This is my update for this year 2022.

This page is reserved for art by me; only. Basically my home page will be reserved for art only. That was my intention when I first started this blog and is mentioned throughout the years on this blog.
January 15 2022:
All those precious hours creating my heart out. I have all the original big HQ TIFF files and these are just smaller jpeg copy's; so you can't see the full effect but these are great 300 dpi jpegs, so it is good enough for your computer or phone and the like. When I started I just did warm ups for about a month. I wanted to get the feel of the stylus in my hand again. I think it was worth it. After warm ups I went straight to my tribute to all that great art work from death and black metal albums. It took my mind off Covid-19 for a while; after rocking out hardcore style. I also listened to metal like bands like Testament 2005, Type O Negative, Nailbomb 1995, Agent Steel 2004, Candlemass 2007, Danzig and other types of metal music. I really liked rocking out sitting there with my leg shaking to the music and doing art. Then when I had my fill of the blackness; I turned to my nice side, that appreciates all the colors in nature and life in general. I tried to arrange them on this page and on my death metal art page, in order of date. Notice the last one on this page that I did for this series. I was really struggling to be nice. The dragon looks like he wants to attack the "flower like art". My wife and I had a good laugh over that. I say "flower type art" because so much of it was me trying to make color filled flowers out of anything and everything. I particularly liked doing the red white and blue color faze, I went through, for me and you, that still love our beautiful country; for all it's faults, it is still America the Beautiful. All that 3D art was just me in a fantasy world of what ever color or texture I liked, applied and manipulated in any form that moved my mind at that time. My favorite 3D art creating; was when I was just really exhausted and half awake, lazily clicking and typing to my artistic fulfillment. Laying there in my recliner watching as I formed intricate and complex art out of what ever and where every way my mind moved me to do so. Like being in the program moving lights and shapes here or there; just in the right spot. I would like to say 3D is easy to work with; reality is that it is not. Without taking classes in college I would not be able to accomplish what I have created. There are times when a creative only childlike innocents takes over the process while creating 3D art, that makes it all worth while. Creating all art in it's primal state is best, to me; like your first finger painting project in pre school. Still, reality dictates; art must be approached with a unending amount of intelligence, as well. This is the delicate line of glory a artist must walk. I still say; the only difference between a mediocre artist and a epic artist, is where that artist is willing to to go creatively. I also want to ad that the small art in the right corner in many of the artworks on this page; is finely draw art. It is hard to see, since it is so small with these jpeg files. Again, that is why my original bigger TIFF files would be better. I have them available for anyone interested in printing them. Here I am again. Like you I hope; I use all my art for backgrounds on my computer and sometimes my phone too. I edit the ones on this page so the task bar does not get in the way of the art. I open it and just extend the bottom. While I am doing this about every other day I notice some mistakes I made. So I come here to fix it. I have already started my artwork for next year in a new intense series. I do not normally do that this early in the year. I hope to out do myself from this year or at least come close and that is no small feat. Added some more comments under the art on this page. Just fixing up my art again on this page and thought I would let you know I am doing great and just enjoying life. I think I am not going to do any holiday updates with graphics this year. The extra graphics kind of clog this page up. I want the focus to be on the art I posted here on the 1st. Like always my head is full of all the art I want to do this year. The main thing I need to concentrate on is keeping track of it all and keeping it in one place for next years post. My wife made her authentic pizza for me today while I got some stuff done. When that sun is out; it is really out. It is like a giant neon florescent bulb over my forehead. Don't get me wrong it is a nice change. I like it. I know you all want me to ink my pencils all dark with ink; well too bad, I ain't gonna do that. I do not like being told what art to do. I turned down the Beetle Bailey comic strip back in 1988 because of that reason. I was so, so, so stupid. So stupid. Has anyone ever been so overboard stupid? Hey I had almost non stop fun. I had to work sometimes but it was mostly fun in Southern California, in the height of the skateboard craze and I was a hungry skater. I just wanted to be there and skate and that is what I got. You cant always get what you; except me, I got what I wanted back then. I made a new page; it is here: I started drawing these dumb doodles a while ago. I kept thinking of adding to it and did; some. I wanted it to be more intricate than it is. I just get sick of doing art like this. Bla to art like this. It is called bla art; like you have to force yourself to do it. I still like creating art, just not like this art. I wanted to draw without pencil right from my head for some dumb reason and give it to random people around town. Maybe just for something new to do. Like laughing at myself as I write this. I just hope people out there are all concentrating on being strong no matter what and being safe. I put up my flag today, in honor of Memorial Day 2022, see it here.: I added a 3d graphic in honor of July 4th: here. My wife asked me if I was going to make a graphic for July 4th; like I used to; yesterday. I told her I do not do holidays on my home page (this page) anymore. I felt a little guilty after that. I hope you like it, I sure do; it is my desktop background right now. Sometimes I think I make art for my own entertainment because no one else does. One thing I will never deny is my love for my country. The more drama we have in America; the more I love my country. I do not like drama but no one does drama; better that we do. Our strength shows through our trails, in red white and blue; it gives proof through the night that our flag is still there. Long live the land of the free; through the perilous fight; through the last twilight's, last gleaming. We have listened to the classical station ( here, since we moved here. In fact when we were unpacking our stuff, during our fist night here in North Texas; we had the radio going, and that is when we discovered Classical 101.1 FM. I have been listening every morning now for about 3 or 4 years now and I have heard some of the most beautiful music ever made on our planet. They always give you background information that is always so interesting. I pray this station never changes. Barry Samsula is retiring soon and he has always been my favorite. Just want to say how mush I appreciate this station all these years. I am saying all this since KERA has takin over recently.: So far so good, I have not noticed a change at all. This VHS tape was playing while I pointed the camera at the screen. Believe it or not this is the only footage I have of me on the motorcycle. I had a bunch of digital footage and I think I still have it. I had it posted on my old Tripod site so maybe Tripod has it in their archives. I had a computer die on me and it could have been deleted. It also could be that I still have it somewhere in my tons of backed up college stuff. This scene played out hundreds of times as I drove back and forth from college and all over the Dallas and Collin County area. The shirt I am wearing when I park my bike in the shed was given to me by my uncle, a funny car racer. I got racing in my blood. I put almost 40,000 miles on that bike. If you were on 75 from 2001 to 2008 you probably saw me ripping it up. I compared it to surfing on the highway. I felt like I was flying especially on the rare occasion that I got her up to and above 220 miles an hour. The memories of those sport bike rides were some of my favorite memories ever. I sold it to South West Super Bikes in 2008. The owner told me he would give me a good deal if I ever needed to fly again. You never know; I would love to surf the highways again. See here: and here: I found my cousin Scott here: ( I recognized his face) His brother Tony was a motorcycle racer; I used to go watch him when I was a kid. He used to race some famous racers that are famous to this day, back then. More proof I have racing in my blood. See me here: My review I just posted again after I changed it. I thought it was too mean yesterday. If you remember my last years post I mentioned that I liked the Jazz station here on this page. 3 star Review of KNTU What happened to the Jazz? You have great music really. The only problem is you play a song I like and then you slip in a song I hate. I can not subject myself to that. Thank you for at least playing some great artists. I moved my YouTube music likes list here: I wrote a entry here in the form of a review of a television serries show here and instead of writing a new review on IMDB I just pasted it and summitted it. IMDB rejected it. That never happens so I decided to pull it from here. I guess the internet is being super critical of things you say; more than normal now. I understand it, to keep fake news from spreading. Then I was editing my political blog from a disclaimer I had there for years, on the wrong blog page's, so I thought I would paste part of it here to be controversial on purpose. Now I am left not wanting to post anything here. What else is new? Lately I have been questioning why I do any of this. I just have too much time on my hands with my wife on vacation now. We just lay around and eat and watch movies when she is home, not that I am complaining, I could use a break. Sometimes I am amazed by Google. Here is a example.: Volkswagen Has Created A Car That Will Drive For You As You Sleep With Seats That Can Be Turned Into A Bed Or A Volkswagen has announced they have created a self-driving car called the GEN.TRAVEL that can go on long distances and travel in bad weather. Click here for link. I was all over that mural when it first started on the internet about a year ago. I filled out the suggestion page twice. This is a quote from this page.: : "We are creating not just a City Hall, but a gathering space the entire community will embrace," said Mayor George Fuller. "The additional social and entertainment aspects of the district will offer yet another exciting place for residents to choose to live, dine, recreate, exchange ideas, and otherwise share memorable experiences." I have exchanged emails with Mayor Fuller and I have deemed him a good dude. Here is a link to the image that inspired me to post this.: Click here for photo link. I do not hang my flag in the rain so I wanted to post here. As always my favorite Veteran is my wife who's basic training photo is on the bottom of most pages of this blog. If you are a veteran you can get pretty full on all the free food offered by restaurants and shops like Starbucks, Little Caesars, Olive Garden, Krispy Kreme, Red Lobster, and Wendy's. Click here for full article. Happy Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for living in our great country. My wife and I and our dog will all enjoy being together giving thanks and stuffing ourselves with juicy turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie. I always boil up a big batch of organic chicken breast for my dog; when my wife and I have a day off together. He is doing so well; it is amazing how great he looks. I hope all is well with everyone out there. I am rejoicing in hope. I will have to labor here soon; adding a bunch of new art, for the new year. Merry Xmas. I made this page for you to send these to your people.: I made a new page here: I did some new mini art and have a jpeg of a video game I like on it. I also updated my Xmas page. I did not even try last year and I still have too much art to post. You know I post them; even if it can not be done. For instance I just spent to two days uploading this to Pinterest.:
I am going to update my Xmas page now. I sincerely recommend you go to my favorite radio station:
( ) and listen to their brand of Christmas music, it is the best at it's best. Love the old songs best. Just uploaded a bunch more stuff to Pinterest including the death metal stuff. I got the ideas for this serries from other death metal art work on CD covers mostly. I might pick out a tiny head on the art and drew it in this series. When I was uploading it I noticed that much of it was just too gross and weird and just drawn bad to post. It is good to know (I guess) the hardest I try to draw gross death metal art good I always fall short. I still am a fan though and that and listening to the music when ever I drew this cool stuff made this series *funly *Funly - definition of funly by The Free Dictionary › funly To speak or act facetiously; joke or fool. To tease or speak playfully to. adj. Informal. Enjoyable; amusing Just got done uploading all the art from this year. Time for video games. If you get to race $80,000+ cars in a top notch Ninja sport bike; you learn to respect those cars. I love the Shelby twin turbo but just discovered the new Corvette. I love researching new cars. I like this new article.: The Best Car I Drove in 2022: Chevrolet Corvette
The entry-level 'Vette is still special December 12th, 2022 Looking back on it, I guess some of the best times I've had this year (besides witnessing the birth of my daughter) have been piloting a truck off-road. But the best car I've driven this year — the one I kept coming back to, time and again — was Edmunds' own Chevrolet Corvette.:
Just entered this review here: For Tim and Eric Awesome Show. I am celebrating Christmas with a dude only television show. This is what happens with you let a bunch of beer bellied dudes do whatever they want on television. This Christmas episode is the last show they did for the serries and it is clearly the most disgusting thing ever shown on television. Hurray! If this show does not turn your stomach there is something wrong with you. The cameos of this serries is unreal; Ben Stiller is actually in the one, he does a awful job because everything on this show is done awfully. The sound in this serries is memorizing and will mess with your head in ways that will amaze you with revolting disgust. These guys are metal heads after all. Eric Wareheim has always been a metal head ad long as I have been into Metal; since around 1997. He was featured in a Metal band CD catalog I got in the mail around 2002. Why can't I find this serries on DVD? I bet if these old dudes got together again they could do this show even better. I seem to do this Christmas reverence to television every year with a new theme. Why break with tradition? Really these guys were so funny! Happy Holidays from Tim and Eric to you. I worked real hard and made a edit of my favorite Scrooge Movie. I hope it helps' you rejoice in hope. Click here download this great Scrooge movie edit. : Don't think of the context of the movie at all; when you watch this, Scrooge movie edit. Just listen to the uplifting words the young man reads. As always you will love my new art coming soon to this webpage. I did not do as much as last year or the year before; yet I still did too much. Art comes out of me like a gisser no matter no matter what, I guess. My heart was not in it as much as the last 2 years, do you blame me? I got excited about my newest ideas the last 2 years and then nothing; as always. It is not easy at my age hunching over a desk trying so hard to get my art just right for no money or anything at all. I do not let it get me down, in anyway; there is so much to this adventure we call life to let anything like that get me down. I added a photo of what we had for Xmas dinner for 3 days. We always celebrate Xmas and all holidays for the 2 days we have off and that holiday. In the case of Xmas this year we celebrated for 3 days with this meal. See bottom lage here. It was so good! Rib roast, Stove Top stuffing, Seapak eggroll's and Kroger bear batter shrimp and Kroger mushroom gravy. Outstanding! I may update on the 2nd or January 3rd. It is all about the year. I just love researching cars. Hey if I had my way I would be on a Ducati 1,000cc plus bike; but I love new cars. Go to Google Images and enter mclaren artura p1; if you like cars, you will be impressed. I just This paragraph was updated December 31, 2022
January 01 2022:
Added new page of Animations.
This years (2022) addition to this blog containing more original art by one person including the hours of animations and videos produced by me only; most definitely one of the biggest on the internet concerning hours and quality of work. I give you the art that took me a better part of all last year of 2021. I call it the good, the bad and the ugly. The good is what art I will put on this my homepage for 2022; it is the art I did for my wife. I tried ever so hard to make it sweet. The bad is death metal art I did while immersing myself into death and a lil black metal music for about 4 months. I found it took me away from the Covid horrors. The ugly is the computer art I did some on Microsoft Paint 3D which is new to me as of 2021. As I was using it they were making upgrades on it. I did some simple overly color saturated artistic work in that. I call it the ugly because so many people still wont acknowledge it as art. The texture and lighting in my 3D work is not simple at all. Some image shapes can be complex as well. All done. I hope lots of people get to enjoy my art in 2022. Happy 2022 to everyone, everywhere.
Here is the good:
I have drawn and painted this type of art many times for my friends and family. Cardinals are plentiful here. The male and female versions of this was always to represent my wife and I. |
This is a great piece that reminds me of my homeland here. We have some of the biggest crows I have ever seen here. Sometimes they fight with the hawks; it is quit the fiasco. |
My years art would not be complete with out some art commemorating all my fellow southerners. |
This would make a great Easter image to send to your family. |
Just got my wings. |
Can you see the elephant head? |
This was to be black and white invaded by color. |
Look, I'm a eagle. The face on the sun was all scribbles and seemed to shape as a face as I erased it. |
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I wanted this to show breaking into darkness to create beauty. That is why the white dove comes out of darkness. |
This eye just had to be blue. I usually choose brown eyes like mine. |
My attempt at the shape of Texas, in a heart shape, in wigs. |
This another one where I wish you could see closer. That eye in the middle is very detailed. Also the brown eyes are very detailed; inside a infinity sign. |
I put the blackbird big on top of the official eagle to show the greatness of American in all it's forms. |
See the old style missals? |
I did the cat in honor of our old cat baby. |
This is another example of signature art that can only be enjoyed with the original TIFF file. |
I made 2 mistakes on the red white and blue dragon. See if you can find them. |
There is a rose here and a white birch tree on the left. |
December 27 2021:
This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret. It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet. I post many links on this blog for example and am not affiliated with any of the links at all. I have no idea who posts any of the YouTube links I post here for example. I have my YouTube home page here: and that is the only posts I have ever made on YouTube. I love YouTube and Google and the inexhaustible amount of information they provide. Posting links here to tie all my art into it; in order to promote it and to promote other artists as well: is a invaluable tool. Appreciation for a open and free internet is immeasurable; to exercise the right of free expression.
This is a picture of my dad in 1991. |
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This was my dad who was US Air Force Veteran from about 1957 to 1961 in Great Falls, Montana where I was born. |
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My Wife a US Army Vet from 1992 - 2001. |
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My dad and me around 1962 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base where I was born.![]() This is where I was born, cool huh? High ranking Air Force doctors delivered me into this world. It's all on my birth certificate. Check it out: Malmstrom Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base and census-designated place in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, United States. It was named in honor of World War II POW Colonel Einar Axel Malmstrom. Wikipedia |
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I made this from my favorite war movie: Saving Private Ryan |
Google Drive:
I have something very cool to share with you all! It took me about 14 years to post it; but I am excited to make this available on Google Drive. I am posting this on top and will leave it here. These are interactive programs I made in Collin College around the year 2003, for my Macromedia Director class with Mike McGee.
8 Ball! I had a 8 Ball that stopped working. I cracked it open and made this totally random program. Just click on the 8 Ball for a random answer every time. I did the 3D work in Tom Ottinger's Cinema 4D Class. Listen to the opening sound effect I made; it is very spooky.
Next is a interactive Radman_Art introduction. It stars Mega Radman and Deadman; 2 characters in my 3d Animations I made in Tom Ottinger's Classes. Just click on the character and they have a conversation with each other. The volume is in the middle. It also features animations. Just click the character that turns lime green.
Next is a little birdy chirp mini program, I made to commemorate the wonderful birds; I hear singing all the time around here in Collin County.
I know you will love them so I will say; your welcome.
A Intro To This Blog:
Please do not judge this blog by this page only. Use the menu on the right and view all the art images of art I created. Everything here is Rated G.
Then after that, view all my YouTube videos I created; also Rated G, here: or just put Radman_Art in YouTube search.
After you have done that, read as much as you can of the encyclopedia's worth of posts (also Rated G); I have posted on this blog and YouTube.
Then and only then, can you can properly judge the positive contribution I have made to the art world and the internet. Also you can then judge; whether or not I have posted more original art than any one else on the internet.
This is a mirror Blog I made for when this blog stopped working. I just used this account to ad another blog because this blog stopped working. I do not update the mirror Blog as often as this Blog.
Here is the address in case this ever happens again:
January 15 2017:
I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.
If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:
My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:
Follow link below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
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Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
This is the first time this has been posted on the internet. Crank up the quality setting and be transported.
I think I thought of this from spending so much time at home doing homework for college, The idea is your home is transported to another dimension while your in it with out you knowing it. Sram? A play on words for a backwards story. Again I am using the mars theme as a backdrop for the movie. The fact that the first Mars rover landed on Mars at the time is probably the reason I chose Mars. The beam shows the wormhole from Mars to earth. Oh how adorable in my wife's words are my dogs when they were puppies, I love them just as much today as then. The scene with me drawing is a collage type drawing I never completed; long before all my great paintings within paintings were completed. That is my art desk I use to this day. The photos in the corner are of me as a child. Of course that is my wife in the hand made India tapestry. She is supposed to be a spirit I should have used transparency on her. The entire script comes from my head at the time it was made around 2004. The idea was the house was very close to Mars in it's rotation around the earth. I posted the house scene on my YouTube channel a while ago in expectation of posting this. The video has great Maya creations of my work. The space background unlike the Alien Flyboy was made by me in Photoshop. The spacey part is me dreaming. You can barely see my wife with the tapestry in the background throwing the Frisbee. The ending is bloopers of my laughing so hard I can not talk.
Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
Hey I have a IMDB homepage!
I have been a fan of the website since college. I had to use this website for many projects in college:
This is the address:
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I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at above email address. |
August 11 2018:
I changed all my files on Google Drive. You do not have to be logged in to Google to download all my great free files; anymore. Anyone can download them now.
Here is a list of all my available downloads:
Copy of radmanart_sk8_footy_1_11_2018.wmv:
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IV Done May 25 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IX done June 18 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI Done June 3 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII done June 7 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VIII done June 11 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_X Done June 25 2017.wmv
My YouTube Channel is Here: