This page is reserved for art by me; only. Basically my home page will be reserved for art only. That was my intention when I first started this blog and is mentioned throughout the years on this blog.
This is my update for this year 2024 Home Page
3d art videos:
Happy New Year I will do what I did last year and ad all my sweet strawberry, cherry flavored candied artwork; on my home page. I do this art because my wife likes it the most. She is the most important person in my life and my art is all for her. I am also doing this type of art for my good fellow Texans who love art themed in the gentle side of nature. I always do my best to be as gentleman like as possible when I am creating this art. I went to lower dpi this year on my drawings although like I always say I have the huge original .tiff files if I could get my stuff printed and put in a show. Black and white this year because I wanted to limit myself to see what happened. Things are going great as always. I just did a comment on one of my Pinterest Computer Art images I made; here. I will paste it here too. : I did this with a freeware program. It would not make big renderings. I took smaller renderings and manipulated them in Microsoft Paint to make these. People seem to like these. Maybe someday I will revisit this great freeware. Color always means allot to me. I try to stick with the basic psychedelic colors. This one is a great example of that technic. I love life and always have. Sometimes I really feel I could love everyone. I have been wanting to post that here for sometime. If you go to my 2019 page for posts only you will see DL Moody explain how that is possible; to love everyone. The best post on this subject was from January 27, 2019. I have been wanting to post the about this for years now here. Last year almost by magic I found exactly where the post was. I used to search the page for the word love and there was way to many words. I hope you can learn this secret to life and it blesses you like it has blessed me. Our Christmas dinner was amazing. I will post a photo of it on the top of the page here. We had slow roasted rib roast and it was so delicious it is beyond words. We are still enjoying the leftovers and will be. I am saving the best part for last. As in the photo you can see that darkest brown part of the rib roast is the best tasting part. I still have it in the freezer. Here we go with another year in the greatest country in the world. I have many great plans for my art for 2025. I keep working on my art in my head. I know everyone will love my new art for next year. I was thinking of what candy's does my artwork best represent. I think strawberry creme filled Bavarian chocolates and Queen Anne Cordial Cherries would do it. I also liked cherry Twizzlers; as a way of describing my art. Every thing is good here and being good is good enough. It really was almost miraculous that I found that DL Moody section on that page. I looked for it for years and always gave up out of frustration. Last year I looked it up on my phone. This blog is completely different on a phone because the menu is a small box that expands. I went to the page and swiped down; you know like a roulette wheel it skims though the page. Then I stopped it randomly to reveal that section I searched 4 years to find. At the time I was hungry for The Word and went to my web page for sustenance and I got fulfilled. It seems my lot in life is to be really good at Revelation. I am a very strong opponent of all conspiracy theory's at the same time only take it for what it says. I am a boring Revelation graduate of my old church; from a intense class that took 2 years to complete. I am content of how low key I am about the book of Revelation. As far as I can say I will never change my views; and my no nascence approach to such things. I have said to much; just go read the 3 pages I dedicated to that subject to get the whole story. It has begun. I am knee deep it a great new serries of art that I predict will be one of my most popular new art serries I have created. I have to play allot less video games now and dedicate most all of my free time to art. It's that time of year again. Sorry for talking about religion and the like so much; especially if people reading it are bored and disinterested. I know. I want to talk about video games. As I have spoken about before (on this blog) I am into those handheld video games. I have been playing video games since Asteroids was a newer game you had to use quarters to play. I have been playing different versions of Puzzle Bobble for many years now and have never played my favorite version of that game; until recently. I was one of the first people to have a Nintendo home video console back in the day. Come to find out; my favorite version of Puzzle Bobble was only on the Super Nintendo Console, aka Super Famicom. I am playing it now and at about round 70. I very much recommend this version of Puzzle Bobble. I want to talk about this years art some more; although that will have to wait till next time I update this page. I took a photo of my progress in the game afore mentioned above. See here top of the page. Yesterday I reached Round 100 of the game. You have to get past this boss type character and it is kind of tough. Nevertheless I won. I will post a photo of the boss being defeated.: See here top of the page. Also while I was at it I took a photo of fried mushrooms I made this morning. I will post it on the same page. I used to get fried mushrooms at the Durham Fair back east. They are one of the easiest things to fry because the batter sticks so well to them. I just want to mention how much I love Microsoft OneDrive for getting images to and from my phone and computer. I gave them a great Google review. Stay Rad. I found these on Google Images.: See here top of the page What can I tell you it seems like sometimes I am in love with the universe. My wife has a long weekend so we are just laying around and eating cheeseburgers and french fries; my wife's favorite. I do not workout or do art on a wife day. I do not want to miss anything. I like to spend as much time next to her as I can. God knows it too, and that is all that really matters; doesn't it? Right now I am listening to my favorite album on low volume and watching this cool old show Captain Power. Ted Leo and the Pharmacist - Hearts of Oak; please play over and over, forever. Oh about my art I posted here 3 months ago. Oh I want to say that I never got along good with my dad growing up. I realized recently that it was 5 years till I made sure my dad knew I loved him.It was the best thing I ever did in my life. My life changed 360 degrees. I was not living with any family members in for about 5 years before I moved back to my 1st home town and lifted weights to possibly compete and became some kind of hometown hero.Then I met my wife and we moved west and never looked back on those mean streets of the east coast. I still love and miss it mostly for it's fresh seafood plush summer foliage and the best skiing access. So the art I posted has a continuing theme. I discovered this awesome 2D/3D computer art that moves around when it is on your desktop. I was so impressed with it I threw it in to all my 3D stuff. I lost a bunch of 3D art last year trying to make this cheap flash drive work. That was devastating to me. I still get sad when I remember it. I recommend Sandisk Flash drives only. Ok so like I was saying this stuff will blow your mind. O all right I will as some to the bottom of the page here: I actually had to go into my 3D project file here to show you. I am going to give you my best images. Put these in the corner of your desktop on black background. It will appear to move around as you do your work on your computer. I like to think of it as play though. "And it's so hard and I know how hard And I know how hard to pursue When you just ain't breaking through But don't you let them tell you that you're wrong" - The Crane Takes Flight Ted Leo and The Pharmacists Track 13 on Hearts of Oak. So it is just video games and good food and watching movies for my wife and I for our long weekend together. It just makes me feel love and "Love is all we need." - The Beatles. Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I remember my classmates growing up in the mean streets of the east coast. I grew up in what was known as a Irish Catholic School back then. Nowadays that might seem politically incorrect. Most of my fellow students looked up to me. I was class president in the 7th and 8th grade. Jodie Foster I think that was her name, was my girlfriend then and she was the highest grade average girl then. She took my place as class president in the 8th grade. I was told it was because I did not get enough field trips or something like that. I always admired the brave hearts of the young men in my classes back then when all the Irish wars were going on. I like to think I carried that with me from back then, that loyalty to a cause. The art is going great. The hours the artwork I do take's; is taken away in every way by the satisfaction of the end result. That is my personal opinion and if you do not get it, then you have not been paying attention and if you have not and even if no one ever reads this; at least I experienced it. The very same reason people climb mountains (is why I do my art); because it was there. Around 2018 I got real excited about tanks because of my favorite game World of Tanks and the tank art I was into; back around then. I had completed a huge amount of tank art and for my reward I sent away for a few tiny model World War 2 army men and tanks. I have always wanted to own something like this. Quite frankly; I had no idea that something like this even existed. I bought things separately and believe me this stuff was a very good price. The detail is amazing. I took one of the tank cases that came with it and made a little battlefield out of it. The Nazi's are out numbered and one is even being run over with the tank. I have a real Indiana Jones type hatred for Nazis. As a kid (that is where this really comes from) no army men collection would be complete without the enemy Nazis. You can see my creation at the bottom of the page, click here. I took it off my dusty mantle recently and polished it off and I realized I never posted about it. I meant to. Just got done writing a review of the 1966 Captain America television series. I will post it here. : I like this series mostly because of my infatuation with it as a child. The comics have also amazed me as a artist all my life. This series is riddled with perilous scenes, one after another; always with the constant recurring theme of patriotism. I think it would be good for young people to watch to help them be more patriotic. I think if my dog was a real child he would like this show too. I like to sing him the theme song to him often. If you have seen the movies they will help you catch up quicker to what is going on. The color scheme is so old school it will take you back to the good old days when comics where your favorite thing in the world; to own. It will show up on the page as soon as they review it. Happy Easter. Here is a little ditty of a page I made last year to celebrate Easter; click here. I just want to say that when I refer to the East Coast; where I come from, as the mean streets; all I can say when I grew up there; it was mean. Now that we are all living in times of enlightenment; I am sure my sweet Connecticut leads the pack. You think we have country in the south; that is nothing compared to the jungles that engulf Connecticut every summer and early fall: my favorite season time there, early fall. It is a magical place of the refinement of higher education; like nowhere else in our country. The colleges is where I hung out from the ages of 8 years old till the day I left in the mid 1980's. I have a deep rooted comradery to my homeland and especially my first hometown; one of the best college towns. I learned American history there like nowhere that it could be taught with such passion; dating back to our forefathers. I learned by the best of those who told the story like no one else; the hardships of those who fought and died to establish out great country. I do not remember that much about the civil war as much as the American British wars; before this country was even a country. I remember tails of great heroism in the establishing our great country told by people who really, really believed in what they taught. If you search everything I ever wrote about where I am from: 98 percent of it; is all positive, like what I just said in this paragraph. Of course the Radmanart family saw the total eclipse. I ran up to my dog during the 4 minute blackness to show him; so even my dog saw it. I really enjoyed the show right out my front door. I made a video of it with the background music as me playing my Chinese electric guitar. Click here. I have YouTube music on my phone and I saw a new song by and it was pretty good. Stereo something. I have liked them before anyone liked them. Their music (for some reason) brings me back to those elegant times in Connecticut. Back then when ever I found myself in the deep city of Hartford or New Haven Connecticut; sometimes I have to say I do not not know how I got there. Some friend of mine took me there without me knowing where we were going. My friends used to like colleges. I would find myself surrounded by that polished wood paneling in the deep city. You could not see the wall just dark polished wood everywhere. That is what this music reminds me of. Nevertheless I miss and love deep city elegants. This is what I thought of just before I wanted to post the following because I was listening to them at that time.: I wanted to post that the reason I took a video of my sneakers in my eclipse video (mentioned above) is that I really like them for the tough Texas land roving. I recommend them for Texas. I have been wearing these sneakers since I was a kid; bound for the west, back east as a sore thumb. The pair in the video were given to me for free from Converse for a video commercial tryout they had; that I entered my Radman_art DVD in, when I just got out of college back in 2008 as a real 'Schmitty'. I do have 2 other pairs of Chuck Taylor's and I bought them around 1988 in beautiful Southern California; the year I got married. They are still good and have withstood the mean Texas land for many years. I only wear them in the summer because they fit tight. My blue pair are best for winter because I can wear 2 socks or more under them. We have long cold winters here and you have to be prepared for them. There is one and final reason why I must be loyal to Connecticut and that is; my vast, vast, family there. My Sicilian heritage is deep rooted there (most of all) not to dismiss my wife's family as well. I have relatives there I have and may never meet; by the thousands. Some things you just sense; without having to know the actual statistics. I just want to start right now to affirm that all my free time is spent creating my art for the first of the year these days. Like I said above; this one should be the most popular to date. That is saying a lot since I am pretty sure my art is completely ignored by the internet. I stopped getting notifications of people adding my art to their favorites on Pinterest lately. I have been getting those emails for years, everyday, for years: yet suddenly they stopped about 2 months ago. The weird thing is; things like this never makes me give up. I keep doing art no matter what. This is my review I just did for IMDB click here. If you are like me; you do not know what Canada is all about and why they have flourished just above us in all that terrible weather for so long. One thing I learned as a young patriotic American is that Canada helped us out with vietnam. That is all I needed to know; at about the age 11. I have always considered Canada the friend to us here. I still do not know exactly what is going on up there. This show has helped me to fill those gaps as best I can. Red reminds me of people I knew back east. We are overflowing with people like this in the north east. Good people with no real goals in life; than to just get through each day without being injured our bankrupt. The simple people of our country are what makes us great. I have no idea what is going on in the Red Green Show. There is not too much of any good advice in this show. This show should be known as bad advice for anyone trying to fix anything, living with the possums in the woods. The one thing about this series is that I am pretty sure of; Red is a Christian, as per a scene I saw about him commenting about the Bible taught in schools. He said something like; kids can learn alot with the Bible and use that to help them in life and that is why it should not be taught in schools. Another classic Red Green joke. Long live the incredibly long series of the Red Green Show! title: Get to know Canada through this show. Last night I was looking up a song that I heard in a movie and finally found it. I have been looking for the song for years. You can hear the song here, click here. Just before I was ready to pass out from being tired after my bed time; I found out this dude was almost a Rolling Stone. This proved to me this search was worth it. This guy is really something, click here to go to his Wikipedia page. He is definitely worth checking out. I can't wait to add him to my YouTube Music app on my phone. Also I just learned this about this dude.: He is known to have turned down an offer by Jimmy Page to be the lead vocalist of the band that became Led Zeppelin. They should make a movie about this guy. I know what you must be thinking. This year I am reaching in my heart. My art has not been this intense in a while. I am going to bring it to you the way I see things here everyday. You may be surprised what you see. I am going to invoke the; I will mot let you down claus, as well this year. I will not let you down. "If I could stick a knife in my heart Suicide right on stage Would it be enough for your teenage lust? Would it help to ease the pain? Ease your brain" - Mick Jagger The Rolling Stones - It’s Only Rock ’n Roll (But I Like It)" Oh yeah one more thing. This song is so cool I want to buy a pair of Jawwdinz.: Tip Toe Wing in My Jawwdinz: There is one more song I love on that album that is either the best southern rap song or a joke.: Time goes on for us all (it doesn't matter who we are). Love that song! At any rate this is one of the best hiphop albums ever made.: Sorry about yesterday's post. I was listening to Riff Raff and Ritz at the same time when I posted about the two. I love them both though. I am listening to Sponge Rotting Pinata right now. In my opinion the most perfect (alternative) album of it's time ever made. Just did the best six pieces of art so far today. My favorite at least. Sometimes the wife just don't get it. That's ok; it is ok to think radical sometimes. It is ok to be radical as long as it helps us all to excel; radically. You know if you do not check this website allot you will never know when exactly; I update it. I will not even know. Isn't that what art is all about? What am I listening to now? This blew my mind when it first came out, so much; I went and bought it. It still takes me away, like most music I love; to all those milky Texas nights, highway surfing (coming home from the Plano campus, racing sports cars and such dangerous stuff like that), on my Ninja 1200; with my MP3 player so loud I could not hear anything else beside, crystal clear, stereo sound, of hard rock, that drove me into oblivion and back. I am in art mode now. I just posted this on my political blog after not posting on it for over a month. I will post it here because it is also about my art.: I have decided to be more particular about what I sign or write about; these days. It does not help that all my free time goes to my new fantastic artwork. Also as always I have to go through so many emails to find the one little cause that I feel strongly about. Sometimes I just do not have the time to deeply research things. I refuse to write or sign anything without researching it; that just takes too much time while I am working in all my freetime, doing artwork. I have more art than I could count in my house; it has got to be some kind of world record. Also as always I have the fact that I make no money from anything I do on the internet and never have. I have not made 1 penny from the internet; as long as I have been a contributor to the internet; ever. It has cost me plenty in faulty computers and internet access fees. It has always been a way of giving from me to us all and our community's here in the best country in the world. Also I want to say we have more grass than ever before. Every year I say this but this time I have definitive proof. There is a small aria on the side of my house that never has had grass growing there. This year not only is there grass there; it is almost completely covered in grass. This spring is the best ever. I look forward to the trees being full of leaves. I recently posted a article on my political blog that I deleted because I do not think it is funny that people believe in something for the betterment of us all; yet it is disregarded by about half of our country as nonsense. Somethings are not funny because they should not be funny; I think politics in our country is never funny and should not be made light of. I have a huge sense of humor and am not disregarding the importance that we all laugh; everyday. I am fortunate enough because my wife makes me laugh almost every day; almost to tears sometimes. I am fortunate enough because my wife makes me laugh almost every day; almost to tears sometimes. The point I am trying to make is in the article I mentioned how America loves the underdog.America loves the underdog. Well guess what? I have been mentioning myself as the underdog; almost the entire time I have been on the internet. I will never stop creating art to help people love art just a little bit more; until I die. I pledge you this. That is just the way it is for me and how it has always been. Sorry; I love phycology. I should have been a phycology major. : Why Do We Love Underdog Stories? Psychology Weighs Learning about psychology on the internet helps me everyday; to be a better person for the state and country I love. Nothing in this world means anything to me, at all; above my love for my Lord, my country and my family; it is for those three things I strive to be the best human being I can be. That is the way it has always been for me and always will be. Pro Deo et patria. I will never change that about me. I am old enough to say that and really mean it. Those chilly mornings are still with us. I was almost downright cold the day before yesterday. I always tell people; we get real long cold winters here in North Texas. I went out this morning and it was warmish and then it rained and cooled it off. I just hope this summer is milder than last summer. Summers tend to be hard on the foliage here every year. Not like the glorious summer foliage I grew up enjoying the smell and and just healthy feeling of breathing it in. America has so much to offer everyone. We all need to be thankful to live here. It should be a celebration everyday to just be able to live here by us all. Can't we all just be happy to live in America? Why not? Look at the problems in the world and just be happy to be here. It seems we should all feel obligated to just be happy. I was looking for a gift for myself for my birthday. I like small toys to surround my computer monitor while I type stuff to no one. I couldn't help but notice small toys labeled mystery toy inside box. What is this obvious trickery? Do you know how obsessed children can be? Kids will beg their parents forever to buy as many of these as possible. Not right to do this to children and parents! Do you know what a good feeling it is to wrap yourself in the American flag? I do. It feels really good. You should try it. It feels like the biggest most plush blanket you can imagine. Feels good to be a good American. Another thing that made me angry when looking for a mini hero figurine for my desk aria. Why are the only finely crafted figurines all villains; like in Star Wars? No one want to buy the villains. That is sick and weird in my opinion. I would love to get the spaceships of the good guys in Star Wars or the mini mechs they had. Come on toy company's. What is wrong toy company's? Are you trying to turn our young people into evil villains? I didn't mean to be mean. Like I said you can't play soldiers without the having the bad guys. I scanned the only photo I have from the day I was married. I think I am wearing my old Reebok Pumps. I do not know if those were pumps but I did own a pair back then and I loved them. Like most of my sneakers; they all got shredded up by skateboards. To all my dead sneakers; amen. My wife is wearing those really soft Reeboks. It is funny to me since I have been wearing my red white and blue Reeboks. People like them. The Reeboks I have now are pretty cool. They look like old school high-tops on the outside; inside is the shape of the human foot crafted out of leather. I have never seen this technique. This is a great photo I took with a better scanner than my old scanner. It came out really good. You had to be there. Yes, that is a huge pile of snow in the background. The building was very cool. Old style mountain cabin, like. We were married in the mountains you can see from San Diego, in Big Bear California. We went skiing for the rest of the weekend. See it bottom of the page click here. We have been praying for Houston from th3e start. We pray that as many utility workers we have get a vacation in that warm tropical Houston to get our people back to normal. I also hope other states will help us as well. We got hit by storms here at the same time and they lasted all day. That morning I was at the store and was disguising the weather at the check stand and I said nice and loud; that all we can do is pray for the weather. That is all we can do; I said. On the east coast we know Hotrods. I have been buying American muscle cars calendars for years nows and I have discovered I am more in love with American muscle cars than I have ever been. My earliest memories of muscle cars in action was my 2 cousins Michael and Richard. Michael Richard and I were all born the same year by the 3 sisters of my grandfather (the great contractor) that practically built half of my hometown. Michael was a great mechanic. Michael took me and Richard for a ride in his Mustang Mach 1 at a family get together. I was in the back seat and when he unloaded on this beast I was literally pinned against the back seat suspended with my butt not touching the seat. Michael did work on the Custom Chevy 1 Ton Van I used to move to California and that van would not die. It had hardwood floors and a great bed. I put my Kawasaki 454 in the van and that is how we made it in California. Richard is the reason my name is Rick. We spent more so much time together when we grew up that they had to rename me to tell us apart. Richard was a great man. His work on muscle cars, always amazed me growing up. He and his friend had the best box Chevys I have ever seen. Huge rear tires. Jacked up in the back. Straight up made for racing in the streets. This car could not hide that it was very dangerous. Both his and his friends cars never had a paint job and was always black primer. Richard was one of the coolest dudes I ever knew. Everytime we met we would immediately start fighting each other. Violent wrestling like. It was hard to explain. We would see each other after a year or so and than as soon as I saw him it seemed like the right thing to do; to wrestle him to the ground, if I could. He was alway a little taller than me and would almost always win. Every once and a while; I would win. I was at a party one time and met him there. We both had girlfriends with us. I think I was there because it was my girlfriend's family. (This was all just before I left for the west coast.) I met him by his car after the party and started wrestling him. He hurt his arm and made me feel bad. The way he looked at me made me feel really bad. I was really big then. It was then that I realized we were both too adult to behave this way. Today is his birthday. He left us all a while ago and it still makes me bad for not reaching out to him while I still could. I hope I see him in heaven.: Click here to read about the passing of a legend.Click here to read about the passing of a legend. I love my American Muscle Cars OFFICIAL calendar that I buy every year. I miss the days that you could buy a cars like that fully equipt with huge fat tires made for racing. I do not believe people should harass people with their aggressive driving. Just to what we sportbike riders used to do at the Sonic in Garland, Texas: just go to a abandoned race track and duke it out. Or even better go to a official race track. This month is 1963 Ford Galaxie 500 month. "The moon has now eclipsed the sun The angel has spread its wings The time has come for bitter things"-Cryptorchid Song by Marilyn Manson I do not care what anyone says I love this album and the next one especially. My cousin Richard once talked to me exactly like this on the phone one time. I called him when I was a student at Woodrow Wilson High School and he said to me "the wind cries Mary" out of the context of the conversation; yet so apropo and weird at some wild times in the late 1970's. The late 1970s was the grand finale of rock music in my opinion. Nevertheless; I love new music. I have not been keeping up with what's new; lately. I always have this feeling someone is turning out great new music that I love; in the greatest country, in the history of the world. Last but not least I really love the album The Last Tour on Earth. I had a subscription to the Dallas Morning News towards the end of 1998. I was reading about Marilyn Manson concerts turning into riots. This great album reflects those days so well. This album introduced me to the lunch box song. That is a great song from a much, much earlier album. He sings it with so much emotion on this album. The first time I heard it it gave me chills. Ok yeah; that was a bunch of storms. Storms; at least make you glad you came out of them ok. The storms came from the north and that hardly ever happens. The soil has turn to mud here because we had so much rain. I still had to mow the lawn. That says to me; nature likes the rain. It shook allot of limbs off the trees. Just laying around with my wife today; eating Club Sandwiches and watching movies and playing video games. My favorite 3 things.: Eating, watching great television (movies and series) and playing video games is good enough for me to be happy. I also like to on occasion listen to great Rock and Hip Hop Music while playing my video games. It is so refreshing to every once and awhile; to block all sound out with those rare albums that I love so much. I did so much outdoor work the other day it awakened me physically and mentally. I feel really good like I got a great workout. I love the moments I feel like: it is good to be alive. I can not comment about my happy times without saying how my dog is always there no matter what. He still makes me happy everyday. I never have a excuse for feeling down with my best buddy around. It seems sometimes like that is his job. I especially love mornings when he follows me around and loves to play with his toys so much. I Love My Dog a Song by Cat Stevens: "I love my dog as much as I love you But you may fade, my dog will always come through All he asks from me is the food to give him strength All he ever needs is love and that he knows he'll get So, I love my dog as much as I love you But you may fade, my dog will always come through All the pay I need comes a-shinin' through his eyes I don't need no cold water to make me realize that" As you all know I have been playing Puzzle Bobble lattley. The arcade version is my favorite. I use the game to hone and monitor my playing ability's for my favorite games. I have run across a phenomenon that has me a little freaked out. The game is so simple you just match up the colors. 3 colors matched and the bubble not popped. I took a photo of 3 colors on the screen unpopped. I will post the image bottom of the page; click here. I saved the game and could provide a video of. This is a collector's item for sure. Happy 4th of July. We are enjoying a 4th of July weekend together this weekend. We wanted to have cheeseburgers french fries with coleslaw; because it is so typical American food. Every great dinner of American always has coleslaw. Then we thought we should have White Castle Cheese burgers. White Castle Cheese burgers also have other significance to us. About a year ago my wife had a serious operation on her eye. She kept getting a infection in her eye. It looked downright gruesome sometimes. So we went through the whole deal. It took many months while her doctor did all she could to help my wife though her ordeal; until the operation that ended all the infections. You know me; I was top of my class as a caregiver; don't forget. I was on it from the beginning to the end. She had a clogged tear duct. What made it serious was the infections that kept recurring over and over. Without the surgery the infections would have become more and more frequent; causing uncountable negative side effects. You do not have to be a genius to figure that out. So after that amazingly long day while I waited for my wife to get out of surgery and when we got home we had White Castle Cheese burgers and White Castle Chicken burgers. I will never forget how good that tasted. I slept through the fireworks like I always do every year. We sleep early around here because of work schedules and such. I have to tell you; if you follow the directions on the White Castle Cheese burgers they are almost the perfect microwave food. I found this cool graphic an a web page yesterday shortly after updating this page. It was the background of the webpage and I was so impressed with it I tried to save it and it worked. It is one of those new movie image type files. I could care less what they change on the internet as long as I can view it with our same old programs. I will post it here on the bottom of the page click here. Do not be deceived by the size presented; this is a huge graphic. Maybe although coleslaw was not invented in America; we made it a staple. Every restaurant I have been in since I was a kid has always had coleslaw. My earliest memory of great coleslaw is from KFC. It tastes so good and is so good for you. Don't forget I was a vegan back around 1981 through 1983; before most people even knew what a vegan was. I was even a co op worker at a health food store at that time. I know nutrition way more than most people; yet we all need a good burger once and awhile. This week has been one of the most stressful weeks I have had in years. First the hurricane in the news from about five days before it arrived. We prayed hard for all those days leading up to that hurricane and till this day for the recovery. Then on Monday we realized our hot water heater had died. Now this morning I woke up to find President Trump was shot. I had just gotten out of my bed when my wife told me; while I was on my way to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and prayed for President Trump and everyone there to be healed not just physically but emotionally as well. We did that three times this morning; until my wife left the house. I will never forget how sad I was when Gabby Giffords was shot; it is the kind of sadness that sticks with you. I have felt that way since my wife told me about President Trump. It is not just some story you read and it leaves your mind latter. It is almost like a family member is shot. I hope everyone in America will deal with this terrible event as positively as possible so as not to hurt our mental health. I want to retract something I said in my last update. I had as stressful a week about a year ago when I decided to change the kitchen sink faucet and it exploded. Except for the hurricane and the President being shot and him and all the people around him becoming post traumatic stress victims. That week was as stressful a week. I have been planning a update to this webpage but have not had the time; this is not that update. I am busy from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed; everyday. My wife and I had a epiphany just now. I remembered about the oh sh@t lever. She told me this when she was on leave from the US Army for the Christmas holiday in California, around 1992. The (oh sh@t) lever is a part of most vehicles in America, at that time. I guess the oh sh@t lever is what you grab when your vehicle (Humvee) is hit so hard you have to grab onto it to survive. I imagine most veterans; about that time, were concerned about being exploded by terrorist's bombs, and the oh sh@t lever, is all that saved them. My wife's main job in the military (in Texas mostly) was to drive her Captain or First Sergeant or others in her Humvee; officially. Her name was on the rear windshield on those Humvee's. Sorry about the flashback of the early 1990's; I have inside me. I hope you never have to experience the only person you love more than anything on this planet; join the military. At any moment she may have been called up to go to the other side of the planet to fight in a war untold by this side of the planet. Still have not updated this page like I planned and still do no have time to write that; just now. I have mentioned this many times online: I took her one time to the bus in Killeen, Texas; when she might have had to go somewhere for war. I dropped her off and she said hold on a minute; she came back a few minutes later with her grenade launcher M16. Her unit chose her to carry the grenade launcher because she had a metal in it. I said what is that? She cocked it like a shotgun and said; what this? Another thing I have mentioned many times before online: I will never forget when she came home to me in Arroyo Grande California for Christmas after just getting out of basic training. We drove down the same main street we always drove down in that beautiful seaside town and she said; there is someone on the roof over there. I never notice people on roofs. Do you? Don't worry most likely you will never know someone in the military. About one percent of Americans join the military. I just want to say I have a undying love for California. I can't help it. Something got stuck in my heart when I was out there. I will never turn my back on California. It is a undeniable part of me forever. I am true to California till the day I die. I have not lived there for 30 years now and have never spoke out against it; as a state. You know they like bad publicity. That way they have the best beaches to themselves. Seriously: I think they like less people moving there and like to hype bad publicity. That is the way it has always been about me and the way it will always be. So many things about myself have been true since the day I was born and will always will be. Maybe it is my age but I find myself saying that all the time. What it is has always been about me; and will always be. So many things about myself and most likely all of us; that is good, that has always been and will always be. We should hold unto to those honorable things about us; that has never changed and run with it. I have put a tight grip on the word honor for about 30 years now and it seems to keep growing despite me. USA! I used to be in charge of raising that flag every morning at that cold North End of Connecticut. Cold snow up to my neck it did not matter; I had to raise that flag everyday in grade school. We usually had two of us students doing it; but many times I had to do it by myself. It could not touch the ground and had to be folded just so. Oh yeah; why I started typing. I love this song: . Oh that Jody Highroller. As always I do not know if this rapper is joking around or serious. Who cares; it rocks. Do not base much on a guy that likes Riff Raff that much. Who cares about that too. I have not been updating as much as I used to. I think it is kind of a natural loss of interest; at least a loss compared to before. I do not know why; I guess it is just what I do now. I know I have been into slowing down lately. I always tell my wife; slow down, when she is walking around our maze of a home. Lately I have been heeding that advice myself; these day. I am doing the update I said I was going to do last time I posted here and a great new portion of the Red Green Show that I discovered lately. The Puzzle Bobble videos are of a glitch in the game I found 2 times. When balls touch they are supposed to disappear not stay in the game attached to each other. Click here for Red Green. Click here for Puzzle Bobble anomaly. Not much else to say except; all is well and I am doing my best to have as much fun as I can, everyday. I love having fun. It makes me look forward to everyday. What am I listening to on my great headphones: right now?: Happy Alone - Kings of Leon -: What? What more do you want? Love? Welp; love is all I got. Lol. I thank the Lord for great headphones found everywhere for about 10 dollars! Except when I can't hear my precious wife's voice. My wife of almost 40 years. My wife's voice is a very pretty bird that flew in my house and sings the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. Say what you want about Kings of Leon; I bought all three CD's back in my college days; as soon as they were released. I still listen to the 1st 2 CD's on a regular basis. I have to admit the lyrics to the above mentioned song, are weird; it is still a really great song. Kings of Leon are like that; their lyrics are weird but the melody is outrageously addicting. I discovered them back in the day when I had MTV2. I designate my YouTube videos as made for children because I want to assure people that visit my Blog and YouTube channel to know that all my artwork and videos are G rated and safe to watch for everyone. I also designate my videos in this way because it is the only option for YouTube to has to state your videos are G Rated. Weird; I know. What better way to say your art is G Rated than to say it is safe for children. I would change that option if I was YouTube though. Maybe people do not know what G Rated means. I do not consider myself a children's artist. I avoid children at every hand. I have even have ignored them saying hi to me. Children are a liability in today's day and age and I support everyone to ignore children unless they have to for work or it is there own kid. Of course I do not hate children and would do anything to help a child in danger. Another reason I have ignored children all my life is; I think people should only do this only if it is their own children. It is not a stranger's place to act as a parent when they are not. All of this is very possible for me because my wife and I never had kids. I never wanted children because I never had enough money; to have children. This was not easy to avoid the first years of our marriage of course. The Lord spared us having children; that much is obvious to me. Some things are just meant to be. Just want to ad that I like YouTube because it is not social media. The above problem I had with YouTube does not mean I am against YouTube. I am going to hide that page for now. I may work on it and then present it again. Other than that everything is going great as always. I enjoyed another great weekend with my wife this week. We had paninis made on our George Foreman Grill. Love em. I really love my life. It is a calm life but it's a good one. Last week I thought there might be a leak in one of our water pipes. I went outside and much to my dismay I found it. Half panicked out of my mind and about to have a heart attack I went back inside trying to figure out which of my more than a dozen plumbers, I have used over the years, to call. I opened the freezer to get one of our weekday meals out to eat latter for dinner and I noticed the ice in the ice tray was water. Now my heart felt like it was going to explode. All in one morning! I want to thank Best Buy again for saving our lives; again. Whether it is a computer or washer or dryer has saved us. My oven is on it's last leg but thanks to I was able to replace the burners myself, so we are hanging on to that. We had a gigantic behemoth of a refrigerator that we have already fixed once. Thanks to we were able to buy a small refrigerator / freezer to save at least 120 dollars worth of food right away. I called about 8 plumbers and only one called me back and he was the best. The good Lord saved us again and I am thankful. I am still recovering from a week of extreme stress. Welcome to Texas where the tough times don't last tough Texas people do. I think about the Talking Heads movie. You can read the script here.: . This is my favorite part of that script.: I WANT TO TELL YOU A STORY I HEARD ABOUT TEXAS RECENTLY IN A LOCAL TAVERN. IT SEEMS GOD WAS WORKING AROUND HERE, TRYING TO MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD. HE HAD TO KNOCK OFF BECAUSE IT WAS NIGHTTIME. HE SAID, "I'LL COME BACK TOMORROW "AND MAKE IT AS PRETTY AS THE REST OF THE WORLD WITH LAKES AND STREAMS AND MOUNTAINS AND TREES." HE GOT BACK THE NEXT DAY, AND HE SAW THE GROUND HAD HARDENED LIKE CONCRETE. AND HE DIDN'T WANT TO BEGIN ALL OVER AGAIN. NO. IN HIS INFINITE WISDOM, HE HAD AN IDEA. HE SAID,"I KNOW WHAT I'LL DO. I'LL MAKE SOME PEOPLE THAT LIKE IT THIS WAY." Did you know David had a nervous breakdown and that is how he came up with the idea about this movie that most people consider some kind of joke. I seriously consider this movie a work of art. The photographers that worked on this movie were actually famous photographers. It is rock and roll art come to life; not a comedy. It was filmed here in Collin County. At least we are still alive and well after the unbelievable stress we have gone through this past week. I want to remind you that I carved out a good 4 months and more of my life this past year to work on art; every second of my free time I had; for us all. I will be presenting it here on the 1st of January; like I have for so many years. I think since the year 2015 I have presented hundreds of works of art here every January 1st. If you like my art you will love my new stuff like a 5 star surf and turf dinner. Remember to check me out on the 1st; to eat my art like a huge box of Queen Anne chocolate covered cherries. We are enjoying chicken fried steak today. There is no chicken in chicken fried steak but it is one of my favorites. I think it is a excuse to eat country gravy. Why Me (Kris Kristofferson song): Kristofferson said he went with friends to the church service where he was moved by Larry Gatlin's song "Help Me (Lord)". He said that he had never thought of needing help, but he was at a low point in his life. When the pastor asked the congregation, "Is anybody feeling lost?" "Up goes my hand," Kristofferson says. The Pastor then asked, "Are you ready to accept Christ? Kneel down there." "I'm kneeling there," Kristofferson continues, "and I carry a big load of guilt around...and I was just out of control, crying. It was a release. It really shook me up." Kristofferson later said, "It was just a personal thing I was going through at the time. I had some kind of experience that I can't even explain. I cried too; when I was officially saved as a adult. I have believed for years now that we are saved at about the age of 8 years old. It is then when we decide to believe that there is a God basically. My mom is the person that witnessed to me when I was 18 years old. After reading Chick Tracts. I said the sinner's prayer with her on my knees with my head in her lap crying like a baby. I have rarely cried in my life and that was one of them. I am not a devoted believer but I am a brother in my family of believers out there. Although most times religion is the furthest thing from my mind. There is still that honor set in me; for all eternity. Everything is so great with us. Since we had to clear the house out for the Best Buy refrigerator delivery, I rearranged the house to have a more open look. It is like we live in a new house. We love it. Since we had too much rain here in spring that caused the grass to glaze over with mud and we had rain sparingly this summer I have rarely had to mow the lawn this year. It has been wonderful. I am looking forward to getting some outdoor work when it gets cold. My wife will have a vacation soon and I may rent a chainsaw to break some logs up in the yard. Also I want to build an extension on my shed so maybe I can fit a rider lawn mower in there next year. I say that every year but I really need to consider it soon; I am getting too old to do the push mower. Looks like we will have a great Christmas; we already bought all the main gifts. I still have to get my dog something. I can not take this hot weather anymore. We have been praying about it for months. Today it is going to be 83. That is supposed to be a cool down. At least the mornings are cool; sometimes cold. There is a reason we have cold mornings even when it is hot during the day. This happens during the spring and early and late summer and fall. I tried to find the reason on Google but found nothing. I think it has something to do with the dry air verse's the morning humidity or something like that. Someone told me once but I can not remember exactly why. The weather is very volatile here because we are right on the line of the jet stream. When I pray I like to ask the Lord to just move that line a little. It seems like less work for Him; even though; I am sure He can do anything. I am thankful for my faith; it is the my strength. My faith is a result of a lifetime of seeing God working in my life with His helping hand. This is what I am all about and always has been; since the age of 18 years old. I gave my life to Him back then and was known by other young people in my home town as the guy with the Bible. From age 18 to 19; I would tell almost everyone I met about the Lord. People would freak out at this good looking young man talking to them like a preacher. I mean anyone. I would stop people on the street and tell them about God and hand them tracts. I have learned over the years to be much more selective about such about such events; waiting on the Lord. My walk with the Lord through my life has had its ups and downs. I do not claim to be a devout believer. Still; everyday, I fall before Him in silent prayer mostly about my wife and her safety and well being and when we have storms; things like that. I also have prayer time with my wife everyday out loud together. I love my wifes input. For instance she prays for the homeless almost everytime we pray together. When ever I interact with people in person; it is the first and foremost thing on my mind; even if I never mention it out loud. Not the internet as much. As you can tell by my blog I would rather talk about artwork I love or the latest rock and hip hop music and food and video games. You know; stuff like that. Most of the people I love the most are most likely not believers, like artists and musicians. That has always been true with me. I would do most anything for these people; whether they are believers or not. I had the same zeal for the Lord when I was 18 from 1988 when I got married; till when my wife joined the army and the army moved us to to Texas around 1992. We moved from the San Diego aria; where I used to preach to all the skateboard dudes at Mike McGill's skate park to the Central Coast where my wife and I helped out at a ministry there. You know the guy that changes faces in the movie Smokin' Aces? I am watching Charlie's Angels right now with my wife. He appears as a guard to let you into the factory. He was in the movie I was an extra in: . I met John Savage at the movie shoot. The best actor I met in that movie was the guy that was the demolition expert in the movie Saving Private Ryan. He says about like: I have enough C4 to blow that bridged 3 times. I can not believe I met someone from that great movie. Yet I can not find him as a actor in that movie; such is life. That guy from that movie Smokin' Aces looked at me weird when I was there. He looked at me like I am the star and will be. He was right. This guy was something special. : This guy is something. The Anarchist Cookbook is not on his IMDB page or his Wikipedia page. : . I saw him that day though. I do not think his scene made the movie. I still have my paystubs from that day; framed and on my wall. You can see my butt in that movie here; literally.: I hate Kenny Loggins music but love Loggins and Messina. What is that? Some of my favorite music from the early 1970's was Loggins and Messina . Some of the most loathed (so called rock music) music of all time; comes from Loggins and Messina. Loggins and Messina is not pop music; it is hard core innovated rock music from the early 1970's. See for yourself and compare. It is true. Loggins and Messina go from platinum to gold only. Just the thought of those Loggins and Messina classics; make melodies in my mind that comfort me. All Kenny Loggins music does is irritate me. You know I love Bubba Sparxxx. Almost every song is a hit. My favorite album by him is The Charm. It is almost perfect from beginning to end. My art is getting hotter by the minute. Just a few more months to release it here. I still have some serious work left on it. Do not worry I am anything but not a procrastinator. Love this dude's music. I love those special times listening to his melodious rhymes.: Cool Calm Pete , is a Korean American rapper and producer from Seoul, who is currently based in Queens, New York. We want more Cool Calm Pete! My favorite song that makes me think of all those wives out there with husbands like me. Warning there are cuss words in this song. Click here to listen to this great cuss song made of cuss words. I love my wife and every second I have with her. I feel bad that I am a out of work artist/graphic design artist. Like most artist since the 1990's when people stopped buying artwork; I am not a good investment finachily. Yet by God's grace we a very happy together. I can not help but feel a little sad I cannot contribute to us with money. Money is not everything. Like the Beatles said money can't buy you love. Love keeps me alive and is all I want from my life. I guess everything has a way of rewarding love and the people that love. I had to mention this since I talked about my favorite song being made of cuss words from Cool Calm Pete (who I wish would make some new music). I know I must have talked about this online before because this song and high quality video blew my mind; when I first saw it. If I had to pick two words to describe it; I would have to go with "absolutely adorable". "F@#% You" received widespread acclaim from music critics, and was an international commercial success, making the top-10 in thirteen countries, including topping charts in the United Kingdom, and number two on the Billboard Hot 100.: I have never seen a Wikipedia page so large; for one song, ever.: Click here to read it. I did not intend to offend anyone with my cuss words songs. I am a believer; it is just sometimes, I think we all need to lighten up. You can not be a holy person on earth. I have tried and failed terribly. When I have spent years trying not to sin in every way; I was miserable all the time. It is impossible not to sin. It can be pure suffering trying to not sin in thought and deed; every second of everyday. For we have all sinned and fallen short. We are all sinners and there is nothing we can do about it. That does not mean; we should not, do the best we can to be good. I do my best every moment of every day to not sin. I tell everyone to do that to. If I can do it; than we all can, this makes me guilt free to recommend the same. I just read this email and thought it will fit for here. One of my favorite things about visiting our courthouse is the great artwork. I spend a while soaking in each painting; when I am there. Here is a link to the email.: We put up our tree today. It is a white one this year. Click here, then go the bottom of the page to see new photos and computer art: I just made. I said this a while back.: "We are enjoying chicken fried steak today. There is no chicken in chicken fried steak but it is one of my favorites." I recently was reading the news; like I do everyday and ran across a cool article on the subject. Turns out is a famous Texas favorite. All I know is that I love country gravy. I also like to dip fried eggrolls in it. We actually got a really inexpensive air fryer and I liked the eggrolls in it. I found out it is best finished off cooking it in the small oven. Just found this article as well.: Click here to view it. I quote from it here.: "2011 – the Texas State House of Representatives declared October 26 “Chicken Fried Steak Day,” noting that “this signature dish occupies a special place in the culinary culture of the Lone Star State." You know I may have posted that comment right around that date here; unknowingly. This is the article I originally saw on Google News, recently.: The title of this article is what caught my eye.: "How Chicken-Fried Steak Became A Texas Icon". Just got a huge Windows Update. On a Sunday? Oh well. I also finished prepping my art for this blog today. It took about 2 hours to finish up. I told you; I am not a procrastinator. Now all that is left to do is upload it here on January 1st, like is tradition; here. I hope it provokes all my true blue Radman_Art fans to say; yeah! USA! It literally took 4 months of hard work to complete; never mind the months of forethought. Keep in mind I never have any outside encouragement at all; these many, many, many years. My wife is the only person that is constantly amazed by my art. She is the only one that gets to see it in person; not to mention, as it is made. She sees my art; as it is made, she is the only person to do that for all these years. The turkey is all defrosted and ready for the oven. My wife just made the Stove Top stuffing. You can not stuff the turkey when the stuffing is hot. I learned that one year. She made the stuffing with real butter. It may be just a couple table spoons but it makes a huge difference. I definitely have the Thanksgiving spirit this morning and can not wait to eat as much juicy, delicious, turkey as I can. I would say I am more thankful this day; the truth is I am just as thankful everyday. It is good to focus in on it for a entire day. I hope every good American has a good thankful day. Also; I think of all the people in other country's that are so precious; to also celebrate this great America holiday. I think we all can relate to the pilgrims and the struggles they had to survive. Isn't that what it is all about; surviving, not just physically but mentally and spiritually. The two go hand in hand for me because I am that good at it. I do not mean to brag; it did take my entire life to arrive at where I am with that. I have rules that I live by in my mind. I take things seriously; like honor. We all need that word as a major part of our life. All we can do is the very best we can do to honor. No one is perfect at all. Achieving honor perfectly will never happen in this life or any. Doing our best to honor; especially spiritually and mentally, is most certainly honorable. I took a photo of our turkey and stuffing when it was finished; then I made this cool graphic. It is a 10 pound Honeysuckle Turkey Breast. See it bottom of the page; here. I change the leafs position hours after I originally posted it. Also added some shadows. That is how obsessive I am about my computer graphics. I spend hours doing this kid of stuff. It always reminds me of college and all the work I did like this. These images I make are huge. Sometimes I resize them to make them fit on the page better. As I wrote this I noticed the Christmas graphics were uneven. It never ends! This stuff is very time consuming to me. : "I don't need anything that way that way" - Song by Buffalo Tom I was listening to the Big Red Letter Day yesterday and as always that album lifts my spirits. Anything That Way is the last song on the album and almost, the best song on the album. Every song is so great on the album. I was so happy that that album still makes me feel good after all these years. I remember when that album first came out; I used to go around telling people about it. I was actually on a jet with my wife as we flew to Connecticut to see my family and I was telling someone on the plane about it. When something like that inspires me so much; I have to post it here. It was so much more difficult to be a individualist back in the day. Nowadays we have the internet that makes almost everyone a individual. Back when we had only television; we only had shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000 to define how hip we were. I still love this show. My wife and I used to watch it and wait for the next episode as they came out. You have to listen to the show and the 3 characters narrating it overly sarcastically. They obviously are sarcastic because the movies and shows they watch are so amazingly stupid. We were so naive back then it translates as borderline mentally ill closedmindedness. Those old movies have such a appeal also because of it's child like innocence. Just listen close to Mystery Science Theater 3000 and it is sure to make you laugh out load. I want to focus this review on Season 3 Episode 2; this is the Christmas episode for that year. It is hilarious as always. They are in their prime for Mystery Science Theater 3000 at this point. They sing this Christmas song with Patrick Swazis' name inserted that is very funny. They get obsessive with the ridiculous movie Roadhouse. The subject of this review is the revealing that most definitely clue that Joel Hodgson is a Christian. I suspected this long before I saw this because of his efforts to keep the show with clean comedy only. I suspect this is why he quit the show. This video and message it conveys; speaks for itself. It is part of the tradition I have on my blog Every year I post a favorite television episode or movie review of that which moves me most; that year. I like many people, I am sure; look to the television for Christmas inspiration, each year. Joel Hodgson sneaks in a nativity scene in and a Christian way into this episode. I just posted a edited version of this great Christmas moment on my Radmanart Artist Of YouTube Channel. Hope everyone has a great Christmas this year and a happy New Year. See my video here: Stay tuned for almost 200 new works of art posted here on the first of January as is tradition here. All the art is created me alone; the artist of Radman Art. Since I am the only editor I would l like to make the following correction from my last addition to this web page.: I meant to say that the episode that Joel celebrates Christmas was a Christmas movie. I tried watching this movie (by itself) with my wife but we did not like it that much because it wasn't about Christmas enough. It was more about aliens and space. With MST3000 it is very funny though. Wikipedia describes it like this.: Mystery Science Theater 3000 season 3 episode 21 Santa Claus Conquers the Martians 1964, Color, Embassy, USA December 21, 1991 The king of Mars has discovered that his children have become lethargic and disillusioned after having all their information directly fed into their brains. To this end, he and his people abduct Santa Claus, as well as two human children, in hopes of bringing Christmas to their planet so his children can have real childhoods. You can watch the episode here.: It is pretty funny. I really love this album.: Blur is the fifth studio album by the English rock band Blur, released on 10 February 1997 by Food Records. Blur had previously been broadly critical of American popular culture and their previous albums had become associated with the Britpop movement, particularly Parklife, which had helped them become one of Britain's leading pop acts. I did not like the year 1997 in the political and social conflict it came to. I think we all came about; through those times of change; better off (except for the death of rock and roll). Rust Never Sleeps is a okay album; but the only amazing song that made rock and roll history that year, was that outrageous song. "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)" is one of my favorite songs and has been since I saw it when it came out in the theatrical concert. The Blur (Blur album) was very great and is one of my all time favorites. I like the last 2 songs; best. Click here. I saw them in 1998 in a television concert in the UK, where the lead singer with a walking stick passed out on stage at the end; on the floor. Weird but cool. This paragraph was updated on December 30th, 2024.
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