 60 seconds, me included. If they can not draw in 60 seconds; then they are not a painter and it is questionable that they are a artist. I do not mean to be mean. I know all the sad stories that are behind so many artist and I love them all, I do. If you have enough guts to call yourself a artist, in your adult life; you have all my love automatically.
I named this one angel’s heart because a angel appeared to my sight after I was done with this. Also just before I was done painting; a heart was left, so I painted crimson red.
I just want to remind you all, any painting you see I have done no matter how small I can paint it again gigantic for you. Ain’t nothing easier than painting a painting again.

April 22, 2010 added new painting to

This ones a good one too. I did not plan the lioness head at all it just came out that way. The little lady even say she likes it, but it’s a little scary. That means it’s really good. I have noticed that colors can not be seen on computer as well as real life. My ochre and burnt sienna in my last painting did not look right at all. Also the two demon painting light orange looks more like flesh color. The only way you all are going to see my stuff as it is, is for me to show it on display. Maybe I will start emailing people again.

April 14, 2010 added new painting to SychedelicSymmetry series.

Oops, I done did it again. It's a gooden. I think I out did myself again in. Why can't you paint flowers and trees and birdies, Ricky? Your guess is as good as mine. Lol! All in classic county western colors. Ye haw!

March 31, 2010 added new painting to SychedelicSymmetry series.

Sketches can be found on drawings page 2.
I really got into this painting. It took me almost 6 hours to paint not counting all the prep work. This is the most profound painting I have done where the paining starts to form multiple images inside the painting. I was so blown away by it I did a detailed sketch of the painting in my sketch book. And I did 14 sketches based on the painting to hand out to local art lovers here. This painting takes on so many images I can not list them all. The scan actually does not pick up this type of color either. Weird, spooky.
You know I am in the hamburger business. I made hamburgers last week and I went all out.
First you cook the onions I used half a medium large onion for two burgers. I used a little olive oil and garlic salt to grill the onions. Then I put that in a bowl.
Next cook the mushrooms. I like canned mushrooms. I used a can for 2 burgers. I used a little olive oil and butter. I always have a hard time grilling mushrooms. They pop out of the pan. If you put a lid on it and shake the pan often with the lid on it; cooks the best. Sounds like pop corn in there.
We had bacon one day and mushrooms the next. You could have both though. My wife found some bacon that is microwavable. We used 5 slices for 2 burgers. Break the bacon in one half inch pieces.
Next used the same pan you used for the onions and the mushrooms un washed and grill the tomatoes a little olive oil. Just a bit if you cook them to long they get too mushy, They are still good mushy though. Put that in a bowl.
I only like hard type buns, when you tap on them you should hear it like wood. On the east coast fresh bread from the bakery is the best. Search your supermarket Texans, you’ll find them. Cook your buns in the oven! This is the only way. Face up with butter and garlic salt on each bun, you could practically it this like it is. Not too long check them many times.
Ketchup mayonnaise and mustard.
You need hamburger pickle, make sure it say hamburger pickles on the jar.
Pre chop your lettuce like we do at work in bun size pieces.
Put a slice of American cheese on the top and bottom of the bread. We do this allot at work so I figure it is important, lol. Put the bun on the bottom half. Pile all your stuff, onions mushrooms bacon, tomatoes and pickles in that order.
Now I have been doing this for years. I buy block cheese and heat it in the microwave. I love Vermont white cheddar! It is really big on the east coast. Micro wave the cheese cubed in a small bowl for 25 seconds, With your hands form the cheese into a hamburger patty shape. Place it on the top of you food mountain. This will melt in minutes sealing all you ingredients under it like a pizza.
Now this is very important. Cut this monster in quarters. Use a good knife and be patient. Don’t just stuff the whole thing down your mouth. Put a piece of lettuce on the quarter of a burger. You don’t have to micro wave the first one, eat. Isn’t great! Now go back in the kitchen and use a spatula to scoop up another quarter. Put it on your plate. Put the lettuce on and microwave it for 10 seconds. Repeat 2 more times.

March 24, 2010 added new painting to SychedelicSymmetry series.

My new painting Butterfly White Flame is a great southern fried painting, made to order with a side of jalapeño’s! Straight from the hard hot caliches’ of Tejas. Served hot and fresh 24 hours a day. Like a big plate of country fried steak that is so hot it fogs your glasses. I am serving only one type of art in this series “red hot”.
Can you tell I like to cook. It is the part of my job I love. It is the back breaking janitorial work; I am physically not able to do yet some how I do it; is what I could do with out. I would make a great chef!. I cook at home all the time. I planned on creating a Radman_Art recipe page but never did. In the words of Time Has Come Today by The Chambers Brothers
song: Hit Play click here:
I learned this one recipe when I was a kid; living with my sweet Grandparents in the late 1970‘s. Living with them in this rich neighborhood was my best memory of my youth. They had a beautiful house with every type of fancy food you could think of. My Grandfather was a cook for the navy and in my opinion a great chef. I had a couple of friends from Woodrow Wilson High School over. This one spoiled rotten black kid; his dad was a professor at Wesleyan and he live in one of those castle looking old houses near the college. He was a righteous dude with a logo tattoo of the rock band Queen on the back of his shoulder. I staggered down the stairs half a wake and saw him cooking this on the stove.
He made this:
Fry about pounds of shrimp in olive oil and butter add two big shallots chopped
Only cook on medium high heat; till the shrimp turns just a little pink. About 3 minutes
I would add one full bottle of cooking sherry since I live in a dry town. But you should use real sherry which my grandparents probably had some fancy brand of.
Then just keep stirring and keep sprinkling hand full’s of flour till you get a nice gravy like texture. The shrimp in the pan colliding makes a good blending of the flour.
Serve hot on white rice. Yummy!
I would love to share more, we’ll see.

I subscribed to Juxtapoz Magazine again. I noticed allot of paintings that are in galleries now and was intrigued. I used to do this technique back when I was pencil and ink only. So I decided to start a painting a series. I have a bunch of pre cut art board from my college days and plan to use it up. I am spraying each painting with Prismacolor Tuffilm Final Fixative. Since water color on art board does not soak in as well the fixative well make them last for hundreds of years. I have allot of plans in my head for this series. Looking forward to doing paintings; really excites me and makes life a little more fun. Maybe I stopped painting because I just could not think of a series I wanted to do. Maybe I stopped because the holidays were so busy at my job and we were so short handed as always. I am trying to pace myself as much as I can. I plan on doing 1 painting a week to start. All the paintings will be 8 inches by 10 inches. This will be kind of a challenge since I am used to smaller paintings from my last series. It seems to be working out great. My first painting is a type of abstract rose, it has a figure wearing a mask hidden in it and a man’s head with a mustache. My second painting I think I will call appearing eyes because when I stare at it form across the room the eyes seem to appear seconds latter.

I am back! I am starting a new series called SychedelicSymmetry; all one word, like McKinney. This is going to be very cool! Way lowbrow, just like the first serious paintings I ever did lowbrow. So come with me down the rabbit hole and see what we can find. Check back here to see me ad new paintings to this way hip series. See the American cultural phenomenon that is Radman_Art. Post apocalyptical blasphemy, modern pop surrealism.

I want to make something clear to all who have not paid attention for the last 2 and a half years. I have completed 2 series of paintings, that took about that long, Burst and Living in the Past. Living in the past was my last completed series last worked on around December First 2009.

The Burst and Living in the Past Series are pictured below.

Well the inevitable has take place. I have had some kind of serious body break down. You can not push your body to the limit week after week with out some kind of price to pay. I would never be like this if I had better co workers that did their fare share.
The doctor was going to give me a note for 7 to 8 weeks off so my head and neck could heal. Also the doctor was going give me a light duty restriction note. I agreed instead she could give me a note that would prohibited me from doing work like cleaning grill vents, which is the cause of my serious injury. It is funny because my chiropractor Doctor Russell used to tell me not to work over my head reaching up allot because of my vertebrae problem. The red irritated aria of my head and neck are actually in the shape of spilled liquid running down from my head (under my hair) to my lower neck. I thought I was dieing or something. I have a throbbing pain and a rash that was seeming to grow on it’s own. I was fortunate to find a doctor open so close to the holidays, around New Year‘s Eve.
Guess what I did last week; January 6 - 10 / 2010? 2 weeks after my injury and my doctors note. My employer’s management; has chosen to ignore my doctors note and force me to do the very thing that caused me to be injured!
It seems sometimes that this job means to do me in. They have succeeded in making me quit art now they are trying to disable me; it seems.
Sincerely, Rick of the web Radman_Art

My job just keeps getting more and more physically demanding. I leave a dish in the sink when I leave work and that exact dish is still there when I get back the next day, with every other disk we have. That means I do 3 shifts worth of dishes myself every shift. I leave a broom in the aria where the person who does the floor works and I get back the next day the broom has not moved. Trash the floors I am the only one that does that too some nights. I keep getting more and more extra duties piled on to the impossible amount of work I do. Like I have to clean the fryer and grill vents every week. I have to move the fryer and grill out away from the wall and it is on old wheels that do not move good and get caught in the tiled floor. The grill and the fryer unit weigh well over a thousand pounds, and since I lost weight I do not barely have the strength to do this. The grill vents weigh close to 50 pounds each. I have to reach way up grab them wash them and run them in the dish washer too. I have to reach way up and put them back, this is not easy because the weight is awkward. I have to stick my head up in the vent aria and usually this covers me in grease. I have to get down on my knees and pick up trash that get thrown on the floor because we are so busy and so short handed we don’t have time to put it in the trash. These are only small examples of how hard my job is. This is why I have had to virtually stop doing art.

1 new painting, November, 05th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page. I was living with my Dad on Newbury Street, it was between 1978 and 1980 sometime. My father took me to a Harry Chapin concert at the Hartford Civic center. I am sure it was because he liked the song Cat’s in the Cradle. My parents were divorced when I was 5 years old. I actually have memories of them being married and arguing. I remember waiting at the kitchen window for my father to come home for work. I remember feeling full of anxiety at the anticipation of my father coming home, I could barely stand it. My parents had a very bad divorce. My mom was resentful half her life. I don’t think it was until I protested that she had not forgiven him; that she finally realized it needed to be done. My dad would always admit that he had a short temper. He was a only child to two of the most awesome parents on the face of this earth. My grandparents on my dads side were always like magic to me and taught me what family loyalty was all about. I grew up thinking my dad was a very bad person. In my early twenty’s I did some digging and confronted my dad and finally came to have peace with him. I believe that a person can not of will not ever have a good life with out making peace with their parents.
The concert I saw that night was spectacular. Harry’s band was phenomenal! The amount of musicians on the stage was very surprising considering I expected just Harry and his guitar.

1 new painting, October, 10th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.
Last week at work was way over the top. The district manager was arriving on a Sunday of all days; to inspect our restaurant. Not only did we scrub every piece of equipment and the floor, but we actually polished everything and painted too. This combined with the usual duties of stocking and dishwashing made the imposable even more imposable. I work at the busy times of the week. Also those nights of the week are the only nights of the week that any serious cleaning gets done. I have been trying to tell management to concentrate on hardcore maintenance on the slower nights of the week, this has not been chosen by those in charge. Not only am I a cook; but I am a janitor working 4 times faster than any janitor. My job is so fast paced that the only way I can describe to you is to play a recording of a cooking show and play it in super fast mode.
I am telling you this because I only was physically able to do one painting this week. All I could to is rest as much as I can. I have muscle pains like I played football my entire work week. I have to ask myself do I want to paint or do I want my body to heal so I can perform at work again. Of course it makes me feel bad not painting as much as I want to. I am really into this series and want to finish it so I can move on to my next series.

3 new paintings, September, 24th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.
My honey bunny really liked one of my paintings. She is my biggest crytic. When she says she really likes something I always put a copy of it on my home page.
Isaac Lee Hayes Jr :
Growing up in the 1970's every cool person like me knew who Isaac was. I will never forget the song Shaft. He says no one understands him but his woman. I have always felt that way too. He is so, so cool in the movie Escape from New York.
Like the movie
Pollock when he says I owe that woman my life. She has given me the stability I need in life to keep me going. As long as we have been together I have tried and tried to succeed as a artist. I truly believe with out her this would have never happened. She is extremely unique and very, very, intelligent. Just want to give her credit where credit is due. And as always I dedicate all my art and this web site; that she started, to her.

3 new paintings, September, 17th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

Man; I got home from work this week and felt so beat up. My job is very physical and it seems like they ask for the imposable and then if I accomplish that they ask for a little more. I know I am not the only one out there that works like this. In fact; it seems to be the way of the world now a days. The point that I am trying to make is: as I started to do my first painting of the week; I just felt like giving up. The first painting of the week is always the hardest. I was so sore, I mean my entire body felt muscle aches and pain. I was sincerely contemplating giving up painting. I just felt like going to lie down on the couch and watching T.V. all day instead of painting. I ask myself why do I do this sometimes. It seems like no one cares at all. But I forced myself over to my desk and just did it, like the Nike commercial, lol. Halfway through the painting there comes the just give up feeling again. I felt like throwing the half done painting in the trash.
Out of all that you know what? That turned out to be one of the best paintings I have done in this series:
Check it out.
It’s all about love. Jimmie Hendrix said love makes the world spin. John Lennon said all we need is love.

3 new paintings, September, 3, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.
One for my home boys (Darrell_Lance_Abbott Dimebag_Darrell_Pantera). I put it down for my hood, to quote
Blaze Your Dead Homie
. Don’t forget new ICP CD out now :

Bang Pow Boom - New ICP album, in stores September 1, 2009

I have always loved Pantera! What true metal fan would not love Pantera? I also love all the Pantera side projects.
Per_Yngve_Ohlin_Dead_Mayhem was the most awesome Black Metal musician that ever lived.
Eric_Lynn_Wright_Eazy_E was one of the greatest Hip Hop artist‘s ever.
I am far from done. Time to go and get more frames.
I just want to say one thing. The Beatles: the greatest rock band ever in the history of the earth. As a child of 11 years old I remember walking 6 blocks to buy the Let It Be album. I had seen the album in my cousin’s living room (in Meriden Connecticut where I met my wife latter) ; After listening to the album I thought ; I must have this album!

GG Allin made a huge impact on the music world. I do not agree with what he believed in. I think he was a very talented musician. I do not know if GG Allin was a Nazi sympathizer. If he was that surely is not the reason I painted him. I really liked the music I heard; what little I have heard. I like hard core music and I like easy listening too like, Cat Stevens. The thing I am trying to say that I am against racism in all it’s forms. I wrote about it on my Black Metal web page. Link to this web site can be on my last series’ Burst page.

3 new paintings, August, 6th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

I just want to say words can not express how I feel about the loss of human life. This series is very difficult to talk about. These people have always been precious to me all my life. And the loss of these people has brought me to grieve. I love to talk about my art to people but when it comes to talking about this series I have never fully talked about it to any one. I suppose I could write a book on my examination of it all. Until then I hope you will forgive me for not saying much about it even online. If I should comment on my series and it seems off handed, it is only because I do not have time to speak in depth enough.
Ian Curtis came out cool. His eyes impressed me so much, that I decided to paint his eyes only. He had this sad expression on his face when he preformed on stage. Ian Curtis was the lead singer for Joy Division. His passing has always made me very sad. I had not known that Joy Division existed in my teen. When I had finally listed to them about 10 years ago, it sounded like my life at that time. It was shocking to say the least! Here is this band I never knew existed and they were playing music that was the sound track to my life in my teens. I have the privilege of having a teen age experience that coincided with what was playing on the radio. In other words the coolest music that came out went right to radio and was enjoyed by me and all my fellow teenagers. Not like today young people seem to have nothing, this has always made me very sad.
I do want to say that I remember New Order, because of MTV. New Order was popular during my skate boarding years and I think of the two as connected some how. When I got out to California and worked for the biggest skate board company in the world the radio station out of San Diego played them allot.
Marc Bolan was kind of underground in my youth, but I sure remember him! I probably heard about him from that David Bowie song. I remember about the age of 16 buying the Tanx Album. It was a magnificent album. The art work was unforgettable. Little tiny tank’s. The image inside has stuck with me all my life. Marc Bolan is such a great looking guy I do not think I could ever capture him. But I will do my best. I like the painting I did, the hair and eyes especially.
I love Wikipedia and use it constantly! I need to be in there. I called them once. I need to try to contact them again.

3 new paintings, Jully, 30th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

I done did it again; three more in a row best of series this week.
I am on a real roll here. A rock and roll, roll. John Bonham is extremely paint able! Even if you don’t know what he looks like the black and white is a awesome painting! I find when it comes to painting and drawing men I have a real knack at it. John Bonham has a very manly face. I have seen the movie The Song Remains The Same and see why his death had such a huge impact on the band. Doing this series has really made me see how venerable man kind is. I believe if allot of the great humans were still with us life on earth would be better for all of us.

3 new paintings, Jully, 23rd, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

I done did it again; three more in a row best of series this week. Thin Lizzy to me is legendary. I went to a Irish Catholic School to eighth grade. Thin Lizzy are Irish legends. That is why I used the green background. That painting took me 5 hours straight. I easily work 20 hours per week that plus my job has me working over time 24/7. The 20 hours per week do not count the thinking of what I am going to paint next and what colors to use or shading and such. I really have broke through on this series of paintings. When I changed the size of the paper I seemed to excel three times faster. I only use Arches paper I love it. All the cutting I did in College for graphic design has made me a expert at customizing the size of my paintings. I really love the portrait style painting of Phil too. I have just plan paper as the background, it really makes it pop out at you. I bought Live and Dangerous just after it came out when I was a kid. From that moment on I was a heavy duty Thin Lizzy fan. What can I say about Queen. I will never forget buying the album with “we will rock you on it”. The art work made a lasting impression on me and the music seemed to be the most high tech I had ever heard up until that time.
As a child I owned allot of albums. I can remember being 11 years old and walking a mile or more to Bradley’s Department store to by the album Let it Be shortly after it came out. I listened to it at my cousin Jimmy Peracio’s house and it was amazing. You know just after I wrote about Electric Light Orchestra I realized the reason I could not believe how good they played is because I owned allot of their 8 tracks. They sounded so much like there albums it was weird. Like I was at home listening on headphones. Yes all my life I listened to music on headphones. We always owned high quality headphones. My house my dads house and even my grandparents house had high quality stereo’s. My house and my grandparents house had the big fancy wooden cabinet stereo’s. My dad however had a professional set up, turntable and real to real. Some of the highlights to my life were hearing album’s like David Bowie’s hero’s when it first came out. Or running home to play the new J Geil’s album on my dads stereo. Or listening to Lynard Skynard’s One more for the road over and over on my dads turntable.
I dedicate this song to my new series and all the great people that I will never get out of my head:
Band: Electric Light Orchestra Song: Can’t Get It Out Of My Head
And I cant get it out of my head,
No, I cant get it out of my head.
Now my old world is gone for dead
cos I cant get it out of my head.
I saw these guys in New Haven around 1978. The High School I was attending (Woodrow Wilson, Middletown, Connecticut) arranged a field trip and rented a bus for the concert. These guys blew my mind! The lasers and the precession of the music was amazing. It seemed unreal!

3 new paintings, Jully, 16th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

I just want to say I love these guys:

I have liked them since their first album in 2003 came out. I personally consider this to be their best album. They were born in Oklahoma and went to a parochial school like me. I saw them first on MTV’s Subterranean show, (witch I can not afford still to get on me TV). Their music played at my first art show in Deep Ellem, in Dallas Texas, at the Art Bar; from the CD's I brought that night.
There is some new news. I think I would like to try and get some videos of me up here. I have wanted to have some videos of me with my art work. We will see.

3 new paintings, Jully, 9th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.

I have created the best 3 in a row paintings for my Living in the Past series. I will put them on the home page for this weeks update. I do not know why but Jerry Garcia always makes me want to do a groovy background. To me; The Grateful Dead has always been the greatest American rock band.
Since I am posting photos I added 3 more this week; my dad, my family at the same time my dad’s police photo was taken and my dad and me when I was a baby.

3 new paintings, Jully, 2nd, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.
Well I can not believe Michael Jackson died this past week. I found it very upsetting. Like when I heard John Lennon died, it made me want to weep. So I did 2 paintings honoring my Michael Jackson. My parents heard me play my sister’s folk guitar when I was like 8 or 9 years old. They were so impressed by my ability to play songs I remembered; by ear, they bought me a electric guitar and a amplifier and paid for lessons. We were poor at the time; so you know they really believed in me. I formed a band with my brother on drums, my sister on folk guitar and me on electric guitar. My neighbor Luanna on tambourine and back up vocals, I did lead vocals. We played Michael Jackson songs, Bobby Sherman, and The Partridge Family songs, and Osmond brothers songs.
I am including a photo of those days that I had a neighborhood rock band, in this weeks comments. From top left to right that is Carla, my sister, Gail (Carla‘s sister), Luanna (lived in the house next to mine) . The bottom right is Chris (my one and only best friend for 4 years) , Me, Scott (Chris’s younger brother), and my brother. We were dressed up in fifties attire that day.
Michael Jackson was one of my ideals as a child, I owned Jackson Five music. I liked him and his music long before the Saturday morning cartoon came out. When the Saturday morning cartoon came out, I never missed a episode. The music was outstanding, and the graphics were hand drawn. I love Michael and his music up until the Black or white video and album: I stopped following it after that.. I will never forget Michael’s video saying there is no difference if you are black or white. Thinking to myself; awesome! Also I liked the Beatles cover song from that album, come together, right now, over me. Although I stopped following Michael Jackson ‘s newer albums, I am sure they are cool.
Michael Jackson was a pinnacle of pop music. He was the KING OF POP! This world is at a loss because of his leaving.

LOL! Awesome! :

2 new paintings, May, 28th, 2009, on the Living in the Past page.
It’s time for a new series. I loved the Burst series. The new series will be call Living in the Past. I will be using the same 2 colors as the Burst, only. Except occasionally I will be using blue for a sky background. I have been working on the burst series since December of 2008. I have completed over 53 Burst paintings in that time. It kind of makes me sad to stop doing the Burst series. I am so excited about my new series it makes up for it though. I still have other series that I want to do. I hope to use the remainder of my life to paint as much as possible. I really love my life lately, things are pretty good. Money is always a trouble but it seems to be something I just live with. Other than that really things are so awesome. Peace out, Rad

1 New Painting, May, 21st, 2009, on Burst page, 1 new painting added to Rock and Roll page.
I have been sketching on index cards, different sketches, and handing them out to random people I meet out in my community. I really think that it will help me in the long run. I never give art to people with out giving them my card; that gives the address to this web site. I have handed out 2,000 business card for Radman_Art mostly at the college and at my art displays. The sketches I did this week of Ronnie Van Zandt are almost too good to hand out. I have made photo copies of all these sketches before I hand them out.
All of the little watercolor’s on index cards and business cards; I did for the craft show at the college have been almost all handed out to random people I meet. These paintings can be seen on my Western Watercolor’s page; in a photo I took on my kitchen table.

1 New Painting, May, 14th, 2009, on Burst page.
This one is 11” x 14” and it took two weeks to complete. Since it is the biggest so far in the series and may be the biggest ever in this series I tried extra hard to make it very neat and fine. The background took two days to perfect.
My goal is to fill the wall above my fire place and then take a photo of it for this web site. Not all the paintings are on the wall so far. I am trying for a perfect wall. There are over 50 burst paintings up now. I will be doing 3 more small paintings to fill in the space left.

The paintings I am working on now equal more than 4 of the paintings I was doing 3 a week. Do to this I will be painting 2 paintings a week for a while. They are bigger and I love painting big.
I do not paint big as often as I would like for 2 reasons.
#1 it cost too much. Paints fly out the window! Tubes of paints get used up way to fast. I am a opaque painter. I do not like to paint lightly. I like painting that make a big impression, so the viewer has that image in there mind long after the show.
#2 I do not have the space to store allot of big paintings. I like to paint paintings to hang on my wall. I am willing to store paintings and do I have a whole room full and a closet full too. I absolutely love to paint big! Until I start selling paintings or build my studio big paintings will have to wait. I am seriously considering a couple big paintings for the bedroom. I have the westerns in there and would like a something more pop surrealism.
I just want to make one thing clear I am a western painter and always will be. My brand of western paintings are unique and traditional at the same time. I will always be fascinated with the old west. I think it is no mistake that so many country folk around here and the west love Death and Black Metal music. It is a rugged and hard music. I guess if the old west hero’s had a choice they might like this music the most.
I want to share a painting with you all soon it is the painting that started this whole series. I did it last summer and my goal was to use red and yellow only. It is in a horror movie kind of vein. I got the idea from viewing a death metal cd cover. I also did a intense pre sketch too. I remember when I did it I put it in a spot of the living room that only I could see so as not to offend my wife. It took me all this time like 3 or more months to start the series I am working on now. I am sure glad I did and I hope you are too. I think they are beautiful and sparkle like jewels on my wall. They are fun to look at. They seem to tell a tale in each one. Just looking at them takes me away a little like the music that has inspired me to create them.
I made a web site a while back dedicated to Death and Black music. I kind a stuck on my bands page where it has been lost for a while but since it is the subject of my new series I want to celebrate it. I created the design for the web site in web design 2 at the college. It is like viewing art in a gallery.
Here is the link to that site:

I named this series burst because I was bursting with art. I had not painted for a while and I was about to burst. Was that out burst necessary? Also each painting seems to burst out at you like a explosion. I’m getting quit good at painting wolfs. I have always thought animals were to hard to paint because of fur. I am not afraid of painting fur any more. I am working on two new wolfs this week. Sorry every thing is so “scary”; according to my wife. I am just trying to rock out in a 1950’s - 2009 American way. It’s all rock and roll in in paintings format. I have allot of thoughts about a new series, that is a long time coming though, I am far from done with this series. I want to do more watercolor dragons my last ones came out great. I am still thinking of showing the sketches for each of my burst painting. Some times the sketch I do on watercolor paper is so much better than the original or a little more simplified. I never share my sketches as I think something’s should be sacred. Things are going good and on my days off I am not disturbed and continue to devote my free time to painting.

I am having so much fun painting my Burst paintings. I have finally got a exceptional painting out of this series. The wolf painting is my favorite painting so far. This painting is called Blood Pack after a Mech Warrior game I used to play allot. I went into my storage and pulled out all my Science Fiction Fantasy paintings and traded them out with some of the western paintings. I try to use and reuse my frames as they cost money something as a starving artist I lack. I did the science fiction series (in acrylic) for my portfolio painting class at the college. I have them hanging in the living room where I spend most of my free time doing r and r and painting. It feels good to be surrounded by my favorite art that I am painting at this present time. My taste in art changes like my taste in music. I still love western art, and think I am very good at it as well. I just am in a mode right now; where I want to rock out through painting. I will be doing 2 acrylic 4” x 6” paintings soon. I have two frames that size the glass broke out at the Allen Library show. It will be interesting to see what I can do in acrylic. I will do the paintings in the same style. I see myself continuing on this series for a while. I think of it as like my first paintings in paintings I did about 8 years ago, with less color. Instead of combining them all in one painting I am doing them each individually.
I want to say again for the record I have not made one cent from this web site ever. I have how ever paid for this web site over the past 10 years or so out of my own pocket, totaling around $500.00. This web site is ad free for all to enjoy.

4 New Paintings, February 19, 2009, on Burst page.

I just want to say my 2 favorite Black Metal bands are from right here in Collin County, Texas.

There is

Absu. This band is by far my favorite metal band, totally classic style and just so digestible as a traditional Black Metal band. When you listen to there albums they sound exactly like they are from the Norway or something. They are absolutely amazing.

Then there is

King_Diamond. This guy is rightly named, he is the King of Black Metal! I bought the Mercyful_Fate CD back in 1999, it was rated the best CD by Metal Maniacs Magazine. King Diamond is almost magical in his vocal ability. It seems miraculous that someone can sing like he does. The bands that back him are the best in the world as well.

I am only using 2 colors with all my new paintings, red and yellow. I am trying to do more than 3 paintings a week; but it seems all I can do is 3. My wife says she likes the sketches I am doing for each painting; before I draw and paint them on watercolor paper. I am sketching them in my sketch book I used for college, which is getting full. The sketch book has 70 pages and has sketches on the front and back of each page. I may show the sketches for the new paintings, I normally have never done that. I also completed 6 new sketches this week that I am looking forward to painting them. I love my new paintings and am framing as many as I can and hanging them were I can see them every day. I love listening to black and death metal while I’m creating these. One of my favorite black metal bands is Absu, they are actually from Plano, Texas. Also King Diamond another favorite of mine is from Frisco, Texas.
I have been painting like a maniac again. My burst page consists of 7 paintings so far in 2 weeks. I can only manage 3 very detailed paintings a week. My job is so demanding it takes every last bit of energy I have to complete my work week. Every painting on this page is very different. Every painting I do is like a finger print and very unique. You may look at the burst effect and say ; this effect is all the same. But I assure you I paint each one differently. I am having so much fun painting these paintings. I put the death and black metal on and paint like I feel. I loose my self in the moment and before you know it my loving wife is home from work. I just want to take this moment to dedicate this entire web site and all the art of mine it contains and all the other websites, with my work it links to, to my wife. With out her all of this would not be possible. I have never in my life felt cared for by my wife. I have always pulled my weight even while I was not working and going to college. I love her unconditionally and will forever, I know this in my soul. All my art has my heart and soul in it.

Ya, I’m at it again. To tell you the truth I have been painting now and then. The paintings and sketches I have done, I have not shown on my web site. They are of a Death Metal type / tattoo, vein. I have the freedom now to paint how ever I like, and I am doing just that.
Not that I love western art, because I do. I am a big fan of the old Clint Eastwood movies and all those other movies from the 1970’s. I have told you all this before though.
I am just freely painting now. I am painting how I feel, rock and roll mixed with the turmoil of the days we are all living in. I have for the first time begun to share this on my web site, especially right now on my Burst web page.
I must say it is absolutely amazing to me how quickly I take to doing what I have learned in college. Of course I have to cut my own water color paper from bigger sheets and such. My training in graphic arts an such, all comes rushing back in an instant. It’s like riding a bike. All of this comes out as wonderful paintings for all my Radman_Art fans.
I do not know how many people will be grateful at my new style of painting, but I am sure you will be glad for that.
To all my other fans out there don’t worry, I have still got allot of nature and western paintings in me. The fact that I am painting again for this web site should assure everyone that I am still in the grove and ready to flow.

Can you fell it? I sure can. Art. Bubbling up inside me. I’m not talking about horsey’s. I’m talking about real art coming up from inside me. When? Well your going to have to be patient. I have been patient for many, many years now. Now it’s your turn to be patient. I told many people I’m taking a year off. Many people including my famous artist friends, said; I would not last a year. Maybe they were right. I can tell you this much sooner or latter I am going to explode. To some people it may not be what they wanted. To the art world it will be heaven on earth. I have enough paints and brushes to paint the Empire State Building; from all those art classes I took. Including paper and art board ready to paint. I have enough ideas in my head to fill the largest art museum on earth.

I have a new job working in food service. It is a physically exhausting job pushing my body to it’s limit constantly. It is very fast paced. What amazes me is how fast I learn now. It is like for the first time I am seeing the benefits of all that college.
Although I have not worked at a job for many years; during that time I attended college. I have over 120 credit hours and attended college for 8 years. I also have a 4.0 grade average. I was always sociable with all of my fellow students. I have had classes because of difficult students; the entire class was very difficult socially. 90% of my classes were enjoyable and socially uplifting.
I see no difference between work and school, except the fact that I paid them and did not get paid.
The only difference between college and work is that you work on your own. If I could get paid 2.00 a hour for all of the hours I worked on my own for college assignments, I would be a millionaire.

To everyone out there that black balled me and continue to black ball me, I want you to know; you are 90% of the reason I have virtually given up painting. I am a true artist though and am continually creating, and taking in art; even if it is just in my mind.

I’ll say it again in the words of the Bob Dylan song Hurricane, I could have been the champion of the world. I have a good mind to change this web site into what it was around 2002, a political advocacy web site for people like the ACLU.

It makes me want to quit painting when no one wants to buy my work. Here is a little secret: I quit comics because I made no money at it. I quit making animations because I made no money at it. I know people do not want to hear the truth sometimes. I never said any thing about my comics and it has been at least 18 years since my last serious comic. I never said anything like this ever. It makes me sad actually to say such things. This is emotional for me to say, if you are don‘t like it I am sorry, I do not mean to sound selfish or uncaring. I would never except money from some one who could not afford it. What makes me sad most of all is I believe that if I am not making money at my art, that means people do not like my art. As much as I know about art, you would think I know better. But I do not. Someone from The Democrat Party site, asked me if I sold my paintings and they might want to get one for their friend. I began to write the above and then decided to put it on my home page. Many times I have done this in the past. I deleted it from the email and put it here instead. Is was not until I sold art to Tracker skateboard ( ) company in the late 1980’s that I ever kept my art. I have been ever since. You can thank Larry Balma and Peggy Cousins, owners of Tracker then, for that. For now I can tell you I am not painting. I guess I need a break, that’s what my wife say‘s. I will always be a artist though. Maybe I will just sketch allot for a while.

I want you all to pray for me or at least have your thoughts to help me be strong these days. About eleven years ago my body just kind of broke down. It is just one of those times in your life that everything goes wrong. One of those things is my eyes. You can tell from pictures of me before and after this time. I have had twenty, twenty vision all my life. I am one of those people when I had my eye exam the doctors would be amazed at how well I could see. Since my body break down time my eyes have not been doing so good. As you all may remember I have had art work on display at the Texas Optical in McKinney. This is where I went about 3 years ago for a eye exam and with in one year had another eye exam proving my glasses needed to be upgraded within one year. It is my left eye, it seems to be getting worse and worse. I just realized this morning as I was trying to read the text I am typing that I can barely read from that eye. Granted I have been using the computer too much these days. Playing video games. That is just what I do. I believe playing video games and stuff like that it is one of those things that make me a better artist. That is a whole other subject though, one I have never shared before just now. I hope the people at Texas optical have mercy on my poor self. I am not sure I have insurance yet because of my wife’s job too. So just hope together with me.

Man, my art has really slowed down. I am still sketching allot. I guess I am waiting these days. Waiting for something can be a real ordeal sometimes. I remember when we had to wait for the deal on or house to go through. I hated that so much. I felt like my life was in limbo. I feel that way now. Maybe I am waiting for the Allen display. Maybe I completed so many paintings for that, I am temporarily burned out. I promise when I am done waiting I will go back to focusing on my art like never before. I have a bunch of ideas that have been building up in my head. I can’t wait to get to it.

About my newest series. These are small paintings, so do not judge them by the jpegs you see. They are the type of paintings you see from the other end of the room and you can not stop looking at them. You must walk towards it and examine it. When paintings are so small every bit of the detail is greatly appreciated and admired.

I just added another painting today. It is of me riding a red dragon. I took great care in getting a very bright red. It is like many of my artwork‘s, a secret how I did it. I have many, many artistic secrets, some of which I do not share with even my wife. It is impossible to keep everything from my wife though since we have a very close relationship. To tell you the truth I feel bad about keeping these things secret but this is part of being a artist. Maybe someday I can have my own work shop. It would take allot of money for me to share my tricks of the trade though.. I put myself in my paintings often. I often show myself has a overly muscular media evil warrior. Many times I am a cowboy. The paintings I have done in the past 7 years or so, I am depicted with a long beard.

I love my beard even though allot of local people look at me strange because of it. One thing I am learning about allot of people here, is they are very judgmental. This is a great place to live so maybe it is a pride thing. Pride is bad and has always been a precursor to bad times for me and if people are honest they will admit this. That is a whole other subject though. What I am trying to say is people will see my beard and treat me as less human because of my beard. This makes no sense to me, nor has never in my life. We need to treat others how we would like to be treated. For a long time I really believed that people would treat me badly because I was from the east coast. My enthusiasm that is common place on the east and the west coast has always been looked down upon here. It is not good to seem too enthusiastic or ambitious here. This is a fact. Will people ever change here, I do not know. It is up to me and all good people not to sacrifice goodness for the status quo I am sure of that.

Back to the muscle theme in my art and why it is. I am still lifting weights and have been doing so since late 1999. I was injured at my job and my chiropractor suggested I lift weights to keep me from any future problems with my very bad spinal column. I have had a MRI to prove it The chiropractor knew I had a history of weight training because of the many conversations about it we had. I lifted for about 2 years in the Raytheon gym and about one year at the college gym. I bought a Gold’s Gym set for at home and have been lifting at home ever since. I have been lifting weights with a steady routine now for almost ten years now. I have a perfect set up at home, with a pulley for my back and arms, a adjustable bench, and a Olympic style weight set. About a year ago I bought a curling bar at the goodwill store. Weight lifting would explain why I put myself in my painting as a hulk like character. My recent favorites are on my science fiction fantasy page, the acrylic page. I am seen as a swords man and a leader of a Radman tribe of warriors and a future motorcyclist with my wife on back. I did this series of paintings for a painting II class I took with Merry Furrier. I remember her say that swordsman looks too muscular, too unreal. That made me happy because that is what I meant to do.

I started lifting weights in my home town of Middletown, Connecticut at the YMCA. I lived there and the weight club was 2 dollars a month to join. I got to be friends with every one there. Including friends of my father’s friends who were high ranking police officers. These dudes where huge and always inspired me. My weightlifting coach was Jerry Augustine who was Mr. North Eastern, Mr. New England around the time Arnold was popular. I wanted to compete as a body builder, so I was so big it was unreal. Those were some great days for me. I felt like the king of the world for many years. I started lifting with hopes of competing and did not stop until about 3 years after I got married. I think It did not matter to me how I looked so much, after being with my wife for three years. I am glad to be lifting again though even though I will never reach such peaks as back then. I actually started lifting weights when I was 12 or thirteen years old for sports. I played basketball from sixth grade to eighth grade for my school team. I played and lettered at tennis my freshman year of high school. I ran track, played basketball, played football too, for my high school. I lifted weights for football especially, but all sports required me to lift.

I have drawn muscular dudes all my life and could do so with my eyes closed. My earliest memories of serious drawing was in seventh grade I used to draw Spiderman allot. I had become so good at it that one morning the entire seventh grade class of Saint John’s School were gathered around my desk to see what I was going to draw next. These type of memories is what made me work very hard, from like forth grade to today to become a accomplished artist. I actually have some art work I did from eighth grade my mom sent me. I may put it up on the site someday. I do not need to remind all the real Radman_Art fans that Radman is a very muscular skateboarding super hero. I invented him because while I worked for Tracker skateboard truck company, in the 1980’s this was a peak time of my weight training. I used to feel like a super hero skateboarding mostly around small thin young people. To be a great skateboarder you really do have to be thin, muscle does not hurt in any sport though. I always felt responsible around young people and wanted to set a good example in any way I could. That is the whole reason I invented Radman. I thought at the time no one had a skateboarding super hero at the time and this needed to be done. Allot of the older skateboarders (in their early twenty’s) that I skated with in Southern California were kind of heroic to me back then. A few of them were bigger and tougher than me back then. They were always gentlemanly to my wife and I though and they could skate like magic.

I will never forget those days in the late 1980’s. Maybe I will finish my origin of Radman comic someday. I did a sketched storyboard of it about 3 years ago on break from college. I found the sketches about a year ago in some junk papers and put it where I could see it. It has been there to this day. Do you think I could get to the point were I could be free enough to complete such a huge project? I have not done great comics since the early 1990’s. I really have to be in a place of joy in my life to create comics. Those 3 years in southern California were some of the best years of my life. Do you think I could have some best years of my life here in Texas? We got enough sunshine for it. It has allot to do with the people though. I have always said this about California, “it’s the people”. I have never met more friendly people as I have in California. The people make it a great place to live. Not just the weather, it’s the people. The good people here always lift my spirits. I am going to do all I can to keep my spirits up in hopes of creating the greatest art of my life.

Well me and my wife got over the stressful time a while ago, that I spoke of below. I should update this web site more. I found a new way of uploading now. I will be able to share new videos with you all much easier, indefinably. I have a new sk8 video of me inside that is very cool. Since I am not a student at this moment, it makes it much harder to access the internet. I will take extended learning classes. Extended Learning classes run every month and are easy to join for any one interested. I have taken all the classes I can for summer time at the college. I hate taking classes with no credit at all. I have done this twice, but never again. Gas is too expensive and the stress and work is just not worth it with out credit hours. No one seems to go to college in the summer and classes that are offered get dropped because of lack of sign ups. The college is being expanded allot here in McKinney so I hope to discover more opportunities in the future here. I am now using my free time to catch up on all my projects at home. I am the grounds keeper, the butler, the animal care taker. the maintenance man, the carpenter, the chef, you name it, is my job, here. Also it is nice to be able have a clean house and keep it clean every day. That combined with having a acre of land to tend to is more than a full time job. So many things I want to do and have to schedule the best I can to get them done. I have slowed down on painting but am sketching allot to keep my self in tuned. I always keep sketch books handy. I have so, so many paintings I do not know what to do with them all. Still I am very enthusiastic about “pressing on“, to quote my brother, Bob Dylan. I will submerse myself again and I will promise you all it will be a great event. I will move the planet with my heart and soul in the form of paint. I have worked a entire year to have the greatest display at the Allen Library, I have ever had. I have completed so many western paintings they do not have room for them all. In my home I hang all my favorite western paintings as of right now I am unable to do that I have so many, all in frames. I will do what I have done before at the Allen Library and bring them all and decide what to put up then. Only the best I assure you. Not just what I think is the best. I have the advantage of having a master watercolor painter’s opinion on this show. My Teacher Kathy Cotter Smith at CCCCD said to me “she has never had a student produce so much work.” She has been teaching at the college since 1993. That is 25 years. I remember all of her favorite paintings and those will be my first choice. I have decided to start a science fiction fantasy series in the mean time. Then when the show is over at the Allen Library, I will begin to prepare for the next one with all new western paintings for you all next year, because I love you, that’s why. You know who you are. It goes with out words. Who needs words in this day and age. This is the future that so many that have gone on to the next life, wanted to see. We stand here for them. We make our stand for our country and our world. This the future world our grandparents dreamed of. We move to create true peace and prosperity for all. This election is a dawn of a finely tuned land of the free. I just want to say; if it seems as though I am not painting as much, as of this half of the month of may, it is true. I am going through a stressful time. Hopefully it will be over soon and just a faint memory. I have learned about myself that I do not create as well when I am having a bad time in life. I hardly create at all when I am stressed out. When I am stressed out; I get in a bad mood. I loved my grandfather, my dads dad. He was a tough as nails Sicilian man. He was so tough he came across to me as very mean, even though I know in his heart he loved me. The only reason I say that is because he was like a drill sergeant to me. You have to understand my father was a police officer and my grandfather being like a drill instructor always seemed to much to me. I believe it is the reason I am more disciplined at every thing I do. It is also the reason for the greatness in me. My grandfather was a Navy man from World War II. No one likes to be bossed around even though it was for my own good. I did not see that as a kid though. Now that I look back on it I understand. I have a hard time talking about all that because I get choked up. He loved me like a son. I felt more like his son than his grandson. My grandmother seemed closer to me than my own mother at times. It is kind of hard to talk about them with out getting very sad. I was close to them and always felt it all my life. I lived with my grandparents for almost a year. They were like movie stars to me. It was one of the best years of my youth. They always believed in me. They are the big percent of the reason I have achieved, at all, in my life time. They loved my wife very much. They were very happy for us. My grandfather was like a hero to me. I hope I never end up like a grumpy old man though. I don’t think my grandfather was like that. I don’t think he could have been married to my sweet grandmother for 60 years if he was. I used to call my grandmother a angel, you can ask my wife. She was like a angel to me all my life. I could cry at any moment, thinking of her, to this day. I could never talk enough about how great my grandparents were. They had a real presence, I believe I inherited that part of them. I have known this all my life and have leaned on that and built on that all my life. I think living with them in my youth really helped me in my life, because of that. I do not want to say to much, as out of respect, and it makes me too sad too. My grandfather on my moms side also a tough Sicilian, was grumpy because he was sick and we all loved him no matter what. I remember being kind to him no matter what because I knew he was suffering. I also lived in his house for a couple years in my youth. He was a giant of a man. At least that is how I remember him, although I was just a child. He was like a legend in my home town. He was a great construction manager like. He headed up many major building projects in my home town. I remember those giant beautiful buildings and thinking my grandfather made this.
Everything in my life seems to be leading to me being a bitter old man. I hope I can turn it all around and live the rest of my life as a caring, kind, loving, man, who just wants to help when he can. I have always tried to steer my self like that. I must admit it is not easy sometimes. I think so far I have done a good job and seek to continue to do so as I get older.

90% of the time my paintings are better than the one before. I am not the only one that says this. I have had other people tell me this too. So do not judge me on the paintings I have done only. I have yet to accomplish my ultimate painting. I went to the thrift store and got some cool frames. I have to reconstruct almost every one of them. It can take many hours to get the painting in the frame and on the wall. They are cool looking when I am done. I can not afford the frames I want for my paintings. I would be using much more elaborate frames if I could. I have about 100 paintings hanging in my house. All my favorite. I really get the feeling of being in a western store or a western movie walking through my house. Keep watching the western water color page.

I am still working on rebuilding the fence. I have to have a safe fence for my wife and I to go to the car and the back yard. The more I think of it the more unfair it seems. The work has curbed my painting that was really going well. I was really building up allot of momentum. I was also going to fix up my skateboard ramp. I have not worked on that either. This fence thing has really hurt my wife and I. Again I must try to control my urge to complain. My painting at school should be done soon. I like it. I really go for it in class. I apply allot of paint quickly and this makes for a very interesting painting. Also I never take my work home from school so this also makes for a new style of painting by me. I usually never finish paintings from class so this series will be something new. I may still work on them at home. I am doing a series called horses in my neighborhood. I just finished another canyon type painting. I may make a series out of that too. I would also consider my posse style paintings a series along with the flag series. I am very patriotic and I really liked doing those paintings. I have wanted to do a little more with that, we’ll see. I do not like to tell people what I am doing next. I am enjoying doing water colors on arches paper more and more and am going to keep that up in the future even after class. What can I say. Just when you thought stress had been more than any one could handle, then things go even worse. I had to move my fence again. My neighbor keeps making me move. I will not complain. I did how ever break down and put a link to the Center for Constitutional Rights on my home page. If it is very important I will put a link up for a short time. My wife and I moved the fence in about 5 hours. I did all the work of course. I had to move the outside ac unit because there was no room for it between the fence. I bent it. It had to be fixed and moved. Half the week that I would be normally turning out art like no tomorrow, I was waiting for the AC people to show up or stressing on the cost and if it was done right. I did finish a painting today 03 21 08. I love it My wife is so, so about it. That might mean it may not be so popular. She has not seen it finished yet though. Unreal. Well I am not going to let all this stop me from my determination of completing some great paintings. I did finish 32 Cowboy drawings though. What is Radman talking about? What did I say before I am not going to give detailed instructions to you, now go find the art I am talking about.

How do you do it Radman? How do you create so many paintings? It is called discipline. I have a lot of stress it is true. Much more than most people of this I am sure. I could run down the statistics for you to prove it. But like I have said before I am not into complaining on this web site. When I first started this web site it was one quarter complaining the rest art. I would like to remind you all that my web site was down for many years than I put it back online around 2003. I have about 30,000 hits. I average about 1.000 hits per month. You won’t find any ads on this site. I make no money from it and have never made any money from it, at all. I do however pay money for it. So like I was saying I will not complain, I have blogs for that elsewhere. Yes discipline. It is called artwork after all, not artplay. I could easily use my free time for playing video games or skateboarding, but I do not. Yes I have been turning em out lately, haven’t I? Water colors are very hard to paint. They take twice as long as gouache’s. I sure am getting the hang of it huh? You know one of my first water colors was the crate myrtle tree I did for Dr. Daniels, who was my teacher for drawing one and two. This painting can be found on my trees page. It is at the top of the trees page now. Water color does not spread like gouache and takes many layers to achieve the effect I like in my paintings. I will be entering the Viewpoints 2008 contest and hope for the best. I think I have a good chance of scoring good. We will see. I got a “solid A” on my midterm reviews, said: Kathy Cotter Smith. The atmosphere in this class is intense. You feel the tension in the air. We have several watercolor 1 students who are more like advanced water color students. Although they have little water color experience they have been avid artists for many years. I think I am butting heads with a couple students. I was a water color one student for what seems like forever (1 semester). Now that I am a watercolor 2 student I feel like a couple of the watercolor 1 students, are treating my like they are 2’s and I am a one. Pretty weird, to say the least. It is not hurting my performance though I have created 3 times as many paintings for midterm reviews this semester compared to last semester. I think I was trying to adjust my style to the watercolor way. I am not a lazy painter I do not make a few brush stokes and then I am done. I work very hard sometimes spending hours on a tiny section of the painting. Last semester was so great, compared to this semester. I got along with absolutely everyone in the class. It felt like a big happy family. I even gave everyone in the class a painting ,you can see it on the bottom of the western water color page. Instead of doing that this year I am going to sell cheap paintings at the student paining sale at the end of this semester at the spring creek campus. The quality of my watercolors are just as good now they are just bigger. Big watercolors are very hard to do for me. My project paintings are even coming out so good Kathy said I should frame them. Like I said I will take a photo of them all at the end of class for the web site. I just can not bring myself to cut them and frame them yet. Maybe someday. I am liking water color more and more and branching out into different techniques trying to stay true to strict water color style thanks to my teacher. I hope you all like what you see on my western water color page and will come to the Allan Library this August to see them. Don’t worry I have a lot more great paintings in me till then. Like I was telling my wife the best is yet to come. Remember the newest paintings are always at the top of the page. I have done a rock and roll painting or two for class too. I also did a buildings painting to. The rock and roll painting has about 5 or so variations because of study’s for that painting. Things are going great and thanks to all my friends out there, thanks for the positive energy and sticking up for me. I know someday you will be rewarded for it. Talk to ya latter, Radman

Do you know what that is like to live your life day after day, year after year in selflessness, I have a heckler in my class right now. She said one time your interview was all about public relations. I feel like saying to her, next time you have a huge fire almost engulf your home you come talk to me then. I thought about her sarcastic remarks, and then I remembered the incident from the start. As soon as I realized the fire was threatening my home I began to load stuff in my car. You can see my car on camera in the interview near my front gate. On one of my trips to my car one of my trips to the car the first person I spoke to was the Fire marshal himself. He is the guy in the footage of the Collin County command post. He is the grey haired man on the walky talky. He is a ok guy, I have spoke to him on the phone about many things like the trash burning before. As soon as I saw him I complained about the trash burning. That combined with the fact that the NBC interview almost sounds like I single handedly inspired the trash burn. This should prove to any one that I was selfless in my actions. Yes I wanted people to know I was a artist and all my art in my house might parish in the fire. I wanted to give the fire fighters incentive. I wanted to give all the good people that were there incentive. Take a good look at my art for the past 3 - 4 years. I have been doing exclusively western art that is it. I would not mind going off in any direction I pleased with my art. After all I make no money off my art and have never made any money from my web site, ever. I easily spend 40 hours a week painting. If you consider that I am either paining or working out my next painting session in my head, you could say I am doing my art constantly. Every thing I do is selfless. My life is selfless. Even when I do things for myself it is also for many, many other people at the same time. It is jealousness. People see how zealous I am about my art and they are jealous. They want to be like that, but can not. If they would open there eyes and see that I am not only talking about my art, but art in general. They would see I am promoting their art too, and all art. Isn’t it funny how sometimes the very people you are helping are the ones who put you down the most. Sometimes I think people are how they are depicted in the Simpson’s series. I’m trying to be funny. I have to ether laugh or look on the bright side.
I just want to ad that I really like Kenya West. He is not only a outstanding artist but his honesty shines like my own. I want to put a ad for his album Graduation Day on my web site. If you go to college or have gone to college you should listen to it.
You know I used to have my words page on my home page around about the time my web site began. Looks like it is going full circle again. Selflessness.

self·less [sélfləss]
thinking of others first: putting other people's needs, interests, or wishes before your own

Well I finally did it. I have been in the news papers. I have been in a Movie. Now I have finally been on Television. It was because of a very bad time for my wife and I and my two dogs. We were all so upset that day.
Here is a link for you to go see the Television footage for yourself. It is from the local (NBC Universal) television station out of Dallas, Texas. Here is the link:

Yes I have been complaining about the burning of trash in my neighborhood for years. I hope this news broadcast clears the air on that subject for good. It sure was cool being on Television, even though for me and mine, it was out of a day of heart ache and pain. To all you who are fans of Radman_Art you can call (NBC Universal) channel 5, for the Tape or DVD of that news broadcast of January 29, 2008 at 10:10PM.
We had a fire today 01 29 08 the day after my twentieth wedding anniversary to my wife. My wife could barley get home because of all the fire trucks. The fire started in the back of the house. About a fifth of a mile away it started and was headed towards our house. It shot across a field of grass very quickly. About 12:45PM The electricity went on and off and then completely off. I was angry about it and sat down and turned my game boy on and turned the volume way up. My boy dog, the black one, was trying to warn me that something was wrong outside. I tried to ignore it as much as I could. My mind was on my wife and the dinner she was buying us to celebrate our anniversary. I was hoping she would call me so I could tell her not to buy any food since the power was off. I told her to call me if she had any questions about the painting to be mailed to my step mom for her birthday. Finally I gave in to my dog and opened up my back door. I opened and shut the door many times. I could not believe what I saw. I had to stop and think about it. I looked out of other windows in the house and saw smoke. I told myself this must be fog. It has been foggy lately. Finally I went out the back door to face the truth. The wind was blowing so hard it was hurting my ears. The smoke was all up wind from the back of my house. I left the door open and immediately started to try to decide on what to load in the car. I heard someone shouting in to my door. I went out side and there was a young man who looked like a punk rock skateboarder. He was trying to warn me about the fire. I was angry and was sarcastic with him. I do not know why I would be angry at him, I guess it was the stress. I went out side to back up my car nearer to my door. The fire trucks were already on my road. I did not even know it. The gate was open They had broke the lock and opened it that fast. They said we have to get through this fence. I said please chop it down, what ever you want. When my wife came home I saw her going through the same thing I had been going through for the last 2 hours. Trying to make sense of what was going on. A fire man came to the my back door and said we had to wait on the street. I then began to get my poor dogs into my car. They hate going in the car and my boy dog has got to weigh at least 50 pounds. He fought me all the way. I got him in the car and carried the girl dog in the car, both were on leashes but that made no difference. The cat was under the couch,. I had to pick up the couch to get her out and then the bed. I finally got her in the cat cage and took her to my wife’s car. My wife waited in the car with the dogs. The dogs were shacking violently as they sat in the car. That broke my heart to see that. I went up the hill and could see how the fire took out the whole field of grass. The smaller trucks would fill up with water and go up in the field and work the fire on the wooded aria behind my house. They said my house was the only one threatened but I walked over to my neighbors house and the fire was allot closer to his house. I said, get your hose, and we feed it through the fence to the female fire fighter who used it to put the smoldering ground out. One of the fire men told me the trees stopped it before it got to my house. The fire had rushed across the field and stopped at the wooded aria behind my house. Nature saved us! Ironic huh? The trees blocked the wind and because it had rained, they did not burn like the old winter grass in that field. I do not know for sure what caused the fire I heard it could have been a transformer blew out. It did start the minute the power went out for good. The tree branches grow too close to the wires around here. I hope the electric company pays more attention to this problem. I have seen them replacing the poles lately. Like I said I am not so sure that was the cause. The field where the fire started did not seem to be near any telephone poles at all. It was just a empty field. I am sure the local authorities will find out what it was and do all they can to prevent this from taking place again.
I went from calming, painting my assignment for painting class, to complete chaos lasting for many hours. I have many painting projects I have completed for college that will not be on the web site until the end of class, like I did last time. The painting I completed was vary cool and I was feeling a real sense of accomplishment. The fire changed all that in a complete 360. But I kept my head and saved the day. I worked very, very hard to be better safe than sorry. It was cold out and I was dripping with sweat. From about 1PM to nightfall I worked hard finally mending all my fence. I also did a interview with NBC channel 5 out of Dallas including a interview about my paintings that where on display in Allen last August, in my house. I had to explain to the reporter why my bed and the couch was tipped over.
I am very, thankful for the McKinney fire department and the Melissa Fire department and the County for putting the fire out before it got to the house. The smaller trucks were the most effective. They were able to get in smaller arias, feeding off the bigger water trucks. I was amazed at how much water, those cool red trucks hold. They did a outstanding job. The female fire fighters were very impressive. Every one of the fire fighters were friendly and extremely professional. Outstanding job what can I say. It really touched my heart to see these people save my home and the thousands of works of art it contains. I was prepared to unload the paintings if necessary but I would need a big truck to haul them in. I will never forget hearing about how Norman Rockwell lost all of his art in a fire at his home. That to me was like a natural disaster that devastated our country.

Well what can I say. Things are moving so fast these days I can hardly keep up. Zoom! Zoom! Did I do that? I had one of my paintings in the Gallery at my school during the fall semester student show of 2007. I never felt so electric when I went to class. Everyone was so nice to me. They really liked the painting. I was really surprised how much everyone liked it. I spent a long time on it. About 6 months. I am sure I speak about it on my words page some where. I do not know where. Like this page you have to find stuff I create. I do all the work the least you can do is look. I pay for this site and have for many years now, all I ask is some word of mouth.
I have allot of water colors I have not featured on my web site yet, by the way. I may want to do some work on some of them first, any how. I just took a picture of them all. You have to understand these are not extra credit paintings I did at home. Those have been on the Western Watercolor page as soon as I finished each one. These need work. Assignment paintings are when the teacher dictates every thing you do. Also I only worked on all these in the class room, because I ride a motorcycle to class most of the time. The first one I will be working on is the biggest painting. I have a big blue smudge in the center of the painting. The reason I have this smudge is because I was trying to use the palate required fro the class. I will bring a sealable paint container next semester so this will never happen Again. You can see the photo of these paintings on the bottom of the Western Watercolors page. The door in the back ground should show how big these paintings are. I also did a painting of Leonardo Decaprio I will have this painting one of the
Miscellaneous Paintings page’s. I was proud to do thid painting because of so much Leonardo has done for artist’s. If any one want’s they can tell him I said that. Oh and I did a tiny painting on the back of my card for each one of the students in the class. That is just above the for mentioned photo.
I finished this huge painting Autumn in El Paso, yesterday 12 31 2008. I stared at it along time, to make sure I was done. I really love it. I started this thing around the end of September. I have been painting so much lately for class and skateboarding and building my ramp, I have had less and less time to paint. I had to stop working on the big painting in September because it just became too much. My water color teacher, who I like more and more these days, really pushes me. I am doing the best I can to listen to her while I am in class and I am learning allot. My acrylic style has benefited allot by taking watercolor class. And it really shows in the new painting Autumn in El Paso. It is a explosion of color. I tried to stay true to autumn tree colors. The barn is like barns I see every day on my way to and from my house. I do not like to talk to much about my paintings because it is imposable for me to describe the emotion and love I put in each thing I do. So much so that I become physically exhausted after each painting I do.

I am closing in on completing my next big western painting. I should be done either this weekend or next weekend. Water color class at the college is really going good. I will be doing a new painting a week. Water colors are much different than gouache. I seem to be taking right to it. I have a new web page called Western Watercolors you will find my new paintings there. Water colors are cool and I am looking forward to focusing in on them and giving it my all. I put up the first and only offer I have ever put on this site to sell my paintings this month. I think it is the right thing to do in case someone really wants me sell them a painting. I just want to say my new painting is really coming out great! It is going to be a giant western painting full 3’ x 4’ on hard wood board with framed back. My wife is my toughest critic. It is very rare that she will say, “that’s really good”. When she saw the sketch, she was very impressed. I do not want to give too much away but this is going to be a unique large western painting of my deepest heartfelt creation. All my paintings are heartfelt though, I practice what I preach. In the words of a song “if your hearts not in it please step aside”. I know you are all going to like it. College is starting up soon, that means I will have much less time to paint. I am telling you I have had a new wind blowing behind me with all the great articles in the Dallas Morning News. I promise you next August at The Allen Library is going to be a great show. I feel like a new person like I did when displayed my first painting in public at Half Priced Books in McKinney. I have plans on switching that painting out again. Also it seems as though some McKinney Galleries might want to show my stuff too.

Well I am finally done with my 3foot by 4foot Army Men painting. It took about two months. It seems that is how long my big paintings take on average these days. I like how it came out. Last time my paintings where at the Allen Library, I did my soldier paintings and all I could think of was doing a big one. Well here we are again a few months latter and I am doing solder paintings again. It seems like some circle or something. Like when my paintings are on display I want to do soldier paintings. Is there a connection? Who knows. It is acrylic. I would like to do a really big gouache someday. I really like how my acrylics come out these days though. In my portfolio painting class with Merry I really started to work the acrylics and since then I have been working that style as much as I can to obtain the desired effect. I call the painting Army Men because I liked to play army me when I was a boy. I also played cowboys and Indians when I was a child. I used to have plastic army men as well as plastic cowboys and Indians. So I figure I went from playing cowboys and Indians to playing army men in my paintings. My next painting will be western themed and will be on 3foot by 4foot gessoed hardwood this time. It has been a while since I have done a hardwood painting and I am looking forward to it. I am going to take the same approach as I did with army men and really work the sketch on the wood first. I think it will be my best western painting yet. Stay tuned.

I added a cool new landscape web site. I finally finished my big western painting. I completed 2 animations for Allen Television, for the month of August. Only one will show. I hope to show them both here soon. I still haven't made a sculpture page. Finals are here and my display at Allen Library is next Wednesday and I need to arrange all the paintings and get them ready to move. I gessoed another 3’ by for 4‘ homemade stretched canvas, I will start the sketch soon. It is going to be something new. I have been taking my time and trying to stay acurate as I can. With all the stress I have it is not easy.
I have four really great sculpture type projects that I did for my 3D Design class at the college. I will be displaying them soon. I will probably have to make a new page for it, a sculpture page. I finally started making progress on my newest big painting. It is going to be a cool one! It will be western of course. Three feet by four feet of course. I hope to have it done by my show in August. In fact I guaranty it! My show will consist of all my newest big western paintings and the best of the rest western paintings. All new paintings, not shown in the last show. I hope you like my big paintings I really put allot of blood sweat and tears into them. Three of them will be on my first home made stretched canvas. With the right frame, they would really look nice in someone’s ranch around here. I say around here because of the landscape is modeled after the local landscapes around here.
I am sorry to every one for not updating this site as much as I used to. I do not have a class that has internet and that is the main reason. I have been doing sketches allot and completed a couple of gouaches as well. I set out to fill my sketch book but have fallen short, way short. I have come to realize since I have been a painter for so long that my sketches are way more intense. I think the days of me doing simple art sketches are long gone. I am not satisfied with simple any more. College is beating me down as always. I am taking a 3d design class and am creating some pretty cool stuff. Having the motorcycle makes it kind of difficult to transport the stuff. So far I have a cool Paper Relief I have done. I have made a large flower out of a book. My next project will be to create a sculpture out of 600 exact same objects. I have some sketches of what I want to do. I am giving it my all and plan to show it all on this web site soon. I was thinking of how to describe what it is like for me to do a painting the other day and I came up with this: It is like making yourself cry. I just thought I would say that because I have been taking a little time off from painting. I wiped up a sport bike painting the other day. Bam, nice. When I do start throwing my self back into my paint you better look out. I like the design of it. It is called nose wheelie and is on my redone sport bike page. I will be displaying it in a very special business soon. I am a motorcyclist and have been on and off since I was 12 years old. I was 12 years old doing jumps with my big Honda 250 street bike in Cockaponset State Forest where I lived in Killingworth Connecticut. People seem interested in these paintings and that is why I have redone the page. I have added some new paintings to my rock and roll page. I will displaying these new paintings in CD source soon! There is a full size painting link up to a small one to all you true Radman fans that have read this far J . The cropped face of Jerry is from my photography class with Byrd Williams. That class was awesome! I learned about the cropping face technique from a famous photographer Byrd taught me about. Stay tuned, Your Bro, Radman

All of the art, comics, computer art and animation’s are done with blood, sweat and tears, by the Rad one himself. One person has done all the art on this site and all the art on this page too: All art on this web site is created by me Radman, nothing made something. Any art you see on these pages can be yours. All my life I worked to be able to make great stuff like this so please do not steal from me. If you know of any stealing from me please tell me, I am a nice guy that just want to help people, no matter what anyone says. Many times in my life that is what has gotten me in trouble. I am the guy that sticks his neck out to help others. There is a link on my home page to e-mail me. If you met me you would want to help me. I have been collecting every perfect piece of art I have done for 20 years now and all of it has been sweat over by me causing me hardship since I do not sell it often or not at all. I have not sold my art since the late 1980’s to Tracker Skateboard Trucks Company. The cool thing is I had a contract with them to sell my art to them. That qualifies me as a professional. It would be easy for me to work 70 hours a week and forget about art all together. I have over 1,500 pieces of art I have done (non paintings) with pencil and ink, pastels, charcoal, ect. Most of it is on Bristol board and high quality paper. Alot of the animation’s and art you see come from that collection of art, or are spawned from art I have drawn in my life. I think I have drawn every cool thing that can be drawn in my life and stuff like skulls and dragons I have drawn my favorite stuff like dragons, hundreds of times over, just to make sure I mastered them. The stuff on this web site only represent a tiny bit of the art I have completed. I feel I should have one thing I do not show, so I keep my most of my pencil and inks to myself. If you like any of the art on these pages and don't see exactly what you want I probably have what you want already made or I could make it new, in no time at all better than most anyone. If you see me out, get me to draw in front of you, there is no better way for me to prove to you how good I am. Because I constantly have to do art for college even when I don't want to, I believe I am at the top of my game. I have over 100 college credit hours most under the Dean of Fine Arts “Gay Cooksey”. She is cool. Keep in mind that if you see A piece of art work and it is very small, chances are it could be as big as poster size 3'x2'. Also for allot of the tweaked (computer enhanced) pieces of art you see there is a pencil and ink drawing good for framing. I grew up in the cold dark streets of Connecticut in the 1960's and 1970's. Those brownstone lined streets where life was cheap. The wind of change blew often and I knew every day of my youth that the time was special, music was every where. My sister got a folk guitar, I picked it up and played it like a expert. My mom paid for guitar lessons for me for almost a year, because she was that amazed. I should have had folk lessons. I hated the pain it caused my fingers I think I was only 8 or 9 years old. I love to tell people that. You know I have never been able to afford a guitar, that is not right. My mom was always cool as long as I remember. My mom is my biggest fan! I accredit her for keeping me going when I am down. My home town, Middletown Connecticut was a very, very nice suburban community 20 minutes south of Hartford Connecticut. Home of Wesleyan University a exclusive college where I hung out allot. skating in the tunnels or seeing football games or concerts for free. You had to be rich to go to that college, that might be where I started to think of my self as wealthy. I have never been wealthy so it is kind of a curse I guess. Wesleyan University had a big influence on me and my art. I want to mention Chris Rodenhiser who was my best friend from ages 10 to 14 we did everything together. His dad was a professor at Wesleyan University. I hung out at his house like my own house. He is a principal at a grade school now. His brothers where all great people. I have nothing but good memories of them and the positive impact they had on me. Growing up in Middletown always made you feel fortunate because it was so nice compared to most all of Connecticut. Even as a child I was able to draw really good from my head. I kept this philosophy of, art was not art unless it comes from your head most of my life. I like to look at something now and draw something completely different, I never copy ever, and I will never trace until the day I leave earth, amen. There must be thousands of drawings I did as a kid, I do not know where they went thrown out I guess. I know I gave allot of stuff away in school. I have started to give some paintings away. It is rare but it happens. I like to give paintings to my neighbors lately. I guess my earliest memory of doing really cool art was 4th grade, I drew a thanksgiving card for my mom. When you opened it appeared as if you dumped the food because the card appeared upside down when opened. This is a design ability as well I think my mom still has this card. The thing is I drew since kindergarten really with great intensity. In fact I would have to say I drew with the same intensity as I draw now all my life. I have the finger callus to prove it. I did not start saving my art until I got married 20 years ago. I want you all to know I throw out doodles that do not come out right, I only keep real art or great design ideas. I actually remember drawing pretty good in kindergarten on the blackboard. From 5th grade to 8th grade I was into drawing Spiderman and football players and such. Many things influenced my artwork and had a major impact on it. As a young adult, whatever I was into at that time and moment seemed to be expressed in my artwork some way or another.
I met my wife and for the first time I became focused. This was in Meriden, Connecticut. Two towns over from my hometown of Middletown. I was working in a restaurant called Friendly’s. I was dating motorcycle chicks and heavy metal types. I guess it was the Italian in me. Like the movie “My Blue Heaven” from my other home town of San Luis Obispo, California. Around 1986, I started sending my artwork to skateboard companies in hopes of getting recognition. This was from Mrs. Radman’s and mine’s first apartment together. It was a attick apartment in Meriden. I made some real cool art back then. I just kept sending it to every skateboard company I could find in Transworld Skateboarding Magazine. In other words all of them. This was all original art, pencil and ink. I developed this relationship with this lady that owed Z PIG skateboard company. She told me the best place to move to would be southern California near San Diego. I loaded up my old 1 ton van with important stuff like a TV, VCR and such. I also loaded a 1981 Honda Shadow 500. This way when we got there we had two forms of transpiration. The trip across country was quit cool at times. We got a flat in Arizona and these real cool Indians where driving by and helped us out. We went to there house and talked about reservation life. I kept saying how beautiful it was there. It looked like a artist paradise. Maybe it was a preclusion to me becoming a painter. I see allot of that when I look back on my life. In 1987, I moved to California where I got a job working for Tracker Designs. We where so poor back then we had a bed that we found by a dupster we had no furniture. That was cool though I just put some ply wood down and did freestyle tricks in the living roomJ I can still skate by the way and always carry a board in the car.
Tracker Designs was at the time the largest skateboard company in the world, they published Transworld Skateboarding Magazine and the best trucks in the world. They invented OJ skateboard wheels. They sponsored Tony Hawk in the 1980's when only dudes like me knew who he was. Let me tell you this about Tony Hawk from the 1980's. He had a bowl ramp at his home allot of skaters I used to hang with went there. They used to say "That Tony Hawk he is so conceded, one time I cut out in front of him and he said “don't you know I am the greatest skateboarded on earth?" You know what he was right. No one has done more for skateboarding than Tony has. I was a gofer at Tracker, Go for this and go for that. I was in charge of cleaning the office, delivering mail to Transworld, Skaterags, The Tracker team room, The factory where the trucks where made, and the ware house where they kept every thing. In the 1980's while working for Tracker, I when I went off the hook and did so much ding dang artwork. I mailed many copies to skateboard companies originals, like in Connecticut. Tracker Put me on a contract and purchased a bunch of comics from me. I have a bunch from back then. It seemed like that is when I started doing really great stuff, they stopped buying it. To any artist to sell their work is a huge ego booster. I have been doing art like a machine since then. In 2005 I did over 100 rad paintings. Anyway if you talk to me for more than 5 minutes about my art I will mention 250 pages of really cool skateboard comics I have from back then. The past years have been ground breaking for me. I must have about 500 + pieces of art that I did since 1998 that can only be described as the top of it's genre, what ever that may be, and to my enemies or (envy)mies as I call them, I am a no body. I have seen envy many times in college. You work almost a year on a animation and you sit in class and some students refuse to watch it because they are jealous. Envy is awful thing. I want people to journey with me, to let me be their art, instead of envy. To them I say I am the reason artist to day are not discovered. I am the missing link. Without my recognition, there is no recognition. What if that was true? It could be. The quality of my art is on the rise. So stay tuned. I have 1500 + art and comics from 1988-now, that I want to entertain with. All 1500 + pieces of art I have saved all this time are frame worthy. I throw trashy scribbles in the trash. I have a small fraction of my art up on the web. When I lived in California I had moved there for the sk8ing as well as my passion for artwork. In the late 1980's Skateboarding was at a all time high. Gleaming the cube came out I knew and had skated with almost every pro there was back then. I used to have free access to Mike McGuil's skatepark in Carlsbad, California. Mike did the stunts for Gleaming The Cube Movie and Police Academy. My whole life I seem to be surrounded by important people. I should have went to college out of high school, Yale or something in Connecticut or Boston. I was a rebellious kid though. I just wanted to have a good time. I am trying to make up for that now. It is never too late to start over.
Look at it this way, by some miracle I survived to be like some museum piece from the seventy's untouched. I give you the art of the seventy's with out any influence of college in the 1980's. I learned what I know by experience. I have been going to college for 6 years now (since 2001) with a A Average all paid for in cash by me. It is a struggle believe me. But I choose art my way and I hope the whole world will enjoy that someday. That will be the day. My love for art shines in every work of art I do. I can use any medium. Give me any art tool including a computer art and I will blow you away. It has taken years of hard work to arrive at this point. Now I am at a place and time in my life where I would like to get a job as a animator, comic artist or illustrator or anything where I will be developing cool art. One of my favorite teachers said I would make a great art director. College is intense and will take me to that job I want as a graphic artist. Before you go check out the art, and animation's I have created please note: if you are offended by movies like Harry Potter you should understand like Harry Potter and video games like Doom, my art is make believe, pretend meant only to entertain. Oh and I could say drugs are cool, to go along, the truth is I hate drugs and I do not even drink. If you label my art as drug related that is the type of prejudice that ruins lives and ambitions. If you say some one's art looks like it is drug related and they hate drugs, then you are saying they should hate their art. This is my push for all great artists, be a rock to this and forge forward (for you, not to please others) no matter what bigots think or say or use to oppress you with. I do not do comics or animation’s allot or hardly ever. The reason is I have to get paid to do this. When I do a painting I can hang it on my wall and it entertains me every day. It is like food for the eyes where ever I walk in my house. Also it inspires me to do more and better paintings. Comics and animation’s I have to go find then I watch or read it and then what? You can only watch or read something so many times before you are sick of it. Doing this site was a real moral booster to me. I promise you this if I where to start comics again they would be spectacular! I would like to do a modern art comic novel. If any of you all can help me by giving a good word or linking me to a site please do! I want more than any thing to publish the comics I already have. Of course I have all the original art if excellent condition. I always use fine quality paper and bristol board. I have been hanging out in art stores talking to people since the mid 1980's, that is how I got my education. Also around 1988 I attended the San Diego Comic Convention (the largest in the world) I spent the whole weekend there talking to all the venders and sitting with the artist's. That is when the Teenage Ninja Turtle came out and the actual artist drew me a picture for 1 dollar. As you can tell by the way I write I talk allot . I guarantee if you read my comics you will laugh. I would except for all the blood sweat and tears put into it. Good health and prosperity, friends.
How did I end up in McKinney, Texas? Well I was living 2 blocks from the beach in Arroyo Grande, California. One day my wife goes to the library and says to me “I have to join the army to get money for college”. At first I thought she had lost it. We had been married fro 7 years at the time, She was about 30 years old. It took me one week to decide to support her on her decision. We ended up in Killeen, Texas to do her regular army time. She was one of the last 4by4’s. When it came time to do her reserve time we decided to stay in Texas so she could go to college. We looked at all the community colleges in Texas and McKinney had the nicest one. She loved water falls so when I saw the nice water fall at the college I said this must be a sign. It turns out that CCCCD is rated the highest community college in Texas. She got her associate of science, computer science, she is a genius really.
At the end of this semester “2007” I will have 3 certificates and over 120 credits in Collin County Community College, Texas. One certificate in Animation, 1 in Graphic Design, and 1 in Digital Video/Web Design.
Sincerely, Radman

I finished this painting about a week ago. I wanted to take a picture for you all but it has been dark and rainy the whole week. Yesterday I was out side with my wifey and we took a picture in the sun. It seemed at that moment the clouds parted. It is dark again today, so it is a good thing.
Not that the rain is a bad thing here. The farmers are always complaining to me that it does not rain enough and they will not be able to get their hay crops this year. As if I control the rain. I will admit to having a influence and that’s it. If that is too much for your head excuse me. I would need to write a book to explain. The farmers, ha. Yoda say: they in touch with nature and nature in touch with me, it is. Oh and while I am at it nature is not feminine. And painting is not feminine. Some one said that to me recently. The problem with our society is we always relate zealous passion as being feminine. I am rubber and you are glue what you say bounces off of me and stick to you. I remember as a kid having to grow up around that mentality. Yes most of Radman’s family (Uncles and Cousins) where kind of redneck like. I like to think allot of them have changed over the years. T he cool thin is that I choice to get out of my situation ASAP. I have been on my own since 18 years old and it has had it’s good times and bad times, but I am pleased to announce I am a product of me. It the words of the Drive By Truckers, “I ain’t gonna crawl up on no high horse , cause I got thrown off of one”. My favorite painters are manly men with wives, struggling though life trying to get bye on barely nothing for the sake of painting. Like Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, and Jackson Pollock.
The bird in the painting I saw about a block from my house. It was on a branch like in the painting growing out of a small pond that was not there 6 months ago. It looked like a bird you might see in Florida. Some one told me they are common around here. I may have seen them before. I have seen a falcon once or twice too. Maybe some day I will add that to my painting. The horses and trees reflect off the blue colored water. The blue water reflects the blue sky I saw that day. I know the picture is not that good. You have to see it at my show I guess. I just had to do some of those trees again for the hundredth time. The way they line the sky line on hill in this aria has always caught my eye.
I am going to do a couple small gouaches and then back to another big one if I am aloud. ,Rick

You may say. What is up with this Radman Art? This Radman does his art not follow any rules at all. I mean isn’t there only two kinds of art, abstract and realism? I mean if he is going to paint impression style than why doesn’t he paint that way, and be done with it? After all tradition dictates this, doesn’t it? What style is this any way? This type of painting does not fit any where. So I have been told by gallery owners.
I took all the paintings from my show in March 2007 and hung them in my bedroom. It is the last thing I see at night and the first thing I see when I wake up. These are some of the most detailed paintings I have done. This has caused me to reflect on my painting style. I have come to this conclusion. True I have never seen anything like my art. At least I have never seen any one artist run with this style the way I have. So I had to ask myself, is this a style at all? Am I style less? Do I have no style at all. Because I have never seen any style like mine, does that mean I have no style.
What do you think?
Well I came up with two basic answers to these questions.
1) This answer kind of scares me. In fact it is one of those things that you do not want to think about. What if I have invented my own style. That would mean since the late 1980’s I have been a innovator of a new style of art. If that is true than I should be rich. I hate to grip about things like money. I hate money and wish we did not need it. I do not think many people read this page at all, so I do not feel like I am griping to too many people. You know I have never been able to afford a easel. I have been working on a 35 dollar drafting desk I bought at Wal-Mart, for about 14 years. Before that I had no desk at all. Last Monday I had to tell the cashier I could not buy a brush because it cost too much. My thinking is paint is the most important thing. How could I afford a easel when I can barely afford paint. Than my mind always goes back to all those artist that where so great but so very poor, our very history depends on our artist and we have all been ripped off. I believe I am archive the landscapes here in north Texas. Then that leads me to my next answer. You know I am always preaching on how we need to recognize the artist (that are not drug addicts and alcoholics) that are alive now and help them accomplish there goals by supporting them and not focusing on artists that are dead so much. You know who I am talking about.
2) Since my very first serious painting I have been trying to describe my art work in the vain of Juxtapoz Magazine style. All those very cool young California artist’s doing what ever they want to. Not dragged down or fettered in any way by tradition. I used to be a young Californian artist just like them back in the late 1980‘s. Did I start something? There is that scary feeling again. The first time I read a Juxtapoz Magazine I thought to myself, I can paint. I do not have to obey any rules to paint at all. In fact the entire magazine is full of artist that seem to be doing what ever they want to do. Don't forget the Art Prostitute Magazine out of Denton, Texas. I definitely knew at that moment that it was ok for me to be me. It was also cool to find out that there was a huge population of people that where like me, working on and selling their art, (not like me, I have not sold anything since Tracker).
Any way I hope you like my new painting completed April 17, 2007. I worked very hard an long on it. I have not worked on one painting so long since the 2 biggest paintings I ever did on hard wood. This one is on home made stretched canvas. I hope to show it in my August show. There are seventeen horses in it. Hay, that matches today’s date! Spooky. Three cowboys looking very cool. It is a view of County Road 274 from County road 331. The photo was taken in spring by the narrow bridge. I Think I will call it (narrow bridge 331 to 274). The two spruce trees are from a photo class I am taking this semester with Professor Byrd. I took that picture because I thought those two trees reminded me of my wife and I. I took that picture on 2933 on the far south end. I do not want to say too much about it because I want you to draw your own conclusions. Peace and lovely love, Radman
PS I just want to add that there is this dude who has been calling himself Radman since the early 1990’s and I am not him. He is some kind of graffiti artist. He must be a good artist because he is listed on Wikipedia, encyclopedia. I have tried to email him to no avail. Any one out there know how to get in touch with him let me know. If any one out there can get me listed in Wikipedia, encyclopedia let me know too please or go ahead and list me with them. This way we can be known as two separate people. Every one knows I invented Radman around 1987 - 88 when I got married. All the big skateboard companies can verifier this as well as Thrasher Magazine.

I will be painting big this spring and summer so the paintings will not be on the site as often so please be patient. I am sure you can find tons of stuff on my site to look at till then. I will bet you have not seen everything on Radman_Art’s other sites page. Seeing paintings online and seeing them in person are completely different so if you get a chance please stop by the Allen Library this August to see 2 cases of my art on display then. I may put up a so far picture once in a while so stay tuned to this web site. I am working on a 24” x 18” now and will get bigger from there. While the month of March has been amazing, I have about 50 paintings on display at the Allen Library. I had an article written about me in the Dallas Morning News. It was a very nice article. I think it's available for 1 month free at Gas stations and Supermarkets. The article talks about how I refer to Sunflowers as being a ray of hope.
When your an Artist you look at things and they seem different to you. An artist sees things more intensely. This is what I was trying to say. I hope when people view my art, that for that moment, they can view it like an artist would see it.
Just viewing something can make your day more joyful. It's really flattering to have an article written about you. And I am thankful for this. Life seems that much more precious when people want to see your art and say nice things about you in the media. I have learned not to take things for granted. Especially since I've been painting my soldier paintings it makes me appreciate our military and the sacrifices that have been made for our freedom in America. I plan on getting back to my soldier series soon, but for now I am concentrating on big western paintings. I have recently finished a four foot long painting on masonite, the frame and the masonite have been completed for about two years. It has been sitting in my closet for that long. I still have 2 more that are four foot by three foot. These have frames glued to the back that can be hung on a wall. I use Elmers ultimate glue.
I love my new four foot painting, my wife likes it too. As always I hope you do to. The painting is called Riders of the Purple Sage. I call it that because mixed in with my green grass I used raw umber I put so many layers of paint on this painting it's not even funny. Especially in this section of the painting, where I used the raw umber. The raw umber section of the painting started out as red, it had long since dried when I began to add many shades of brown and tan. As the brown began to dry I started to add raw umber. This caused the effect of purple. So actually, the painting Riders of the Purple Sage has no purple in it at all.
I really enjoyed doing this painting. Correction - there is a tiny amount of purple in the clouds. The horses have extreme detail, I must have painted and sketched horses over a thousand times. I’ve become very good at it. I have ability to render a horse in any medium very quickly.
The problem with masonite is that it’s very heavy. It is impossible to hang on regular sheet rock. This is the only reason I have not replaced my painting at Half Price Books all these years. The fact that my style of painting has changed drastically since then. This has made me want to change that painting at Half Price Books; more and more every time I think about it. I recently called there to tell them about my Allen show. Being on the phone with them inspired me to take action. I was out at the Supermarket and I was talking about my art to the cashier when I looked at her and said I should stretch my own canvases. I had some extra canvases at home, so all I needed was the wood and a staple gun. I had heard in glass that staple guns can be bought cheaply. I actually had a class on stretching canvas. So watching little Katie Vermilion (my teacher) accomplish this while the whole class was watching really inspired me. I was able to buy a staple gun for ten dollars. As soon as I got home, I began to work on it. A day and half later I was done. My wife helped me a lot by holding the wood. I can’t believe how cool it is. The entire thing cost me seven dollars. A canvas that size three foot by four foot can cost up to two hundred dollars. Although it is not easy, in fact it is a lot of hard work. The true artist has no choice, but to make their own canvas.
At this moment I am half way done with this new giant western painting. It will be the biggest western painting I have ever done. I am not going to spend two months on it, in fact I am moving very quickly. Total number of hours should be around thirty including the canvas and the thought process. The fact I am doing this painting for no money at all and that it is costing me money; especially in tubes of paint and paint brushes is the main reason I will not be spending a month on it.
The best big paintings I have ever done, have taking me at least a month each. Like the two big square masonite paintings I have done. Again, it has taken me all my life to be able to create artwork like I do so quickly. Although I have not been a painter since around 1999. I have been drawing and inking professional quality since I had a contract with Tracker skateboard company in the 1980’s. I enjoy painting and find it much easier to do then pencil and inks. I also like the way they look better. I have come to understand why people like paintings so much.

My wife was in the Army, my dad was in the Air force, My grandfather was in the Navy during World War 2, My wife’s dad was in World War 2, and my wife’s brother was a great solder in the Army. I always felt all my life that I was destined to be in the US Military. I 2 times to get in the Army. I was always a fan of the army and heard it was the coolest of them all. The first time was before I met my wife. I was a body builder in Connecticut for about 4 years, then 2 years in Vista, California. I came real close to competing. Jerry Augustine was my weight lifting coach. I was so big that when people would look at me even one time at my dads my own family, would laugh. I was that big that it was funny. It was not until I moved to San Luis Obispo that I stopped pursuing the possibility of being a professional body builder. I became quit a legend and if you where to hang around my home towns long enough you would find some one who would say, “ ya I remember that guy he was gigantic”. At the peak of my body building I tried to join the Army for the first time. I even tried to get a senator to write a letter. No go. Latter when I met my wife I tried again, still nothing. Then I was almost going to join the Navy. I was at the last room where they swear you in and I said I only wanted to join the Navy to get into the army. They said no one told us that so I left that building and took the bus home. Any way, I am trying to explain my new series of paintings, solders. I may write more. I just want to say that we owe our very lives to the men and woman who have served in the Military. I do not know the statistics but I will bet that more Texas have served in the Military than any other State. I do not think it is that far off from my cowboy paintings then.

School is back and painting for me has slowed down again. I have had this really cool sketch I some how managed to do, on my desk for what seems like a week now. I have it on gessoed art board and I plan on using oil paints with it. I plan on taking my time and leaning towards effect. Like I said it has been a week and I have not started painting. The good news is I did a painting for my family in Florida of 6 palm trees called 11am. I liked it. It is a big one on canvas. Big for me because I have to do every thing small for storage purposes. I start selling my stuff or get Gallery representation and then I will go big. I can not spend a little time on a oil painting the mess for one thing. I have to have a stretch of time and I have not had that for a while now. So today I did a sketch on art board for water color. I plan on doing that and maybe some acrylic while the oils are drying. In one week my oils dry. I use a special medium I learned in college. You know these days I am quick to say I have taken 3 oil paining classes, 2 drawing classes, and one sculpture class. Even those are not part of my requirements. This semester while be my 3rd completed certificate by the way in Digital Video/ Web Design. I have a Graphic Design and a Animation certificate too. I am just not the type of person to paint a little at a time. I must adapt, I have no choice.

I want to make it absolutely clear why I paint western art. I want people to appreciate my art where I live. That is not enough though. I have to do art that I like to do. Although art is work, and to deny that is to lie to yourself and that is not good. Why do you think they call it art work? It is not physical work either, it is mental work I am constantly thinking when I paint, figuring it out. From the moment I started seriously painting I have wanted to do western art. In fact the first 3 serious paintings I did had a western theme. Pamela Haralson was my teacher and she is a southerner through and through. The painting called blood valley was one of my first hard core paintings. It shows a hawk over looking a valley. We have the most beautiful hawks here. They could be falcons I do not know. I have been trying to get a picture of them for years. That painting is in my closet because the wood I glues to the back has warped, I should get a frame for that. That painting is a perfect square and was designed to be a album cover, it should be on my landscape page. The other two paintings I was talking about where to be book covers and are based on the book and movie “The Big Fish”. They are also on my landscape page. I can not do paintings to just please my local people. I made a deal with my self I decided to paint western paintings because it is what I want to do and because it is what my fellow Texans like. Art is my way of giving back to my community. I do want my art to live forever. I hope that the galleries around here would recognized the necessity to represent me, in order to get greater paintings from me. If they do not and I die (of old age I hope) than so be it. I hope my art lives forever. Since I am talking about how much I love it here, I want to say that to this day I have to deal with people who think I am strange just because I am not from around here. My family’s, family’s family is from Connecticut, my wife too. I act like I am from Connecticut still. People are different there, and I still have that kind of over acted charisma. Back East this type of behavior is considered fairly common. Around here I am constantly considered odd or crazy, or absurd. I just want to say am not odd or strange I am just different and not from around here. I used to fit in no problem in California J , for 8 years. I think allot of the reasons I fit here, out weigh the reasons I do not, like my hospitality. I paint what I paint out of southern pride. And out of western pride. To say anything different would be untrue.
My latest painting Southern Sky’s, the title comes from a song. This is true with the painting Cowboy Angel which was my first cowboy painting. I was riding along on my motorcycle and I heard the lyrics cowboy angel and I said to myself, I must paint that, and I did. This painting should still be in the Café Brazil down in Deep Ellum, Texas, I do not know, I have not been there in a while. I named my most recent painting Southern Sky’s because I kept painting the sky’s here. I use old pictures I have taken of my wife and I and such for reference. The Sky’s are so beautiful here. I actually met someone in my painting class last year that used to take pictures of the sky, just the sky. I will be taking my first photography class this semester and am looking forward to learning the ways of photography. I was looking at my western paintings on my wall the other day and each one seems to have the most beautiful sky’s. If you just took the back ground to all my western paintings you would have some great landscape paintings. The same goes for my Sci Fi Fantasy paintings. I love the ones where the sky meets the landscape like “Three To Mesquite“, this comes from real life. The field over on 2933 really looks like this. Southern Sky’s is kind of a experimental piece. I was trying out some new color effects. I plane on continuing this in the future or not, I am kind of undecided. I did this with the painting Three At Mesquite. I was finished with it and showed it to my wife and she said she did not like it because it was too bright. She was right. I changed the bull to a darker color and it worked out great. The bright color blended naturally with the bright under color. Sometimes color does not matter, that is what is great about painting it does not have to look real and you can express yourself because of that. Three At Mesquite turned into a nightmare but in the end makes for a very unique gouache painting. I was creating the backgrounds to my paintings first in my last 3 paintings, and then applying fixative. Well I used some different water colors for this painting combined with the gouache. Then when I applied the fixative, it created a bad effect, the gouache would not take. I may have used too much fixative too, I do not know. Needless to say, I will not be trying this again to be safe. Any way the painting took twice as long, but I really laid the gouache on thick. It is like a impasto gouache. I really love this painting, the black glass frame really compliments it. Of course as I always say you have to see my paintings in person. So this summer do not forget to see my paintings at the library. Well the semester break is almost over and all I can say is I really tried for quality instead of quantity. It does not help that I am not at the college regularly. Having access to the College really helps with my art. I had to use the regular library a couple times there because the college was closed.. I do not go to the college when I do not have classes, although if I had to I would. Classes is a excuse to take care of my art duties as well as my class work. Of course learning about design and photography puts a rocket booster on my art.

I do not commit every thing I do to memory. Every technique I do for every painting I do is a one time thing. I do not want to memorize techniques and become some kind of robot. I do not paint like a machine or a computer. Not that I do not like computer art, see here to see some of mine:
My Paintings each one is unique, one of a kind. Same goes for my drawings. I do not want to paint in a technique type of way.
I do not want to do the same painting twice. Also every painting I do, I out do myself. As one artist said I must out do myself. I Sometimes it is not so easy to see what it is about the painting did better. You have to really study it to see that new thing that I never did before but it is there. I think it is going to take time for me, to paint the paintings I want to paint. Maybe when I retire. I would like nothing more to become a full time painter. It seems to me that will never be as long as I live. Like I always say, their lose.
I do seem to be developing this kind of a touch with my brush. Kind of like playing pool when you have a run and knock every ball in the pockets one after the other like you have space and time conquered in your moment that second of life on earth. Let me go on. That same feeling of holding the pool stick is the same feeling I have with the brush. Of course for that moment in time I have to separate my self from the unbelievable stress of my life. One time I was in this stressful class at school and I was trying to use a mechanical pen and I could not write with it. I kept breaking because I could not hold it lightly in my hand. I think I have learned it takes a long time to make a great painting And when you have it after about 300 or so paintings, you can spit one out in 2 hours. I am talking about a impressionist type painting. Give me two hours and I can paint a painting that will look like a impressionist painting up close, but from across the room it will look like a photo.
Here is a Radman trivia for you. I know I wrote on this page that my painting are nonsense. But they are not at all. I want you to know every painting I have has meaning. My most recent painting (Air Flower) has the same background as the road I wiped my bike out on and so forth and so on. Every painting I do points to something else and sometimes to other paintings that have other intense meanings. Same thing goes for my writing. Sometimes I feel like I am making this huge map that is the solution to all the worlds problems. There you go ok I said it, I went and said it. Excuse me if I broke though since I was about 8 years old. I have been ducking bullets ever since. Now don’t try to psycho analyze me J . I wrote what I wrote because of some horror story some one told me about Salvador Dali, witch probably is not true. Like someone told me once people hate artist because they get paid for doing what they like. Although I do not get paid at all in fact I am suffering on and on, so I can paint. I am sure I am not the only artist to have done this. In fact the greatest artist start out poor. To bad. What is up with the rich turning into artists? If you start as a rich person how can you know? Well we have new people in office now and I am looking forward to the new world we are all entering. I hope we show the world we truly do care enough to help every one.

Well there you go 34 horses tiny horses out of reach, 22" x 17". The biggest gouache I ever did. Gouache is water color except more opaque. Everyone always asks me what’s gouache. I said recently to someone, why would I want paint you can see through. Any how I am back in that field again. Next time you are driving by 2933 take a gander. This painting took about 28 hours total. I like the way it pulls you in. The proportions seem to add to the effect. I feel like I am in the back of the field when I look at it. I cut the art board to fit the frame. The trick is to fit it so the poster frame has room to grip. When some one said to me Rembrandt cut his paintings to fit the frames, do you believe that? I said I believe it. I did it for 3 of my acrylic landscapes. I really hate doing that but when you have a house full of paintings frames begin to add up in cost. I have about 100 paintings hanging in my house and the rest in storage. I very carefully store all my paintings. I spray liberally with Prisma Color non yellowing sealer all of my gouache’s before I store them.
I wanted to name it tiny horses out of reach because of something I remembered when I was really young. I mean I must have been so young I could not speak. There was these tiny toy horses the would always be out of reach probable because my brother or sister might swallow it. I remember looking at them thinking how much I wanted to play with them. It was over my grandmothers house. It was on a shelf in the kitchen. All I know is it just disappeared one day. The scan is in multiple so that explains the lines in the jpeg. I got to get to K130 at the college to make a large scan. They have this huge scanner there. Oh and I rescanned the oil painting that I did now that it is fully dry. Amazing Japan Dry! If you oil paint you need it! Animations are coming along. I should have them up on a ftp site via my web design class. I am getting pretty good at html.

I did a oil painting recently. I am waiting for it to dry. It should be a week until I can hang it or store it. I used Japan Dry so that is always good for drying time. Man I got a lot of paintings in this house. I think I am going to have to start moving them out of the closet and devoting sections of my house to storing them. I really enjoyed getting all my old oil paints out and mixing up a batch of medium and using my skills to see what I could see. I have not done any serious oil painting since painting 1, two summers ago. I think I see why people like oil paintings so much. They look old fashioned. Although I do not believe in spending millions on dead artist. I still love their art. I think we should celebrate artist that are alive and help them to create more and more while they are here with us.
One time back in the early 1990’s I sent a Polaroid picture to Jim Phillips studio of all my art work. Kind of like the one on my drawings page. I did not have the purple case at that time. In the letter I sent it said I was going to torch all my art. In about a week I got a letter back from all the dudes up there in Santa Cruz and they said do it. Torch it. I laughed my head off. That was the last time I wrote them. Not Jim though we have written each other over the years allot and he has really helped me out of dark times with his letters and art. Where are you Jim? His site seems to not work sometimes and he has not returned my emails in a while. I have thought about making a Will and in it saying that if I die all my art is to be destroyed. I can not decide though. Mean if I die before my wife I would want her to be able to sell my art. Then again I think my wife would be fine financially with out me. In fact the only reason we suffer financially is because of me. My wife and I have much to be thankful for here, on this Thanksgiving weekend. I am still looking up no matter what. I just think any thing can happen if I work hard at school and with my art. Don’t you? I am very optimistic and enthusiastic. I still have some of that high energy I have in Southern California in the late 1980’s.
I just did a 11” x 14” gouache on art board, horses of course. I like it and am satisfied with the way it came out. Again I am using the background I have used in other paintings 4 to be exact, not the oil. The background is of the field that can be seen from 2933. The land in this aria should be preserved it is so beautiful. I am trying to pull the rabbit out of the hat for this Thanksgiving vacation. The problem is if I wanted I could spend the entire week doing homework. Although I am on vacation I still have allot of homework. Stay tuned.

Welp, the subject is me? Who knows more about me than me? Forgive me if I talk about me. Every one wants to talk about me except me. So as of right now I must talk about me to set the record straight. If I do not talk about me who will? At least if I do, it will be straight from the source. I always say if you want to know the truth about something, you must go directly to the source, every other way can only produce lies and half truths. You know it is not the lies we tell each other that hurts us the most, it is the lies we tell our selves. I think that is the problem I have with people that say I am arrogant, in a nut shell. They are lying to themselves.

Recently I have been told that people at the college say I am arrogant. That to me is one of the saddest things I have ever heard about me. It makes me feel a little sad,really. I am not arrogant. I wish I was it would make my like so much easier. I wouldn't have to be so hard on myself. I guess I do not show this side of me. I do not believe in being down on your self. Maybe it is because when I was younger I remember this dude and he was like that. It was the Sparks brothers from Middletown, Connecticut. I played football with one of them, my sophomore year. I was about 18 and I said to myself I will never be like That. I remember one guy I new from Haddam Killingworth, he was quit and real good natured. He used to hang with Jeff James from Madison, Connecticut. He killed himself. I think that made a big impression on me too, around the same age of 18. I do not hang out at the college and do not attend any of the events, one reason is I live so far away. So I am not around enough to defend myself. I think that most other students say this kind of thing about me are jealous. I can tell you stories that point directly to this. Some students are just frustrated by the fact that as far as my art and animations I seem to out perform them. I have been doing this since I was in grade school. I am sure I mention it on my words page. I am down on myself allot I just do not show it. I think people say I am arrogant, but I am trying to act in such a manner to show other people if you promote your self like this you can be successful. I am trying to be a good example. I am some one who has beat them self up over many years. I remember my job with Tracker Designs. I would come into work ready to pass out I was so tired from doing art work. I physically become so tire from doing art work. For me to be down on any one of my paintings for instance might hurt me physically. I don't think it would be good for me to be down on myself. You know what makes me saddest of all about people that call me arrogant is that I could very easily be the complete opposite of argent is a half of a second. I have always thought my enthusiasm shining through me would help and rub of on other people. No one feels more repression than me. Just ask any one. I have written a books worth of letters to them against repression. World War 1 and 2 is a example how repression can ruin art forever. Europe could have been as great as Hollywood. The War killed film altogether and forever. If you think I am arrogant, number one I feel very sad for you. Number 2 I can tell you from the bottom of my heart in all honesty this is not true. I refuse to be down on myself like I said. I especially refuse to act like that around others for fear of the damage it may do.

What is unique about my horse paintings is that the 95% horse paintings I paint are of horses in my neighborhood. That’s right I get out there with my wife and go visit the local horses. My wife is in the car saying can we go now over and over. The painting I did most recently “My Back Yard” I was in my yard doing work and I walked about 50 feet from there and my friends the horses where by the fence. They where right up against the fence closest to my house. No doubt because they heard my voice. I have always had a way with animals. They seem to be attracted to me. It was good because I got to pet them. Painting a good painting is always better when you get to touch what ever your painting. The brown and white horse could not get enough attention. I was truly inspired this is a beautiful horse! Every time I visit my friends the horses around here I get to pet them and talk to them. Their eyes seem to communicate to me like talking back to me. It is like I have a immediate relationship to these majestic beasts. I am so happy to live out here amongst nature, it is something I have wanted to do all my life. I am thankful to all the farmers that do not sell their land. I pray allot that this aria does not get built up. In the next couple of years I want to look for land any where as long as we can have land in the country. Not that I would mind living in the city but to have land in the city would be way out of our price range. Anyway I am just getting started with my Texas style paintings so stay tuned. Oh I just want to say I have always wanted to be a cowboy. If I was to say what king of Cowboy I want to be it would be a cool cowboy. Allot of cowboys where cool. Billy the Kid was cool. Daniel Boone was cool. Jim Bowie was cool. I like when Steve Miller sang Space Cowboy, he is from Dallas, Texas. ZZ Top are cool cowboys. Charlie Daniels, Marshall Tucker and on and on southern rock from the 1970’s is why I live here.

Mario Martinez wrote this about my new Cowboy paintings “Hey Radman, New works looks good!” Mario Martinez is a famous artist from San Francisco, California. I am honored to have a compliment from this man. I have admired his paintings for many years now. His web site is called Mars- 1.

I want to say I am sorry to all those who love my art. I have been so busy with college and writing letters to congress and such that I have not been able to paint. Having a animation class is very hard on me because I really think of them as art and that means I spend a lot of time on them. You should keep your eyes out for them at the end of the semester. I will put them on one of the sites on my Radman other site page. I saddens me to my very soul. I did 17 paintings during school break now I am fortunate if I can do one painting a week. My schedule is so spread out. I have been writing allot lately complaints to people. I makes me sad but I want all of you to inside me in the deepest part of me is a solder that lives for nothing else but to paint. I will still be do western art for now it seems the way to be. There is just so long someone can live in a place without it coming out of him in leaps and bounds. I think I have buried in myself the reason I moved west back in the late 1980’s. I kept it bottled up in me so long that now it is all tumbling out. My step mom discovered this page a recently. The reason she discovered it is because I no longer have links because of the fact that my site was being blocked by some fire walls because of those links. As far as I know my links where all good, but I admit I never saw the whole web site of any of them nor did I or could I constantly check if they had changed. So I was forced to take them all down. I do feel bad about that and may find a way to fix it some day. She is one of those supper smart people who love to read. She looked at this work and said to me Rick what is the matter with you the spelling needs correcting. Recently in one of my complaint letters to the a newspaper I said oh, by the way do you have any work for a writer, would you believe I do not get paid for this. The letter I sent them was huge most all of my letters are. I work very very hard on my writing and I never get paid or even complimented in any way. This can do something to you. So when my step mom mentioned my writing and asked me don’t you think it is worth it to correct your spelling, I said to her sometimes I really don’t know if it is at all worth it. “I stand broken bruised and battered, like a solder undaunted” sounds like Bruce Springsteen, but that is me in a nut shell. So stay tuned, and know the fire inside is raging even though you may not see new paintings as often as a month ago.

I don't know if any yall are paying attention. Probable not.. Lately I feel as though I am working myself to exhaustion in my own little quit world. Is that exhaustion discouraging me? Well like I said, it would be good if you where paying attention.
In the past 14 days to this day I have completed every thing on these three pages except three 5" x 7" paintings.

That’s right from August 14th to August 28th I completed one painting a day. How's that for the love of painting? 14 8.5" x 11" paintings, 1 11" x 14", 2 5" x 7", all gouache, and 1 5" x 7" acrylic witch should be on display at TSO soon. That’s 17 paintings.
So to all you who did not believe me when I said I do not have free time, there is your proof. And when I am not painting, I am, allot of times thinking about my next painting. I learned to do that back in my sk8boarding days in the late 1980's. If you set tricks up in your head first they are easier to pull latter.

I would like to state the obvious: I am not in this for the money. I have been doing what a do for 20 hard working years, since I met my wife. Now if I want to keep doing art I will eventually have to get paid, I am not denying that. I am not doing art for the soul purpose of making money. I have not sold art since I worked for Tracker skateboard company in the late 1980's. But if you ever have seen all my art on all my sites that alone is proof that I have not done all the work I have done for money. I am serious I do not believe there are too many people in the world who have done as much art as I have. I am thinking of doing western type art. It is not only because it popular here in Dallas, Texas. It is because since I was a kid I have been a fan of cowboys and indians and such. I had cowboy and shiney six shooters for toys as young as I can remember. Anyone that knew my dad would tell you if a western was on my dad had it on the television. He even had a cowboy hat he would wear when a good western was on TV. Actually not that many people might know that except for family members. He, he :). I moved to California in the Late 1980's. In the Early 1990"s my wife joined the army and we moved from California to Texas and we have been here ever since. If proximity qualifies you to do western art. I guess I have a doctorate in the subject. One more thing I do not do art because I want people to love me. I am not saying I do not like being appreciated. I do art because I love art, music and all that is art, of today. You will not find one link to a dead artist on my site. I have learned so much from dead artist I will not deny it. I could learn more from artist of today if they got the recognition they deserve. To recap (do not do art for money only) (do not do art to be loved only).

If you are looking at my new drawings and saying to your self, what’s with the trees they look like scribbles? Well they are not. That is me attempting as well as I can to draw every leaf. My new painting of me as a saint is a class assignment. The assignment is to do a self portrait as though it was stained glass.

Artist Statement by: Rick (Radman) Date 06/2006
If there is one thing I have learned after painting over 150 paintings in the past 1 and a quarter years.
I started to paint when I took Illustration Techniques class in the spring semester of 2005, my teacher's name was Pamela Haralson. The class taught the basics of all forms of painting. I quickly became a expert thanks to 20 years of pencil and inks. I believe the only reason I did not start sooner is that I thought it cost to much money to paint.
I have come to realize that I need to be concerned about pleasing my self. I have a lot more ability now and am not as reserved as to what I can paint. I think is time to paint more difficult subject matter. I also think it is time to spend more time painting on one painting at a time. I want to do two paintings a week for class but. If I need to I want to dedicate a whole week to one painting. Since the paintings are going to be 8.5” x 11” I consider this to be a long time for me. I can see my self in the future spending more and more time on one painting in the future. Why Science Fiction Fantasy as my series? Ever since I was in the lime light out in California people have put me in the category of Sci Fi Fantasy. I never really minded this because I have nothing but love for this type of art. In the late 1980’s I went to the San Diego Comic convention shortly after selling a bunch of comics to Tracker. I was told over and over that my comics where science fiction fantasy. Ever since that I have glad embraced this. The bottom line is I can think of nothing better to hang on my wall. Since no one seems to interested in buying my art it seems to be time to just do art for myself. Also this subject being something I have so great a interest in it may help me solve the problem I have with doing paintings other then the assignments I have before me at school as far as painting goes. I have said this before but I am not going to do any art unless it is for class. I am really growing as far as my painting goes and I hope to show this as much as I can with this class. No matter what I am young at painting I know there is growth that will come years from now. I still say I would like to show a glimmer of this in this series. Sort of a glimpse into the future. Having completed about 2,000 pencils and inks since the late 1980’s I do not consider new to art. I do not consider myself new to painting either even though I have never really painted since about two years ago. I did paint my t-shirts I used to where at the skate parks in the late 1980’s though. I keep discovering things though, Little stuff like last semester in painting two with Merry Fuhrer I discovered that painting a pile of skulls is just plane easy compared to drawing it. Last week I discovered that painting veins on the arms is so easy and looks so much better than drawing them. No wonder inkers for comics use brushers. I think because this subject matter interests me so much that I can really perform and I will enjoy having them hanging on my wall.

I have been doing some really cool paintings lattley. I have become very good at using one or two colors in a painting. I did a painting for CD Source in Dallas, Texas. I used red only. You can not see any white or black. Just different shades of red. I love it. I love the way it came out. I have it hanging near my wieght bench. This room is not lit very well most of the time. In dim light you can not see this painting, it just looks like a surreal paing of red shades. I have finaly broke down and did some land scapes. Something that comes naturaly to me. I used a bunch of diferent pictures for a idea. Then I put all the pictures away and use my mind sometimes for days to finish the painting. I believe I can work and rework a landscape for up to a year if I wanted to. I did some landscapes for my illistraion tecknices class. My class mates really loved them. There was this one dude Eric who like me seems to stand out at college. I rememer after summer the first time I saw him since that illistration techknikes class, the first words out of his mouth where “so have you done any more landscapes”. Landscapes seem to come very easy to me. It is like I know where things should go and how they should look even if I have no reference at all. Me and Mrs. Radman used to ride around all day around Big Sur, California, and all over the coast around California sometimes all weekend just looking at the beautiful vews. I took allot of pictures and sent them back home. Of couse growing up in Connecticut was not bad to see some of the most lush landscapes around from any given hill in my home town and towards the beach. My family and I actually lived in Cacaponsit State Forest for a while in Killingworth. It seemed un touched un spoiled to me as I look back on it. Of couse all the skiing I did back east left unforgettable images in my mind from the top of those mountains. Then there was all the driving across country with Mrs. Radman, moving to California and then having to go see her in her days as a US Solder. “America the Beautiful” talk about a true statement. Because landscapes come so easy to me I always feel like cheating when I paint them. Any how my wife loves em and that helps. My fellow students seem to love em and I hope you do too. I completed my second paniting of a sport bike the other day. On the second one I used only one color green. Somethin I have wanted to do since class. Green has significance to me because it is Radman’s color. Any how I thought that was a real intricate piece of work. I tried to add as much detail as I could. You can see the first one I did at Plano Kawaski. In the words of Sarah Hauser who saw the green painting it was “cool!”. I also did two paintings of the Altamont Concert ending with: The Rolling Stones. I think it shows that even in the midst of complete madness good can prevail. Meaning keeping anyone from being shot. Another amazing thing was that Hells Angels who in the eyes of society might be considered scumbags where up there on the stage protecting Mick Jagger for no money. If you ask me they where protecting the band for no other reason than they where gifted with great talent. There is no dought that they new someone was shooting at the stage towards the end and knowing that you can see towards the end they where around the band like a shield. Once again I am reminded that it is not “that you paint” or even how you paint, it is what you paint that makes you stand out. Any how the first Altamont Painting I did can be seen at CD Source in Dallas too. I am finishing up a landscape I started before I did the two sport bike paintings. My wife really liked the beach scene at the top of the painting witch is the first thing I did on it. I was going to stick a sport bike in it, but she shouted, no. So I finished as sweetly as I could. I plan on doing a dragon next with a landscpae background. Who knows though, stay tuned.

After just reading below I could not help but break out in laughter. Easy to do now that the semester is over. I did get some really cool paintings done that semester. I think I over inflated some of what I said. But all in all it was not far from the truth. Some weeks could get pretty close to a 80 hour week. But not every week. Any how I can tell you this I can never remember feeling so relieved as I did when that semester was over. It was like a huge weight was lifted off of me.
(This is about spring 2006 semester) Let me tell you I have had the most demanding semester I can remember for the whole time I have been attending the college. My portfolio class is making me feel like I have a 80 hour a week job. I rarely have time to paint. And when I do paint I walk around like a zombie because I am so tired. It seems like when I am that way every one likes to pick on me. I guess people just like to kick you when you are down. The reason I took a painting class this semester is because I never have time to paint with college being so over bearing. I figured at least this way I would paint because it would be part of my school work. I will tell you this every thing I have done for portfolio is brand new. When I am done I will have a first class portfolio. Not only 1st class but with a touch of radness to it. Like every thing I do and say has radness to it, because I am the Radman. My stuff is so good, really. Who ever gets to interview me for a Graphic Design job is in for a real experience. Every thing I have done has a story behind it. I have stuff for heavy metal bands, motorcycles, skateboards, video games, motorcycle equipment, all things radical.

(this is about my painting two class spring 2006) Painting two is going good the painted comic is really starting to look like a massive project on my wall. I still have not decided on a name for my character yet. I am being pushed allot by my teacher Merry Furrer . Who is her self a fine artist. Before I took the class I checked out all the teachers that where teaching art classes on the internet. When I saw here work I was so impressed I had to take her class. Her work is exactly like some of the art I have done. See this page. She has been teaching me about glazes. I have realized that they are essential for almost every painting I do. I have been shadowing things allot because of her teaching. It has opened me up for the experience of extreme shading with paints. Although I am against allot of shading in art I am glad that I have broke through and done work like that.
My side projects of painting have been real ground breaking for me. I have always had a flare with painting landscapes. They come very easy for me to do. Something so easy to do does not seem like I should do it. The landscapes I have done lately I think are so great because I have realized that they have a certain radman quality. There is a way they look that are unique to other all other landscapes. I should have known this from the start. My landscapes have never been typical. I guess I consider landscapes un-cool because they are like photos. I believe the artist’s from the 16th and 17th painted like they did is because they did not have cameras. My landscapes are always a bit surreal making them more interesting to look at. I plan on continuing to make more of these great works of art.
Recently I have had a real break through. I painted a painting using only two one color. My painting two class the painted comic has been done with only red and green. All the painted comics are done with only green and red colors. This is not easy as you can imagine. I have had to mix many times to get different variations of color. This has led me to the break through of painting paintings with just one color. I have done a metal band in red. The first one I did is barely visible. You have to position yourself around the painting just to see it. Then I did the same painting except with more detail and a thick layer of glossy glaze of the same color. The results where amazing. It looks like a 3d lazar effect. It looks like a room you can walk into.

Hi yall. I am back to talk about my new paintings from my college course "Painting II". My teacher is having me do paintings with just two colors. that’s right starting with the Space Cadet painting and now on to my Red Lobster paintings they are done with just two colors. Space Cadet was done with purple and yellow. My Red Lobster paintings are done with red and green. You may ask yourself why does he call his paintings Red Lobster paintings? Well over the past year or so every time I go to Red Lobster with my wife I do a sketch. Then I show it to the waiter. It actually started when I did a really cool drawing of Radman for the waiter at Red Lobster off 75 in Plano Texas, I told him to hang it so other employees could see it.. One day I was in there and I came up with this character and that was it. Over the past year I kept drawing this character in all types of situations. I actually used humor in these sketches. I have 4 sketches that I have wanted to paint for a year now. When the teacher said two colors only I said this stuff is perfect because not too much is going on. Could this be some kind of change in direction of my art I do not know. I can tell you that I like it. Doing the comic web site may have something to do with it. My robot character is a real breakthrough for me. I have not developed a new comic type character in many years. Lets hope that the new happy Radman can keep this up. I just finished a t shirt I started 1 year ago. I should have it up on the site soon, it's very phycodelic.

About my new painting Return Of OG Exploding Man. I named this painting after a problem I have when I am into my art. When I lived in southern California I had a habit of talking about my art way too much. Seems as though I am having that problem these days too. I mean it is not that bad if you are interested in my art. There was a 80's song the words mention exploding man. It was cool but I forget who sang it. I will never forget the first time I heard the rock song that went like "I was a hand grenade that never stooped exploding" That really described me in the late 80's. So if you see me out make sure you ask me about my art if you want to see me blow up. I also named it because the grenade and the exploding man seem to come right off the canvas. They look very, very real.

Pressing on must be mentioned. I was on my Ninja just getting on the highway and I meet up with two sportbikes. I have had my Ninja for 3 years now and I will tell you this has never happened before. These bike where nice a brand new GSX and a new Ninja. These dudes where not together either. We zoomed down the highway weaving and whizzing in ways only a sportbike can. One dude exited and me and the GSX rode about half way to my destination. As I exited to a inter change I gave aces high to the GSX after. My blood was rushing as Bob Dylan said angel cowboy. I do not know what song it was but, I said to my self I must paint that. So as a true artist I worked it all out in my head for two days. I had the privilege to take out 2 Bob Dylan movies from my college library, No Direction Home and Don't Look Back. Bob Dylan has been one of my favorite artist since I was about 11 years old. I was in the local used album shop and Bob Dylan was playing and a student from Weslyan (probably) started singing every word perfectly. I was amazed and intrigued ever since. It is one thing to memorize a Beatles or Stones song. To memorize a Dylan song is like memorizing a speech. Dylan has inspired me all my life since then. If any one out there knows him I have always wanted to talk to him. I hope you like the painting, the gouache gives it a unique look.

My detailed/tight paintings are not just one painting. They are paintings with in paintings. This is the way my first collage painting was, and this is the way I paint to this day. I think a great painting should be so complex that every time you see it, it should look at it little different. I have been reminded of this with the painting I just did "Bug You Blues". I have become very good at effects with acrylic paint. The flames of fire are a goopy bumpy mix of yellow and red. I you could feel it, it would feel like stucco. The waterfall is also like this. The camo on the right is like a medium type of this bumpy paint. In this painting I tried to do a mix of too much paint, to hardly any paint. In the brown stone arch I used a very light application of light blue paint. This is the back ground to my Texas trees that dawn my land and the surrounding land where I live. In the winter these tough trees go into their doormat state. It is then that you can see the way they twist and turn. Not at all like my home land of Connecticut, or California. The way the limbs on these oak trees twist into s shapes and such are unique to this aria I am sure. My love for these trees has promoted me to paint them many times. I used the light paint effect on the bugs head as well. One thing my wife missed is the heart that is being squeezed by the birds claw causing blood to drip out in all directions. This was the last thing I painted and decided to be abstract as I could with the color. Abstract color makes up our world. If you look at the fall leaves here with the sun reflecting off of them there is no uniform color, no complimentary color. It is a bunch of colors in no order at all. I painted my dog about to bite a frog, because this actually took place during the summer. Every time I did repairs to my deck or the back stairs I would find this frog hiding there. My dog would immediately try to eat it. I had to toss it away from my house. I hope he was all right from the fall. You can see why this left a impression on me. The waterfall is a big deal in this painting because my wife likes waterfalls. So I centered it, and made the leafs look like they where presenting it. The bug in the corner is the title. He looks sad and the way the colors flow around him with the black it seems to add to his sadness. I thought it would be cool to have my red and black except with no sun or center point of light. I do not believe in shadows. Try drawing a painting with a abundance of shadows. It is extremely easy because there is not much to draw. I prefer to paint and draw with out shadows. I have always done this and hold fast to the fact that it is much more difficult to do art this way, and is much more stimulating to the eye. I have painted and drawn ships many times, but never going away, always coming at you. I thought this was one way I could make the same old thin new again. The waves around the ship came out nicely, as well fitting perfectly around it. Then there is my solders in dessert camo, with jungle camo in the background. I did not feel it would be my style to give them faces so I put vales instead. The thorny foliage in the left corner represent the thorns that are every where around here winter or summer. If you ever get one of these thorns in your skin it can sting for a week. I have seen trees here that are completely covered in huge thorns. A serious mix of greens is used for these thorny plaints as well as the lines for the frogs leafs. I have about 50 different colors pre mixed for every painting I do. Colors and depth can not be seen through a camera or a scanner, only the human eye can see the true beauty of a painting. I painted this painting two hours at a time over a two week period. I really like painting this one.

Dallas Museum Visit 7 21 2005

August 3, 2005

The Dallas Musuem Of Art / Nascher Visit

I went to the Dallas Musuem Of Art with my wife. We paid only three dollars extra to see the Nascher. I've never seen the Nascher before. I didn't even know where it was so I asked the lady and she said it was across the street. We started our visit by seeing the modern exhibit. The first thing we saw was a tree that was by a modern artist. Most of the modern artist were from Texas. The floor leading to the exhibit was covered with tape, and it was covered in all different colors. Red, green, yellow, an off blue, light blue and we took pictures of that. This stretched out from the exhibit out into the hallway and was very intricate. We saw some other modern art in the exhibit that was being exhibited. One of the rooms had a scene that was on several pieces of paper and charcoal and it stretched from one wall to the next. It was a panoramic view of the sky and ground. After we saw the modern exhibit, we then proceeded to the Nascher Sculpture Musuem. Two of the rooms were shut down and in the process of being moved. We could only see one room and outside. But, in the one room there was a cardboard masonite board cut out into a figure that looked like it was done in charcoal and white and black paint. Looked like they were running. We saw a Max Ernst which was outstanding. It was a devilish person playing chess it looked like. Also, we saw the giant cow thing that was made out of metal also and black. We saw the clothes pin. The brass clothes pin. We saw the apple sculpture a laminate. We saw the figure of a person standing made out of all different, looked like scrapes of metal, but if you look at it from a distance you can see the figure standing their. We saw the stainless steel statue that looked like Bethoven. We saw the Calder mobile on the inside of the Nascher Musuem. That was cool, it was suspended from a tripod metal piece. Then we proceeded outside where we were first amazed at the people pole walking into the sky. On the end a suitcase a man, another man, a young man and two ladies. Walking into the sky pole was neat. We took many pictures of it, which came out great. We then saw some statues of people walking. We saw the Calder the iron sculpture which was huge and it must have weighed 3 or 4 tons. It was held up in by five legs. We also saw the mechanized sculpure of a man hammering metal and that was moving. We saw the sculpture leaned over on one side by standing up with three legs made of iron beams, the middle beam seeming to be twisted inside. We saw the Picasso sculpture which was huge, it had a half a face on one side, made of stone and different small stones. The one I liked the best had Radman colors. It was a sculpure by the cafeteria area made up of a circle for a head and eyes anyhow, it was red, green and yellow. That's what I liked best about it. We also saw the people with no heads. Come to find out that was to resemble Nazi Germany and how evil people can be in a mob together. We went into the room that frames the sky and we took pictures of that. After the Nascher, we headed over to the Dallas Musuem Of Art where they had an excellent showcase of artists. First was the shiny acrylic on masonite as you go in. It has many different light type dots outlined by a darker greys and okra burnt cyanna type colors. As soon as we turned the corner on our right hand side was a Jasper John which is an outstanding painting. With many, many colors and it had two pieces of wood nailed to the canvas which seemed to be made of wood. Then, we saw the Jackson Pollock , it was black and white with silver paint and it was a rectangle standing upright. We then saw another Jackson Pollock which was on one side kind of an orangish, greenish and the other side was black and white. We also saw many different paintings, but the things that stand out most were the German artist that had the three ball bearings. Then there was the glass table with the shining glass silvery ornaments on it reflecting. We also saw a giant painting with sunflower seeds on it.Next we headed upstairs where we saw the Piccassos'. The two Picassos. The Calder mobile. Then we saw the Van Gogh and the Moine. Then the Monderon. The thing about the Monderon was I painted that exact painting last semester, spring semester and I had no idea that the painting was hanging in the Dallas Museum Of Art. So we took a picture of me and its on the website. I took a picture of the two Piccassos with the Calder mobile. You can see all three from the steps which was a nice scene. Again, we saw the Van Gogh showing the fields, probably one of the last paintings he ever painted before he killed himself. We saw a Renoir self portrait. We saw the sketch and ink of Van Gogh's doctor. At that point we wanted to stay, but we didn't have very much time before I had to be to class on Thursday night. My wife and I very much enjoyed our stay. It seemed a little hecktick a lot of security, but they seemed a little more at ease this time.

This is about my painting, Son earth stars and life.

I used special glow in the dark paint. The glow in the dark paint shows the flow of the painting only, like Mondrian. I went into my Jackson Pollock mode on the stars and the final coat of paint. The painting is to show how the sun and the earth work together with each other to create life. I am sticking to my signature colors because I love them. The yellow is a florescent paint it looks pink with a scanner, I guess that means it is doing it's thing. I thought about this painting day and night for a entire week before my pencil hit the canvas. I love painting outer space scenes. I love the way the sun came out like fire. There is two coats of paint on this painting believe it or not since it is a huge 3 feet by 5 feet in size. The new Juxtapoz magazine is very cool this month. The Polish dude is awesome, Staislav Szukalski. I pray I do not end up like, him dead and having to have people pay to have my art brought to the public. He had 14,000 drawings I always think my 1000 drawings are allot. if you count every frame of my animation’s and digital movies I made I have millions + of frames of art. The first animation's I did in Cinema 4D are all surreal art animated. Almost every frame of these animation's could be reproduced in Cinema 4D witch is a vector program as big as a billboard and would make outstanding prints.

Robert Craig wrote this about my art:

"Hello Radman,

You indeed have an appropriate moniker. You are RAD man! Your style of painting is very different than mine but I appreciate it all the same. Your technique is very impasto. I like your site and your animation! To be truthful, your site has so much to look at that I couldn't get to it all. I'll have to make several more trips to it before I can soak it all in."

Robert Craig is a unbelievable artist. If you do not believe me check out his web site. This guy should be on the cover of every magazine, and TV. I feel kind of dumb. When I wrote this I did not realize this guy has been in many magazines and TV, da.

I would like to quote Robert William's from the first Juxtapoz Magazine I ever owned: "It is important for the Juxtapoz reader to understand that well executed and tightly rendered artwork, by skilled and competent artists, has been considered intellectually insignificant by the fine arts community for more than fifty years. What I'm saying is that for over a half a century, art connoisseurs have allowed themselfs to become too self-engrossed with their relative presence in front of art itself, something along the conceptualist philosophy of "I declare this pile of sand to be brilliant, therefore I am brilliant in my predication." Artist Know what I am talking about."

I just want to say I do not use painter's tape or any tracing devices, ever.

Check Out what Jenny of Galerie St-Laurent + Hill said about my art. "I like your art; soul comes through in your work. Applause." l'Autre Galerie in Montreal site.

Check out what Eric Joyner said about my art. Eric was in my first Juxtapoz magazine where he is compared to Dali. His work is amazing he likes robots like me. I have modeled at least 20 robots in Maya and Cinema 4d and have drawn 30 or so in pencil and ink perfectly. Eric's technique is like old school with low brow mixed in to perfection. Long live low brow, get on the train or get out of the way. Any way enough rambling here are some quotes from eric: "Cool work! your colors are electric & ideas insane! I like it. Keep it up!" see Eric's site.

All my acrylic paintings now have a heavy coating of Grumbacher pro quality, Gloss spray on varnish. I spray them after a week of drying. It makes the texture paintings look allot better. It also brings out more shine on all of my paintings. I already use gloss varnish as medium for all my paintings and have since the monkey bongo painting. Also all my oil paintings have gloss varnish mixed into the paints as well. To really appreciate my paintings they must be seen in person. The camera I use is not that great. I am not really concerned with this though, it is just to give you a idea what they look like.

Michael Hussar wrote me! I can't believe it he is a awsome artist. Better than Dali. Check out his site.

he said "Keep up the good work Radman!!!" and he sent me a awesome close up of the guy in motor oil. Awesome!

I have the ability to see art, to envision art in my mind on a continual basis. Since I was a kid, I would amaze myself at how well I could pick out things that would be popular; like music and clothing that was not popular and became popular long after I liked it. Great artist’s have always had this power. It’s not how you create it, it is how great it is, how beautiful it is to see. I can see these thing’s in my head, then I create it in art. I have the gift to envision creations in my mind.
20 years of nothing but pencil and inks has left me with a craving for color. I do not know if any of you have noticed, but I do not use black and white if I can help it, in any of my paintings. I get sad when I think that I did not start painting earlier. I think it was all for a reason. I think every thing in my life, including the hardships, I have had to endure and continue to endure are all together for good to make a better me, painter, student ect.. That goes for you too.

Check out what Mark Bryan said about my art July 30th 2005:

"I checked out your stuff. I liked it, funny, good energy, color. Unfortunately we have a slow internet so I couldn't see too much of your animation but what I did see was cool."

Mark Bryan is a outstanding artist who's art is featured in Juztapoz magazine. Check his site out.

I realize it is tough for most of you out there to view some things on my site. Have you gone to my other sites page? There is a ftp site there that is impossible to view with out high speed. I am fortunate in that the college has high speed internet. Most library's do too.

If you are at a library go to Yahoo or Google or Excite or Alta Vista or MSN or Ask Jeeves and enter Radman_Art in the search engine and you are there. That is how I find my site when I am at school.

I just want to say my heart and soul are poured into my paintings and art. This is the magic, this is why my stuff is set apart, one of a kind. It is because it is more than just art. It is my imagination, from my point of view, at that moment. This takes years of art and creating art to become expert at.

The very cool tiles I use for background on my web sites are from huge Photoshop creations I have made. I take a tiny piece of that creation and make a tile out of it in Photoshop. This little effect is very difficult and takes hours to get just right.

Every creation I make is make believe. Nothing has any reference to any actual item. My comic's and animation’s may have some significance of or times but the characters are made up entities. In other words I have never sense a skeleton, but Deadman is a character in my comic's. I think art is all about making stuff up that does not exist. If you want reality take a photo, that is what a camera is for. I had to write all this because of a bunch of lies I read recently about a famous artist how stuff he painted was real. You can lie all you want about people and it may seem fun. You may even benifit from your lies about people. Just know in the end you will loose. I can not imagine any thing worse than lying about a artist to hurt them. All any artist is guilty of is bringing more beauty into this already beautiful world. Any how, I really have fun with my paintings, I like to ride the edge with my paintings. I think that best describes the art scene of 2005. I think I am in tune with what is now, what is happening in modern art. I create paintings that do not offend and actually should make you laugh. If you laugh at my painting I would not be offended at all. I remember when I did the Monkey painting, every time I walked by it I burst out in laughter. This went on for a entire week.

In 1988 I had a contract with Tracker Designs to sell my art work to them. That is what started my life's pursuit to be a recognized American Classic Artist. Go to the web site. That was 20 years ago now I have a collection that has got to be one of the greatest in America. Also I want to say I was a expert draftsman in high school. I took it for 3 years. The reason I am saying this is to prove I am not some Johnny come lately. I have been paying my dues to the art world for 20 hard working years. I have sent my art to thousands of comic companies, magazines, and the like for 20 plus years.
It is not like I have not reaped reward. I have a huge collection of pencil and inks, paintings and other types of great art I have collected for twenty years. I would estimate about 1500 works of art. My home has become a gallery, a delightful place to walk around and a feast for the eyes at every turn. I sleep good at night, knowing I have accomplished so much.

I buy all my art board for my painting from Asels Art. They are amazing, they have everything for the artist.

Bill Kroyer has worked on a large amount of computer animation in movies since Tron.

Check out what he wrote about Radman Art in 2003!

Bill Kroyer of Rhythm & Hues Studios wrote me this letter :

You're right, you have a million ideas. It is amazing the amount of stuff you have created. I especially liked your 3D BG gallery. Have you ever heard of a Japanese animator named Yochiro Kawaguchi? He is a very famous guy who creates images similar to your stuff. Good luck on your creations. I will check on the web site from time to time, as you suggest. -BK

PS I think Radman is cool.

I met Bill Kroyer at a seminar at Richland College and gave him a CDR with my portfolio in it April 2nd 2003. My basic animation class attended the seminar. 97% of the jpgs and
gifs I gave him are on this site.
my letter was : I have tons and tons of ideas they spring
forth from me like a fountain. Anyhow I was just wondering if you looked at my Cdr.? I can not stand thinking I will die and no one will ever be entertained by my art and comics. I have poured my heart out into my stuff. Look at least promise to check my site from time to time. I can not do a piece of art with out some kind of message to it. Messages to help people see another side to something they normally would not. If I could tell you my life story you would do what ever you could to help me get my stuff published. My life story would make a great movie.

All the animation’s here are in 720dpi x 480dpi or 640dpi x 480dpi in their original format. All my best stuff is saved in animation format or no compression at all, so as to be best for dvd. Let the dvd process compress to mpeg, I say. What you see here on this site is a very small protion of the many animations I have made over the five years. My animations are my way of learning program's like Maya. Some people read and read, I prefer to learn by doing. That is also the reason I have not done a animation since Deadman, because I have not had a animation class since then. All any one has to do is give me a job doing this stuff, and I promiss I will create more great work than any one eles like me. I work program's like Maya, like art, not like mathematics and I am really really good at it. I use Maya like a paint brush. If I seem big headed, it is because time is a facter ( I am getting old). I am simply trying to tell you if you hire me or want to put me in a gallery, I will not let you down.

Yes I am the Author of the famous dvd's. I broke my hand's on the computer after learning to animate. I sent them to a select few by the mail. Like Pixar and Lucas Arts. I mention these two because Pixar actually called me at home and wrote me, and Lucas Arts sent me a confirmation number every time I sent something. It was rare I would receive any letters from most every one else, even though they where major companies. No one called me and said lets make a full length film of this great digital art. I am resentful. How could any human not feel insulted by the fact that all my work seems ignored. I believe there are certain people that I have given this huge endeavor that will archive my work, at least this is better than nothing. I have been shouting at the top of my lungs for years for someone to recognize me as a huge significant artist of our time, and for good reason. Do I think it is right that for 50 years great artist have been ignored? No I think the reason I have been ignored, is because so many others are ignored right along side of me. I still do animation’s for class now and then but I have not done a serious project with conflict and resolution since Deadman and Flyboy, because I have had no recognition of even completing the great works I have already done. I will always create art though, it is what I do. You can take as many classes as you like, but unless it is in you to create, and complete that creation than you will never be like me. I believe at any given time there are only very few true artist aloud on earth, and I am one. Like Man Ray I can say I have never had a boss with my art, this has given me the chance to create with nothing holding me back. Unlike Man Ray I have yet to be paid a livable amount of money for doing art. If any one out there knows of any one that is willing to help me to this goal let me know, there is a link to my e-mail on my home page. When and if I do, all of the world will be consoled. I know no matter what my digital art will live on forever.

This is a very cool lady. Her art is tight, I really liked her cow skull like Georgio Okeefe. All of her art is cool surreal yet tight. Here are a feww words she said about my art: Hey! You have some really neat work! Fascinating colors and themes! The glow in the dark paint is very interesting (retro). I like that idea a lot! here is her address:

All art on this site is at least 150 dpi in it's original form. All the computer art ,and animation’s on this site are low resolution I have high resolution for all this stuff backed up, FYI. Also Keep in mind I have all the Maya and Cinema 4d Files as well as the Premier and After effects files. Let these pages load trust Radman's taste, it will be worth it.

This is Modern American Art! Or as Juxtapoz calls it Lowbrow art. It is now and now is the most beautiful art of all time. And I just got done watching a history of art series. The old masters where great and greatly to be praised. If they had acrylics back then, Salvador Dali would have not been noticed. Because I am Sicilian (Italian) I think of myself as a mixture of a classic painter/artist with a mixture of Salvador Dali. All of the art and animation’s are done with blood, sweat and tears, by the Rad one himself. All art on this web site is created by me Radman, nothing made something. Any art you see on these pages can be yours but all my life I worked to be able to make great stuff like this so please do not steal from me. If you know of any stealing from me please tell me. There is a link on my home page to e-mail me. If you met me you would want to help me. I have been collecting every perfect piece of art I have done for 20 years now and all of it has been sweat over by me causing me hardship since I do not sell it often or not at all. It would be easy for me to work 70 hours a week and forget about art all together. I have over 1,000 pieces of art I have done with pencil and ink, pastels, charcoal, watercolor, ect. Most of it is on Bristol board and high quality paper. All of the animation’s and art you see come from that collection of art, or are spawned from art I have drawn in my life. I think I have drawn every cool thing that can be drawn in my life and stuff like skulls and dragons I have drawn hundreds of times over, just to make sure I mastered them. The stuff on this web site only represent a tiny bit of the art I have completed. If you like any of the art on these pages and don't see exactly what you want I probably have what you want already made or I could make it new, in no time at all better than most anyone. If you see me out get me to draw in front of you, there is no better way for me to prove to you how good I am. Because I constantly have to do art for college even when I don't want to, I believe I am at the top of my game. Keep in mind that if you see A piece of art work and it is very small, chances are it could be as big as poster size 3'x2'. Also for every tweaked (computer enhanced) piece of art you see there is a pencil and ink drawing good for framing. I grew up in the cold dark streets of Connecticut in the 1960's and 1970's. Those brownstone lined streets where life was cheap. The wind of change blew often and I knew every day of my youth that the time was special music was every where. My sister got a folk guitar, I picked it up and played it like a expert. My mom paid for guitar lessons for me for almost a year, because she was that amazed. I should have had folk lessons. I hated the pain it caused my fingers I think I was only 8 or 9 years old. My mom was always cool as long as I remember. My home town Middletown Connecticut was a very, very nice suburban community 20 minutes south of Hartford Connecticut. Home of Weslian University a exclusive college where I hung out allot. skating in the tunnels or seeing football games or concerts for free. You had to be rich to go to that college, that might be where I started to think of my self as wealthy. I want to mention Chris Rodenhiser who was my best friend from ages 10 to 14 we did everything together. His dad was a professor at Weslian. I hung out at his house like my own house. He is a principal at a grade school now. His brothers where all great people. I have nothing but good memories of them and the positive impact they had on me. Growing up in Middletown always made you feel fortunate because it was so nice compared to most all of Connecticut. Even as a child I was able to draw really good from my head. I kept this philosophy of, art was not art unless it comes from your head most of my life. I like to look at something now and draw something completely different, I never copy ever, And I will never trace until the day I leave earth amen. There must be thousands of drawings I did as a kid, I do not know where they went thrown out I guess. I know I gave allot of stuff away in school. I guess my earliest memory of doing really cool art was 4th grade, I drew a thanksgiving card for my mom. When you opened it appeared as if you dumped the food because the card appeared upside down when opened this is a design ability as well I think my mom still has this card. The thing is I drew since Kindergarden really with great intensity. In fact I would have to say I drew with the same intensity as I draw now all my life. I did not start saving my art until I got married 20 years ago. I want you all to know I throw out duddles, I only keep real art or great design ideas. I actually remember drawing pretty good in kindergarten on the blackboard. From 5th grade to 8th grade I was into drawing Spiderman and football players and such. Many things influenced my artwork and had a major impact on it. As a young adult, whatever I was into at that time and moment seemed to be expressed in my artwork some way or another.
I met my wife and for the first time I became focused. Around 1986, I started sending my artwork to skateboard companies in hopes of getting recognition. In 1987, I moved to California where I got a job working for Tracker Designs. Tracker Designs was at the time the largest skateboard company in the world, they published Transworld Skateboarding Magazine and the best trucks in the world. They invented OJ skateboard wheels. They sponsored Tony Hawk in the 1980's when only dudes like me knew who he was. Let me tell you this about Tony Hawk from the 1980's. He had a bowl ramp at his home allot of skaters I used to hang with went there. They used to say "That Tony Hawk he is so conceded, one time I cut out in front of him and he said don't you know I am the greatest skateboarded on earth?" You know what he was right. No one has done more for skateboarding than Tony has. In the 1980's while working for Tracker is when I went off the hook and did so much ding dang artwork. I mailed many copies to skateboard companies and originals. Tracker Put me on a contract and purchased a bunch of comics from me. I have a bunch from back then. It seemed like that is when I started doing really great stuff. To any artist to sell their work is a huge ego booster. I have been doing art like a machine since then. In 2005 I did over 100 rad paintings. Anyway if you talk to me for more than 5 minutes about my art I will mention 250 pages of really cool skateboard comics I have from back then. The past years have been ground breaking for me. I must have about 500 + pieces of art that I did since 1998 that can only be described as the top of it's genre, what ever that may be, and to my enemies or (envy)mies as I call them, I am a no body. I have seen envey many times in college. You work almost a year on a animation and you sit in class and some students refuse to watch it. Envey is awful thing. I want people to journey with me, to let me be their art instead of envey. To them I say I am the reason artist to day are not discovered I am the missing link. Without my recognition, there is no recognition. The quality of my art is on the rise. So stay tuned. I have 1500 + art and comics from 1988-now, that I want to entertain with. I plan to reveal all of these pieces to the www in the future. All 1500 + pieces of art I have saved all this time are frame worthy. I throw trashy scribbles in the trash. I have a small fraction of my art up on the web. When I lived in California I had moved there for the sk8ing as well as my passion for artwork. In the late 1980's Skateboarding was at a all time high and that is because I move from Connecticut to California than and got a job with Tracker Design the biggest skateboard company in the world. Tracker also owns Transworld Skateboarding (and snowboarding) Magazine. Clothing, equipment you name it. Also they where the Sponsor of Tony Hawk. Gleaming the cube came out I knew and had skated with almost every pro there was back then. I used to have free access to Mike McGuil's skatepark in Carlsbad, California. Mike did the stunts for Gleaming The Cube Movie and Police Academy. My whole life I seem to be surrounded by important people. I should have went to college out of high school, Yale or something in Connecticut or Boston. I was a rebellious kid though. I just wanted to have a good time. I am trying to make up for that now. It is never too late. Look at it this way, by some miracle I survive to be like some museum piece from the seventy's untouched. I give you the art of the seventy's with out any influence of college in the 1980's. I learned what I know by experience. I have been going to college for 4 years now (since 2001) with a A Average all paid for in cash by me. It is a struggle believe me. But I choose art my way and I hope the whole world will enjoy that someday. That will be the day. My love for art shines in every work of art I do. I can use any medium. Give me any art tool including a computer art and I will blow you away. It has taken years of hard work to arrive at this point. Now I am at a place and time in my life where I would like to get a job as a animator, comic artist or illustrator or anything where I will be developing cool art. One of my favorite teachers said I would make a great art director. College is intense and will take me to that job I want as a graphic artist. Before you go check out the art, and animation's I have created please note: if you are offended by movies like Harry Potter you should understand like Harry Potter and video games like Doom, my art is make believe, pretend meant only to entertain. Oh and I could say drugs are cool, to go along, the truth is I hate drugs and I do not even drink. If you label my art as drug related that is the type of prejudice that ruins lives and ambitions. If you say some one's art looks like it is drug related and they hate drugs, then you are saying they should hate their art. This is my push for all great artists, be a rock to this and forge forward (for you, not to please others) no matter what bigots think or say or use to oppress you with. I do not do comics or animation’s allot or hardly ever. The reason is I have to get paid to do this. When I do a painting I can hang it on my wall and it entertains me every day. It is like food for the eyes where ever I walk in my house. Also it inspires me to do more and better paintings. Comics and animation’s I have to go find then I watch or read it and then what? You can only watch or read something so many times before you are sick of it. Doing this site was a real moral booster to me. I promise you this if I where to start comics again they would be spectacular! I would like to do a modern art comic novel. If any of you all can help me by giving a good word or linking me to a si
te please do! I want more than any thing to publish the comics I already have. Of course I have all the original art if excellent condition. I always use fine quality paper and bristol board. I have been hanging out in art stores talking to people since the mid 1980's, that is how I got my education. Also around 1988 I attended the San Diego Comic Convention (the largest in the world) I spent the whole weekend there talking to all the venders and sitting with the artist's. That is when the Teenage Ninja Turtle came out and the actual artist drew me a picture for 1 dollar. As you can tell by the way I write I talk allot . I guarantee if you read my comics you will laugh. I would except for all the blood sweat and tears put into it. Good health and prosperity, friends.

Sincerely, Radman

I am still in College still learning so expect better and better art from me. Come to this site often, you never know what great stuff I will put up. Come Back often to see new artwork! And tell you friends especially in other countries besides America. Mabie my success will come from Europe like Bob Rieshenburg. The reason this web site, and most of the newer art on this site is based on 3 colors, is because, 8 years ago I decided that Radman's uniform would be those colors. And as soon as I decided that I realized those 3 colors where also my favorite colors for my dragon art that I had done. It was at that moment 4 years ago, I exclaimed green, yellow and red forever! My Paintings are different though I like all colors for them, in fact I think I am growing out of those colors, it still works good as trade mark. Most Painting's I do has a section of red green and yellow. There are so many secrets about my art, you could spend a live time figuring them all out. I live 20 minutes north of Dallas, Texas. Looking to work as a graphic artist. If anyone can e-mail me contacts in Dallas please do. I was a extra in a movie called The Anarchist Cookbook, made in 2004, I own the DVD. So I am looking for work in movies and television too. I have experience in digital video too. Ask Mark Kaufman. Speaking of where I am from...I was born in Great Falls, Montana (where a indian spirit entered my body, a shamin :) while my dad was in the Air force there. I grew up in Middletown, Connecticut, my family's family is from there. I am Sicilian by blood both sides of my family, except my mom's parents where from Yugoslavia. My wife and I moved to California around 1986 where we lived 8 years. Then my wife joined the army and we were moved to Texas and we have lived here since.


To whom it may concern. I invented Radman in the late 1980's. It was published in Thrasher Magazine in 1991, I own that copie. I am the one and only!

Radman Art is back with a vengeance!

Sorry about the bad pictures (poor quality) it will have to do for now.

Radman_Art was named and created by my wife for extra credit for a history of communications class in 2002. In 6 months it got 10,000 hits. Then we had to shut it down. Now it is back up. I plan to feature all of the art I have created since then. I have been attending college for 4 years non stop. That means for at least 3 years since I shut down the site now being 2005 I have all the projects from my degree in Animation Specialization that I have not had on the site. It is difficult to put this work on the web but not impossible. I will have to reformat animation’s to flash to make this possible. I have many, many animation’s to show you all. I have learned how to create perfect animation’s in 3d and 2d, and digital video. I am sure that once you see my work you will want to get involved. I welcome the opportunity to take my work to the mass media. I understand that technology is necessary for me to succeed. I have proven myself at training people to use computers and would need a staff of people to create a quality series of animation’s. Although and this may sound unreal but I believe that just me alone, with a little help from my wife the programmer, could create and maintain a weekly television show. I love to paint and do pencils and inks. I would welcome a carrier in that as well. I have a serious ability to created digital art as well. Anything you can do for me would bless you and yours. I am a good natured person with a caring for people that is a rare attribute sad to say. I have been dealt many injustices all though I have turned this into a ability to help others see their mistakes without insulting them, and a wisdom to do so only if I know of a solution. Any how feel free to forward this writing to anyone who could help me in my endeavors to bring about world peace through art. I keep being reminded of Bob Raushenberg. Feel free to read my bio that I will try to expand on in the future. This summer of 2005. I will be taking my 2nd art class Painting 1 and sculpture 1. So look for new stuff coming from me with a emphases on greatness.

I need a gallery to pay my way for a little while until I can some real painting done, I'm talking huge. Until then just know every painting I do I put allot of paint on. I go over and over each aria with paint up to five times. I get clumps on my brush and that's how I apply it. To me it is the only way to make my paintings shine. It is the type of painting I like to see in a gallery. I have to say I have never had anything hanging on my walls beautiful as my paintings. I could not buy any poster that pleases my eyes like these awesome creations. I have never experienced such beauty in my home as long as I have lived. My paintings are truly gems to behold. I don't know why I have never painted seriously before. I plan on naming and taking pictures of my pencil and inks and putting them on the web soon. I can not put all 1000 plus up. I will pick my favorites though. I can not do oils until my college course ends, because I have all stuff at the college. When I am ready you better all look out. I will have 9 paintings done at end of this class.

I would love to have my art in more gallery shows. I would love to work only as a painter. In fact I want to say that all my life as a human on this planet has been a terrible waste because I have not spent my life as a professional painter. I think when something is out of whack on earth the whole system breaks down. It is like a machine and if one tiny part is broken off the rest of the machine will not work properly. Some parts can break off and the machine will still work. I am one of those parts that the machine needs to run right. Any way let me step out of myself before I get too deep. Any galleries out there that want to feature my art let me know. If you have the money and want to buy one of my paintings e-mail me at . I will not sell my painting to someone who can not afford it. And if I ever have the privilege to loan my paintings to a museum, I would be honored to. I just went to the Dallas Museum of Art and I am once again energized as a painter. I love going there I have pictures of each visit. Some day I would like to share them on a web site. I have a report my wife helped me write on my visit to the Dallas Museum of Art that I will post on my web site soon. As most artist’s I struggle. I have been struggling for 20 plus years. I had a contract with the biggest skateboard company in the world in the late 1980’s.

Oh, and I could say drugs are cool, to go along,
the truth is I hate drugs and I do not even drink.
Drugs and alcohol ruin lives and hurt people.
If you label my art as drug related, that is the type
of prejudice that ruins lives and ambitions. This
is my push for all great artists, to be a rock to this,
and forge forward (for you, not to please others) no
matter what bigots think, or say, or use to oppress
you with, after all isn't the sad truth they are the
oppressed, the empty people with tormented lives.
I do not hate you if you are a bigot, I hope for you
to break your shell, and see this new dawn we live in.

I am the typo king! Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a bad typist. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to.

This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties.

I feel obligated to at least give someone a chance at owning paintings I have made.

Gouache = Opaque Watercolor

This is poetry in the forms of paintings, drawings, digital art and animation.

Hold your pointer over each painting to see the title of the painting.

“Surely there can be no one person on the internet, that has so much of their great, detailed art work on display”, Radman. If anyone out there knows of a job in the Dallas, Texas aria, in graphic design or animation, or digital video (all of which I have diplomas in) email me a copy of the posting or feel free to forward any helpful information you can. I have 3 certificates in Graphic Design from the best Community College in Texas, CCCCD. I have a certificate in Graphic Design, Animation Specialization, Digital Video / Web Design. I have about 120 credit hours under my belt as of 2007. I also took every art class offered at CCCCD some times more Concerning my qualifications as a graphic design major 3 times over. I ask you to see my grade point average. I have received A's in 98% of my classes. I can provide a official transcript to prove this on request. I have filed out about 1,000 online applications and have my resume every where online. So you know I have done my part. If you did not come to this web site to this web site for it's artistic content first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes and all that relates to portfolio purposes, then please respect the formal and legal request from the owner of this web site to leave this web site at once. here is my poems page I wrote these many times in my life:

wrote all these poems. I used to collect them in a shoe box. I have been collecting them since 1983. Radman is a poet as well as a post modern artist.

I'm crying...over YOU dedicated to Subterranean, April 14, 2008
A tear for longing
A tear for days gone by
A sadness for beauty over looked
The reason my, my ,my
The leafs look so pretty
Even when we’re not there
The leafs are shinny green
To you I don’t care
Inside me lives a prayer
For all of mine who do not care
And all them in the air
Hurting me with weights so strong
Weights on me for so long
Weight of the world
On my back
Silence tears I not lack
Free of fears this is not
Like a sorry, vicious plot
Has my heart in a knot
Happy days passed on by
Sadness soaks me to the bone
Sadness for me
And sadness for you
Hard times passed
Hard times full ahead
Hard times never leave me
No matter how I hang my head
Drooping from the weight
My signature and date
The gift of color
For our mother
The cold shoulder
From my brother
The warm hearts of all the others
From my heart this gift to you
Who take from us
Our last breath
Though we all pass the test
The test of burdens
Left unrest
Suffering that seems no end
This cruel life seems to never end
Slowly taken my life from me
The rain falls like tears
The trees hang low
They bow with heavenly grace
The days marked
That leave a trace
Like a breath that keeps pace
The sobbing of good woman
Blows in the wind
The sobbing kindness
Like some kind of revenge
That all our lives hinge
Saying; “don’t’ take this for granted”
“this is not a binge”
On all those who care
On the fringe
The fringe that is the balance
The balance that keeps us safe
Safe from sweetness
Safe from weeping
Weeping for you


Banging my heart on the wall


My life seemed so bleak
I gave you a peek
Why I thought I was special
I put my ear to the pulse
I could not hear a sound
So my heart I began to pound
I will not be found
A man with out a sound
So I put some more art on this web site
I sensed your presence
Than I did not
Lost again hurt again
Why do you keep hurting
Hurting all of us
Is it you not trust
Is it you of whom you bust
Our is it you with evil lust
I say I had enough
I hear that's tough
We all got it rough
We all got evil lust
Every day I wake up
I shine to prove I am one
Then I get beat up just for fun
I stand right there
Not moving like a rock
As if not I your arrows are blocked
And when I am unaware
Nothing of life’s cares
I try to help you and say beware
I am out and I never stare
I may seem I do not have a care
The clown cries like magic
I create tears
And it seems all I get are sneers
They may not have been impressed
I still have not shown my best
Mabie this poem
Mabie this time I will show em
I spent 3 weeks painting this
It seems like all I hear is hiss
The decade before last I do miss
When all was so care free
Skating and drawing so free
When all I had to do was just be me
Maybe it was the sea
I feel like I scream and no one hears
These created tears
I have felt this way for years
Hiding from others fears
Hiding like this for years
Have you seen my last painting
Did you see that last animation
Did you see those amazing drawings
Did you sense those hungry longings
Did you feel that wind
Telling you it is time to begin
Telling you now is when
Thousands of letters I have wrote
Over a thousand works of art in the mail
All of it seems to me to have failed
But if it takes me all my life
I will not quit
Because deep in my pit
I know I have love
Love to be shared
Even if no one cared in 1988
Even if you don’t care in 2008
Boy won't that be great
That will be the day
When we look back and say
Those where the days
The days of toil and strife
The days when all our life
We lived in sorrow and shame
Our faults gave away
I looked at her and said
Don't you think the devil manipulates
Don't you think he manipulated me
Don't you think he manipulated you
When you hated me
Just for being free
Only for being free
To free to be
You said shred
I shredded and the you shot me down
Kicked me around when I was down
So I painted you this painting
Painted it so lovingly
Painted it so you could see
There is still good in me
Painted it to see you free
But then you tried to crucify me
Well now I am not afraid
Of the mess of me you made
No fear of rejection
No fear of objection
Tough like a cowboy like you want
Tough like a lead weight
My heart I did taunt
As I sink into this unrealized dream
As I sink with your lead weight
If I could do one thing
I would be to make you see
We share the same fate
It is too late to change what’s been broke
No matter of words I have spoke
As my I sit and soak
In words I have not spoke
I will never see
Why is it you must be
Self destructive to death
Never waking from your deep sleep
I have left that crowd so long ago
Left it so I would know
Hoping to lead the way
Only to realize
You stopped listening long ago
Now if I say
You say so
When will you ever know
That my love was never a show
And every last piece of art
Was all a part
Of you and me
We are all apart of each other
Brothers and sisters all
I think I got some one to care
Someone to hear the call
That I can stand tall
Always knowing that
That will be the day of the fall
All I can say
Is that I can not say
All I can need
Is all that I bleed
You say you know that dude
I say that was a seed








The Burning Star Song

the star flies
into the sky
the cold autumn sky’s
dark blue fresh cold air
burning star
bleeding star
first star I see this fall
burring like a rocket
burring and bleeding like me
green yellow and red
burning till I'm dead
my eyes see therefore I paint
I paint because I see
man that star is such a sight
burning so bright
like those autumn leafs
the color heaves
I bleed and you celebrate
Celebrate with glee
the burning me
when will I be free
all I say is of course
par for the course
and my blood pours
be like me and sore
come along my fiend
Lets sore till the end
there is a means to our end
your head down
full speed ahead
can't you see
is doing to me?
I bleed
we dance with glee
I fall to my knees
like a sonic boom
you see the mush room
now where  were  we
oh yea back to me
I bleed
sow our seed
don't blame me
just give me the key
what is it going to take?
for goodness wake
wake up
it is the new dawn
go sit out on your lawn
that sky looks freakier every day
these are the end
my friend
the end
the stars look like they'll fall
our earth seem so small
look at us all
in the same boat
with no hope?
There is always hope
blasting in every second
every second can change
our world
did you want some tea
on our knees
with no keys
begging please
more macaroni and cheese
the star flies
into the sky
the cold autumn sky’s
dark blue fresh cold air
burning star
bleeding star
first star I see this fall
burning like a rocket
burning and bleeding like me
green yellow and red
burning till I'm dead
my eyes see therefore I paint
I paint because I see
man that star is such a sight
burning so bright
like those autumn leafs
the color heaves
the leaf's die so much more quickly these day
every thing seems such a haze
the air is killing us all
are we all like Saul
we refuse to hear the call
every thing seem so small
we all seem so tall
to be hear on this occasion
we are all one
though we don't see it
we missed the train
no time to regain
the second hand clicks
it say's, we are all just hicks
we can not change the world
our voice echoes in this holow world
we are the ones in charge
there is no them
we are them

Storm Face

I started out I didn’t know why
two weeks latter I saw the sky
then I saw the tie
the storms had past us by
and here is where I stay
no matter what you say
here is where I will stay
like back in the day
this is the wild west
see me sleeping
see me smile
as I cross the miles
you see that storm pass us by
I know why
we are solders here
protectors of the good
pevailer’s at right
so do not pick a fight
we'll knock you clean out of site
just like I've been out of site
cradled in my mothers arms
free from harm
storm face took two weeks
my idea did peek
so if it is landscapes you seek
I did five, and touched up a sixth
I felt you and your love
so I was kind
cause that is the way
to be kind
with a narrow mind
to be kind
leave all the death behind
to be who you must be
free to be kind
with all that death behind
red blue and yellow
the color of love
love from above
Now look at me
If I could see
to who I am now
and where I am now
so I got storm face
straight from my grandma' kitchen
a artichoke started it all
and that was all
my grandma and grandpa treated me like gold
happy and free
just like me
so I won't fall
stand on me
I will stay strong
and last real long
bcause I have come a long way
too far to faulter
I had to stop doing storm face to make the bleeding star
then there was that rad day canvas
I hope it will be at the show
down in Dallas Texas
just like my dream
I stood up to be counted
I kicked death's teeth in
where ever I go
I won't go far
on my motorcycle or in my car
I stay here in mama's arms
A rough tough painter and story teller
I are




My Dream


my dream is you would like my new painting
my dream is everyone would live as one
my dream is everyone would love my art
my dream is all police would care about people
my dream is all governments would be promote freedom
my dream is I would have my own studio
my dream is a web site big enough to fit all my animation’s
my dream is a show with my art and animation’s
my dream is I would paint and make a living at it
my dream is all kind people would be in charge
my dream is motor cycles would be every where
my dream is no tree's would be chopped down
my dream is every one would own a dog
my dream is peace for all people on earth
my dream is no one would be hungry
my dream is a gallery show that gave everyone a gift
my dream is to get all my comics published
my dream is to have a book of my art
my dream is that every one would like my favorite music
my dream is every one would like my favorite artists
my dream is I would produce music on the side
my dream is we would all fly in stead of cars
my dream is not to cry at the end of this painting
my dream is to find the ultimate ending to this poem
my dream is to stop having flash backs to my childhood
my dream is those flashbacks would not always have something to do with my art now
my dream is that no one would sneak around
my dream is every one would let every one be
my dream is that you would finally see all the good in me
my dream is all the things I have done in my life to help would help me
my dream is I would be remembered as a great artist and poet
my dream is all the bad stuff I have done in my life would not be remembered
my dream is the title of this painting would be T.B.A.B.A.T.F.A.T.A.A.O.other rad stuff
my dream is the long titles of my paintings would be like little poems
my dream is all media would be kind to all people, even the criminals
my dream is a end to the death penalty
my dream is more crime prevention and less prisons
my dream is to educate people on how not to end up in jail
my dream is a world with no crime
my dream is there would be no crime because every one would have a happy life
my dream is every one would have one thing to make them content
my dream is all people to have one thing that they hold on to
my dream is all humans to have a reason to live
my dream is all beings to love life enough that they must be free
my dream is this world with live so unified that there would be no storms
my dream is we all would be so happy together it would heal all decease
my dream is no negative energy on this planet
my dream is every one would realize that we are so special
my dream is we would realize we are the only life forms in this universe
my dream is upon realizing this we would stop all hate in the universe
my dream is all space exploration to stop and exploration of peace on earth to start
my dream is that when people read this poem they would not say; this is crazy
my dream is when people read this poem it would make complete sense to them
my dream is we would all see we are so unique it would end all envy
my dream is not 3 days would go by with out me not being able to paint
my dream is my wife and I could have a art animation business my dream is dreamers to be considered philosophers
my dream is this painting 3'x3' would make you smile
my dream is this painting would make me to you worth whlie
my dream is you would like my new painting



I'm not alone.


I just have two more things to paint.
Two more objects.
Then I am done with one more painting.
It's gona be 24" x 36".
On Canvas I bought half price.
This one like the one before.
And the one before that.
And the one before that.
Is gona be the best yet.
Then I'm gona blow out my next painting.
I'm gona reach into my.
I'm gona spill it on the stage.
One more time.
So I do, so I will.
Because I'm not alone.
Because of you.
Because some where in California.
Another new artist in the world is discovered.

Because Eric, and Brian.
Are reachen down like me.
For one more painting.
This time we'll show em.
You all, the free.
Free to see.
To stand and say.
That painting gives me.
Strength in that way.
The way of my child hood.
Where I want to be.
Innocent and free.
That day I got my first Sk8 magazine.
The day I became a teen.
My first rock and roll album.
That said so much to me.
The art of my generation.
It caused such a sensation.
All the mom's and dad's said that ain’t art.
It's been that way from the start.
Hey Radman why don't you paint land scapes.
Your good at those land scapes.
Blobs of paint made into trees and clouds.
Land scapes, now that’s art.
When you where a kid that art was cool.
Now you must obey.
Do what we say.
Paint land scapes in that old fashioned way.
All this is is play.
I say today is the day.
I will reach down in my heart.
And paint those last two things.
So I can see that look in my ladies eyes.
So I can break through these lies.
So I can break these ties.
I'll show you, and me this time.
I can do this.
I can create beauty, that reflects my life.
True Beauty, the kind that speaks of this land.
The first time I saw a awesome Life’s a Beach sticker on a Truck.
In the sunny streets of Southern Cal.
Or the last time I saw a big deer skull in Plano.
Or the last time I leaned so far into the turn my knee touched.
Or all those times in mission beach I pulled that sk8 trick.
Jumpin off that wall, to hear those trucks go click.
Bout that art I did hanging in Sk8 rags.
Or that envelope I sent Thrasher magazine.
Or that art Jim Phillips sent me in the mail.
Or that art Michael Hussar sent me e-mail.
That is what sets my boat a sail.
That is what makes me the tail.
Or that first Spawn Comic I waited for.
After I followed Todd and Eric from Marvel.
Or those graphics on that van on a snowy day in Connecticut.
Or that Tattoo on that dude that said.
Or the first time I saw a chopper magazine.
And those awesome album covers of the 70's.
Because of all the great albums I owned.

Rock and Roll album's art of the 1970's.

That is what made me want to be a artist.
When I was 17.
And because of the scream.
Of my mean green.
See, your not the only one.
Not the only one to create.
Not the only one to almost suffocate.
Not the only one to contemplate.
About, why do people hate.
I must have been 8.
When I bought my first Spiderman.
8 and one day when I drew my first Spiderman
28 when  drew my first Radman.
1988 when I finished 200 pages of comics.
1988 wasn’t that great?
That was my date, 1988.
So that's all I have to say.
So tonight I am going to finish one.
Tomorrow I will be done.
To start the next one.
And because of the scream.
Of my mean green.
Because I'm not a clone.
Painting land scapes.
Because I'm not alone.
For righteous sake.
For what I forsake.
For the beauty I make.

Color to me

I see color.
Don't you.
Let yourself go and see.
These are the magic days of color.
Exploding color.
Joyful color.
Springing up like a fountain.
Color in wrap me.
Saturate me with loving colors.
Colors are love.
Flowers and blue sky.
Sky so blue.
I am swimming in blue green.
I never grow sick of color.
It is exploding in my mind.
My mind is filled with color.
It wants to come out in my eyes I can see bright colors all the time.
Colors I want to roll in colors.
Roll around in a sea of colors.
My paintings make me happy with color.
Color demands my attention.
I submit happily to color.
I gladly bow to color and all it's shades.
Colors make my eyes dance.
Did you say too much color?
I rebel against you with color.
I rebel against you with candy color.
Color you can not resist.
I dream of my gallery show.
A painting made of Charms lollipop color.
Every one could break a piece off.
Red would be cherry.
Orange would be orange flavored.
Green Lime.
Blue grape.
Yellow lemon.
The absence of color is death.
Cars are colorful.
They shine in the sun.
Signs are colorful.
Rocks even seem to give off color.
Sunshine makes color of every thing.
Every nook and cranny has color in sunshine.
Hues are colors.
Even dirt in the sun has so many hues.
How many hues are in a shiny rock.
In the sun shine almost all rocks are shinny.
Leafs are shinny too.
People are colorful too.
People's cloth's are moving color.
Color can be unseen.
People give off color.
Colors of a blurred view.
When you move or something else moves it blends color.
Blended color is multi color.


I have always had a talent with writing poems. I can write a poem anytime any where.


My Green Dream


Green Ninja Song In The Wind

If I should peer outside my back door
I am filled with joy
just a glimpse of the beauty of nature
fills my being with strength
on my motorcycle, my lady
any motorcycle is my woman
I love her, I hug her, I squeeze her.
We ride, we've seen so much
we've seen the sky light at dusk
bright light blue 2933, 2933
show me the way 2933
The big moon's, the bright sun
shimmering clouds, my motorcycle & me.
All the beauty I need to see
rushing all at me
pushing green air at me
Beauty, flying through beauty
I ride, I fly through my mother nature
suspended in beauty, in air so green
on a cloud so soft, I am a loft
cars move like chess pieces
Don't bite me for passing you
Big Beast like cars and trucks
Just let me pass not jealousy
Don't be jealous, let me fly for you
pretend your me then you will see
pretend you are free
flying at full speed
be me when you feel jealousy
The dancing wind,
tires grip like spider
stick here or there
sticky green sk8board
sk8ting on asphalt
I am sk8ting and that's all
I am a true street fighter, free
free flying, looking out, looking left
I see that, I saw that, I read that
Why, I ask why, look at the sky
I see beauty and I trust
True beauty not lies
The lying beauty is not
I trust beauty , Don't you, I do
I trust the sky, the trees, the birds
How can I be sad
In the state of free
Life's worries, Life's woe, Life's tow
Towed on a breeze, tow till I free
Tow me at 0 degrees at speeds
I'll lead, lead to freedom, lead me free
I'm laying down and floating on air
I'm relaxed into the circle turns
Don't lean over, I have learned
Just be natural, let her lead you
The green machine
let my bike speak to me, tell me
Now we are one, Neon green all one
nothing we can not do that all can't
Strong me and her, stronger than all else.
I was married on a mountain called Big Bear
I was safe with my friend the California the bear
so I stay warm, and strong, and free
Here in pretty McKinney
To be me this is who I want to be,
with my green lady, eyes of jade
My green lady and me
exactly what we want to be
to be me, with my green lady
Just naturally, naturally free



In The Rain
Our needs
it bleeds
what you want
what I need
how we feed
I plant my seed
my spirit freed
I can not see
that must be
I look around
sadness found
if I could
comfort you all
I would
if I could
show a way
for all to play

Advice for your vice
Written Jully 13,2002
What is this life
But toil and strife
Alone we struggle
Two we snuggle
Seek and find
Is that not kind
Are you the only
Are we all homely
This life unfair
This I swear
I do care
Not a snare
Welcome to my lair
Here you find
Answers for you
Life is kind
Like morning due
Alone your not
Only what you wrought
Be not afraid
This you made
To be free from fear
Is always near
All to do is trust
This is a must
Peace is yours
Freely out it pours
This peace takes work
This peace not pork
Labor priceless
Benefits matchless
When peace achieved
Eternity received
The choice is yours
There are no lewers
Old gets no fewer
Only nature it self
Nothing to sell
In this day
Shows you the way
To take from you
Would make you blue
Because all you give
Is how you live
How you live
Is what you give
How you treat another
Comes back to you always
Sister and your brother
All through lifes maze
We are all a kin
From when we first begin
To all of lifes turmoil
From that we all have soil
From the moment we begin
We begin to sin
Why do we find fault
From this we must alt
In others like our selfs
That do not have this wealth
Of knowledge to impart
Lets make a brand new start
To see each other as our self
Is worth a life time of wealth
The kindness we breathe in
Is that weve given out
All we are inside and out
Dont blame outside
Look inside
Deep into your time on earth
Did envy bring you worth
Stepping on others brings you pain
Really look it is just that plain
All the problems in our lifes
Are from times we criticize
Shes too fat or hes too thin
So throw those stones with out sin
Tomorrow is coming this is for sure
Take the poison or take the cure
The answer is always there
Always for those who care
Always for another this is true
Reality is it is for you

For those who believe
they are hated by all

All the suffering in the world
Pleasure in others suffering
Why you pleasure
Why hate
To love brings happiness
Love is weak
No love is ok
It is OK to love
No one hates you
Dont cry no more
Be comfortable with me
I want the world to live free
Be free
I may not agree
Thats ok be free
You choose your road
We wont bare a load
Let your spirit rise
Dont believe in lies
If we dont agree
Does that mean your not free
Not to me
Listen to the wind
Here the voice within
Find the road for you
If not now when
Mabie someday as two
The consequences of our lives
Is not what we take in
Its what we leave behind
Perfection not achieved
Till perfection not believed
We reach our goal each day
When we know we were wrong
Take action on our faults
Here is your peace
You are loved
More than you can know
       written 06/19/02

The Best
Date 1/5/87

Your the best
Look up to you I do
In every way
If you dont see
Lets make it clear
Set the record straight
So mature so strong
Stronger than me
You set me free
Behind always there
No mater when or where
Never will I under estimate
To discernment of your choice
Always a open ear
Ill have to your voice
Your the best
Its plain to see
How much more stronger you are
than me, in ways that seem so right
Your love and caring
Ill always give in with out a fight

I love you
Aprox.. date 1987
Your nights are always warm
You dont fear this cold world
Be in my world , youll always be loved
Dont wander far from me
I always want to see
That happy smile
When we go down the miles
All I want is to see your smile
Our peace is your peace
Surround us in Love
I always will
Lets work together
Well make a paradise
Going down to a place weve never been
America is ours
Together weve seen peace
The peace of love
Our love is a warm bath of caring
Only when our love is sharing
Sharing tender moments of intimacy
Warm thoughts of love
A gentle rain to clean my heart
You and I can make a new start
Our work is all we can do
To make all we give brand new
Leave you Ill never
How could I leave the best thing Ive ever had
You cant make me happier
Dont leave me my love
All I ever was is a long lasting kiss
Our love is a peace
We can find a new
New love is ours
We can now rejoin
We can make a new
Our love is joined
To make brand new

Date unknown
Tittle unknown
On the run
From myself
Putting my heart
Up on a shelf
Leaven myself down the road
Cant seem to find
What it was I left behind
It was love
But it was hate
When I found out
It was too late
My life is sick
Im thick like a brick
Winding down
the spiral of life
Down to the bottom
Into the core
I stay feeling better
I cant find a way
Aprox. date:1987

title unknown
So up that hill Ill climb
Of that cliff I rise
With a burst of strength you gave me
With the faith from you that saved me
Till on the edge I stand
High above all the termoil
I stand on that cliffs edge
Held up by only your love
With out you Ild begin to fall
With you Ill conquer all
Aprox. date:1987-1992
Title: On top because of you

All those nights I spent alone
Crys I Cried that seemed unheard
Yearning to meet with my partner
All that time so hard on me
Things I thought would never be
Life seemed so, never to be bright
It all seemed not worth the fight
Ready to give in, I saw the end
Needing a hope, or just a friend
As I hung from the cliff
Sore from holding onto broken dreams
Agleam of light came from destiny
Something foretold the past
Come to me gently like a soft summer breeze
You come to me Debbie to fill a void
Both of us needed our love
So filled I am from all you give
I thirst no longer
Im happy, so full, so satisfied with you
You came to me like it was ment to be
You came in time
Aprox. Date: 1987-1992

Title: You, Me, I love thee
Your all Ive wanted
Peace is mine at last
All that Ive ever wanted
Is coming to me fast
Like all these new beginnings
Like dust becomes my past
All that youve begun in me
Loved that youve showered
Grows in both of us
Newborn and flowered
Love rained down
on both of us
From when we both met
All your love is precious to me
Like a white dove weve both set free
So in surrenderence come unto me
Let all our love always be
A reminder to both
How good life could be
When all you want is yours
Myself for you, all of you for me
As wee begin our long awaited jouney
Both our souls of bondage
Finally set free
Love always, Rick
I love you my honey
Never loved somebody so much
Without this love growing
Id never stand a chance
Your perfect in every way
All I ever wanted and more
Date 12/15/91 12:40 am
Title:Happy to be

Fresh new love
Fresh like the morning due
Love thats shared by me and you
Seems like no one like we two
I miss you so when your away
My heart never wants you to go
My whole wants you to stay
My minds made up
My heart is set
All you must do is be yourself
All you have to be is next to me
Your all I want and all I crave
When Im with you Im duty bound
I need you now, Ill need you then
Im so sad, I just cant win
When were apart, its like a sin
Save my love Ill wait until that time
When we unite in bonds so sweet
Your heart surrenders to me
And mine to yours
My reason for living is so clear to see
When Im next to you
And your next to me
Life has new meaning
And love lights the way
To happy beginnings
A collection of winnings
For the end of old ways
Your beautiful as can be
Perfect as I could see
Every thing that I desire
Lies in you my warmth my fire
Pleasing me is all you could do
Letting me down would be detrimental
Inside I know that we feel the same
Both of us seem so joined
The minute we met
Our hearts we let
Join to one
Let it be
No one knows what will be
Together forever, forever free

Title: Unknown
Date: 1987

Long time I have waited and wondered
Wondered of meeting you on a wintery day
A memory I have always had
A dream that drove me mad
Anticipating the day I would meet the one
All I have ever wanted is you
Wanted you I always have
Imagine you in my head
See you on the horizon from a distance
My sweet lovely one
All your beauty surrounds me
Your gentleness encompasses me
Around me in all my consciousness
Your smiling face is all I see

Title: Your #1
Date: 1987-1988

I love like I could never see
I love you like I Could never be
Leave you I would rather die
All I want from you is your love
Ill give you mine till the end of time
You are all I the in this world
You are all I want in this life
Do not let all this toil and strife
Make you sad and get you down
Because you can always know
That I will always be around
When I say that I love you it means so much than that
It means I have reserved myself for you
It means all I have is you
All I want from this old life is you
With out you I would be no where
And with you Im on top
Your a meal that lasts forever
Leaving me so full
And everlasting plenty you are to me complete
Perfect and so beautiful
My one and only you

I also wrote something on the bottom
About loving the cat we had then

Title:Your So Gorgeous
Date: 1988 about

Beauty so evident
Green eyes like crystal sea water
A body like fine silk
I can not describe your inner beauty
Your outer beauty drew me from the start
If I have told you too seldom
Your as beautiful as I can define
In love I feel as I was a child
Like my first love you feel that way
Let our love warm our hearts
Like the month of may in Connecticut
Your lovely frailties captures me
Captures me a new everyday
Please be with me till eternity
Subtle lady young and wild
Be with me and come to me mild
Your love is like my fool, your kisses I drink
Lips so tender, in your arms I want to stay
Locked together our body's are all I want for eternity
Love you I do inside and out
Like fresh snow fall on me your love
All your love a gift so beautiful
Unhindered you stand willing to be go with me
New beginnings you are what I have
Perfect for me your heart cry's
Your all I want is all I want
Pretend I can not to join is all I want
Please be mine my eternal valentine

Title: All I need
Date: about 1988

You got my life in your hands
You have got my heart in the palm of your hand
You can be sure for all eternity I will always be your man
I hope you will always love me like I love you
If you would leave me all my mind would be gone
All my will to survive would be long gone
Your so very precious to me
More precious than I could say
As precious as both of us are
I worry I think the thoughts that are so hurting
I think of how I would feel if you left
Like so many have left
Attached I have become so dependent on you
On your smile and soft caress
Your love is so vital to me
This world so cruel
People tear each other apart
Do not let them do that to us
Dont let them do that to us
Dont let them tear us down
I told you from the start
Just let those feeling flow
Unhindered from all distractions
Unhindered from the out side world
Unhindered from all the jealous dogs
All my life I have waited for you
Now your here
So only think good thoughts cause that is all we will see
Title: Unknown
Date: 1988-1990
Shut your mouth
Oh my new fibers of a view
On a ceiling of hate
The way things are one of peace
Bow wow said the brown door
In a real note of a small things
You can you can you can you flow
Flow says a real now one
Her none commitment
On a new person
A new one in a small now
Title: Unknown
Date: 1990?

I know it is hard at work for you
But not as hard as knowing it for me
Dont let our love feel the pain
All I know is life spins round and round
Since I met you my life is turned upside down
All I love is in my arms
All I need is a half a second away
Things may seem so bleak
And your love still makes me weak
True love is all I seek
And I found it there in your arms
From the moment we met
All we wanted from that moment on was set
You were always my pet
And all I wanted was forever set
Thank a power far from you and me we must
In that power trust
The gifts you have given me is plane for me to see
All your love is free
Title: unknown
Date: Unknown
Time I shared with you
All the time I had
Yet it all seems like a minute
And now I am all but glad
My life is all so empty
My heart is just a void
Dont let this be the last time
Because I make you see
That I have changed completely
Title: unknown
Date: Unknown
Life is so empty
Life is so bleak
Which way to go
I do not know
Or where to begin to seek
My life is like a wheel
That turns into the sea
My life is a endless
Circle of things that hurt me
Will I ever be Happy
Will I find peace
Never my heart it cries
Title: Unknown
Date: Unknown
I dont know
Which way to go
I can go slow
But where to start I do not know
Where to begin
It aint no sin
I just cant win
Dont know where I been
Down the road
I will carry my load
How to begin
How to start
Win I must
No one I can trust
Hey man it is a bust
She is what I lust
In the beginning
I wasnt winning
Now I am on my way
I win I win
Ive won to stay
I am not here to play
Im not here to play
When it comes to me it is business
Hard and strong
I dont want to fade away
When Im there
Ill be so long
Nothings gona hold me back
Title: Never, Never?
Date: 8/1/86

I turn to others
They tell me nothing
Inside my heart burns
I look back my mind learns
Never make mistakes
Is easy you see
When someone like you takes
What is most precious to me
I learned forever
Not to take love lightly
That is why I say never
All Ill do is hold on tightly
Not letting anything go by
Never to let hurt slide
Ill hold on so tight
The only sound of fight
Will be the pounding
Of our hearts
Close together
Date: 8/1/86
Title: Pain Forever?
Love is something I have lost
Something that cant be bought
Nothing can replace it
Nothing can erase it
It always leaves a lesson taught
The lesson I have learned
The one that left me burned
Nothing can be worse
Than what has happened
No words can converse
No gifts can console
No drug can control
That deep scared hole
Thats left in my heart
One that has a start
But has no end
Is there no way
That you will bend
To fix the heart that only you can mend
Title: Undying Love
Date: 8/1/86 11pm

To have you near me now
Could be too much to ask
But in your love I long
Yo soak in and to bask
You are all there is to me
And all you are there is to me
And all you are there is
But by myself there is nothing new
And with myself there is all but you
Please to me be gentle, be ever slow to hurt
I am fragile not what you see
But what you see is not
I am only in this just for you
I hope it same for two
Because if I must end it all
I end it when we are through
Your presence has enlightened me
And filled me with desire
You have lit the coldness in my heart
You have set my soul on fire
Of your love too full I will never
Make love my sweetest one
Let be as one for ever
I will never hurt you one time again
I will never hurt you ever
Title: Super Love
Time you left me alone
I have no peace you see
Since I found my self lost
I finally found the cost
I have lost my heart
I will never start
Until I have won you back
Your love is life
You will be my life
Through all the strife
Through all the hurt
Over all the mountains, under seas
Cause in the breeze
It blows our names
Forever more
We try to close the door
But love is inevitable
And will always win
Fill we give in
Title: Unknown
Date: Unknown
No baby dont leave me
I dont want to see you go
Cause if you ever left me
Baby you know my heart it would hurt so
I love you darling Janet
No none can even stop me till I make you mine
I have been praying for many years to aquire the right woman
And now that I have her near it is like a priceless pearl

She was in basic training in the army
Date: 1993
Title: To my loving Debbie
You make me the Happiest
Like I have never ever been
I will never love life so much
Until we become together
We are bound together forever
Bound by God's word
Our love I do treasure
Since the day I saw you
Peace and joy entered my life
Ever since we became two
Away went all anger and strife
All my life I longed to meet you
Ever since the day I did
I have gotten what I wanted
And someday mabie a kid
I dont know how I lived without you
Now I know I could not live with out you
Now I know I could not ever
That time that we are apart can only strengthen us
For in your hands is my heart
Till we are together
It will be a brand new start
So fret not my loving wife
Who comforts me all the while
The earth could shake and shutter
As long as we are together
All is well with me
All is well with you
Ultimate peace and love
To be shared by just us two
May God keep us together always
We must admit
With out his help we'd be in a pit
This is a poem I wrote at
Christmas when I was at
My fathers house in Massachusetts
And my wife was at the dust bowl
In California doing training for the
US Army my Dad was dying
There is only one for me
As far as I can see
Only one I love
More than I can say
Only one I can love
Day after day
Love more precious to me
More than all the riches
More than all the gold
More than my very life
Love I need like air I breath
I cannot live without your love
It is clearer every day
All I ever wanted is you
Before I new it was true
You, you, you, you, you, you

While she was a Ft Jackson
During her basic training for
The army 11/29/93
I am so lonely without you
You only you can make me happy
You are everything in the world to me
Nothing matters nothing in the world except you
With out you I would surely die
You are the only reason I want to live

Tittle Dec. Florida "83"
Date 12/83

Slow nice calm
Twice as Mellow
I feel so free
Someone on trip
Want to share this
A felling like I cant explain
Why all I know is now
Free and wild
Wow, just let loose
Crazy now got to
Know how, how to
Get good thing
I want to be a real
Ring, a can not sing
Please give me a real
For she nice rest mistake
Got to relate
How come I cant find
A kind quit like you
I do not want what
Is I want what always
Please find me read
Me lips they want
To relate to an other
Type with out you I
Can not thing I need
You woman please
Find me in a slump
Get me in high
I want to make
You see what I
Really need is you
You are out there I
Dont know so me were
I can not tell you
You are far from
You near in
Good company
Get me from behind
You make me feel
Like I do not need the morning
I do not need the flowers
I do not need fresh air
I cant stop feeling just like a man should
I am a man
You make a man out of me
More and more a man
Double me triple
When I first laid eyes on you
My innocents was turned to
A lusting only a real man could feel
A powerful kick
from me head to toe
You turned me see what I was missing
In my virgin state I fantasized
Title: Basically Bore
Date 1983
When I am bored
I am on the verge of
Anything at all
I wonder why most crimes are committed
Is it because people are bored
When I look back on my
Life I realize the
The reason I am were I
I am is because I am
The only reason I ever
Have done wrong can all be
Blamed on being bored
Tittle first day of night school
Date 1983-84
I cant seem to find her
She is so far gone
A reason hard to find
Am I so far behind her
Seeing her is like a sad song
Why seeing her is kind
Do I have her under my spell
Am I always so wrong
Sometimes it turns my gut
Or is she over my farewell
I want so bad to her belong
Life is full of waits and buts
So long baby, good bye comes
Easy yours so wrong baby
And twice as sleazy
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
Some were out there is a woman
Someone who will love me
If I find this beautiful woman
I will be so happy
Is she out there
Can I find where
I long for her
But she does not know
How much she means to me
Could she be as beautiful, as I could expect
Or is her beauty only reviled to me
How ever I do not know
Where can this woman be
I have looked all over and have yet to see
How much wiser is she than me
Or is she wiser than me
I have tried so very hard
What can I do to get to know her
I have tried and tried
But I can not hide I have to be myself
Without that great ingredient
I find it hard to cope
She has to like me for myself
And not for what she wants me to be
I can try to be someone else
But she has trouble still
What can I do to be near her
She will want to see
Another man not like myself
And put the real me up on the shelf
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
If I just conclude my life
I would have been such a blast
That I would never be sorry
The missing thing that seems so important
Is that special woman to like me
A lasting part I would love from the start
From then until the end
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
There is sensations
In a strange relation
When your next to me
I start feeling vibrations
Sensation relation
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
I am not sad, I am down
You to me liken a clown
Your so fictitious
It make me sick
With fools like you
I have got my pick
Your low as low
I will not bend
To your sad state
You thin fat bat
Woman get me excited
Woman make me high
But woman like you
Just make me sick
Go out and get yours
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
Do you think I need you
Do you think I care
I will not need you
Not now or when your
I have to admit your body is tantalizing
But I dont need you
And I do not care
Woman all around me
No one I can stand
I that there is on
So beautiful and fair
Just for me
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
Sometimes I feel so sad
Lonely sometimes I feel so sad
Deep inside I know why
It is because I am so bad
I cant find a reason why
Especially when I am blind
To every thing behind
All I ask from you woman
Is that you will understand
Why I am so helpless a solitary man
Without you I can not love
I can not find a reason
I have given into deep dark
I wont be happy till
I have I, I, I, I, I, I, I
Please give me no a break
Wont you forsake
Your beautiful as a
You make me soooo
Slim, trim, mean
Nice hair, nice bare
You are all I ever wanted
You, you, you, your kind
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983-84
I cant stand not having
Someone to love me
Some one to be there
When I need them
Some one really close
That only I can see
I have looked near and far
I do not know where
Mabie some one can point the way
I have tried you know
Lips will not move they will not say
Not one person will ever tell me where I can go
Where is the place where she can be found
Or am I destined to sing the blues
Not a hint not a clue
She made me and I am still paying the blues
Is she hiding out here some where
Do I see her every day is she under my noise
Is she behind a counter calling me sir
Did I make her mad
And get sick of her
If I take her home
Will she reveal herself to me
I need a woman you see
Nothing in I hold so dear
Than her body to pier
Why I say with tearful eyes
No where I look can I replace
The love I had amongst your lies
Without just one woman
To love and care for me
I am up for grabs it is plane to see
My price is not bad
Just one woman
That will not make me mad
Title: Lisa
Date: 1983-84
She loves to give up
She loves to give in
She loves to forget
I can not seem to forget
Do not give up the fight
Your the only one who cares
You hurt your self
I do not want to see you go down
Please try someday you will go far
You will find a way
Keep pressing only for yourself
You love to give up
You love to give in
You love to forget
See why you fail
Is sad, sad tail
Like a white horse who lost its way
Ran and ran till do until a darker day
Price cost blues
Everything in life has its cost
Every life has its price
My cost is nothing
And my price is you sweet thing
Nothing is priceless indulging me
I dont want nothing except you woman
With out a good woman where would I be
Title: Your solid there
Date: 10:46pm wend 10/26/1983-85
No matter what you wear
You think I dont care
That makes me think
Before I sink
I need to take a chance
To put on us the line
Should I risk
Here I go
Your love is a show
For once I know
Im in love
I look and search
Never have I seen
Some one as tight as you
All I want is your love too
I know you want security
If you could see
I want us free
Want I us free
Something as kind
I hope that day
We find what,what we really want
In no further than you and me
Love me
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983
(this poem is about a dude
I knew who killed himself
in the building I used to live)
How could he do it
How could he want it
He gone for good
Man what I should
Serves a reminder
To bad I said
Not of him
Haunts my head
Its what I should do
Then something I could
Not too late
Now I am sad
Not half as bad
As he must felt
He took his life
So cry a tear for the one not here
Talk you can not
See you can
In every eye
That passes by
So help each other
You can right now
So latter wows
You can not see a heart
How down how bleak
So needs now found
Save the Billys in all
Dont let another fall
Answer the call
It becomes too late
It cry you see
A friend means more
Than life you see
To Bills every where
Title: Gods people are good
Date: 1983
They are sweet to me
All one people as it should be
I long to see
Us all set free
He will come again
Let us all stay friends
God will bless
Our togetherness
Let him make our time
Honey sweet not lime
God will make our final break
Our love for him
Let us never forsake
Thank you God
for fellowship sweet
How good you are
To me so bad
So stay near my friends
And never far
From now till end
Always a friend
Title: Unknown
Date: 1983
Im sad not mad
I think about the good times I had
But now I am sad
I go around
I think I am having fun
Title: Happy birthday Teresa
Date: 5/09/83
For all you mean to me
I love you so much sister
Too much for you to see
I spend my time thinking
Of better days for you
I hope you never sink a inch
Yet your day gets brighter still
I hope for every thing for you to be just right
And if you loose your strength
Then call on me to fight
Cause I would give every thing
Just to see you... Happy Birthday

Help me dont hurt me
Date: Before 1986
Im feeling low
I do not know why
Sometimes I will stair
Into the sky
Ill sit and wonder
In aim less dought
Why someone like you
Cant help me out
Im lost and lonely
All alone you see
I have got control of me
I do not understand
Why I am so down
That is why I want
Someone like you around
I search and search
All around town
To find a love to drown this sorrow deep with in
I have gotten kicked so many times
I can not feel the pain
I seek the answer
In your heart a reflection
Is so plane
Please dont leave me
Like so many have
Dont leave all me alone
Because you will break my heart
And when we part
Just like before I will be alone
Title: The Ground and the Sky
Date: Before 1986
Burdens are so many
Light ones rarely found
I have been like no one
You have never known
I have been on the top
But on the ground
People want my life to win
Emptiness in everyone
No real caring, never sharing
Being alone is nothing
New nor nothing I have ever felt
But being close to someone
Like has always, always
I am lost without you
Your sweetness is so different
Your caring eyes might meet
The ice that is built up inside me now
From people cold and hard
I need your softness cold and warm
So gentle and so true
If you leave me nothing is gained
Nothing will be won
My heart will yearn so deep inside
To see you and to be with you
Inside I am just a baby
I am reaching out to you
I seek your soft embracing arms
I yern to hear your soft gentle voice telling me it is all right
You will say inside he does not mean the things he wrote to me
So easy ment the words I sent my heart is filled with love untouched
Inside I know it is true
Please dont leave me or mabie I will be sad and leave these things untouched
All I want is just some love from someone like you
So soft and gentle country woman surrender love to me
Like the sky I have starred at so many times longing for that love
Ill return into your heart eternal love to thee
Until into my very soul you will gaze upon and see
You will know then that I am real not fake and then you will never leave
Title: Choppers in the snow
Date: 1983-1985
Choppers in the snow
It is the only way to go
Christmas time is here
I will give my friend a bear
And then I will cry a tear
Yet through the cold snow
I see a gleam of light
A reflection of long ago
Here they come a riding
Straight through the wind they blow
No one else knows
How beautiful they are
Those choppers in the snow
Understand I will never
Why choppers I do not see
Riding in the snow
So threatening and so free
Title: To Whom May Read This
Date: Unknown
Sometimes like life is leaving you behind
But then you realize you are just behind
Things seem to be so complicated
But the you realize it is just too simple
I do not seem to know where to go or what to look for
Life is just a fantasy that every body has to like
Someone come and find me tell me where to go
And what to live for hold my hand through thick and thin
Explain to me how and why you want and seem to love life
Explain why life seems to leave me behind or am I ahead
This is not made up not rethought dont feel sorry just understand
Title: You and Me
Date: Unknown
If I could see
Want us free
Someday we will find
Something as kind
I hope that day
We what we really want
And no further than you and me
Love, me
Title: My love My life
Like 90% of these poems
it is directed towards
a woman I was dating
Date: before 1986
I know who I am
Disciple of the devil
Child of a king
Around here I just dont fit
Every where I go
I loose my self control
Do not go or leave me alone
Because far from home I will roam
I will never find a comfort here
Drink wine, drink beer
Get high cause I dont fit in here
Where I fit in is not clear
Where I come from is large in character
Some of that I have grown to know
Without what is need
All my mind I did feel it
All what is right I did never feel the plight
Do not go and leave me here
With out you I would be far from my home
Home is such a simple place
Home is where I see your smiling face
I need you here close to me
What is missing is clear to see
Your smiling face resting on my chest
Dont leave me for someone else
Know one else could love you like I do
Dont ever leave me you will make me blue
Dont ever go, do not ever say we are through

Date before 1986
Title: General assistance
We all need help
Some of us more
There is always something
We can contribute
To continue the ring
To make our lives suit
Some may sore
Others may crawl
If we will just give our all
We would make it better
For each other and everyone
Under the sun
If we will just work
To make our lives better
To make it easy
For you to get ahead
But you fall instead
Its time to walk
And not to stalk
Without a cause
How can we pause
Move on, move forward
Stop hurting each other
Be kind to the one next
It is as easy as text
How can you fail
Just learn to set sail
Glide past difficulty
To the final goal
Train your soul
Do not give up
Your just a pup
We are all a babe
From now till finish
Lets never relinquish
That lingering flame
That seeks to mame
And make us lame
To the task ahead
So believe what is said
When a voice higher
Repeats gets better
Be true to the letter
Be honest, be true
It is only just for you
When it all comes down
You will stand alone
Not with the town
Face up right now
Before it is too late
You got a date
With your life
Push past the strife
Grab for the gift
Self gratifying
Holding your own
Till your seed is sown
Prove yourself
Not on a shelf
You will sit and waste
So dont make haste
Start now
Or you will learn
Now the last turn
Stop dont run
Date unknown

Honey dont worry nothing will happen to us
Dont fight dont hate dont give me rebates
Whats all the worry, whats all the fuss
Falling deeply into love with you
Killing you in my heart
Coming to places in this part
Your all I want , cant fight you
Or I will smite you
Go away for just two
Going into a tail spin
Be gone to a new world
Going into a tail spin
Wondering what door you went into
No title
Date before 1986

Your hiding it is plane to see
Your hiding what your hiding in me
My life is write before you
All things I know about myself
Things I cannot see
You leave me now you show me how
I want all that you got
And what it is, it is allot
Come in apart, starting in a start
Letting it all come down
All around you, in your life there is a tear
All that love all that is here
Alone your gone, alone your out
Quit is goal, to listen a clue
Listen I do but sadness appears
Alone I sit quit
Quit in a tear
Sorry I am for you unfair
Sorry comes from patience that wears
Dont leave me alone just love me at home
Your presence is mine
Your spirit is fine
So I believe your mine, mine
No title
Date before 1986

So near to you Ill always be
To hurt you let it be far from me
Love is all I need, you see it will always
Clothe and feed me
All I see when in you green eyes I peer
Is peace thats perfect in every way
Love that could comfort me to a happy day
Green are the pastures that lie before us
The wealth of the earth we will share
That perfect peace you give to me
All that love we will let it be
Come to me my only sunshine
Brighten my day my lovely one
For there will come a day
When all is one
And together we will stand
Victors of love
With nothing above
Except all our love
No title
Date before 1986

You make me feel so good
I cant stop feeling
Just like a man should
When I first laid eyes on you
In my virgin state
I got down in my head
Do not show me your best
Then I could never rest
Till you with me
Nothing left said
Just good night
And good morning
How good that would be
You with me is all I need
For my stillness
No title
Date before 1986

You want things soft and easy
But far from me you seem
Then your all I have ever dreamed
Leave me in a far off world
True to me you must always be
No matter what your instinks say
Confused is all you see now
Its all I want and more
Yours is all I can see
And your knocking at my door
Please come in and see me
See me far from home
See me in all that you can see
See me all within
page torn
No title
Date before 1987
(this poem is as if my enimy is speaking)
Some body help me
I talk only to the sky
My mind is a mess
I can not even guess
What a mess
My mind is
My words run a mock
My voice is low
My heart is my thought
Tear from my eyes
Flow endlessly
Always and forever
Forget you I will never
Nor the revenge I feel
I must receive from
What you have done to me
Your mother will die first
Leaving you all alone
Then you will die shortly after

No title
Date before 1986

She is gone there is no reason to go on
Mabie I will never find another like her
Mabie I will
I need someone new
Someone as good as two
I just can not take the pain
My body acks inside
These feelings I can hide
Alone I tread for now
I hope she sees me someday
In my arms a beautiful woman
Who I will love forever
Some one who will stand by me what ever
On I will go because I simply must
Always knowing I have only me to trust
Until I reach that day
I can stand and say
I made it I am where I should be
No one can stop me
I will be there you will see
Title To Linda
Date before 1986
Skys of Blue
Clear water
Green trees bright flowers
Sunshine bright
Starry nights
Green grass
All cannot replace
the love we share
The presence of your face
The burden that I bare
To give to you
What I want to
Not a thing could say
How I feel today
Oh your love has given
Me a special gift
That a life worth living
And a special lift
Your love is what I want
One my heart desires
Wont you give me all you are
So I can give it to my God
My only main supplier
Beat you
I claw you and control you
You voluntarily submit
Life it seems is just a dream
We can now compute
Do not reveal into the sail
Amongst the real commute
Just repute
And give a salute
To the men who pollute
Pollute and decide the wrong and the right
Should we give in submit
Should we quit to see up
And give in a cry
Never say die release the cry
Cry for some and die for one
Into the calm and cry
Be far from home
Life within will begin
Life without is just a shout
Be cool I shout, it is only without
Be calm little one or you will have more fun
Alone in the dark, be far from my heart
Alone in the dark beware into
Jive it Down pretty mama
Just love me
And make me love
Be at peace with your love
Title unknown
Date unknown
Away from rain
Ill please refrain
We can see
A knowing in we
The once great man
The now only we can see
We find all of us
Belonging to the trust
Go on in we see
Can you be with me
A bird shuffles
Title unknown
Date unknown
I am going to the road
Im going to let it all down
Your going with me in all your madness
Gone with you in all your love
Inside is all that is gone
Real is really wrong
Be in all my troubles
Let me tell about all my troubles
He is gone in all the life
Is real in my worried mind
Heaven is even with my body
We are going down the road
With leaving in mind
Is it up to our ears

Title unknown
Date unknown
Loneliness not here
When your near
You have touched me
Like no one
You have shown me
I have never done
I cant fight
What is done
When we are one
Not separate
Each a part
Start not end
Straight not bend
Love to end

Title unknown
Date unknown
Our love it makes me helpless
Times we have shared alone
When we are not together
It seems so long you see
Because when we are together
I have never been so happy
My longing for you withers
When ever you are near
My sorrow often hither
And brings with it a tear
Please dont distress
When I am away
Think of us lost
For sorrow is our strengthening
And more love is just the cost

Title Cry Unheard
Date unknown
Out of the jungle of the streets
A voice cry not heard by all
Yet it carries on its way
Know it goes unnoticed
Voices from other animals
Drown out the small creature
But is not that the way it is
We say so what with rude laughfter
We so blatantly blurt out
In our jelous minds that hold
A blanket of darkness over the most beautiful flowers
You talk louder, bang harder, step down
Stumble, tread over
Who cares who dares to let that
Little insignificent voice let out a
Possible beautiful hymn
Let us trample down the likes of this
In my heart are tears unseen
My sadness grows outside it flows
Rebellion screams in my ugly head
Into each day blood on my hands
My only relief is the distruction I reap
Yet my heart crys, overflowing
Sometimes to run down my face in
Secrecy I hide these tears away
From you will never the days
Gone by when on my knees I cried
And cried making a puddle a half inch thick
Please dont hurt me any more
For I am that voice that cries so soft
Dont drown me out and make me cry
The things I have said I would not lie
There are true today the same tomorrow
Do not increase the hurt and sorrow
Dont blurt louder, dont step on me
My cries are soft they are not louder
Than the softest cries from a baby tiger
In the animal zoo drowned out by elders
Their cries are louder yet in their hearts
They know someday the babies cries will rule with power
The roots come up against the rock
The tree grow strong there now you see
All around the little tree rocks and pebbles for you and me
The tree is separate from the pack
The tree is separate for a reason
Ignore lives separate ones
Louder harder stamp out these runts
When their gone you will all be happy
No more tears you will have to cry
No more fear for you and I
Gone all gone all flowers small
No trees at all just plastic clones to blot the day
My crying over, until the day when one will feel
As just I have and write it down or cry it soft
And want to stop the honest one
From bringing the darkness to the sun
When your heart that solemn plea
Lend a ear mabie three
Get the flower up right close
And live each day right to the most
Than to be a new found old hearts ghost
Title: Anatomy
Date unknown
Rainy days keep me in
I contemplate of my past sin
For not finding you
Sooner that infinite
I want what we have
I can not find no where looked
With out a eye for you
I would be blind as paper
With no words
No meaning
A organ gone
Gone no purpose
You are what I need to make my life complete
Can not sit here in this spot
Got to go for you to meet
Lost and found till not a sound but your heart beat
Title: Love for one
Date unknown
Love is so hard to come by
In a world that does not know
The way to love like you and I
So let our love light show
Others look in silence
They never see the oneness
Tween us and them a fence
We are so clean and they are a mess
Their bitter jealous hearts
Seek not the pureness of love
They only seek to hurt
By throwing evil darts
We deflect them with our love
Stronger than their hatred
We know we are made above
Staring with intent to the final recompense
Of our love full grown
Sown as one never to be undone

Title unknown
Date unknown
God is with me
That I know
I see around me
People sow
Deceit and anger
Yet a peace is comforting always
Keeping me happy
Safe and free
A comfort
One way one path
Many will fall
I need to stand
On one solid rock
Some who died
In my place
To keep this calm look
Steadfast on my face
See you and me
Be happy and free
Start with a right
Flight while in plight
Got to get out
And stay at a time
Find a reason
In the wrong season
I have why
In life with signs
Please give me a reason
To sink you
Do not beg because I dont have to

 I am sorry for any Typo's, of witch I am famous for.

This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content  first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended  recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format,  in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret.  It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet.