The computer art on this page should be welcome to all that like to change the background on their phones or computers.
Also the end of my comic book art series is some of the best drawing, I have ever done on full sized pages.
December 30 2017:
See page: Radman_Art Blog Homepage 2018 for more great Radman_Art
June 27 2017:
I made a new tank yesterday and it looks kinda real, will show in next animation so stay tuned.
New Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_X!:
The only thing that is missing in these animations is your favorite music playing in the background.
Download here Part X with no music:
Watch Part X here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IX with no music:
Watch Part IX here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VIII with no music:
Watch Part VIII here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VII with no music:
Watch Part VII here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
June 19 Just finished mech and cat animation. I made the cat and mech in college. The new animation looks good. I made the cat after our cat whose name was Baby. Baby died 2 years ago on June 21st. Her little arm keeps the beat as the mech dances. Lots of color as always. I always like to add what I call Radman colors green red and yellow. Cats and dogs do not get along. I learned to just have a dog to keep the peace. I miss Baby though.
So far, I completed blocks and horse and now working on a drone animation. The blocks is one of the most complex 3d rendition I have ever made in college. So, complex it would shut down Maya. Maya would freeze up and move so slow you would have to do the old control alt delete. Maya is the best and to be too complex for Maya is a rare. Sorry for the jumpy camera. I hope it jumps to the beat of your background music. Blocks is made after the art of: M. C. Escher,
Maurits Cornelis Escher or commonly M. C. Escher, was a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzoti
The Horse; that is the name of the file from college. Horse is not just a horse but a unicorn. I modeled it from a favorite tattoo art design I have always admired. I drew it before college and loved rendering it in 3d. I found a great new way of stopping the jumping camera problem with this job.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of the Unicorn
The unicorn is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead. The unicorn was depicted in ancient seals of the Indus Valley Civilization and was mentioned by the ancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers, including Ctesias, Strabo, Pliny the Younger, and Aelian. The Bible also describes an animal, the re'em, which some versions translate as unicorn.
I just finished the drone. I used the camera in a rocking motion to add depth of field. I also animated the drone to do flips and such. The flames are done in the classic all American style of tattoo art; back when I was in college. The drone seems to disappear at the end because it fly’s right into the camera. I managed to get a close up at the end so you can see it disappear.
Unmanned aerial vehicle
An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft without a human pilot aboard. UAVs are a component of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS); which include a UAV, a ground-based controller, and a system of communications between the two. The flight of UAVs may operate with various degrees of autonomy: either under remote control by a human operator or autonomously by onboard computers.
I love this song, the beat and melody is amazing:
The chorus is my favorite
heartbreak, hell no (oh, oh)
Baby, I've been around
you know I've been around and I can't pretend
to love you right now
So you can go cry your heart out until you drown
Hope you can swim it out 'cause I can't be friends
with a friend like you tryna hold me down
you know I've been around and I can't pretend
to love you right now
So you can go cry your heart out until you drown
Hope you can swim it out 'cause I can't be friends
with a friend like you tryna hold me down (oh)
There ain't no f*@king way
I'mma let you take this hard-earned money bitch, no
And I can't pretend
to love you right now
So you can go cry your heart out until you drown
Hope you can swim it out 'cause I can't be friends
with a friend like you tryna hold me down
June 24 My wife has always been my best friend. Not just my wife but my true blue, honest to goodness, best friend; and there is nothing better than that in the whole wide world. If life hands you this; it is the greatest love this earth has to offer, while you are here, in a blink of an eye.
Finished the sun and the moon and laugh now cry latter, modeling done in college. I made the stars see through and a unexpected effect too place. I made the sun object reflective and it lit up. The moon reflects the light enough to look like a crescent moon. Stuck a star background and bam it is finished.
Laugh now cry latter is modeled after my favorite art, all American tattoo art. Again I am using a moving camera to give the animation more feeling.
Laugh now weep later tattoo designs portrays two faces, two mask that represent multiple feelings and also feelings. Words Laugh now weep later on was made renowned by rap artist Ice Cube.
Laugh now cry later tattoos are extremely symbolic, often representing the organization of excellent and also bad, pure as well as evil.
The laugh now weep later on tattoo can be a sign of the good as well as bad in an individual. All of us make errors as well as no person is best.
All I have to do now is take another day to do the images.
Computer art is any art in which computers play a role in production or display of the artwork. Such art can be animation, video.
Many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies and, as a result, the lines between traditional works of art and new media works created using computers has been blurred.
As a result, defining computer art by its end product can thus be difficult. Computer art is by its nature evolutionary since changes in technology and software directly affect what is possible.
The term "computer art"
On the title page of the magazine Computers and Automation, January 1963, Edmund Berkeley published a picture by Efraim Arazi from 1962, coining for it the term "computer art." This picture inspired him to initiate the first Computer Art Contest in 1963.
Desmond Paul Henry, Picture by Drawing Machine 1, c. 1960
Further information: Mathematics and art
The precursor of computer art dates back to 1956-1958, with the generation of what is probably the first image of a human being on a computer screen, a (George Petty-inspired) pin-up girl at a SAGE air defense installation.
If you watch this episode: then you watch the movie Twister; you see that this actress is faking her ascent to the extreme. Faking your accent like this hurts southern people. I have heard many authentic southern accents and it has left a great impression on me and my wife too. We are both from the north east and I think it intensifies things a bit. It makes you appreciate things of the south more. It is the simple things that make our lives worthwhile. The simple things are what makes us great. Being simple makes us appreciate each other more. You must stop and smell the roses. To appreciate the simple beauty of the sky is all I need to see the infinite glory of our species and the ecological life all around us. My wife stuck up for Jami Gertz in our conversation about her fake accent and said, she is just an actress. I am always on the side of the female actress and to hear my wife say this really put things into perspective. I still say Jami Gertz could have done a better job in Twister. I do love that movie though and have seen it about 12 times and will see it again more, it is that good. Man, I miss Bill Paxton our fellow Texan brother. He sure was great in the movie Aliens too.
Over and over in television and movies Texans are depicted as mindless thugs that love to hang people, and that ain't right. The one that sticks out in my mind is Ren and Stimpy in "Out West" in the episode of the second season. See info here: and you can watch the whole episode here: Out West - Video Dailymotion
Here are some great desktop backgrounds separately made one at a time from objects in my newest animation.:
June 18 2017:
All done with Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IX!:
The only thing that is missing in these animations is your favorite music playing in the background.
Download here Part IX with no music:
Watch Part IX here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VIII with no music:
Watch Part VIII here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VII with no music:
Watch Part VII here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
These animations are getting very complex and taking much longer and it continues to be like that. I imagine this trend will continue. Although I am using characters I made in college; these animations set ups and lighting takes hours. I sometimes work 3 hours straight setting up a animation. I am the producer the directer the lighting guy the whole crew. Like I said try to find a single person making animations like I do; most likely you won't.
June 13 2017: Well I am in over my head again. It is rare but sometimes I create a animation so complex it takes forever to finish. I went back and and took out all the special effects in hopes it would finish sooner. I do not have a super power computer, and that does not help. I started with two simple abstract designed but duplicated them too many times. I just thought they looked like leafs and vines and thorns so I made a flower for the middle; from scratch. The animation before that went well my cyclops and gas mask I made in college. I learned a valuable lesson and plan on keeping my animations simpler in the future. The cyclops was modeled after the Sinbad Movies The 7th Voyage of Sinbad The end result will mean I will not be done for a while now, this time.
June 14th Just finished my Fidget Spinner animation. I made the entire animation from scratch.
A fidget spinner is a type of toy, whose marketers claim it relieves stress. A basic fidget spinner consists of a bearing in the center of a design made from any of a variety of materials including brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper and plastic.
June 14th Started in on Gumby with Guitar. It should be a good one. I wish I had a super powered computer so I could be done with these 3d animations quicker. Of course as always all these characters were created by me when I went to college.
Gumby Adventures - Gumby Music Video - YouTube
Gumby was my favorite kids show when I was a kid. They would always come on television when my sister and brother and me would be laying around on a Sunday morning with my dad.
June 16th I just finished a heart thorns flames and cross made out of pipes. I was inspired to make this back in college after a old time tattoo. I guess it is modeled after The devotion to the Sacred Heart:
Sacred Heart - Wikipedia
The devotion to the Sacred Heart is one of the most widely practiced and well-known Roman ... Attributes, Burning bloodied heart, surmounted with cross and thorns. Patronage ... the heart. The wounds and crown of thorns allude to the manner of Jesus' death, while the fire represents the transformative power of divine love.
June 16th My wife and I were just talking about Andy Rooney; here are some quotes of his:
Andy Rooney/Quotes
If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.
The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.
Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done.
People will generally accept facts as truth only if the facts agree with what they already believe.
The 50-50-90 rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
Vegetarian - that's an old Indian word meaning lousy hunter.
It's paradoxical, that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn't appeal to anyone.
Most of us end up with no more than five or six people who remember us. Teachers have thousands of people who remember them for the rest of their lives.
One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly.
Happiness depends more on how life strikes you than on what happens.
I hope you enjoyed these great quotes, they are very funny.
Working on a favorite of my college years again. A long horn skull that points to where I live in The Great State of Texas. I added a spinning star of my location on the map and a bunch of wicked colors. I think I will be able to upload this on Sunday. A week and a day it took me; the longest yet, to complete a 1 minute 25 second animation.
The bird feeder and hanging bird bath is really rendering some beautiful birds, that visit us. We were sitting outside and saw two female cardinals and two males come and take a bath as soon as I changed the water. They love fresh water. I change it twice a day and aim for three. You should never over feed birds. We feed them in a handful size and let it run out. We are careful not to let the birds become dependent on it. If you over feed birds it can breed more predatory birds that eat other birds.
Here are some great desktop backgrounds separately made one at a time from objects in my newest animation.:
June 11 2017:
All done with Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VIII!
Download here Part VIII with no music:
Watch Part VIII here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part VII with no music:
Watch Part VII here with default YouTube music:
The only thing that is missing in these animations is your favorite music playing in the background.
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
June 10th, just finished my heart with arrows. We love it. I have one minute so far. I spent all morning working on a gravity effect and finally gave up after about 3 hours. That is a first. This is what it is like working with software. I throw out digital creations I have made all the time, because I do not like how they came out. I have never thrown out a painting, I just work on it until I go through the canvas if I have to. I have had to ad a layer of Gesso to many paintings so I could continue to work on it.
Gesso - Wikipedia
Gesso is a white paint mixture consisting of a binder mixed with chalk, gypsum, pigment, or any combination of these. It is used in artwork as a preparation for ...
The meaning of a arrow in the heart has to do with cupid:
acquired the bow and arrow that represent his source of power: a person, or even a deity, who is shot by Cupid's arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire.
Cupid is winged, allegedly, because lovers are flighty and likely to change their minds, and boyish because love is irrational. His symbols are the arrow and torch, "because love wounds and inflames the heart."
A heart symbol pierced with an arrow, symbolizing romantic love (being lovestruck, or the pain of lovesickness)
Check out this art from 1870:
and this art from 1693:
The arrow through the heart is always in my defaults; on my phone; because I send it to my wife so much.
Felix the Cat was done for my professor Tom Ottenger; because the folder to turn in my projects was called Felix the cat.
All of the characters in this new video were made by me in college. There is more; almost one thousand files more that I made during my college years; that I can manipulate to make new first class 3d animations, all by my lonesome. Try to find animations on the web with this quality made by one person. You will not find one.
The camera manipulation is a new thing to my 2017 3d animations.
The pentagram is the first animation I made, when I started to animate in the spring of 2017. I finally found a format to use it and I think it is totally awesome. It has a kind of Rankin And Bass Monster Party ( look to it. I am always trying to think of ways to best present my work so that the 2017 modern public critics, might best except it as art. Since the internet keeps us so (delusionally informed on how to be the most narrow minded judgmental human beings known to man, since the beginning of man making up 90% of the internet's population); that is why I have to be careful not to offended anyone.:
Delusional comes from a Latin word meaning "deceiving." So delusional thinking is kind of like deceiving yourself by believing outrageous things. Delusional thoughts are often a sign of mental illness, but the word can also be used more loosely to describe behavior that is just not realistic.
delusional - Dictionary Definition :
I am just looking forward to the next life when all those high and mighty folks on the internet find out they got it wrong their whole life's. To tell the truth I am not. I can not, or would not, wish that on my worst enemy's; and they are many, and too many to count, on a day by day basis on the internet aka the media. I have a happy life and am a happy person; non the less. Belief in our life goes according to how we interact with each other; comes with the wisdom of old age.
I have spent almost 20 years of my life trying to get the internet to acknowledge my accomplishments as a artist; and all I have ever received is the internet working against my art violently at a computerized pace that is inhuman. This is considered rational by the online community; yet irrational by any sane human being. The internet still has not acknowledged the difference between online reality and real life reality.
All I can hope for, is to be made a example in some way; to teach people to learn that from my example of 20 years. Just don't try; concerning the internet, is my best advice. Do not waste your time; it is hopeless. Kind of like the old slogan for the war on drugs; "Just Say No" to working on and for the internet. It is the same old story; it is who you know, or who your Daddy is. :
"Just Say No" was an advertising campaign, part of the U.S. "War on Drugs", prevalent during the 1980s and early 1990s, to discourage children from engaging in illegal recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying no. The slogan was created and championed by First Lady Nancy Reagan during her husband's presidency.
Images made by me for me and my wife:
June 07 2017:
All done with Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII!
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
The only thing that is missing in these animations is your favorite music playing in the background.
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII is my favorite so far. I start of with a light and crystal ball molten lava animation. The I used the dragon I did back in college and took it's back spikes and tongue out, and made it coast rather than flap its wings. I could have made it flap but sometime simpler is better. I also took it's arms off. The dice I made in college reflect the light and make colors on it's own. The dinosaur toy is something I own from the Rugrats cartoon, we used to watch it in the 1990's; my wife liked it more than me. I made the toy in 3d file in college too. I modeled it after the actual toy. The "face" I call it; was one of the first things I made in college 3d class and also is; to this day one of my favorite designs. It always reminded me of the children's face in the Pink Floyd The Wall movie. Notice the second face animation; I dissemble it and animate it, dissembled. Last but not least I made a new Tank from scratch. The tank I made in college was made in Maya, you can see it on my YouTube channel, it is a great piece. I think I may be able to import all my old Maya files into Blender, if that is possible; the sky is the limit.
I was going to post on the 6th, but I refused to rush the images, like I did last time; because some I made I did not like and will delete from this page. I need a whole day to devote to the images from now on.
I have picked 4 great big batches of wild flowers for my wife this year. All the rain has really made nature sing real loud this summer; around these here parts.
During the spring Texas wildflowers such as the state flower, the bluebonnet, line highways throughout Texas.
I love this song! I dedicate it to my wife who sticks with me through "thick and thin" The Black Crowes Lyrics - Thick N' Thin - and to all the married couple's who stay together; enriching us all.
Mandolin Wind
Rod Stewart
When the rain came I thought you'd leave
'Cause I knew how much you loved the sun
But you chose to stay, stay and keep me warm
Through the darkest nights I've ever known
If the mandolin wind couldn't change a thing
Then I know I love ya
Oh the snow fell without a break
Buffalo died in the frozen fields you know
Through the coldest winter in almost fourteen years
I couldn't believe you kept a smile
Now I can rest assured knowing that we've seen the worst
And I know I love ya
Oh I never was good with romantic words
So the next few lines come really hard
Don't have much but what I've got is yours
Except of course my steel guitar
Ha, 'cause I know you don't play
But I'll teach you one day
Because I love ya
I recall the night we knelt and prayed
Noticing your face was thin and pale
I found it hard to hide my tears
I felt ashamed I felt I'd let you down
No mandolin wind couldn't change a thing
Couldn't change a thing no, no
The coldest winter in almost fourteen years
Could never, never change your mind
And I love ya
Yes indeed and I love ya
And I love ya
Lord I love ya
And I love ya
And I love ya
Rod Stewart - Mandolin Wind
Mandolin Wind - Wikipedia
"Mandolin Wind reflects perfectly the beauty and optimism of harsh winters, wishing for better times and the endurance of true love." from:
I like Blender; I really do.
I will continue to train in this program and hope to get good at it. If they had a class on this program around; here I would take it in a New York minute.
Here are some more candy coated desktop backgrounds that will satisfy your sugar cravings.
June 03 2017:
Am all done with Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI!
The only thing that is missing in these animations is your favorite music playing in the background.
Download here Part VI with no music:
Watch Part VI here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
It starts with ice blue see through bubbles and then spooky candies floating in a fun house mirror. Then my favorite desktop backgrounds. Then the balls of molten lava; this time see threw with contrived colors. The a lovely gooey reddish yellow pile of moving acrylic paint, on the floor of the fun house mirror room. The it is attack of the space allies upon the city. Then a all new advanced alien space ship in space.
Desktop backgrounds:
June 02 2017:
Still working on Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI. Making mistakes and fixing them. Making animations and sometimes throwing them out; because I do not like the way they came out. Making mistakes is great because when you do it a second time it always comes out way better.
I have tried almost every free 3d program online and I have gotten little headway. I was really good at Maya and am unable to get a doable deal in using it. I looked for old versions on Amazon and Ebay and did not find much. Old versions would suit me fine since I went to college years ago. I am not getting paid so that is a big factor. I am basically creating 3d animations for my own amusement and to impress my honey bunny. I am going to install Blender again, I think I can learn it and am hoping the plug ins might help.
I only want to create abstract art in 3d; that saves the mess of working with gooey paints. I have said this on the internet a million times; movies and music and art is not reality. I have never thought of my goal in 3d art to be nothing more than creating abstract art. I have said this on the internet too many times: I have not liked a horror movie in years, because of computer graphics effects. I do not want to see a horror movie that looks real. I only like horror movies that look slightly fake or completely fake and this is accomplished with old time effects. I think filming should be filming and computer graphics should only be for superhero movies and science fiction and stuff like that; not to show someones brain splat. It is way too disrespectful to human life to use 3d for horror movies.
May 30 2017:
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_V Done May 30 2017 !
Download here Part V with no music:
Watch part V here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
The difference between this animation and the others is in many instances I am trying to show the viewer something. I am trying to show again that top down animation I did in part IV was 3d (even though it doesn't look like; even to me). I do this by showing it animated from a different perspective. I did this by using a smaller group of stars. If I tried to do it by using the huge group of stars I used in the top down version it might be impossible.
I show that I can make things see through. I show that I can create rainy clouds. I made the butterfly animation swirl and thought, what if the viewer does not believe it is 3d? As a result of that I made a 3d view with strong shadows and reflection; of that butterfly I did for my wife in college. I did it for her because she likes nature and the cute stuff so much. I even named it back then: butterfly for my wife. Without my wife I would have never finish so much of my artwork; I have completed over the past 4 century's. When I sat down to do the images for my desktop background it took me longer to do than the a animation. On average each animation takes me about 2 to three hours to set up for each 6 to 12 second segment. I did the seven images for the animation in about 3 hours this time. I do not like two of the butterfly images as much because they kind of look 2d; they are still cool looking though.
I know you may look at my 1 minute 30 second animations and think; this makes no sense. I have watched my animations many times and I see meanings in them. I think this means that about my life and this means this; and it puzzles me because I did not do that on purpose. There are things at play here that is beyond explanation. My art has never been about me; it has always been controlled by some divine power apart from me. I do not think I have ever created one piece of art, ever. My art has always come from from somewhere else; I hate to admit this and I will leave it at that. I am not much for expounding on the mystery's of life and it annoys me when people do it, that does not mean I do not appreciate it. There is so much we humans do not know maybe; spouting many theory's are not that bad. My wife has taught me that over the past four decades.:
Married with Children - 0918 transcript - Al Bundy Site
AL Well, now kids, come here. I never thought I'd be having this conversation, because frankly I didn't think I'd still be alive on this, my 40,000th anniversary
Great modern country is so dead but...
Hellbound Glory is the greatest semi modern day country rock band that ever was second to Hank Williams III of course! You may hate the words sometime but that is what makes this type of music so vital; in our politically correct weakling music industry.
Hellbound Glory is an American Country and Roots Rock band featuring Singer-Songwriter Leroy Virgil. The band was originally formed in Reno, Nevada in 2008 by Virgil. Describing the band’s style as “Americana,” Virgil credits his influences as “Hank Williams, Nirvana, and Hank Williams Jr.”
My favorite song like Hank Williams III is from the first song off the first album Leroy Virgil made for Hellbound Glory; it is called Hellbound Glory: I also like Bastard Child:
Hell bound lyrics:
The Devil came to me with a contract in his hands
Said he was looking for a coal shuffling man...
According to The Oklahoma Gazette (February 26, 2014), "Hellbound Glory has three studio albums, and Virgil is at work on new material."
I rate all these albums the best of all semi modern day country rock!
LV (2014)
Damaged Goods (2011)
Old Highs New Lows (2010)
Scumbag Country (2008)
I used Pink Floyd Animals art in my last animation:
Animals Lyrics has not too many words; just words that really have meaning. Do not forget also Animals has some of the greatest music known to man. What a great mix; minimum purely moving words and lots of great music so soothing and righteous, that it defy's logic.
Produced by Pink Floyd
Released January 23, 1977
Pigs on the Wing (Part One) (Waters) 1:24
If you didn't care what happened to me,
And I didn't care for you,
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain.
Wondering which of the buggars to blame
Dogs (Waters, Gilmour) 17:06
You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street,
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.
And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,
So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
get older.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south,
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man,
All alone and dying of cancer.
And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown.
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone.
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone,
Dragged down by the stone.
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused.
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used.
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise.
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this
Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend.
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun,
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.
Who was born in a house full of pain.
Who was trained not to spit in the fan.
Who was told what to do by the man.
Who was broken by trained personnel.
Who was fitted with collar and chain.
Who was given a pat on the back.
Who was breaking away from the pack.
Who was only a stranger at home.
Who was ground down in the end.
Who was found dead on the phone.
Who was dragged down by the stone.
And watching for pigs on the wing.
Pink Floyd The Wall has got to be the first all time abstract art animation that is just so purely cool. That is all I want to do when it comes to animations. The artist in me just wants to create cool looking stuff, I do not care about realism at all. I have felt this way since I took my first class in 3d. I can not begin to tell how hard that first class was. I was determined to learn it and my inspiration was if my professor; Tom Ottenger can do it; than so can I. After that first class it became all about the art and when I set out to do art there is nothing that can stop me.
I hope everyone had a good Memorial Day. I spent Memorial Day watching Saving Private Ryan. I think we should all watch Saving Private Ryan on Memorial Day. We need to see a dramatization of our finest young men being sent to their deaths in the name of war. Our ultimate goal should always be the same as any great veteran; to hate war.
Here are some more lovely, wonderfully,candy coated desktop backgrounds:
May 25 2017:
The new video is done!
I am aiming to keep all my new animations under a minute and a half. The object is to load them in a list on your video player and watch them while you are listening to your favorite music.
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IV Done May 25 2017 !
Download here Part IV with no music:
Watch part IV here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
![]() |
Happy Memorial Day |
Here are some more great images for your desktop background or screen savers. I hope you agree I am getting better at making images that are pleasing to the eye. I am only creating images from my animations now. I turned these ones clockwise on their side for easy setting.
I just had a idea about producing and creating my animations. I started doing it in college and have started it up again. If it was not for college and great professors like Mark Kaufman I would have never learned the ways of digital video. I got the idea from reading books.
I was reading a book by Maya and had a new idea the other day. I have no access to Maya even though I sent them a email. Emailing Maya is like emailing the president; you know you will never get a response and you sincerely doubt your email will ever get read. Most likely your email will be auto-deleted. The point I am trying to make is I got my idea from reading a book not looking it up on the internet. Books are essential to our existence as humans. I may not be able to use Maya but I can still learn about 3D computer art from it.
It sure was nice having a warm winter here. What is not nice is the storms we are having to deal with as a result of the freakishly warm winter. I was outside with my dog yesterday morning on May 21st. It was just after I updated my blog with my new animation part III. I heard rumbling of thunder all morning with no rain and I simply had to go outside to see what was going on. We were outside for only a little while when I looked to the north about a quarter mile in the sky. I saw a instantaneous lightning strike. I have never seen anything like this in my life. Lightning and thunder became one. By the time I looked I saw pure dark clouds with a thick distant lightning mostly covered with thick clouds. The crackling sound made the earth and the air move like a huge explosion. The lightning although it was mostly covered by clouds; looked huge and weirdly thick. The clouds were the thickest I ever saw. I am sure it struck the ground just north of me about a quarter mile. The air was full of electricity it was making my hair stand up on my arms and body. As usual my coyote like dog would not come inside. I had to finally catch him like a Olympic runner; to get us inside. I told my wife this story and that is why I decided to post this; like most everything I post here.
I animated a old college project today. I called it bones tribal and flames back in college. I vowed not to do this but since the work was abstract I went for it. Also as far as I know I never animated it. I made many 3d objects; in 3d in college but never animated them. I made many changes to it. I took out all the texture and made sure every thing reflected itself. This song keeps racing through my mind every time I think of my new animations the song is called Reflections. Bones and flames come to life; what rebel American artist could ask for more? I probably got the whole idea for this animation from good old fashioned American tattoo art of which I am the world's greatest fan. You have to understand that in the 1970's music defined our life. The internet ruined music's influence on our daily life. You could say the internet ruined music forever. That's ok because the internet is one of the only places you can say this without any retaliation. That is what I love about the internet you can insult anything and it is considered fuel for matrix. It is ok to insult thing but now people though. The internet loves to be insulted; it is like food to it. Everything is food to the internet; every last key stroke. Loving being insulted is the complete opposite of human beings. I still blame MTV for ruining music; originally.
I do not not know were the song comes from but I know I heard it allot when I was growing up. For some reason it reminds me of my dad.I think he liked this song very much and I think I remember enjoying this song with my dad in his truck. My dad always drove the same old Ford Bronco for like 20 years. He loved music and would sing to the old classics and tape his thumbs on the steering wheel to the beat. I do the same thing sometimes.
Lamont Dozier
Through the mirror of my mind
Time after time
I see reflections of you and me
Reflections of
The way life used to be
Reflections of
The love you took from me
Oh, I'm all alone now
No love to shield me
Trapped in a world
That's a distorted reality
Happiness you took from me
And left me all alone
With only memories
Through the mirror of my mind
Through all these tears that I'm crying
Reflects a hurt I can't control
Although you're gone
I keep holding on
To those happy times
Oh, girl when you were mine
As I peer through the windows
Of lost time
Keeping looking over my yesterdays
And all the love I gave all in vain
(All the love) All the love
That I've wasted
(All the tears) All the tears
That I've tasted
All in vain
Through the hollow of my tears
I see a dream that's lost
From the hurt baby
That you have caused
Everywhere I turn
Seems like everything I see
Reflects a hurt I can't control
In you I put
All my hope and trust
Right before my eyes
My whole world has turned to dust
Reflections of
The love you took from
Reflections of
The way life used to be
In you I put
All my hope and trust
Right before my eyes
My whole world has turned to dust
Now baby, why did you do it?
I just finished a multi color monstrosity. You may not believe it but it is all 3d. It looks like a 2d animation. I want to get a good 3d image of it so you can see it better. You can see this part just after the images flash by. Juts after the two images of the 3d perspective view version.
I also completed a great Pink Floyd Animals album cover animation. I know I did one back in college but this one is the best. When I heard Animals when I was a highschool student it blew my mind. I was over one of my rich friends house at a small party. They had this suspended 2nd floor that was like a fancy, carved wood railing lined, balcony inside the house, with a sky light. The floor had that thick shag. I broke off from the group and wondered up stairs and laid on the floor and listened to this amazing album as I viewed the graphics. I remember thinking like I had never heard any music so good in all my life.
The blue, green, yellow, red, prism like shapes rotating animation; is very interesting in that the pink purple colors just appeared, I did not put them there. Also the green seems to swirl like a cloud; and again I did not attend this while carefully modeling this animation's every attribute as I do with all my new 2017 animations. I love happy accidents and they constantly take place almost magically; in all my art.
The last segment of this animation was the Pink Floyd hammers from the Movie The Wall. The animations in that movie have always amazed me since I saw the movie as a child. To be doing my own animations like that is a dream come true to me. I animated the hammers in 3d around 2002 in a tiny GIF format for my original Tripod web sight. I could only make GIF files because I always had to conserve space. Although it was a GIF it still was originally created in a 3d program. I see many people have done versions of this in 3d on the internet, since then; but I bet you anything I was the first one.
May 21 2017:
New Part III!
Download here Part III with no music:
Watch part III here with default YouTube music:
or click here:
Download here Part I with no music:
and Part II with no music here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
I am finding that my newest animations go great to a fast beat hip hop song like Yelawolf, I always like techno with digital art too although there are not too many Techno bands I am familiar with. Look at bands like The Grateful Dead who use digital art as a background; and they are so old school. The truth is it goes well with what ever kind of music you like best.
Here are some images for you desktop background just rotate them all clockwise:
Part three is bigger in size than any newer animation I have made so far. All my new animations are High Quality though. I increased the size to increase the quality .I completed part III; May 20th of the year 2017. I try not to work to hard on my new art considering I am not making any money. I guess working to hard on my animations is one of those bad habits; that are not bad at all. This one is manly animation only plus some bonus images of the animations. Like I said my favorite desktop backgrounds are 3d. I dedicate all the eyeball's to the eyeballs and my eyeballs too. I think there is something about a circle shaped object; that is why I use it so much. I love the color red and use it allot also. The circle of life. Motion and light resemble life to me. Notice the end of the new animation it has a funnel effect and ends and a in a in your face ending. Reflections mean allot to me. We are all reflections of our interactions with each other; whether it be in person or on the internet, the phone or whatever. Please watch all my new animations in list format, part II, part I and then part III to get a proper effect.
I keep telling myself to slow down and not work so much on my animations. I always end up spending hours creating these abstract animations; no matter what. About a week and a half ago I suffered a relapse of a old injury I got at my old warehouse job. I have a nerve problem in my neck that can eventually cause me to loose use of my arms if I am not careful. I have had MRI's and all kinds of work on it at the Presbyterian Hospital, in West Plano, Texas. I suffered this unbelievable pain in my arm coming from my neck because I was not sitting properly. I began to sit straight and not bend my neck and kept my arm straight and it healed it. I am doing way better now.
I have never talked about my dreams before online but I had the weird dream about my dad last night and just told my wife about it and she liked it. My dad had this apartment and I met him there. It was in a big building way in the back and it was very small like when my dad first started out on his own while working for the police. I was so happy to see my dad that nothing else mattered. I asked him if he wanted to go mountain biking and said we never spend enough time together. I am always so happy to see them since I have not seen them in so long. He agreed and I felt bad because I left all my stuff in his apartment like my wallet and keys and stuff. I thought I could trust my dad. I started out on our mountain bike ride and it started to rain. I could not find my dad so I went back to his apartment, but he had moved out. When I realized that he had moved out I was confused and upset. Then I thought; I should have not trusted my dad; because he had a brain injury problem from all the old model radar detectors he used. I also see my grandparents on my dads side allot and my two dogs Benji and Ursula too in my dreams. I am always so happy to see them since I have not seen them in so long.
I know I always talk about the fact of the matter that my grandfather on my mothers side was directly from Sicily as a child and the parents of my grandfather and grandmother on my dad's side were directly from Sicily. I want to make something absolutely clear; (both sides) of those three of my ancestors were from originally and their generations dating back to probably before Christ were from Melilli, Sicily.
Now that is something special. Look at the map and find where Melilli, Sicily is.
There are palm trees there and it is very tropical. I found out 3 quarters of my ancestors are from Melilli, Sicily by a old time Sicilian I talked to in my home town in Middletown, Connecticut. If you research it you will see this is true.
All below is from:
Melilli (Sicilian: Miliddi) is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Syracuse, Sicily (Italy), located about 190 kilometres (120 mi) southeast of Palermo and about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northwest of Syracuse. As of 31 December 2004, it had a population of 12,555 and an area of 136.0 square kilometres (52.5 sq mi).
The municipality of Melilli contains the frazioni (subdivisions, mainly villages and hamlets) Villasmundo, Città Giardino and Marina di Melilli.
Melilli stands about 310 metres (1,020 ft) above sea level close to a mount (monti Climiti) overlooking the Megara bay and the industrial district of Augusta-Priolo. It is located in the Siracusa province.
Melilli borders the following municipalities: Augusta, Carlentini, Priolo Gargallo, Syracuse, Sortino.
It boasts a rather eventful history, the human presence apparently being attested since the Bronze Age. Its strategic situation between the major cities of Augusta and Syracuse has played a critical role in its growth. In the feudal age, it became a dominion of the Augusta County.
It managed to revive after two devastating quakes in 1542 and 1693. Since 1842 it has been an autonomous city.
The town
Numerous interesting buildings are scattered throughout the town's centre. The Chiesa Madre, dedicated to Saint Nicholas, has a ceiling finely painted with the Triumph of the Faith by Olivo Sozzi. The Chiesa di San Sebastiano, dating from the 18th century, houses various paintings by Sozzi, among which are a Coronation of Saint Sebastian and The Triumph of the Faith, and a marble altarpiece representing the Deposition of St. Bartholomew.
The River Marcellino, flowing nearby, offers fine naturalistic spots and an old necropolis. The neighboring salt-mines of Augusta were an important economic resource as far as the end of Second World War.
Christ's nativity representation (during Christmas)
Holy week
Feast of Saint Sebastian - 4 May (Patron Saint of the town)
Saint Sebastian is very popular here and every year on 3 and 4 May he is celebrated with a fine festival drawing devotees from all Sicily. The Martyr lived in the 3rd century AD is celebrated by the so-called Festa dei Nuri its name relating to the fact that popular iconography used to represent Saint Sebastian undressed; in old times the faithful taking part to the celebration showed completely undressed. Today the event has lost much of its importance and the participants wear white clothes with red stripes that cover some definite parts of the body, that are where the Saint was hit. Over night, they run to the church dedicated to the saint, where they toss flowers onto His statue.
Now see this! This is proof of what I have been saying on the internet for many years now. :
Sister city
United States Middletown, Connecticut, (United States of America)Middletown, Ct. A large number of Melillesi immigrated to Middletown in the early 20th century, and the Sicilian-American Roman Catholic Church in Middletown, Saint Sebastian's, was modelled after the church in Melilli.
May 18 2017:
I did what I said I was going to do yesterday and combined all my work from April and May of 2017 including all new work. The newest work is at the beginning of both videos. I made all the improvements that were bugging me when I watched them. The improvements I made could be summed up in saying; I took all the words out and made the images run at 1 second; verses 3 seconds each.
Download here Part I:
and Part II here:
Watch part I here with default YouTube music:
or just click play:
Watch part II here with default YouTube music:
or click play:
I giving you my best for now; I am sure to learn as I go for better computer artwork. I am having to learn all this all over again. I have not been to college for about 9 years. I was so enthusiastic when I was in college and it is not hard to learn again. My favorite things are the easiest to implement. It is like picking out your favorite candy at the candy store except I am choosing menu options instead. I am finding that I am starting off where I left off. When I started multimedia software classes in college it was all about building projects. I did not start animating till towards the end of my favorite classes with teachers like Mark Kaufman and Tom Ottenger and Mike McGee. Now I am starting out animating and then making my favorite desktop background from the animations. Some of the animations can take up to 4 hours to complete so I must be patient sometimes.
This art series is call Rad Computer Art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw. These are my computer image creations. They are one of a kind and to be found no where else. Computer art comes from the beat of the heart of every computer and all cell phones and tablets and every thing that is computerized. I have our computer books out now and am reading up and studying computer multimedia techniques. This is the alga rhythm of pixels from computerized mechanisms. This is me giving the computer a push to show beauty and wonder that goes on in the computerized mechanisms we use; everyday. It always helps to have my wife around who inspires me to do this art. I show her every one of these images and animations; as soon as they are finished. I have shown my wife every piece of art I have created during the past 31 years. This has to do mostly what I learned from my college years from 2001 to 2008. I also worked tirelessly before college as well many great multi media manipulating computer programs; when we bought with our first computer in 1995. One of my gif files is on the internet as a favorite that I made before I went to college. see it listed here:
New images for your desktop background. You do not have to turn these on their sides; I did it for you.:
May 17 2017:
I am thinking of not making 2d images and only doing 3d images.
I am working very hard on my next video every day. They are being completed in 3 second long mini videos. The last one I completed last night took 8 hours to complete. They average 4 to 6 hours each to complete. I have about 30 seconds total so far.
I am going to delete all my old videos soon and replace them reformatted. I am putting them all in either animations only or quick image videos that flash each image at you quickly. Like I said these videos are my entertainment too, so I am taking out the stuff I do not like. I am also taking out the stupid black and white credits at the end.
Rad Computer Art Man Video III is out!
You can download it here with no music in background. Do what I do and play your favorite music and play my art videos in the background.
New! Part III download here: Deleted
Download here Part I: Deleted
and Part II here: Deleted
YouTube addresses:
Part I: Deleted
Part II: Deleted
New! Part III: Deleted
Here is some jiber jaber for you all:
Ok, check this out the Simpsons predicted 2010 as this? Wierd!
In 1995’s season 6, episode 19, “Lisa’s Wedding”, phones had video chatting capabilities. This happened in 2010, when FaceTime was made by Apple.
Season 6, episode 19 made in 1995 predicts how 2010 would be and it is so far off it is not even funny. How bazzar.
I am a Hank Williams III for life!
Hank Williams III
Now Playin' country music
It ain't like it used to be
I'm so tired of this new stuff
They're tryin' to get me to sing
That ain't no country music to me
Well, you can only take so much
Of putting people down
When you got the best,
That's tryin' to beat your back doors down
Well, I used to think that country
Was out of Nashville Tennessee
But all I see in Nashville,
Is a bunch of backstabbers takin' you and me
They don't care about the music ya see
Well, I used to think that country
Was out of Nashville, Tennessee
I'd rather take my things and
Go back to Texas ya see
Now, I would pack up
And I'd leave this dirty town
But they've done taken me for so much
That I can't get out now
Maybe one day but not right now
Well, I used to think that country
Was out of Nashville, Tennessee
I don't think that country's here
'cause they killed it ya see
Well, I used to think that country
Was out of Nashville, Tennessee
I'd rather take my things and
Go back to Texas ya see
Hank Williams III-Trashville - YouTube
Smashing Pumpkins Lyrics
Siamese Dream Lyrics
Mayonaise 1992 (from my good old days)
Fool enough to almost be it
Cool enough to not quite see it
Pick your pockets full of sorrow
And run away with me tomorrow
We'll try and ease the pain
But somehow we'll feel the same
Well, no one knows
Where our secrets go
I send a heart to all my dearies
When your life is so, so dreary
I'm rumored to the straight and narrow
While the harlots of my perils
And I fail
But when I can, I will
Try to understand
That when I can, I will
Mother weep the years I'm missing
All our time can't be given
Shut my mouth and strike the demons
That cursed you and your reasons
Out of hand and out of season
Out of love and out of feeling
So bad
When I can, I will
Words defy the plans
When I can, I will
Fool enough to almost be it
And cool enough to not quite see it
And old enough to always feel this
Always old, I'll always feel this
No more promise no more sorrow
No longer will I follow
Can anybody hear me
I just want to be me
When I can, I will
Try to understand
That when I can, I will
Siamese Dream has widely been regarded as one of the best albums of the 1990s, and one of the best albums of all time. In 2003, Rolling Stone magazine ranked it number 362 on their 500 Greatest Albums of All Time list.
I just realized the entire album revolves around the theme of dreams. Genius!
Ever wonder how Peter Frampton made that cool song Do You Feel Like we do?:
Talk box
Peter Frampton's talk box:
A talk box or talkbox is an effects unit that allows musicians to modify the sound of a musical instrument by shaping the frequency content of the sound and to apply speech sounds (in the same way as singing) onto the sounds of the instrument. Typically, a talk box directs sound from the instrument into the musician's mouth by means of a plastic tube adjacent to their vocal microphone. The musician controls the modification of the instrument's sound by changing the shape of the mouth, "vocalizing" the instrument's output into a microphone.
I want a talk box!
151 dollars?!
I also want a multi-effects unit
Multi-Effects unit ( I saw this one in a music store in Plano around 2006. This is the king of guitar foot pedals.)
Boss GT-3 multi-effects unit
A typical digital multi-effects pedal is programmed, with several memory locations available to save custom user settings. Many lack the front-panel knobs of analog devices, using buttons instead to program various effect parameters. Multi-effects devices continue to evolve, some gaining MIDI or USB interfaces to aid in programming. Examples include:
Tech 21 Sans Amp - A line of analog effects with distortion and speaker simulation capability.
Line 6 POD XT Live
Behringer V-Amp Pro
DigiTech RP series
DigiTech GNX series
Boss ME-20, ME-50, GT-6, GT-8
Zoom G2, G3, G5 series
Vox Tonelab series
Roland VG series
Korg AX series
70 bucks and up!
Good luck finding this one.
My new computer art is a live wire!
Live Wire
If your lookin' for trouble
I'm the man to see
If you're looking for satisfaction
There's satisfaction guaranteed
Oh, I was cool as a bunny on ice
Hotter than the rolling dice
Send you to heaven take you to hell
I ain't fooling can't you tell
I'm a live wire
I'm a live wire
I'm a live wire
Gonna set this town on fire
And if you need some lovin'
And if you need some man
You've got the phone and the number
And I got no future plans
Oh come on honey you've got nothing to lose
You've got the thirst
I've got the booze
Give you an inch
Take you a mile
I'm gonna make you fry
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
Holy smoking sweet desire
Like a hot rod baby
Oh stick this in you're fuse box
Oh cooler than a buny on ice
Hotter than the rolling dice
Wilder than a drunken might
You're gonna burn to night
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
I'ma live wire
(Live wire)
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
And I'm gonna set this town of fire
Live wire
(Live wire)
I'm a live wire
(Live wire)
Oh I'm your live wire
(Live wire)
I'm a live wire (Live wire)
Look at me burn
Ah look at me, guilty
Soak my circuit
Burn burn burn burn burn
The Pogues - Poor Paddy On The Railway - YouTube
Their politically tinged music was informed by MacGowan and Stacy's punk backgrounds, yet used traditional Irish instruments such as the tin whistle, banjo, cittern, mandolin and accordion.
May 12 2017:
I giving you my best for now; I am sure to learn as I go for better computer artwork. I am having to learn all this all over again. I have not been to college for about 9 years. I was so enthusiastic when I was in college and it is not hard to learn again. My favorite things are the easiest to implement. It is like picking out your favorite candy at the candy store except I am choosing menu options instead. I am finding that I am starting off where I left off. When I started multimedia software classes in college it was all about building projects. I did not start animating till towards the end of my favorite classes with teachers like Mark Kaufman and Tom Ottenger and Mike McGee. Now I am starting out animating and then making my favorite desktop background from the animations. Some of the animations can take up to 4 hours to complete so I must be patient sometimes.
This art series is call Rad Computer Art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw. These are my computer image creations. They are one of a kind and to be found no where else. Computer art comes from the beat of the heart of every computer and all cell phones and tablets and every thing that is computerized. I have our computer books out now and am reading up and studying computer multimedia techniques. This is the alga rhythm of pixels from computerized mechanisms. This is me giving the computer a push to show beauty and wonder that goes on in the computerized mechanisms we use; everyday. It always helps to have my wife around who inspires me to do this art. I show her every one of these images and animations; as soon as they are finished. I have shown my wife every piece of art I have created during the past 31 years. This has to do mostly what I learned from my college years from 2001 to 2008. I also worked tirelessly before college as well many great multi media manipulating computer programs; when we bought with our first computer in 1995. One of my gif files is on the internet as a favorite that I made before I went to college. see it listed here:
Here are a few great background images for you:
May 08 2017:
I am going to have to make a part 2 to this page soon it is getting big.
I redid the first video for a high definition video today. It is called rad_computer_art_man_part_I.
I also made a all new video called rad_computer_art_man_part_II today; with all new images.
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
These are video's of my progress making these great computer images. I will be updating the progress on occasion. :
Ok; you have to love this! I am making my cool new computer art video's available for download. Just put it on with your favorite music and choice repeat. It makes a great background, for when your sick of watching television.
Here are the images for you:
Happy Mothers's day, did you mail your card? We did.
mom and apple pie
(US, symbolically) Wholesomeness and traditional (American) values.
(politics, US) Something that cannot be questioned because it appeals to universally-held beliefs or values.
flag, motherhood and apple pie (semi-synonymous)
Decades later, when journalists asked soldiers why they were fighting World War II, a common slogan was “for mom and apple pie,” which gave rise to the phrase “as American as motherhood and apple pie.” By the 1960's, the phrase had mostly dropped the not-unique-to-America idea of motherhood.
One of my online buddy's; have a awesome new animation:
Also check out My other buddy's Website
Don't miss Darcy's Spring tour through the North West! Click below to see all shows and ... Dame Darcy. Music/ Comic book ... Webiste by Laura "LED" Douglass.
These lady's rock! I suggest buying something from them for spiritual prosperity. Dame Darcy is single handedly keeping Fantagraphics Books in business. I would have never made a homemade comic unless I was inspired growing up by Fantagraphics Books. I used to buy them at the hippie store nears Sears on Main Street in Middletown, Connecticut. I also bought and traded in many albums in there as a kid.
Fantagraphics Books
Fantagraphics Books - Wikipedia
Fantagraphics Books is an American publisher of alternative comics, classic comic strip anthologies, magazines, graphic novels, and the adult-oriented Eros ...
If you look up my name for this blog it is The Artist of the website Radman_Art. If you are lucky enough to get my business card it say's that. I named my self that because of Prince. Remember (member berries) when Prince changed his name to The Artist Formally Known as Prince? That is why I changed my name to that. Prince was one righteous dude. When I first saw the movie Purple Rain (when it 1st came to video); I was blown away. He road the same type motorcycle I road all over southern California in the late 1980's. The movie The Lost Boys also had that type of bike. What ever happened to that type of bike? Come on somebody make that bike again. I could pop a righteous straight up wheelys with my old Honda Shadow 500 cc with ease. It was a safe bike too not too fast; but fast enough.
Member Berries - Wikipedia
"Member Berries" is the first episode in the twentieth season of the American animated television series. South Park. The 268th episode of the series overall, ...
Prince (musician) - Wikipedia
Prince Rogers Nelson (June 7, 1958 – April 21, 2016) was an American singer-songwriter, actor, multi-instrumentalist, philanthropist, dancer and record producer. He was a musical innovator who was known for his eclectic work, flamboyant ... (Love Symbol); The Artist Formerly Known as Prince (TAFKAP); The Artist.
Prince was an animal rights activist who followed a vegan diet for part of his life, but later described himself as vegetarian. The liner notes for his album Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic (1999) featured a message about the cruelty involved in wool production.
The Lost Boys - Wikipedia
The Lost Boys is a 1987 American horror comedy film starring Jason Patric, Corey Haim, Kiefer Sutherland, Jami Gertz, Corey Feldman, Dianne Wiest, Edward ...
How do you come up with lyrics and music like this?:
Before the Deluge is a great song by: Jackson Browne
Let the music keep our spirits high
Let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by, by and by
When the light that's lost within us reaches the sky
May 05 2017:
Handsome Furs aka: Wolf Parade: aka Sunset Rubdown
Plaque Park - (2007) came out in the hight of my college days when I finally owned route 75 with my stock Ninja 1200 cc at hand.
Handsome Furs Hate This City
Handsome Furs
Album Plague Park
Handsome Furs - Plague Park - YouTube
Handsome Furs Hate This City Lyrics
Woke up with blankets and buildings with jaws
Stuck to the sheets, clammy with noon
We wish for night-time, a darkening screen
Hoping the heart is just a machine
Oh, there was home
Oh, there was home
This one is vicious, a sinister lean
We haunted the staircase where small ghosts have been
We knew that heaven was stretched out and wide
Pinned to the sky, pinned to the sky
Oh, there was home
Oh, there was home
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
We hate this city and its drone
We hate this city and its drone
We hate this city and its drone
We hate this city and its drone
So black out a million screens
And wires up the floor
These are my computer image creations. They are one of a kind and to be found no where else. I made them from the complexities of computer programming. I may not be able to do C++, when it comes to multi media programs it comes as naturally as walking to me. This has to do mostly from college but I also worked tirelessly before college as well on scanning my art and using the Ulead Gif animator we bought with our first computer in 1995. Also I became very good at tweaking games like Quake when it first came out, long before college. I also used Corral draw when my wife bought it for one of her classes. I have all the books out now and am reading up as well. Computer art comes from the beat of the heart of every computer and all cell phones and tablets and every thing that is computerized. This is the alga rhythm of pixels from computerized mechanisms. This is me giving the computer a push to show beauty and wonder that goes on in the computerized mechanisms we use; everyday. I kind of over did it the past 3 days. My wrist is getting sore; I have been doing so much. It always helps to have my wife around who inspires me to do this art. I show her every one of these images; as soon as it is finished.
May 02 2017:
Ok; you have to love this! I am making my cool new computer art video available for download. Just put it on with your favorite music and choice repeat. It makes a great background, for when your sick of watching television.
Download here: I deleted this video and remade it in High Definition on May 8 2017
May 01 2017:
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
This is a video of my progress making these great computer images. I will be updating the progress on occasion. :
I deleted this video and remade it in High Definition on May 8 2017
April 30 2017:
Die Hard 2 [1990] John McClane Quote: "As far as I'm concerned, progress peaked with frozen pizza." I love that movie; best watched in Christmas. I love frozen pizza! I am so into cheap frozen pizza lately. I ad just a little more mozzarella and homemade crumpled sausage. I cook the sausage and let it cool and put it in my ninja grinder. I store it in the freezer and ad a little at a time to the pizza. I only make a little at a time and when I had enough; I freeze the rest.
Morning Rain Lyrics - The Sleepy Jackson
"You're like the morning rain, I never ever have to say. When I go away, 'Cause you're like the morning rain. When I don't see you. It reminds me of the morning rain"
The Sleepy Jackson - Come To This - YouTube
The Sleepy Jackson – Come To This Lyrics
"Keep your mind clean. Let the lying lips be put to silence. Lord, I don't know. How it has come to this. Girl, it's a long time when you're running"
The Sleepy Jackson – Miniskirt
Miniskirt Lyrics
I count all the things that make me wonder why
The pretty ones seem to get f@cked up all the time
She said it's harder to talk about the good things
Now that you're here
Better off on your own,
When things get tough just take a rest
And I felt stronger even though
And I felt stronger even though
Yeah you make me feel low, so low
Don't cry my morning bird
Don't cry right now
Don't cry my morning bird
Don't cry right now
The Lord's sitting in the sky waiting for
All of us now
The Lord's sitting in the sky waiting for
All of us now
So don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Don't cry right now
Old dirt farmer, varsity baseball player
A Texas nomad and a fisherman
I lost my mind, it was blown in the wind
And I did all of this for you
I'd sleep in the Winter
Have fun in the Summer
Tonight it's gone
Won't you stand by the plan?
Won't you stand by the man?
I'd sleep in the Winter
Have fun in the Summer
Tonight it's gone
Won't you stand by the plan?
Won't you stand by the man?
First song on this album:
Search Results
Good Dances
The Sleepy Jackson
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
My heart is stronger than you all
But I love to watch good dancers talk
The war's good and I'm so tired
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
My heart is stronger than you all
But I love to watch good dancers talk
When you think with your mind you've got a place to go now
When you think with your mind you've got a place to go now
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
(When you think with your mind you've got a place to go now)
My heart is stronger than you all
(When you think with your mind you've got a place to go now)
But I love to watch good dancers talk
(When you think with your mind you've got a place to go now)
When we ever learn when we destroy nature; we destroy ourselves. It is that simple.
Old Dirt Farmer
Song by The Sleepy Jackson
Old dirt farmer, varsity baseball player
A Texas nomad and a fisherman
I lost my mind, it was blown in the wind
And I did all of this for you
I'd sleep in the Winter
Have fun in the Summer
Tonight it's gone
Won't you stand by the plan?
Won't you stand by the man?
I'd sleep in the Winter
Have fun in the Summer
Tonight it's gone
Won't you stand by the plan?
Won't you stand by the man?
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
To be good at multi media software all it takes is years of practice and I got that in 8 years of college at a 4.0 grade average. I own three state of Texas, accredited certificates in graphic design hanging on the wall to prove it. I used to have the scholars club beg me all the time to join their club while in college. While art has me always using what I learned in college; when it comes to multi media software it is 100 percent college experience. Just leave all this complicated stuff to me. You have not seen anything yet. I can recreate any of these really big on request. Since no one ever emails me from here because of the spyware, adware, exploitation of the internet; just enjoy the small digital artwork here. These are all one of a kind and take a long time to make. The time these take keeps growing the better I get at them; and I keep getting better.
April 27 2017:
I just want to reaffirm my admiration for my Border Collie. He is so smart it amazes me everyday.
Cat Stevens "I Love My Dog" - YouTube
I love my dog as much as I love you
But you may fade, my dog will always come through.
All he asks from me is the food to give him strength
All he ever needs is love and that he knows he'll get
So, I love my dog as much as I love you
But you may fade, my dog will always come through.
All the pay I need comes shining through his eyes
I don't need no cold water to make me realize that
I love my dog as much as I love you
But you may fade, my dog will always come through.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, nana...
I love my dog as much as I love you
But you may fade, my dog will always come through.
Na, na, na, na, na, na, nana...
I love my dog, baby, I love my dog. Na, na, na...
I love my dog, baby, I love my dog. Na, na, na...
I am a big time fan of The Peoples Champ! - Wikipedia
They Don't Know lyrics by Paul Wall
Third Coast Born I mean we're Texas! raised
Down here in this Lone Star state!
Outta towners be comin' around
Runnin' they mouth and talkin' down
But you don't know nuthin' bout my town
Either hold it down or move around
Paul Wall - The Peoples Champ (Screwed & Chopped) Full Mixtape
I know I always talk about my dad and the relationship we had on the internet. I have compared my dad to the Burn's dad in (Meet the Fockers (2004)) many times. I have said my dad was like the Harry Chapin dad may times also. Cats In The Cradle-Harry Chapin - YouTube He took me to see Harry and his amazing band around 1981 at the Hartford Civic Center.
Thee best way to describe my dad is in the song Father and Son by Cat Stevens: father and son - cat Stevens [lyrics] - YouTube
In the heat of my childhood and all the turmoil it presented my dad and I; my dad had such faith in me. Out of all the things I remember about that faith was when he and I were in a meeting with some type of counselor, I think from the youth center in Middletown, Connecticut: myy dad said something as simple as this: this is as best I remember that quote of his; I just want my son to have a wife and a house and two cars in the garage. Faith is the most powerful thing there ever was. Sometimes you just have to believe in something and that is all you have to do to survive.
Play "Father And Son"
It's not time to make a change
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl, settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy
I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy
To be calm when you've found something going on
But take your time, think a lot
Why, think of everything you've got
For you will still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not
How can I try to explain, when I do he turns away again
It's always been the same, same old story
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away
I know I have to go
It's not time to make a change
Just sit down, take it slowly
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to go through
Find a girl, settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy
All the times that I cried, keeping all the things I knew inside
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it
If they were right, I'd agree, but it's them they know not me
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away
I know I have to go
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
April 25 2017:
I deleted the computer art I do not like on this page of the blog.
April 24 2017:
My mom sent me a email and said she never heard of computer art, so I sent her this in the return email:
Computer art is any art in which computers play a role in production or display of the artwork. Such art can be an image, sound, animation, video, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, video game, website, algorithm, performance or gallery installation. Many traditional disciplines are now integrating digital technologies and, as a result, the lines between traditional works of art and new media works created using computers has been blurred. For instance, an artist may combine traditional painting with algorithm art and other digital techniques. As a result, defining computer art by its end product can thus be difficult. Computer art is by its nature evolutionary since changes in technology and software directly affect what is possible. Notable artists in this vein include Manfred Mohr, Ronald Davis, Harold Cohen, Joseph Nechvatal, George Grie, Olga Kisseleva, John Lansdown, and Jean-Pierre Hébert.
The precursor of computer art dates back to 1956-1958, with the generation of what is probably the first image of a human being on a computer screen, a (George Petty-inspired) pin-up girl at a SAGE air defense installation.
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
April 22 2017:
I put all my rad_computer_art_man files into a folder on my desk top. I like to set them on slide show and play my favorite music. I took the stupid sign ones out and that demonic goat head one; of course. Lets all get a good collection of this great abstract art. I start out every piece of art with basic shapes that I draw by hand with my stylus and then transform them with computer effects. My favorites are the ones with concentrated colors that your eye does not catch right away. Because you are not confronted with these intense color bursts immediately you except the art easily. Tiny bursts of color that your minds eye is not overwhelmed with is so pleasing to the eye. Having done only pencils for the past 2 years; I love expressing myself with color.
One thing I hated so much, is when my wife had to pull guard duty at Fort Hood. I was living off base then. I hated the fact that she worked 16 hour days; but when she pulled guard duty that was the worst. Basically she worked 48 hour non stop, no sleep. I missed her so bad one time I actually showed up to see her late at night. Her and he cohorts were actually mopping the floors at around midnight. I think I suffered more than her those days starching her uniform every day, waiting and waiting till I just freaked out, over and over, the whole time she was in active duty.
One time when she was in AIT and I walked into her barracks and hung out with her for a while. I had drove from California to Georgia to stay with her on base for her last month there. I just walked in and my wife was showing me around, like it was no big deal. She had to take a shower and I waited in the recreation room. All of a sudden; by the way the other solders were looking at me; I knew I should not be there. My wife came back out to see me and a gigantic black dude with permanent hair stubble on his face, walked up behind me from outside, and trying not to freak out; told me civilians were not aloud in the barracks. I said goodbye to my wife and as I walked outside there were about 50 solders were out there with the Drill Sargent with permanent hair stubble; doing 50 push ups, probably for letting me hang out in the barracks.
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
April 19 2017:
Have you ever heard the crickets sing a song like Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary; I have a couple of times.
It is in the crescendo of this song:
I'll Believe In Anything
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood, your bones, your voice, and your ghost
We've both been
A very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pulled the tricks out of our sleeves
I'll believe in anything and
You'll believe in anything
I'll believe in anything and
You'll believe in anything
If I could get the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd take you where nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
And I could take another hit for you
And I could take away the trips from you
And I could take away the salt from your eyes
Take away skin and salt in you
And I could give you my apologies
By handing over my neologies
And I could take away your shaky knees
And I could give you all the olive trees
And look at the trees and look at my face and look at a place far away from here
So give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Give me your eyes
I need sunshine
Your blood, your bones, your voice, and your ghost
We've both been very brave
Walk around with both legs
Fight the scary day
We both pulled the tricks out of our sleeves
But I'll believe in anything and
You'll believe in anything
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd share a life and you'd share a life
If I could take the fire out from the wire
I'd take you where nobody knows you and
Nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn
I said nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
About your blood, your bones, your voice, and your ghost
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
You know I'll believe in anything and
You'll believe in anything
Because nobody knows you
And nobody gives a damn either way
Oh yeah. There is one thing else I like about The Snake the Cross the Crown; there band is dedicated to their dad who died!
Originally known as Curbside Service, the group released one album under this name, I Packed My Bags a Year in Advance, before changing to their present name. Their current name is a reference to the logo of Italian car company, Alfa Romeo. Kevin Jones' father owned a repair shop that burnt to the ground. The name is an homage to his father.
What was the the final reason I decided to move west and leave my happy town where my family's, family's, family's, family was from? The number one reason was that I was obsessed with skateboarding of course. See what all you all don't know is the west in me only came to life after a car crash. A car crash that I could have died in. My wife's brand new Mitsubishi Mirage was totaled with me in it on my way back from skateboarding. On the way home from the trauma center I was playing Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven. I was walking home from the trauma center in the 4 foot high snow. I was right around the corner from being home with my soon to be wife's and my home. As soon as I could almost see my home I heard these lyrics: When I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving. At that moment I knew my time for running had come finally come. So I put my 1978 Honda Shadow in the 1 ton van and headed west; where I belong. The one greatest thing about being in the west is the way people drive.
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven (lyrics)
"Stairway to Heaven" is a song by the English rock band Led Zeppelin, released in late 1971. It was composed by guitarist Jimmy Page and vocalist Robert Plant for the band's untitled fourth studio album (often called Led Zeppelin IV). It is often referred to as one of the greatest rock songs of all time.
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
April 17 2017:
Can someone please tell me why a fence is not erected around the subway tracks in NY, NY?
Also get ready Texas, summer is coming. We need full time surveillance and US Coast Guard patrolling the lakes around here. Lets make this a summer without people dying in our lakes, please.
Also summer has not started and I am already reading this disgusting, repulsive, news: Texas toddler dies after being left inside hot car, from:
Yesterday, April 16th, before sunrise, I was outside and heard the Whippoorwill; for the first time this year. I took a video of me hearing that beautiful song.
![]() |
I have seen this bird for the past two days. I think he is keeping a eye on the food. |
I know, I know. Computer art woop de doo. I am computer. I have been all my life. I did not know it until we got this old Windows computer for 25 dollars on clearance from a Fort Worth discount store. When I got it home; I was like forget this. My wife was like wait a minute, I can make this work. Then she starts typing C:\; I was like what is this? I was amazed at what she did. At that time Windows 95 was out. We went down and made our first purchase at Best Buy; a cool emerald green Acer computer and the rest is Radman_Art history. God forbid if I go 3d again; it may usher in the art again like the 1980's. Like I said; who knows the future? All I know is I have had a real good time getting to the future; all the rest seems meaningless as I head towards the etwilight of my old age. I hope you all can get there as happily as I have. We all need happiness. Every; true blue, old fashioned, American; deserves to go towards old age happily and care free. The trailblazers of freedom.
I can't stop doing these because they are so much fun:
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. Turn this great art work, I am doing, on it's side; to make the best desktop background you ever saw.
April 15 2017:
I love pizza week. We have a theme every week of my wife's favorite foods; on her days off. This week was Pizza. I start with a good old supreme Tombstone pizza. I ad pizza sauce, and a ton of oregano. My Sicilian grandma always told me it is not Italian until you ad oregano. Then onion, bell peppers and mushrooms topped with pizza cheese. This makes a amazing pizza. I have always loved Tombstone pizza since I moved out west. Tombstone is affordable and really good; I think it is the sauce they use.
I first saw Sleepy on:
Subterranean was a weekly music show on MTV2 dedicated to alternative, indie, and underground music and artists. The show was made as the modern-day continuation of MTV's 120 Minutes. The show was hosted by MTV2 VJ Jim Shearer from its debut in 2003 to 2007. It continued without a host and with sporadic guest appearances by bands from 2007 to 2011.
It blew my mind! I bought the CD at it was perfect! It was bits and pieces of their work over a couple of years time.
The Sleepy Jackson Good Dancers Lyrics
The Sleepy Jackson Lovers
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
My heart is stronger than you all
But I love to watch good dancers talk
The war's, the war's good, I'm so tired
The war's, the war's good, I'm so tired
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
My heart is stronger than you all
But I love to watch good dancers talk
The war's good, the war's good, I'm so tired
The war's good, the war's good, I've been tired
When you think with your mind
You've got a place to go now
When you think with your mind
You've got a place to go now
Don't always dream for what you want
But I love to watch good dancers talk
My heart is stronger than you all
But I love to watch good dancers talk
You're like the mourning rain
I never ever have to say when I go away
'Cause you're like the mourning rain
When I don't see you
It reminds me of the mourning rain
Dance for everyone on your mind
You never ever have the time when I go away
'Cause you're like the mourning rain
When I don't see you
It reminds me of the mourning rain
You're like the mourning rain
I never ever have to say when I go away
'Cause you're like the mourning rain
When I don't see you
It reminds me of the mourning rain
It's true
I never had no fun with you
Now there's acid in my heart
It's time
to get you off my mind
'Cause there's acid in my heart
But I need you
I need you
I know you
I know you're getting quiet
'Cause you need me now
I need you
you know I'm getting tired
'Cause I need you now
Would you tell this river the truth
I need you
I need you
I need you
It's true
I never got no sun with you
Now there's acid in my heart
And it's fine
To get you off my mind
But there's acid in my heart.
I need you
I need you
I need you
I need you
As I post this right now I am listening to one of my favorite indie bands; Cotton Teeth (2007 the college years). I get sad when I listen to this boy band grown to full adult rock and roll. I get sad cause they did all that without hardly ever being noticed.
Listening to this song right now:
I, I wanna live on the stage
I wanna play the guitar
And I wanna get paid
But no, responsibilities please
I wanna do what I want
And I wanna get paid
Cakewalk - YouTube
Video for Cotton Teeth i wana live on a stage
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man.
April 14 2017:
I bought almost every CD by this band:
2005: The Loving Sounds of Static (Ghostly)
2007: Heaven (Misra)
2001: Two (Self-released)
2002: Three (Self-released)
2005: City Vs Country (Ghostly)
2008: LOVE WILL REIGN SUPREME (self-released, free covers EP)
2009: EMPIRE OF LOVE (self-released, free covers EP)
I had to special order most of them.
Mobius Band (band) this band was formed in my old hometown of Middletown, Connecticut; in Wesleyan University:
Mobius Band was an electronic rock trio from Brooklyn, New York consisting of Noam Schatz (drums), Peter Sax (bass/vocals/keyboards), and Ben Sterling (guitar/vocals/keyboards).
The band began when members Schatz, Sterling and Sax met as students at Wesleyan University. After graduation, they moved to Shutesbury, Massachusetts to hone their sound. Following the self-produced, self-released (on their own Prescription Rails label) and mostly instrumental EPs One, Two, and Three, Mobius Band were signed to Ann Arbor, Michigan’s Ghostly International in 2004, becoming the electronic label’s first rock-based act.
When I hear this music: it becomes me. I am this beautiful, real, music.
Wesleyan University is in the city of my family's, family's, family's, hometown of Mddletown, Connecticut.
Wesleyan University (/ˈwɛzliᵻn/ wez-lee-in or /ˈwɛsliᵻn/ wes-lee-in) is a private liberal arts college in Middletown, Connecticut, founded in 1831.
When I first discovered The Dandy Warhols in the college library; I though, not a Velvet Underground Wana be band. I was so, so wrong. The Dandy Warhols is an American rock band of the finest caliber.
Early years (1994–1995)
The band was formed in Portland, Oregon in 1994 by Courtney Taylor-Taylor and Peter Holmström. Soon after, drummer Eric Hedford joined, and following an unsuccessful experiment with Taylor-Taylor's girlfriend on bass guitar, keyboardist Zia McCabe joined the band after Taylor-Taylor saw her working in a coffee house. Taylor-Taylor described the band's beginning as a group of friends who "needed music to drink to".
Thirteen Tales from Urban Bohemia (2000) is my Favorite album. It was in the library at the Plano, Texas campus. This is one of the many bands I discovered by visiting the Plano, Texas campus ;library, while I attended college there.
I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kiss is from my generation. I bough Destroyer when it came out.
You really like my limousine
You like the way the wheels roll
You like my seven inch leather heels
And goin' to all of the shows, but
Do you love me, do you love me
really love me
You like the credit cards and private planes
Money can really take you far
You like the hotels and fancy clothes
And the sound of electric guitars, but
Do you love me, do you love me
Do you love me, I mean like do you
Really love me
You really like rock 'n' roll
All of the fame and the masquerade
You like the concerts and studios
And all the money, honey, that I make, but
Do you love me, do you love me
Do you love me, really love me
Your backstage pass and black sunglasses
Make you look just like a queen
Even the fans, they know your face
From all of the magazines, but
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
Really love me (really love me)
I want to know
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
I mean like do you
Really love me (really love me)
I want to know
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
Do you love me (do you love me)
I mean like do you
Really love me (really love me)
I want you to (do you love me, do you love me)
I need you to (do you love me, do you love me)
And you know I'm so tired of everybody sayin' it
And you know, (do you love me, do you love me)
I just gotta know if you really really really, really love me
(Do you love me, do you love me)
So come on, do you love me (do you love me)
I need you to
Do you love me (do you love me) I want you to
Do you love me (do you love me) I need you
Really love me (do you love me)
I want to know
Do you love me (do you love me) do you, do you
Do you love me (do you love me)
I just got to have some love (do you love me, do you love me)
I just got to have some love (do you love me)
I just got to have some love, love, love, love, love
Probably one of the greatest rock albums of this world, yet it was rejected for political reason?:
Ahead of the Lions is an album by rock band Living Things, released on October 4, 2005. The first single is the song "Bom Bom Bom" was featured in a Cingular commercial promoting an iTunes-compatible phone.
Living Things is a band of brothers (Lillian, Eve and Bosh Berlin). Born and raised in the socially conservative suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, they have been playing together since they were kids performing early versions of the tracks that would eventually be recorded for the Ahead of the Lions album. The album was recorded by the Steve Albini (Nirvana, PJ Harvey, Pixies) and produced by Living Things and Lij Shaw in the Berlin Family Basement in their hometown of St. Louis in February 2005. Living Things are distinguished, in part, by their lyrics, written by Lillian, the band's chief provocatuer.
Living Things - On All Fours - YouTube
J. Geils, Former Leader And Guitarist Of The J. Geils Band, Dead At 71
I have been a official big time fan of J. Geils since my sophomore year in high school in 1978. I loved the band since 1970, but in 1978 was the first time I bought a album by this great east coast band - The first album I bought was Sanctuary and then Full House. After that J Geils became hero's to me forever. That was a magical time, and Sanctuary was The J. Geils Band greatest album. Love Stinks (1980) was the band's worst album in my opinion and all them after; and that is okay; because the 1970's was the most magical time that the world has ever known and J. Giels reaped 10 years of greatness. It was like the 1970's had everything have now except the internet. Being free and wild on the east coast then in my teens made memories that make me solid like a rock.
I am sorry but this is kind of funny. I was reading it to my wife after she told me about it on the news. As I was reading it we both laughed out loud.:
Is the U.S. the only country with the MOAB?
Yes. There have been reports that Russia developed a “father of all bombs” after news of the MOAB broke. It is said to be four times more powerful than the MOAB.
One of the greatest moments in my life was when my wife served and won award after award for serving in our military.
I have read on average 1 percent of citizens join the military. I was only able to find this information quickly:
"0.4 percent of the American population is active military personnel."
"1.4 percent of all female Americans have ever served in the armed services, compared to 13.4 percent of all male Americans."
The amount of beautiful women on the television series Married With Children is astounding. The show was filmed in Los Angles; thee home of the most beautiful women in our great country. This web page list's 100 of them:
I am starting a new series where I will do a quick sketches with a stylus and then import it into the computer and ad filters and effects to it. This series is for my home page only, I am not keeping the large manipulated files. I am keeping the original non manipulated .tiff files though. The series will be call rad computer art man. I deleted these first files I created; because they were my least favorite.
April 07 2017:
You see in 1978 Bruce Springsteen was so very cool to all us locals fighting it out; in the 1970's just to stay alive. I talked to the locals her in McKinney Texas; I say where you from? They say I was born and raised right here in McKinney, Texas. I always say; good for you! I am so happy you grew up here in the great state of Texas with the good old fashioned American upbringing you got. I grew up in the city; on the east coast in the 1960's though the 1970's! Back then you had to have wings to make it from birth to adulthood! Not in the internet way we all know now, in a way that was still raw in America. Raw as a eagle flying through the truly free in the USA. I feel bad for our internet generation. Back then in our black night streets of our great country we ran free; like never again. I am a believer in responsibility. The internet is the savior of all of us in some ways and can be the destruction of us too. That is why I think of the 1960's and the 1970's as a diamond, we possess, in our memories; of those rock and roll American, freedom days. Those piano keys were real back then, and no one knew what was next. Some how I was carried through all that delivered to the world like a new born. I was carried by the winds of the street wild times. I am here for a reason. We should all know we are here for a reason. We need to be reminded on all those fallen before us and know; we are all here for a reason. We need to live each day to it's fullest, if not for us, but; for all them just like us, that have past on from here, before us to the next life.
Bruce Springsteen's music was a guild to the streets in 1970's to the MTV era of 1980's. For some reason all the spoiled brats of London saw it the same way.
If you do not click here and love the boss like I do you will regret it! Darkness on the Edge of Town, Released: June 2, 1978; UK: Gold! :
While we where loving the boss back then; London loved The E Street bad even more; making Darkness on the Edge of Town into a gold album.
Recently we got a free Friday download and it was salsa. I searched for something to make with salsa on the good old internet. I could not find one thing I liked. I decided to make a burrito out of slow cooked beef. It came out great and I recommend it fully. Just throw in what ever you want. I used big soft flour tortillas. I nuked them at 10 seconds first and rolled them righteously. I watched 3 YouTube videos on how to roll burritos before I rolled them. One thing that stands out in my mind is; do not use more than 5 ingredients. That should be a rule for all recipes. Do not use more than 5 ingredients. I like to taste what I eat. The difference between this and a normal burrito is the amount of salsa you use. These giant burrito's where stuffed with salsa, I made for my wife and I.
Remember when this video came out? I do.
Steal My Sunshine
Len is a Canadian alternative rock band from Toronto. They are best known as a one-hit wonder for their 1999 song "Steal My Sunshine". Len was never able to repeat the success of "Steal My Sunshine", but continued to put out albums until 2005 before a seven-year hiatus.
Wolf Parade emulated who I was in college and made riding on my 2003 Ninja 1200 a dream come true. Wolf Parade was my very soul come to life in the form of rock and roll.:
This band existed while I was in college. Coincidence? I think not.
Wolf Parade - Wikipedia
Wolf Parade is an indie rock band formed in 2003 in Montreal, Quebec of musicians from British Columbia. The band went on indefinite hiatus in 2011, but ...
Same Ghost Every Night
Wolf Parade
When you're on your own
Spread out on the mat
The highway's endless drone
Something familiar
And how we love the seasons that hide in our stomachs
That howl and howl and howl as if
Dropped from the great height
And I thought the hours that lie in the kitchen
They drag him, drag him, drag into black night
Dropped from the great height
It was strange
Constant blue
And the same ghost every night
I go walking
Just to find
My own breath my own breath through the path
I go walking
Just to find
My own breath my own breath through the path
Dropped from the great height
It was strange
Constant blue
And the same ghost every night
It was strange
Constant blue
And the same ghost every night
I go walking
Just to find
My own breath, my own breath through the path
I go walking
We are raised up very high
We are raised up very high
My own breath
Another band that seemed to emulate myself from 2001 to 2008:
Sunset Rubdown - Shut Up I Am Dreaming Of Places
Shut Up I Am Dreaming is the second LP by Sunset Rubdown. It was released in May 2006 on Absolutely Kosher Records. Shut Up I Am Dreaming is the first album showcasing the expanded Sunset Rubdown line-up, featuring new members Camilla Wynn Ingr, Michael Doerksen, and Jordan Robson-Cramer. The album was met with critical acclaim. It was named the 27th best album of 2006 by Stylus Magazine and the 15th best on Pitchfork's Top 50 Albums of 2006.
They Took A Vote And Said No Lyrics
One, two, three
Bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum
Bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, Ba-da-da
He's just a kid, he wants a ride
They took his ears, they took his eyes
They said a ride is never free
He couldn't hear, he couldn't see
Well, there are things that have to die
So other things can stay alive
The fire burns, it burns to give
It has to burn a life to live
The elder men spoke low
They took a vote and said no
They turned around real slow
Where did they go, where did they go?
And the question, oh the question
Can the kid keep his eyes
If the fire doesn't die, say nooooooooooooo
I said nooooooooooooo
I said, "You don't know what king we serve, boy, Oh you don't know what things we employ!"
The elder men spoke low
They took a vote and said no
They turned around real slow
Where did they go, where did they go?
Bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum
Bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, bum-ba-da-dum, Ba-da-da
And the question, oh the question
Can the kid keep his eyes?
If the fire doesn't die
Can the kid keep his eyes?
Oh the question, oh the question
Can the kid keep his eyes?
If the fire doesn't die
I said, be careful what you wish for
Oh be careful what you wish for
And be careful 'round the fire light
And be careful 'round the bright, bright lights
Cause the fire never dies so the kid lost his eyes
Oh, that's how it goes, baby, that's how it goes, baby
That's how it goes, baby, that's how it goes
Sunset Rubdown This band existed while I was in college, also.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sunset Rubdown was a Canadian art rock music group from Montreal. The band began as a solo project for Spencer Krug of Wolf Parade, who released his debut, Snake's Got a Leg, in early 2005. Eventually the concept expanded to become a full band which included Camilla Wynne Ingr (former Pony Up!), Jordan Robson-Cramer (Magic Weapon), and Michael Doerksen.
Sunset Rubdown – Us Ones in Between
You are a waterfall
Waiting inside a well
You are a wrecking ball
Before the building fell
And every lightning rod
Has got to watch the storm cloud come.
And I’ve heard of pious men
And I’ve heard of dirty fiends
But you don’t often hear
Of us ones in between
And I’ve heard of creatures
Who eat their babies;
And I wonder if they stop
To think about the taste.
I saw the sun go down
Outside of Arkansas;
And I saw the sun come up
Somewhere in Illinois.
And in the darkness
I taught myself to hate.
But where were you, oh where were you?
And where the fuck did the sun go?
And I am a creature.
And I am survivin’.
And I want to be alone
But I want your body.
So when you eat me,
Mother and baby,
Oh baby, mother me,
Before you eat me.
And you should always pass
When you get the inside lane.
Don’t pull your hair out;
I won’t pull my hair out.
For I have never seen a sun
That did not bury its head in the side of the world when the day was done
You are a waterfall
Waiting inside a well
You are a wrecking ball
Before the building fell
And I will mutter like a lover
Who speaks in tongues, oh he speaks in tongues.
Oh I speak in tongues.
(She’s your mother; she’s got a lovely tongue.)
I was going on and on about how much I liked Wolf parade, in story board class and this kid said you should listen to Sunset Rubdown; man that kid was right. I first heard Wolf parade while watching MTV 2's Subterranean. I made sure we got that channel for years and would watch it religiously. I also did the same for 120 Minutes from the day they started in 2001 till the day they ended.
Subterranean was a weekly music show on MTV2 dedicated to alternative, indie, and underground music and artists. The show was made as the modern-day continuation of MTV's 120 Minutes. The show was hosted by MTV2 VJ Jim Shearer from its debut in 2003 to 2007. It continued without a host and with sporadic guest appearances by bands from 2007 to 2011.
When I was a kid I took every thing to heart I was very serious, inside especially. When I played tennis for Hadam Killingworth High School; I was very serious. I got my letter my freshman year for playing in the play offs. I was the first freshman to letter in that high school. When I played tennis for Middletown High, when I went to live with my dad, I was not as serious. I still earned Letterman numbers though. I know I said this before but when my dad made me rake the lawn one time I broke the rake because the wood had rotted, and it was so old. My dad thought I broke the rake because I did not want to rake the lawn. When I went to live with my grandparents I played tennis for Woodrow Wilson and all I did was laugh with my buddy through the whole season. I asked my dad to lend me the two tennis rackets he had. I got one and served my usual hard over head serve and the racket broke because it was rotten and old. My friend and I were laughing to tears. Then I got the other racket and the same thing happened and I was unable to play for the rest of the day from laughing so hard. Again my dad thought I broke them to be rebellious toward him. I felt so bad about the way my dad felt towards me even though I was completely innocent of any wrong doing. This is the best way to describe my childhood. I was always so upset at the things people thought about me; even though they were not true at all. At that time it was not funny. Now when I look back on it it seems so very funny I can not help but laugh out load. I actually laughed out load while typing this.
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I took this photo after the last big storm we got here. |
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Another photo after the last big storm we got here. |
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This strange flower type growth has appeared on the spruce trees this year. |
Trust me; I am going to live forever. To know that and claim it as a fact is what and who I am. That should be a weight on all those who claim this. It is a weight on me; and without it, I would never post the way I do online.
Sunset Rubdown – Us Ones in Between
You are a waterfall
Waiting inside a well
You are a wrecking ball
Before the building fell
And every lightning rod
Has got to watch the storm cloud come.
The shape of a sideways figure eight has a long pedigree; for instance, it appears in the cross of Saint Boniface, wrapped around the bars of a Latin cross. However, John Wallis is credited with introducing the infinity symbol with its mathematical meaning in 1655, in his De sectionibus conicis. Wallis did not explain his choice of this symbol, but it has been conjectured to be a variant form of a Roman numeral for 1,000 (originally CIƆ, also CƆ), which was sometimes used to mean "many", or of the Greek letter ω (omega), the last letter in the Greek alphabet.
Here is a secret: Handsome Furs in Wolf Parade and Sunset Rubdown:
Handsome Furs – Handsome Furs Hate This City lyrics
Woke up with blankets in buildings with jaws
Stuck to the sheets, clammy with noon
We wish for night time, a darkening screen
Open the heart, just a machine
Oh, there was home
Oh, there was home
This one is vicious, a sinister lean
We haunted the staircase where small ghosts have been
Weening that heaven was stretched out and wide
Into the sky
Into the sky
Oh, there was home
Oh, there was home
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
Oh, life is long and hollow
We hate this city, filled its drone
We hate this city, filled its drone
We hate this city, filled its drone
We hate this city, filled its drone
So black out million screens
And wire up the floor
Baby we can get you anything you want, any time you want
But you won't know what it's for
So black out a million dreams
And wire up all the floors
Baby we can get you anything you want, any time you want
But you won't know what it's for
March 31 2017:
Check out these pencils by NIGERIAN ARTIST, ARINZE STANLEY:
I could definitely do some realistic pencils. I just do not have any incentive.
It was a high school, the field my dad and I played football on, my aunt lived at the bottom right. |
I would have never bought that album; unless I heard on the radio, it was about to be released. The radio was so cool in the 1970's. All the best songs where played as soon as they were released. Imagine that? The record industry was so tight then too.
I went to our grand court house, recently. As I entered the giant building, I saw a collection of obviously great oil paintings. Here is a link. I asked the first sheriff I saw; and they were every where. I asked him about the paintings and he said they were all killed in action type solders. There must have been around 60 of them. Solders that died in war for our freedom; from Collin County. The ones that really caught my eye, were with a aircraft in the background. The first one I saw was of Audie Murphy the first thing I said was, he saw my favorite veteran; to the sheriff. I have posted on this blog many times that Audie Murphy was my favorite veteran. Audie Murphy link. : Murphy received the Medal of Honor for valor demonstrated at the age of 19 for single-handedly holding off an entire company of German soldiers for an hour at the Colmar Pocket in France in January 1945, then leading a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition.
I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
ZZ Top
Buy for $1.29
SubscribeStart Free Radio
Subscribe to Google Play Music and listen to this song and millions of other songs. First month free.
Well I was rollin' down the road in some cold blue steel,
I had a blues man in back, and a beautician at the wheel.
We going downtown in the middle of the night
We laughing and I'm jokin' and we feelin' alright.
Oh I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Yes I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Easin' down the highway in a new Cadillac,
I had a fine fox in front, I had three more in the back.
They sportin' short dresses, wearin' spike-heel shoes,
They smokin' Lucky Strikes, and wearing nylons too.
'Cause we bad, we nationwide.
Yeah we bad, we nationwide.
Well I was movin' down the road in my V-8 Ford,
I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered.
With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed,
Nobody give me trouble cause they know I got it made.
I'm bad, I'm nationwide.
Well I'm bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, I'm nationwide.
I may have been raised on the east coast but I grew up listening to southern rock only. I bought all the albums and that is all I liked. I practically worshiped ZZ Top like Gods; growing up. I think of the nation wide song and I think now with the internet; people are world wide.
Awaiting on You All
George Harrison
You don't need no love in
You don't need no bed pan
You don't need a horoscope or a microscope
The see the mess that you're in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been polluted so long
Now here's a way for you to get clean
By chanting the names of the Lord and you'll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the Lord and you'll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
You don't need no passport
And you don't need no visas
You don't need to designate or to emigrate
Before you can see Jesus
If you open up your heart
You'll see he's right there
Always was and will be
He'll relieve you of your cares
You don't need no church house
And you don't need no Temple
You don't need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We've been kept down so long
Someone's thinking that we're all green
This George Harrison song was on one of my first 3d animations. I got to class late with my wife that night after I gave the animation to my professor. When we walked in the professor was playing it. When will I get the hand up? It feels like all I have ever gotten is the man's boot heel. When it comes to my art and animation's; it seems like that the scale of Lady Justice all one sided against my art. See here:
"Fire And Rain"
Just yesterday morning, they let me know you were gone.
Suzanne, the plans they made put an end to you.
I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song,
I just can't remember who to send it to.
I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I'd see you again.
Won't you look down upon me, Jesus, You've got to help me make a stand.
You've just got to see me through another day.
My body's aching and my time is at hand and I won't make it any other way.
Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I'd see you again.
Been walking my mind to an easy time, my back turned towards the sun.
Lord knows when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around.
Well, there's hours of time on the telephone line to talk about things to come.
Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground.
Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend,
but I always thought that I'd see you baby, one more time again, now.
Thought I'd see you one more time again.
There's just a few things coming my way this time around, now.
Thought I'd see you, thought I'd see you, fire and rain, now.
James Taylor music was like a way of life; growing up in the sweet state of Connecticut.
Dame Darcy email buddy and I love her whole vibe of all her creations. see here:
Dame Darcy is touring Arizona, Washing, California, Oregon, and New York in April! Don't miss this chance to see the MerGoddess herself in all her magical sparkling glory. Here is her description of the shows:

I have not sold art since 1988. That has effected me immensely. I have too much of a rational mind. In those mind test's, I did in college; I would always have a result of half left brain, half right brain. I do not need a pity party. I am happy and am kind of enjoying having more time these days; to relax. I have a logical brain. My logical brain tells me why are you working so much on artwork for nothing at all? I can say for only so long: I am enriching society, it is my gift to humanity. I could be one of the number one black balled artist's, that ever posted all g rated art on the internet. It is like the internet is against my art; with all it's perfectly good intentions of helping people. Enough people know about my blog and presence on the internet. If I do not become a successful artist from my websites; then shame on the world wide web; not me. I seriously suspect I am blocked and blackballed by the internet. If that is true that is so wrong. Put my blog and website names in search engines and see what pop's up. As hard as you try you will hardly have any image results coming from my blogs and websites; even though there are thousands of images posted by me on my websites and blogs. I have also been told my art and videos are blocked by security programs for no logical reason. My YouTube videos for instance; recently. Your telling me security programs consider all YouTube a security risk? The internet would break. What ever the reasons; they are not right.
March 23 2017:
Mister enduring enthusiastically optimistic, here; just checking in with some encouraging words "where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day".

Blind me, erased what was
Stillborn I have become
The feelings I once felt are now dead and gone
I've waited here for you for so very long
So empty, just a shell of a man
Stillborn, this I understand
The feelings I once felt are now dead and gone
I've waited here for you (on the internet) for so very long (since 1995) * me
This is funny:
"I'm a Little Bit Country" is the fourth episode of Season Seven, and the 100th overall episode of South Park. It aired on April 9, 2003.
Mr. Franklin, where do you stand on
the war issue?
I believe that if we are to form a new
country, we cannot be a country that
appears war-hungry and violent to the
rest of the world. However, we also
cannot be a country that appears weak
and unwilling to fight to the rest of
that appears to want both?
Yes. Yes of course. We go to war, and
protest going to war at the same time.
Right. If the people of our new country
are allowed to do whatever they wish,
then some will support the war and some
will protest it.
And that means that as a nation, we
could go to war with whomever we wished,
but at the same time, act like we didn't
want to. If we allow the people to protest
what the government does, then the country
will be forever blameless.
It's like having your cake, and eating
it, too.
Think of it: an entire nation founded
on saying one thing and doing another.
And we will call that country the United
States of America.
You know what spooks me out the most sometimes? I am becoming my grandparents. I told you I lived with my grandparents that I looked up to like movie stars. I learned about them allot then in my late teens. I buy the same food they liked then. I miss my grandparents from my fathers side like you will never know. Many items in my house are from my grandparents; like most of my utensils. They were always my greatest protectors. They were old-school Sicilian and always believed in the importance of family; unlike the modern version of the disconnected distressed American family we consider normal. The dysfunctional family we jokingly except today is to be mourned, not celebrated. It is as if we as a country embraces our doom: rather than change our ways and embrace our roots as freedom protectors. I do not believe that it's too late; and I am one of the biggest American underdog's you will ever meet. It seems as if we have a deep guilt that forces us all to embrace our country's dismise. We have failed our forefathers in every way with our institutionalized anti family rhetoric, bordering on a communist dictatorship; but it is not too late to change. This is just my opinion not my wife's or many others, I am sure and I am grateful for people like that. My grandparents remind me of the old Uncle Sam; they truly cared about my well being and looked out for me. I really miss them though, and I miss my dad too; I guess I always will.
Uncle Sam represents a manifestation of patriotic emotion.
When I worked for Tracker Designs back in 1988; after I left the maintenance artist job I had with them, they bought a bunch of my art for over $1500.00. After that I did something I never did my whole life. I worked night and day on my art. My wife is my witness to this; we were just talking about it. I went to the San Diego Comic Con all three days then. I learned from the pros how to do it in back as they did comic art. I bought the Will Eisner book there too. Ask my wife I used to get up at 6 in the morning and work like 20 hours non stop by the air conditioner. Most of the work I did then was comics like on my comic web pages; people loved them then and still do online today. see here: I had to move the desk near the air conditioner because the sweat from my hand would ruin the art, in that hot southern California weather. The reason I did this for about 8 months was I sold that art to Tracker Skateboard company. I still have that art work stored in a big wooden crate I made to store it in here. I want to go through that crate and show my favorites someday on video and then go through the house and take all the rest of the stuff off the wall for another video. I think I have 2 more great videos to do.
So everything is going nicely these days as always. I am in love with my wife and I love my dog too. listen here: What more could anyone want. I am living life like everyone else one day to the next. I don't know what the future holds. Having such a great life that I love for so long; the future can not get me down, who could ask for more resilience than that. No lie. I have had more fun; for more time, that any human should be aloud to have. I love life and I am grateful to say life loves me. Only in our country could this be possible. Do not be jealous because at the same time you would not want to be me. If you are jealous of me you are saying you want to be me and statistically you would not survive it. I guess I am some kind of anomaly. I am not proud, pride swells in my thoughts rarely; then I realize I am unable to experience pride. You may not like my artistic expression on the internet; but that is wrong; I never create any art that would be counterproductive and not uplifting.

"New York City? Get a rope!" :
"Just as soft as a spirit in the night"

"And I'm all alone, I'm all alone
(And dude, you better get the picture)
And I'm on my own, I'm on my own
And I can't go home!": Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
Bruce Springsteen, E Street Band
Me growing up in the mean streets of Connecticut:
Laying here in the dark, you're like an angel on my chest
Just another tramp of hearts crying tears of faithlessness
Remember all the movies, Terry, we'd go see
Trying to learn to walk like the heroes we thought we had to be
And after all this time, to find we're just like all the rest
Stranded in the park and forced to confess
To hiding on the backstreets
Hiding on the backstreets
Where we swore forever friends
On the backstreets until the end
Hiding on the backstreets:
Bruce Springsteen
Just like: A.R.E. WEAPONS - NEW YORK MUSCLE.: really listen to the words in this song! : A.R.E. Weapons is a noise-rock band from New York City. Formed in 1999 by Matthew McAuley, Brain F. McPeck, and Ryan Noel, A.R.E. Weapons has been described as hardcore electro-rock. Their live shows are noted for their aggressiveness and confrontational style. Rough Trade was encouraged to sign the band after Pulp's Jarvis Cocker heard A.R.E. Weapons live.A.R.E. Weapons released two singles, "Street Gang" and "New York Muscle", in 2001. Before the release of their eponymous 2003 album, synthesizer player Thomas Bullock was replaced by their manager Paul Sevigny (brother of actress Chloë Sevigny). Guitarist Ryan Noel died in 2004 of a heroin overdose. The remaining members recorded their second album, Free in the Streets, which was released in 2005.
I bought every CD this band made. To me they were the last authenticated sounding rock and roll to emulate the New York City street sound; in it's true raw sound. My favorite song from the last CD they made; that I still own is: F*** What You Like. I can not get that song out of my head, sometimes. I used to think they made that song for me because I used to email them allot and tell them what songs I liked. They were part of the popular New York Homeless music scene at the time.
I swear I am not making this up:
I used to like to hang out in bars around 19 years old. I lived on the north side of Middletown Connecticut's Main Street. This dude was really good at asteroids. I was amazed at how good he was. One time after a huge run on in the bar. He turned around and said; I just like to blow things up sometimes. He is a, over 30 year old secret: This same guy was a bad to the bone solder. He was about 26 years old. He told me one time if I wanted to be a mercenary he new someone I could call. He said you would probably stationed somewhere in South America. You would be paid around $50,000.00 only when you got back to the States; if you got back to the states. This dude was Spanish and spoke perfect English. Growing up in the 1960's through to the seventy's was very weird like that. The thing is he was the king of asteroids. He said sometimes he just liked blowing things up. When I saw the first ad I ever saw for World of Tanks it said: Do you ever feel like just blowing things up? That is how I choice to play WOT, sometimes I like to play video games; where the only object of the game is to blow things up. You know I called that number shortly after the dude gave it to me and it was a US recruiter. At the time I thought it was a joke, but what if that dude recruited mercenary secretly too? The world may never know.
March 17 2017:

My favorite Irish Rock Bands:
This band is unreal! I discovered them during my college days. Listening to this band always lifts me up; in every way!
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
(sometimes written Ted Leo/Pharmacists, Ted Leo + Pharmacists, or TL/Rx) are an American rock band formed in 1999 in Washington, D.C. They have released six full-length studio albums and have toured internationally. Though the group's lineup has fluctuated throughout their career, singer/guitarist Ted Leo has remained the band's main songwriter, creative force, and only constant member. The group's music combines elements of punk rock, indie rock, art punk, traditional rock, and occasionally folk music and dub reggae. Their most recent album, The Brutalist Bricks, was released on March 9, 2010.
Thin Lizzy
From Wikipedia,
Thin Lizzy are a rock band formed in Dublin, Ireland in 1969. Thin Lizzy boasted some of the most critically acclaimed guitarists throughout their history, with Downey and Lynott as the rhythm section, on the drums and bass guitar.
As well as being multiracial, the band drew their members not only from both sides of the Irish border but also from both the Catholic and Protestant communities during The Troubles.
The Pogues were a Celtic punk band formed in 1982 and fronted by Shane MacGowan. The band was founded in Kings Cross, London.
The band reached international prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s, recording several hit albums and singles.
Their politically tinged music was informed by MacGowan and Stacy's punk backgrounds, yet used traditional Irish instruments such as the tin whistle, banjo, cittern, mandolin and accordion.
Tonic was founded by Emerson Hart and guitarist Jeff Russo, long-separated childhood friends who randomly crossed paths at a Los Angeles, California area pool hall in 1993.
The song Irish lyrics:
I said to me da, I said to me da, I said to me da
I'm not fit for soldier
For the king he say, the king say
For now you fight or I'll take your land away
So over the seas, over the seas
To kill a man that I have never seen
Over the seas
I won't die for England
Not for England
I said to me ma, said to me ma, said to me ma
I sail away now
Over the seas, over the seas
Far away from my Ireland
Over the seas, over the seas
Far and away from miles of green
For the king he say, the king say
For now you fight or I'll take your children
Far and away
I won't die for England
Not for England
If You Could Only See
Tonic lyrics:
If you could only see the way she loves me
Then maybe you would understand
Why I feel this way about or love
And what I must do
If you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says
When she says she loves me
"Mean To Me""
There's an empty place inside that is hurting me
A place that keeps my heart out on its own
A disconnected function of my wretchedness
That keeps me so hard-pressed
It's a place where words are spoken
you will never hear
A broken bridge of lines that just won't come
An empty lung that won't give the wind
to speak at me
How far can it be from home
Why you gotta be so mean to me
Why you gotta drag me down just to make me see
You know I don't listen good and I'm always in need
Why you gotta be so mean to me
I'm going to try to take it easy on my art for a while. I have allot of work around the house I have been wanting to do. It is going to be warmer soon and I will be doing more work outside. I will update here more still.
March 16 2017:
Best Death Metal CD I ever bought!:
Artist: Six Feet Under
Album: Maximum Violence
Released: 1999
Six Feet Under - War Machine with Lyrics - YouTube
War Machine
Six Feet Under!
Written by:
Bryan Adams,
James Douglas Vallance,
Gene Simmons,
Lyrics and translation for War Machine by "Six Feet Under"
Wanna bite the hand that feeds me
Wanna turn the tides
Set the demons free and watch 'em fly
Strike down the one who leads me
I'm gonna take his place
Gonna vindicate the human race
Better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
Better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
Take the reins of power and seize them
Draw the battle lines
Armageddon's just a matter of time
Tear down the voice of reason
Let the arrows fly
Your freedom's just a state of mind, yeah
Better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
You better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine, yeah
You better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
You better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
Better watch out
'Cause I'm a war machine
I'm a war machine
I'm a war machine...
Ain't Wastin' Time No More
The Allman Brothers Band
So I, ain't a-wastin time no more
'Cause time goes by like hurricanes, and faster things
So, hear us now, we ain't wastin' time no more
'Cause time rolls by like hurricanes
Runnin' after the subway train
Don't forget the pourin' rain
AC/DC - Bad Boy Boogie (from Plug Me In) - YouTube
Lyrics: On the day I was born the rain fell down / There was trouble brewing in my home town / It was the seventh day, I was the seventh son / And it scared the hell out of everyone… Full lyrics on Google Play Music
Artist: AC/DC
Album: Let There Be Roc
Released: 1977
Genre: Hard rock
"Bad Boy Boogie" redirects here. For the Mötley Crüe song of the same name, see Bad Boy Boogie (Mötley Crüe song). "Bad Boy Boogie," the latter accompanying Angus Young's infamous striptease routine.
March 15 2017:
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
March 11 2017:
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I got a pretty good photo one of our friend's the cardinal after many try's |
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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I made this out of the two drawings. |
March 10 2017:
New video!
This video was made March 10th 2017:
Many different themes again. I am showing the best of what is in storage. All that is left to do is rummage through the paintings on the wall that I have not shown on video; then go into my archives from 1986 to 2008; when I am done with that, I am done with making these videos. The object of all these videos; from the first one I made, is to chronicle all the best paintings, I have created. Like I say; even my worst painting might be something someone else might like. Opinions are personal and as unique as every human being. All the many paintings I left out of the videos might actually be favorites of some people.:
We were out in the yard today and I made some spring photo art:
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This Cardinal was singing to me from at least 60 feet away. I used zoom to capture this image. |
This is another zoom image of a tree I almost cut down years ago; when it was very tiny. |
Another flower Texas flower tree that actually held up another dead tree from falling on my skateboard ramp. The sculpture is from my college years and sits on what is left of my ramp. |
I meant to ad this photo from our Christmas dinner. Since I was using our old camera again; I found it and am posting it now. This is fresh garlic mashed potatoes and gravy and stuffing and Texas rib eye steak and Texas Gulf jumbo shrimp:
I made this mini video of my wife just because. Our wonder dog being in the video made it even greater. I thought about adding something to it since it was so small. I thought I should ad a rainstorm. Then I thought why not make it into a apocalypse type video with stock footage I had. This is government footage of nuclear bomb testing that I added to the short video I filmed today;
Web address: :
March 09 2017:
New Video:
This video was made March 8th, 2017
This video was made March 8th, 2017
Some miscellaneous paintings this time. Different themes. I did show my war series.I show some more paintings from my Black Metal music series. I show some oil paintings I did a college and at home too.
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
March 06 2017:
New video made March 5th, 2017 here:
Warning: if imaginary, make believe; images, that seem against religion, make you mad; do not watch my new video about my art. I wish Black Metal music was around when I was a kid; it is the most legit rebellious you can get against the everyday conformity. In the words of one of my favorite OG underground hip hop artist's from Boston [Dusty Rhodes Sample] I am bad and they know I'm bad And ... am the legend You, are the man And there's a mighty big difference between. Here it hear:
All the Black Metal art in my new video has been on the internet since a painted back in 2009 here: and then added here in 2012:
One thing I failed to mention is the painted comic was done in only two colors red and green. I mixed the paints so well I was able to make a gold color.
I mentioned the movie The Omen. The Omen (1976): The music is hauntingly good. I tried to sing it in the video but fail miserably. We love the old one but the new one is not that bad either. The Omen (2006)
Baphomet's connection to Illuminist:
Alternative etymologies:
Knights Templar Seal representing the Gnostic figure Abraxas.
While modern scholars and the Oxford English Dictionary state that the origin of the name Baphomet was a probable Old French version of "Mahomet", alternative etymologies have also been proposed.
In the 18th century, speculative theories arose that sought to tie the Knights Templar with the origins of Freemasonry. Bookseller, Freemason and Illuminist(
Christoph Friedrich Nicolai (1733–1811)
I tried to put on my black Wrangler's the other day. I wore them during my job at the hamburg place. I am a good 5 inches from buttoning them. I can't help but gain weight when I lift weights. My apatite goes through the roof. I am going to have to watch it though. The good news I am lifting weights really hard core. I started with some weight routines at 14 reps and now I can do 40 reps for instance. The pain is always the thing that is tough to get used to.
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
March 05 2017:
My second super high quality video of this series here:
This may be the last time I upload to Google Drive. I think I got the link problem fixed with YouTube. You can always go to YouTube and put Radman_Art in the search and find my Artist of YouTube channel.
If you want to download this video and keep forever as a memento of Radman_Art Here is a Google Drive link you can download the video; with this link:
Published on Mar 3, 2017
My favorite memory of my wife and I skateboarding together was going to Mission Beach in San Diego, California. I surfed there once too when my sister came to visit me. You can rent a board there cheap. We skated that sidewalk all the way from one end to another several times, when we lived in Vista. It is also one of my worst memories. I was skating and this lady drove her bicycle over my skateboard and went flying. I Immediately grabbed her and picked her up and asked her if she was alright. I really felt bad about that. We would clear out before night time and the crowds came. That place was very cool. Just before we left one time I saw a skateboarder skate right up the highest part of the wall like Spiderman in the middle of a crowd of people. Some of the things I saw skaters do back in the late 1980's defies logistics of physics.
The sneakers I am wearing in the video are Mike McGill sneakers. I knew Mike well and was a regular at his skate-park. I did art for him and his dad and got free admission to his park. Mike:
Why do I not have my own wikipedia page?
Watching Simpsons and this song came on, it makes me think of things in my life: Easy to Be Hard with Lyrics, I owned albums by them as a kid, This song is even better in the movie Hair with my buddie John Savage that I hung out with a couple days.
(Three Dog Night)
How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold
How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about being proud
How about I need a friend, I need a friend
How can people be so heartless
You know I'm hung up on you
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about being proud
How about I need a friend, I need a friend
How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be proud, easy to say no
Easy to be gone, easy to say no
Come on, easy to get read
Easy to say no
But too easy to be cold
Easy to say no
But too easy to say no
Always remember all my art I show in my videos can be found at my blog at and way smaller website here:
The sneakers I am wearing in the video are Mike McGill sneakers. I knew Mike well and was a regular at his skate-park. I did art for him and his dad and got free admission to his park. Mike:
Why do I not have my own wikipedia page?
Watching Simpsons and this song came on, it makes me think of things in my life: Easy to Be Hard with Lyrics, I owned albums by them as a kid, This song is even better in the movie Hair with my buddie John Savage that I hung out with a couple days.
(Three Dog Night)
How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be hard
Easy to be cold
How can people have no feelings
How can they ignore their friends
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about being proud
How about I need a friend, I need a friend
How can people be so heartless
You know I'm hung up on you
Easy to be proud
Easy to say no
Especially people who care about strangers
Who care about evil and social injustice
Do you only care about being proud
How about I need a friend, I need a friend
How can people be so heartless
How can people be so cruel
Easy to be proud, easy to say no
Easy to be gone, easy to say no
Come on, easy to get read
Easy to say no
But too easy to be cold
Easy to say no
But too easy to say no
Always remember all my art I show in my videos can be found at my blog at and way smaller website here:
March 03 2017:
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
February 28 2017:
I added a new Rad Life Illusion Man Large Images page because the size of the original Rad Life Illusion Man Large Images page is so large.
The new page is called Rad Life Illusion Man Large Images Part 2 and can be found here:
Big versions of this art; here: and older big art of this series found here also:
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February 25 2017:
New video found here:
If you want to download this video and keep forever as a memento of Radman_Art Here is a Google Drive link you can download the video; with this link:
This video was made February 02, 2017
I have owned a Hohner Blues harmonica in the key of B; all my life. I am trying to get more siked up about skateboarding these days; after dismantling my huge outside skateboard ramp and the eventually reassembling it. I have not worked this hard in a long time. It was fun showing big paintings. Big paintings take about a month to complete. If I could sell my art I would paint huge only. I always use local landscapes and horses in all my paintings. It makes me so sad to see so much of the beautiful land here leveled to put up malls and such. When will the destruction of our ecosystem stop? When we run out of breathable air? I love playing my electric guitar with my old seasoning jar. I got that guitar for $80.00 at I hardly ever play my instruments and that makes it way more fun when I do. from:
Big versions of this art; here:
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Lisa said: "Bart, the Internet is more than a global pornography network"
I totally agree Lisa! Too bad that has still not sunk into the closed minds of most of the world today. If only we could rid the internet of all the trolls, cyber bully's and cyber stalkers and shaming and the exploitation of everyone's dirty laundry; we could bring peace to all the world with the internet.
I have painted Jim Morrison's portrait many times and it is some of my best portrait work. I have never shown my mock up art I did on my Jim Morrison painting, maybe someday I will show it in my video's.
You can find allot of info on Jim Morison on the internet, my favorite portrait art I have created has always been of Jim.:
The Doors’ Jim Morrison, on the future of music, from his perspective in 1969:
“The two types of music indigenous to this country are….blues and folk music. Rock ‘n’ roll was like a blending of those two forms.
In four or five years, the new generations music will have a synthesis of those two elements and some third thing, that might rely heavily on electronics and tapes.
I can kind of envision one person with a lot of machines, tapes and electronics set up, singing or speaking.”
Some of my favorite Black Metal bands are one person bands Like Leviathan and the Carpathian Forest dude: One of these cresent moons I will review my black metal art series that I can not put on the wall because they give my wife nightmares. I believe some of them posess a magic at least. Also I loved Fat Boy Slims first CD and the there is the Black Keys and other 2 man bands.
Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.
There are things known and things unknown and in between are the doors.
I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments.
A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.
Where's your will to be weird?
Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws.
I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable.
This is the strangest life I've ever known.
I believe in a long, prolonged, derangement of the senses in order to obtain the unknown.
Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.
Why is he called the Lizard King?
Jim Morrison wrote a poem called "The Celebration of the Lizard" that first apeared on the sleve of The Doors' album "Waiting For The Sun." The poem contained the line: "I am the Lizard King, I can do anything." ... It was entitled 'The Celebration of the Lizard King'.Oct 31, 2007
"Father, Yes Son, I Wanna Kill You... Mother, I Wanna Fuck You All Night Long".
One night he improvised the lyrics of The End. He later told one of his friend that Father here is rules imposed by Society and Mother is Christian education.
The New Haven Incident
Morrison became the first ever rock artist to be arrested while performing on stage. On December 9, 1967
The riot in New Haven was not an isolated incident. Morrison's increasingly erratic behavior led to him whipping live crowds into a frenzy. It got particularly crazy at outdoor shows in New York and Chicago.
Speaking of rowdy lead singers… In 1969, The Doors' frontman Jim Morrison was arrested four days after a news story broke that he allegedly dropped his pants in front of 12,000 fans at a concert in Miami. Morrison was charged with one count of lewd and lascivious behavior (a felony), two counts of indecent exposure, two counts of open public profanity, and one count of public drunkenness (all misdemeanors).
Morrison denied the allegations, and bandmate Robby Krieger still insists that there is no photographic evidence to prove he actually exposed himself. Even fans have disagreed on whether he did it or not.
In 1970, Morrison was found guilty of the misdemeanor charges of indecent exposure and profanity. He was sentenced to six months in jail and received a $500 fine. His lawyer immediately appealed the conviction, but Morrison died of a drug overdose before the appeal was reviewed.
Forty years later, Morrison was granted a posthumous pardon by Florida Governor, Charlie Crist and the state's clemency board. During the hearing, Christ spoke on Morrison's behalf, saying there were still doubts about whether the iconic rocker actually exposed himself. The pardon was granted to recognize "Morrison's artistic legacy," not his reputation for drunkenness and debauchery.
I worked so hard in my yard the other day I felt like I was going to die. I felt like this:
The Cramps - All Tore Up - YouTube
song "I Can't Hardly Stand It"
Well, the sun's gone down
And you're uptown
And you're just out runnin' around
I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up
You say you're trough with me
You're settin' me free
You're just out with your used-to-be
I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up
Well, my spirit's low
I miss you so
I stand alone and watch you go
I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up
Well, now that you are gone
And I'm alone
All I do is sit and moan
I can't hardly stand it
You're troublin' me
I can't hardly stand
It just can't be
Well, you don't know, a-babe I love you so
You got me all tore up, all tore up
Baby, all tore up
Baby, all tore up
All tore up...
This song is best viewed by watching the intro to the second greatest skateboard video ever made Baker 3. The first greatest is Yeah Right. The third greatest is Pig Wood Slaughterhouse. The fourth greatest is That's Life Flick.
View here Baker 3:
The reason I worked so hard in the yard the other day is I am disassembling and reassembling my outside skateboard ramp.
Mt wife and I were watching the Simpsons and Homer said he liked Leo Sayer. We looked it up and he is pretty cool:
The peak of his career came in 1977, when he achieved two consecutive number one hits in the United States, first with the disco styled "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" (a Grammy Award winner for the year's best Rhythm and Blues Song), followed by the romantic ballad, "When I Need You"
February 22 2017:
I hit 200 drawings of the Rad Life Illusion Man series with my image of Fred Flintstone.
Big versions of this art; here:
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February 19 2017:
Here are the photos I was talking about in my art video yesterday. My wife took photos with her phone of snowflakes landing on her hand and her coat. The shapes and consistence are weird; we believe to pollution.
I am about to hit 200 drawings of the Rad Life Illusion Man series.
Big versions of this art; here:
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February 18 2017:
If you do not want to read this page: then you want to watch these videos I have been making. I basically repeat that page in all my videos.
here is the YouTube link:
If you want to download this video and keep forever as a memento of Radman_Art Here is a Google Drive link you can download the video; with this link:
Another Radman_art video related note: I was just searching my address and found someone listed a gif file I made back around 1999 as thier favorite here: . We bought a program back then the called Gif Animator and made it from a amazing drawing I made in 1999. I love gif files and always have to this day. There is a great free Microsoft gif animator you can get now. Gif files have not changed in all the years of the internet and are just as cool to this day.
Also my wife pointed out something cool in the Texas Co-op magazine about a video game museum the next town over. I have been playing arcade video games and home versions since I used to put quarters in Asteroids. Check it out here:
February 16 2017:
New video posted this Saturday.
I am about to hit 200 drawings of the Rad Life Illusion Man series.
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
February 13 2017:
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
February 11 2017:
New Video made February 10, 2017. I go over 8 intense paintings and take some random paintings off the wall. The amount of artwork I have done and archived in my house, in my life, is phenomenal and it is all one hundred percent Rated G. All my art is completely non offence for everyone to view. I never planed it that way it just came out that way. I guess I never wanted to do art that offended me. I have always been pro women's rights, thanks to my mom; so objectifying women never enters my mind. Like I always say you can hate me; but if you hate my art; that is anti cultural. I personal; never recommend hating any human being, you can hate things people do; just never another soul like you. If you hate someone it is like judging against yourself.
From History of art - Wikipedia: "art throughout time, classifying cultures, establishing periodizations, and observing the distinctive and influential characteristics of art."
Here is a Google Drive link; you can also download the video with this link:
February 10 2017:
Big versions of this art; here:![]() |
8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
My wife read this out loud while surfing the internet and I copied it for myself to internet browsers:
I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at:

New video tomorrow. My videos are for one thing only; to promote my art.
Bazaar news is the new catch phrase on the internet now, since we started doing it here many months ago. Here are some more bazaar news links from my wife:
4th Teaser Trailer for upcoming UFO - UFE - CE-5 Documentary - Making Contact - Be Inspired - YouTube
Atmospheric Beast - Creature - Biological UFO - UFE - Hollydale Park, South Gate, CA - Apr 19, 2015 - YouTube
CHEMTRAIL SNOW Geoengineering Depopulation Agenda! - YouTube
Making Contact - Be Inspired - CE5 - 5th Trailer (Norway, Australia, Peru) - Jan 17, 2017 - YouTube
Mysterious Biological UFO Entities (EBANI) - YouTube
Pt.1-2 Chemtrails, Rods, Orbs & Morgellons Paranormal Secrets of Alien Nature & Light Matter (2017) - YouTube
Spectacular ORBS in the sky, Part 2 - YouTube
UFO (ORB) Fires Its Gun into Chemtrail!! Twice!! - YouTube
UPDATED The Moon is Not What You Think - YouTube
February 07 2017:
Out of all the clearest things I can remember about my dad is how he would shout like a warrior; while watching a football game. He would shout so load it would make you jump out of your seat. He would startle everyone in the house; like a bomb went off. My dad's and his dad's (my grandfather) favorite football team was always the Giants. I like wearing my dad's official Giants hat. Out of all my 15 or so baseball caps, it is the most comfortable and fits best. Their second favorite team was the patriots. So I am very happy The New England Patriots won.
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
February 04 2017:
Two new videos of my wife and I talking about my art and other stuff. It is a two part video equaling a total of one half hour.
Here are the two YouTube links:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here are the two Google Drive links; you can download these links too:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here are the YouTube links we talk about in the video:
Strange Orbs Appear in Sky from behind Clouds Broad Daylight - YouTube:
This Proves We are Living in Strange Times! (2016-2017) - YouTube
Two Light Orbs Connected - 21-06-2014 North London UK - YouTube
I think the lighting was bad, other than that everything is the best yet. I remember college having those huge lights. The amount of light needed to make a professional video is immense.
immense meaning:
huge, vast, massive, enormous, gigantic, colossal, great, very large/big, monumental, towering, tremendous
I was watching Vanilla Sky the other day and was moved again by the awesome movie. David to me resembles the scars of mistakes we make in life. This part gave me chills:
my edit:
And what is any life; if not the pursuit of a dream
The dream of peace
the dream of achievement
the dream of hearing someonesay these words
when they really, truly mean them
I love you
Roam free
Most of uslive our whole lives
without any real adventure; to call our own
It's hard to comprehend
But they laughed at Jules Verne too
These images are commented on by my wife and I in the new video I just posted.
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
February 01 2017:
I was talking about Mr. Right in my video and decided to show this page I tore out of my old comic book catalog; because it is nearly impossible to find on the internet. This seems like a rip off of my Radman character. I would be angry but I really love the character. His super power is always being right.
My wife the, science major; love science shows. We pay way too much for internet; so seeing her use it makes me happy, even if it is to watch what I consider, nonsense. She loves to view the links I call Bazaar links. Once and a while she makes a comment and calls me over to view her favorite YouTube shows. When she does that; I bookmark them. Here are some more bazaar links:
Chaotic Weather Intensifies-Strange Sky Manifestations -Venus Mystery Unfolds - YouTube
Forbidden Knowledge of Sacred Geometry [FULL VIDEO] - YouTube
Great-Tailed Grackles in Houston - YouTube
Life is not what it appears. - Holographic Universe FULL movie - YouTube
New swirled order (CropCirlce documentary by NuoViso) - YouTube
Nibiru Visibility Increases- Earth Axis Shifting-Planetary Defense Policy Initiated - YouTube
Sacred Geometry Explained Part 1 of 2 - YouTube
This is too funny!:
I was watching a old Ren and Stimpy and looked it up because it was so funny:
Ren and Stimpy - Belly Button Beanbag Plastic World - YouTube
Video for ren and stimpy belly button:
I found the lyrics too here:
"Rainbow cinnamon gumdrop,
Lemonaide purple people are a plastic mystery.
Dayglow bubblegum porkchop,
Lilac lady will go down in history.
Climb inside my world,
Climb inside my belly button bean-bag plastic world!
Mean trees bell bottom mind games,
Pig pen henry drinks his prune juice everyday.
Bye bye businessmen snowflake,
Rubbermen bouncing down the mushroom gravy highway.
Climb inside my world,
Climb inside my belly button bean-bag plastic world!
Saffron teabag pierogi,
Parsley panda has a pepperoni pocket comb.
Pipebag dripped with lasagna,
Meatloaf monkey drives a moon-beam motor home.
Climb inside my world,
Climb inside my belly button bean-bag plastic world!"
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 29 2017:
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 28 2017:
Another video full of frivolity and fun. We made this this video yesterday January 27, 2017. The audio is nice and load and clear and I think this is the best resolution yet. I am going to max the resolution next time. There is a slight delay in the audio because I inadvertently added a audio effect, but it is not that bad.
here is the YouTube address:
To those of you that have trouble assessing, YouTube like my family; with security blocks, here is a Google Drive link:
January 26 2017:
From, 1983, left to right my sister my brother, my little step brother, me, my mom. This was taken on the same day as my last post One of the first drawings (below) I ever posted on this blog in 2012; was a drawing I did while looking at the above photo. I emailed it to my mom and she did not recognize who it was at all. She sent a return email that said something like, thank you for the strange drawing of a man. For a giant version of this photo Click here. |

Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 23 2017:
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Click here for huge version of this photo: Click here This is a photo taken around 1983. From left to right my dad, my step mom, my sister, me and my brother. It makes me sad to see it because I miss everyone. I thought since people have seen my video they might see the younger me better. |
I have been getting really weird ads in my Yahoo email; just lately. Just wanted to say that it is really starting to annoy me. Bad enough they force videos into my email lately; now these strange weird ads flashing at me; while I try to read my email. Is Yahoo; Yahoo anymore? This is definitely new counterproductive stuff in Yahoo email. Nevertheless Yahoo is still the best email on the web.
I have been listening to my old buddy's from Connecticut's first two albums lately and can not keep from dancing to it.:
This is amazing music!:
2005: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (JPN No. 44, UK No. 26)
2007: Some Loud Thunder (US No. 47, JPN No. 40, UK No. 45)
Wolfmother makes me want to play guitar! Here are some wise words from the
Video for wolfmother dont listen to the words they say lyrics
"Dont listen to the words they say
They could take it or leave it anyway
Just let it go another day
I believe that love is gonna last forever
And it's all within my mind, and it's all within my mind"
Wolfmother is the best Austrian band since: The Sleepy Jackson:
My favorite song from my favorite album: Lovers - 30 June 2003 - #21 Australia, #69 UK,[15] #117 France: I discovered them from watching this on the show Subterranean on MTV2. I love this song so much; Morning Rain:
More bazaar links:
10 Survival Hacks That Could Save Your Life - YouTube:
Aliens Answer Carl Sagan's Arecibo Message by Making Crop Circles:
Crop Circles The Arecibo Reply - YouTube:
MYSTERIOUS Reply To 1974 Message Sent To Space Shocks Scientists!:
If you saw the last video; you would recognize one of these drawings:
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 21 2017:
I guarantee, this time; the sound is perfect and I added a brightness filter. I will continue to work on the quality. This is still a small sized video considering the great sound. The size of the video is 74 megabits.
We made another video of art, and art talk and dog tricks, and funny story's. We had fun again making another video of us my wife and me and my wonder-dog. My dog did a indoor Frisbee catch. My wife said I should stand here and I said no stand here. The dog has been practicing to catch it that way. I latter thought my wife is right it would be better the way she suggested. So we will practice that way this week and film it again with him against the wall catching it; next time.
YouTube URL for those of you; like us; love YouTube:
This is a Google Drive address where you can also view this video in your browser:
January 20 2017:
New video of my wife and I having fun tomorrow on YouTube and Google Drive.
Enjoy these great art pieces I created, the Hulk, Wolverine and the super muscular Venom; who actually plays a good guy in his own comic book series.
Big versions of this art; here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 17 2017:
I made this with, Microsoft Paint; from my latest art:
From the Batman telivision serries:
Batman: "Robin, the Constitution provides that a man is innocent until proven guilty. And the Constitution is the cornerstone of our great nation. We must abide by it."
Robin: "Gosh, when you put it that way..."
This is a quote from from Batman; a 1960s American television series, Season 3.:
I looked up Content-control software here:
I can not imagine that this would be used against my art or my innocent videos with my wife. I have seen this problem many times assessing my websites by other people using their own internet access.
Some more bazaar links:
Earth's Magnetic Fields Now Twisting, Effects Showing Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 - YouTube:
Nibiru Earth Changes 2016 Part 3 Surviving the Pole Shift - YouTube:
Planet X Nibiru Gets Closer -Years of Chaos to Come as U S and Russia Make Preparations - YouTube:
Something Big Is Still Happening 2016 Pole Shift - YouTube:
Ufo forming crop circle best video - YouTube:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 15 2017:
I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.
If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:
My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:
January 14 2017:
I am posting a new 15 minute long video of my wife and I today; with more of our freestyle antics. I want to mention that the reason we miss read the local network weather; is because we read it early and they did not change the today title, from the day before. We had fun making the video. My wife has some ideas on making a series of them. There will be allot more videos of us, my art and the wonder dog and more rad stuff; coming soon to YouTube. I like seeing my wife having fun, that helps motivate me too. link:
Big version of this art here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 11 2017:
Big version of this art here:
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 08 2017:
On with the show. This series is called Rad Life Illusion Man. It will be done in the tradition of my last two series and I hope to use everything I have practiced at; with those series. They will all be 8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil and as always sprayed with fixative to last a life times.
Keep in mind although theses are digital versions of my drawings they are no where near the full sized *.tiff files of 25 megabytes. I look at these drawings in a frame until I replace them with new ones and they are so very intricate. The bottom line is, like I have said many times before; there is nothing like seeing my art in person, it is nothing like you will ever see on a computer, it is absolutely breath taking.
I always set as background my last work of art. I am my best fan. The posted image is way too small; you can not see it. So I made this page: I know you all will like it, so; your welcome.
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 06 2017:
We made these videos yesterday January 05 2017:
I would like you to see my wife and I obviously in love and happy together. Once you see these 2 YouTube videos; I like to think you got to know us a little; after 30 years of marriage. and here:
January 04 2017:
I just want to say about my video; that when I say I am not jovial enough to create a comic, I meant I am not popular enough to create a comic. Also being paid would change all that also. Comics like paintings take allot of work and just is not worth it. I am jovial everyday and if you see the video I am laughing while I say that.
Speaking of being jovial I am about to be married 29 years. I celebrated my 25th anniversary while adding to this blog. You can be sure I will record it here again on 30th. I made this graphic on our 25 anniversary. Here is what I posted, here, 4 years ago.
I made this after we celebrated 25 years of marriage.
This photo was taken Christmas 2012.
On with the show. This series is called Rad Life Illusion Man. It will be done in the tradition of my last two series and I hope to use everything I have practiced at; with those series. They will all be 8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil and as always sprayed with fixative to last a life times.
Keep in mind although theses are digital versions of my drawings they are no where near the full sized *.tiff files of 25 megabytes. I look at these drawings in a frame until I replace them with new ones and they are so very intricate. The bottom line is, like I have said many times before; there is nothing like seeing my art in person, it is nothing like you will ever see on a computer, it is absolutely breath taking.
I always set as background my last work of art. I am my best fan. The posted image is way too small; you can not see it. So I made this page: I know you all will like it, so; your welcome.
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
January 03 2017:
My mom has been asking me to make a video for her; so I did today.
January 02 2017:
This is now the 2017 home page. To see the huge amount of artwork I did in 2016 go here:
Radman_Art Blog Homepage 2016
I fixed this page:
Radman_Art_Rad_Life_Illusion_Man 480x792 as of 12 27 2016
Here are some more bazaar links:
10 Strange Methods of Transportation Coming in 2017 - YouTube
Impending Pole Shift -Future Location of the North & South Poles - YouTube
Is The Government Hiding Planet X - YouTube
Something 'Never Seen' is Happening Worldwide! (2016-2017) - YouTube
You won’t believe what NASA hid from us this year Ars Technica
Happy New Year: Live - Every Moment and Laugh - Everyday and Love - Beyond Words. May our home know happiness Each room hold laughter. May the greatest thing in your life be love and the second to be laughter.
On with the show. This series is called Rad Life Illusion Man. It will be done in the tradition of my last two series and I hope to use everything I have practiced at; with those series. They will all be 8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil and as always sprayed with fixative to last a life times.
Keep in mind although theses are digital versions of my drawings they are no where near the full sized *.tiff files of 25 megabytes. I look at these drawings in a frame until I replace them with new ones and they are so very intricate. The bottom line is, like I have said many times before; there is nothing like seeing my art in person, it is nothing like you will ever see on a computer, it is absolutely breath taking.
I always set as background my last work of art. I am my best fan. The posted image is way too small; you can not see it. So I made this page: I know you all will like it, so; your welcome.
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
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8.5 inches by 11 inches on paper done with pencil |
This page goes back to the day I started this blog. Click here to load the whole enchilada:
This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret. It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet. I post many links on this blog for example and am not affiliated with any of the links at all. I have no idea who posts any of the YouTube links I post here for example. I have my YouTube home page here: and that is the only posts I have ever made on YouTube. I love YouTube and Google and the inexhaustible amount of information they provide. Posting links here to tie all my art into it; in order to promote it and to promote other artists as well: is a invaluable tool. Appreciation for a open and free internet is immeasurable; to exercise the right of free expression.
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This was my dad who was US Air Force Veteran from about 1957 to 1961 in Great Falls, Montana where I was born. |
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My Wife a US Army Vet from 1992 - 2010. |
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My dad and me around 1962 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base where I was born.![]() This is where I was born, cool huh? High ranking Air Force doctors delivered me into this world. It's all on my birth certificate. Check it out: Malmstrom Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base and census-designated place in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, United States. It was named in honor of World War II POW Colonel Einar Axel Malmstrom. Wikipedia |
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I made this from my favorite war movie: Saving Private Ryan |
Google Drive:
I have something very cool to share with you all! It took me about 14 years to post it; but I am excited to make this available on Google Drive. I am posting this on top and will leave it here. These are interactive programs I made in Collin College around the year 2003, for my Macromedia Director class with Mike McGee.
8 Ball! I had a 8 Ball that stopped working. I cracked it open and made this totally random program. Just click on the 8 Ball for a random answer every time. I did the 3D work in Tom Ottinger's Cinema 4D Class. Listen to the opening sound effect I made; it is very spooky.
Next is a interactive Radman_Art introduction. It stars Mega Radman and Deadman; 2 characters in my 3d Animations I made in Tom Ottinger's Classes. Just click on the character and they have a conversation with each other. The volume is in the middle. It also features animations. Just click the character that turns lime green.
Next is a little birdy chirp mini program, I made to commemorate the wonderful birds; I hear singing all the time around here in Collin County.
I know you will love them so I will say; your welcome.
A Intro To This Blog:
Please do not judge this blog by this page only. Use the menu on the right and view all the art images of art I created. Everything here is Rated G.
Then after that, view all my YouTube videos I created; also Rated G, here: or just put Radman_Art in YouTube search.
After you have done that, read as much as you can of the encyclopedia's worth of posts (also Rated G); I have posted on this blog and YouTube.
Then and only then, can you can properly judge the positive contribution I have made to the art world and the internet. Also you can then judge; whether or not I have posted more original art than any one else on the internet.
This is a mirror Blog I made for when this blog stopped working. I just used this account to ad another blog because this blog stopped working. I do not update the mirror Blog as often as this Blog.
Here is the address in case this ever happens again:
January 15 2017:
I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.
If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:
My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:
I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at:

See The Artist of this Blog in Video's
August 14 2019:
I posted this because I had a serious problem with my YouTube videos on this blog. It was actually jamming the page making it nonfunctional. I do not post here until January so it is a good thing I checked it. I did my best to fix everything and will have to keep a eye on this blog more often.
It seems Google has changed there ability to post YouTube Videos on a blog. It is s good think I have them backed up on my Google Drive so I am pasting them all here:
Here are the links to the above videos:
Mars Worm Hole: