2023 Home Page

This page is reserved for art by me; only. Basically my home page will be reserved for art only. That was my intention when I first started this blog and is mentioned throughout the years on this blog.
Happy New Year! Image. I call this series Pushing the Boundaries of Color. I wanted to make a background of color for all my art by doing the background as a separate piece of art. I made my jpegs a little bigger this time so you can see the corner art better, this time. All done. That is it. Time to go take a break from all the work posting about 400 images to this blog in full size. I have all the original big HQ TIFF files and these are just smaller jpeg copy's; so you can't see the full effect but these are great 300 dpi jpegs, so it is good enough for your computer or phone and the like. If anyone wants to print these they would need the huge original .tiff files. These pieces of art on this page took longer; pure piece, than most of my stylus art that I have done and would make great posters. I dedicate it all to #1 God, #2 USA, #3 Loved ones. I am working on 2024, everyday, until then; amen. I searched the Google images for patriotic animated gif files. This is what I found.: Click here. I also used this great animated gif maker last year to make these great tank gifs for my favorite online game World of Tanks. Click here. I know, I know; I have to live with myself, you know? I promise you this: I am excited about my art like brand new all over again. It is like a circle of never ending, suffering and love; all at once. My love is my art. Without love I would never do art. All you need is love. (It was the 1st satellite link to the 5 continents; ever). I already have more than 2 dozen (drawings) i.e.; works of art, done, for next. That's a big amount; for this early in the year. My true love will always be my wife; the cool, awesome young lady who just arrived in southern California when it was at its peak in 1986. She looked so pretty, for so many years; sitting there in the warm California sun, with her sunglasses on, watching her husband skateboard the best spots in the San Diego aria till 1990. Those were the days. It's official, world wide; I am digitally recognized as a spouse, of a veteran, of The United States Army. I signed up with ID Me today. For what portal I chose to do it in; check out the bottom of this page. I just added my Alumni status to ID Me also. I suffered through; my wife in the military for 8 years (4 years active, 4 years reserve, 10 years total.) and 8 years in College (Over 120 credit hours and more; since I took the same art classes more than once.) it is so cool to actually get established credit for all that, through ID Me. I remember the movie Benji. I remember that I liked it. My wife insisted naming our gigantic Australian shepard mix dog Benji. We had his love and devotion for 8 years. He was a good dog. I liked this story about the movie Benji.: https://localprofile.com/2023/02/10/mckinney-texas-to-unveil-benji-statue-during-upcoming-dedication-ceremony/ The artwork is going great; it is like magic now. Ain't no better art than magical art. If you are looking at me: I have nothing but love for everyone I meet. I did some new 3d art that makes me regret I have to wait almost a year to show you. My wife got to see it and that is all that matters anyway. Thanks to NVIDIA's studio driver I have a good advantage now. I love our new age of check me out. Do you know where I was in 1989? A real Radman Art fan would know that. In 1989 I was married one year in sunny, unspoiled, Southern California.:
Los Angeles sees first blizzard warning since 1989 Published 49 minutes ago.:
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64753583 When I speak of pristine Southern California; I mean less pollution and pure surfers and skateboarders and the cool people still ruled California. I never made a list but it would be a big one. If there was rasism I was not aware of it until Rodney King. I was living on the central coast back then (not as cool, but still good neighborly people). Even back then I only knew all the hard working service people I came in contact with; just like today. I also want to say I am fan Jewish people too, always and forever. I always check to see how they are doing and always will. I will say this again online but some people would say I am a recist for saying such things. My best friend in school was in my 7th grade. We had 3 new African American students that year. One of them became my best friend until he left at the end if that year. He was a genuine good kid, like me. His name was Ernest. His mom owned and ran a Black Power like hair salon. Ernest gave me a African necklace like dog tags with black pride fist symbol and African flag for my birthday; I wore proudly until I lost it. Also my sophomore year in highschool, (Middletown High to be exact). I was best friends with a dude from that school and I stayed best friends with him till I left my hometown many years latter. His dad was a professor at Wesleyan College. He was a faithful friend who was always there if I needed him. I have always liked being around African American people and always will. I have soil power; not to brag, but, I got it. Why do you think I have such great art and will not stop making new art? It comes from my soul or it would not exist. My good buddy friend's name for many years name was Greg from MHS. I was also thinking of my friend who practically saved my life. His name was Steve and I have been in contact with him over the years since then too. His wife was pretty and actually had a identical twin. He was the head of all the children's Bible studies of Middletown Bible Church. I did artwork for him for kids to color in. He was a good African American friend and someone to look up to at all times. He was my good friend forever. I had a Puerto Rican friend for many years who was a semi pro baseball player. He was from MBC too. Hey I am from Connecticut it is one big melting pot for the world and all it's people. Best friend to me is someone you become inseparable for a long period of time and then you grow apart yet that serious kinship sticks with you forever. Laying around all week watching great movies playing video games and eating the best food in the world. If I were to publish my favorite weekend foods I ever loved; in a restaurant owned by me it would be a bestseller. I guaranty that. I am eating our meatball grinders now and it is unreal! You have to wrap the bread in foil like a Philly Cheese. I use a jar of pizza sauce instead of regular sauce. My wife has become really good at making meatballs. We always used provolone cheese like a Philly Cheese. I do not know what I would do without Kroger shaved steak for Philly Cheese steaks (speaking of Philly Cheeses). We are watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) rights now, too. That movie will always cheer me up. During the end of the movie when Ferris runs through the yards to make it home before his dad that neighborhood looks like the neighborhoods of my family's. If I would run though yards like that back then; it would have looked like that. The good old days when I was young without a care in the world. People keep saving my art on Pinterest over and over again. It lifts my spirit; sometimes every day. I have way too much art done so far and am still working hard on new art, more and more. The internet and Windows is amazing me these days; becoming more user friendly than anyone would have thought possible. Always remember without America software technology would not exist. I do not know who this school bus driver was but: I swear a school bus driver used to race me (back in the day); against my Ninja 1200 CC! Who ever this driver was, he or she was above the rest. I am trying to say that this county bus driver was a really good driver. I always try to stick up for local people when ever I can. No car (never mind a bus) could beat my Ninja 1200; ever. The bus driver in Ferris Bueller reminded me that some bus drivers are oddly, technically, gifted. Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I grew up in a Irish Catholic School. I like to think all the goodness about the Irish people rubbed off on me; like standing up for what is right. I just want to say how much I love this album.; ROCK AND ROLL OVER ALBUM 1976 by KISS. You know how some songs stick in your head? This album does that. It is the album after the Destroyer album. These 2 albums should be remastered with turned up bass. I upgraded the bass in the Destroyer album and it came out great. I do not think the masters of those albums had enough faith in the god of thunder's bass play. Imagine growing up in the big city thinking uo and following through with the idea of a band called Kiss? These young men were way ahead of their time. I made this page real quick. I will use this as background for a while. The art I am creating is bloating to be way too big; already. We will be having our annual Easter Ham and stuffing with mushroom gravy this Easter day, as always, with Easter Chocolate for desert. Yes we love gravy on our ham even though it is not traditional. I made this page so you can send these animated Happy Easter .GIF Files to your people this Easter holiday.: Click here. Being on Pinterest and getting emails from them when people add my art to their favorite's and other emails from them suggesting art I may like; has given me a great advantage into the art world. A couple of months ago I found a new favorite background image scheme for my desktop. I change my desktop wallpaper about once a day after I get a good gander at it. This year when I do my annual uploads to Pinterest I will have reached well over 2500 pieces of art all created exclusively by me. All, something from nothing, all from scratch, homemade artwork by one person: me. Visit my new favorite backgrounds (not made by me) page click here. I made a cool food image this morning and worked so hard on it I consider it a work of art. I posted it here on a page explaining all about it. I am sure you will enjoy it so click here to see and read it. Not much new to proclaim. I am doing my best to have fun in life as always. It is our duty to squeeze as much enjoyment as we can from everyday, even if it just means a great dinner or funny show on television. It is my duty to my wife who is a veteran; so it is also my duty to my country; to stay strong and solid and real. I started a small comic page of Radman in pencil about a month ago. I just can not bring myself to draw comic art like I did in the late 1980's, in sunny Southern California. I was so care free then and was actually selling my comics and art to the Tracker skateboard company. Everyday of my life artwork is on my mind; thinking up my next breakthrough idea and how to set up and accomplish art. I have had so many break through ideas since I started this blog in 2012 and posted them all here. Series after series, that I am very thankful for. With such a abundance of great art flowing from me; I have no choice but to look forward to each new day as a adventure. Ever since the proposed McKinney Airport I have noticed this Johny on the spot graphic artist; coming up with new graphics art (mostly 3D). The newest example of it: click here for link. All I am asking is why am I not in on it. Ha, ha. I guarantee these are my old graphic design teachers and students from Collin College. I finally got around to getting a new business card for people. It is a good one. Read all about it here.: https://radmanart2ndhome.blogspot.com/p/new-business-cards.html Everything is awesome as always round these here parts. I worked very, very hard reconstructing my skateboard ramp for inside my house. I look forward to having fun on it. I used it a little after I was done getting it ready and reconstructing it many times. Of course by that time I was tired out from all that work. It is very good to know it is readily available for me to use when I get the itch. This song is how I feel right now. I bought this album when I was 17 years old (when it first came out). I was playing on the football team for Woodrow Wilson High School at the time ( my sophomore year, and despite myself I had high grades). My dad played on the Woodrow Wilson High School football team about 20 years earlier. The coach he had then; was my coach and he died that year, I played. I failed at football because I never learned the plays. At that time was spending a lot of time in my grandparents basement; working out and needed something to put on the stereo, to help me work out. These lyrics run through my mind to this day. I was hearing these lyrics in my head; when I decided to post these lyrics.: On a rattlesnake speedway in the Utah desert I pick up my money and head back into town Driving 'cross the Waynesboro county line I got the radio on and I'm just killing time Working all day in my daddy's garage Driving all night chasing some mirage Pretty soon little girl I'm gonna take charge I've done my best to live the right way I get up every morning and go to work each day But your eyes go blind and your blood runs cold Sometimes I feel so weak I just want to explode Well there's a dark cloud rising from the desert floor I packed my bags and I'm heading straight into the storm Gonna be a twister to blow everything down That ain't got the faith to stand its ground Blow away the dreams that tear you apart Blow away the dreams that break your heart Blow away the lies that leave you nothing but lost and brokenhearted The dogs on Main Street howl 'Cause they understand If I could take one moment into my hands Mister I ain't a boy, no I'm a man And I believe in a promised land. I changed the date on my age at the time the album came out. : https://www.lyrics.com/lyric/814925/Bruce+Springsteen/The+Promised+Land I updated this page because I was 17 when the album came out. I also updated my card page with a image of my Pinterest page showing the 2187 images I have updated for about 8 years now; all brand new art by me. 2187 works of art by me since I opened my Pinterest account. I updated my new Business Card Page with new art on the backs. I also added the page to the bottom of the right hand page menu list. Read all about it here.: Click here. Just uploaded a video of me Sk8ing in my house yesterday. It was fun, so watch it and read about it here. : https://youtu.be/nh1F7ZwwkRs I know, I know, I am me. I grew up on Wesleyan University. I loved to roam it's hallways and discover it's library's and sk8boarded its tunnels. Tunnels are throughout Wesleyan University that is where the best bands practice and graffiti artists post art. I would take my best street sk8board and take it directly to those tunnels to skateboard indoors the way all true new skateboards were meant to be sk8ed. This is from Google News top stories on this date.: Wesleyan University, an elite US liberal arts college, says it will no longer grant preference to student applicants with family or donor ties. The Connecticut institution said it was "important" to end so-called legacy admissions, long criticised as a perk for the white and wealthy.: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66249601 Good job Wesleyan University; especially since I recently fought for this on my political blog: for this. I want you all to know that I am doing great as always. For years from 1995 till about 2008 I worked out like Arnold Swansinger in the Movie Pumping Iron . My friend Jerry Augustine was in the book version of this amazing movie. I bulked up like Lew Ferrigno all that time since 1995 till about 2008. Just did a IMDB review based on this post. Then I realized I was not in good health like that as a senior. I looked up on the internet to find all the best exercises to to as a senior then. I perfected a workout for myself and ran with it. I worked out like this since 2008 in a aerobic style only including free weights. I do all the best free-weight exercises in a aerobic style 5 days a week. For all my life I did bulk up exercises 2 muscle groups 2 times a week mostly; over 5 days a week. Now I do every muscle group 5 times a week for 5 days a week. I have been doing this since 2008. I did a bunch more business card art. I will comment about that soon. I updated my Pumping Iron review and added new art here.: Click here. America is the jewel of all the world right now. I just wanted to say that. I was checking myself out at the local supermarket and heard this song.: https://youtu.be/acK0KH2uJGc It freaked me out. Suddenly I was filled with really good memories from 1995. That was the best year and the last best year of my life. I am not complaining because over all I have had a really great life (considering) . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_(Better_Than_Ezra_song) Kevin Griffin the writer of that song was a genius and writer for many famous artists and from our neighbors to the south east of us. I have been singing that song since I heard it; a couple of days ago. It helps that I was able to add it to my YouTube music library. Concerning my new business card art.: I want to add that Egghead has too many entries in this blog and my past; since I 1st came up with it in 1988, than I can list here now. If you go to my Youtube Channel you can find 3d videos I have made for Egg Head while I was in college. I have switched to Micron ink pens that my wife bought for me. I have a multi pack of them, my wife bought for me; with a 50% coupon, before the pandemic. They are old but still work. I never mix my art with politics but this is the biggest petition I have ever seen in all my life and I am well schooled in this subject. So here you go.: PREVENT NUCLEAR WAR and Join the Hibakusha Rebellion! They have 13,700,461 SIGNATURES so far. Sign here: : https://www.peacinstitute.org/endnukesnow This was a great men with such a tremendous creative ability; there may never be anything like him ever, till the end of this earth, as we know it. I will admire his work for the rest of my life. I never get sick of watching his works of art in movies and series. Google News Top Stories Entertainment Paul Reubens, actor best known as Pee-wee Herman, dies at 70 49 minutes ago: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/paul-reubens-actor-best-known-pee-wee-herman-dies-70-rcna97343 I would not mind owning the action set even at my age it would wax nostalgic for me.: https://youtu.be/nmcIaHNfLl8 The robotaxi is a great idea but it is all wrong. It should be called robo rent a car. The robo car arrives at your location and then you drive it to where you want to go for a reasonable fee.:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotaxi I just gave out my last two artworked cards away this morning. It is ok though because I have been quietly making more. See here.:
http://radmanart2ndhome.blogspot.com/p/new-business-cards.html You better believe I know who this guy is. I remember his greatest music as it came out. He was a real life sailor and where I am from that is a very big deal. I come from the lands of sailors. I always had some close friends growing up unto my 20's that were real life sailor dudes. They used to try to talk me into it. Being out to sea for many months always made me think twice though. This would be my best representation of him that I found on Google.: https://youtu.be/MZu37cst4vE I just want to say how much I love my town, McKinney, Texas. I do not live in the city but McKinney will always be my favorite town in Texas except for Austin and San Antonio. It reminds me of my hometown where I am from; back East. I rarely meet people I do not automatically get along with. On the rare occasion I meet someone that regularly patronize and I do not approve of thief attitude; I usually do my best to warm up to them; so as to get along with them better. About 2 months ago I actually had someone not accept my gift of free art work; that I have given out to thousands of random people in McKinney, mostly. This is a person that gave me every indication that they hate me from the 1st time I met them. I have no idea why. When I tried to hand my artwork to her; she said I am not interested. I am sure this was just another way of her acknowledging that she most definitely hates me. She happened to be Muslim and not to good at speaking english, so I showed her my Amnesty International card. I was in my prime posting political articles when https://democrats.org allowed people to post there. During that time when I started posted it was mainly about human rights abuses in the middle east. Then I started to post allot about women's rights; that lead to women's rights in the middle east. I worked on it so much that Amnesty International gave me a actual diploma for it. I am anything but against Muslims. Also when I 1st started posting on https://democrats.org It was around 2002 and plenty of people were openly against the Muslim religion. I worked very hard to immediately respond negatively against that; always reminding people of our Constitution and freedom of religion. The way this woman rejected my free artwork bothered me in that she said; "not interested". I just want to say I do not hand out my free artwork usually on the back of business cards; because I am hitting on that person. I have never felt that ever from anyone and like I said this was a exception to the rule. Out of the thousands of cards and artwork I have handed out I have never had anyone contact me except one time because this person was bragging about a local artist, that was from around here. He sent me a link and I thank him and that was the last email I ever got from him or anyone. All I ever ask people to do when I hand them my art is to look up this blog and enjoy all the G rated art and maybe put is as background on their phones. This seems to be very clear to everyone I have given my art to; like I said this was a last attempt at keeping this woman from hating me; why I may never know. I can tell you this I have never had anyone look at me with such hate in all my life the 1st time I encountered her. Like I say over and over on this blog "all we need is love". : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_You_Need_Is_Love : In 1967: "The programme was broadcast via satellite and seen by an audience of over 400 million in 25 countries." Also the broadcast: "took place in the wake of the Arab–Israeli Six-Day War". All we need is love, love is all we need. I just posted this comment here.: https://youtu.be/jDPN46_4m6E This should be on YouTube forever. This video should have better coverage on IMDB. This video is pure madness. From beginning to end; you keep asking yourself, is this real? T Rex keeps going off script with guitar; riff after guitar riff. This video proves how good this dude could play. I love how he rises from the dead so to speak from a star, from the stage. Look when I first saw this it blew my mind for the second time; since I 1st heard T Rex album: Tanx. I heard this album when I was about 12 years old. I could not believe what I was hearing back then and all I could think of was; David Bowie was right. T Rex albums were the impedomie of all rock and roll at that time. People just would not see it. Sad. Really sad that we do not concentrate on the beauty of the moment we live in. If we could just look at and realize the gems among us and cultivate that. T Rex slipped through our hands. T Rex was better than Jimi Hendrix if Jimi was right handed and played a Gibson. T Rex was a expert electric guitarist when there was no real expert guitarists. All that and he played a Gibson. Wish I could afford a Gibson. I do have a Fender knock off; thanks to China. Jimi sure liked a Fender and that is good enough for me.I just wanted to write something happy for a change. Really; you should watch and listen to this T Rex concert if you like Rock and Roll. If you are a strict Christian or a religious person; that is cool too. I like all religions including Muslims because it keeps people in line, you can never have too many rules. I have always loved competitive sports; my whole life. I played basketball in my neighborhood habitually. I used to play constantly by myself in my driveway practicing those awesome shots over and over. I rode my bike like a bmx before there was bmx's.I rode a skateboard before most people even knew what a skateboard was. I played in a league in basketball, for St Johns School, in my old hometown; from grade 6-8. I played football and tennis in my highschool years and lettered my freshman year in tennis; the 1st in my school Haddam Killingworth; ever to do so. I was what should have been a pro skateboarder. I knew too many, way out of this world sk8ers; to ever except a pro skateboarder status, so I did all I could not to get sponsored. I never played baseball in school but I was good at it. My old neighborhood of Oak Street; could testify to that. I was the one to pick to be on your team for a while back then. Congratulations Texas Rangers on your victory, in a sport that is best described by where I am from; that long ago mastered baseball (I have a league Yankees ball cap to prove it, formally owned by my good, genetic, father).: 5:50 AM on Nov 3, 2023 — Updated 3 minutes ago: Click here: I realized after posting I said 6-12 grade and that was a typo. I am famous for them. I left out my many years spent trying to be a pro bodybuilder as revealed on my Jerry Augustine page. I never competed. I was about to but chicken out. I did try out for high school basketball in highschool but it was way harder than grade school ball. Between ages of 11 and 14 and 19 and 23 I played basketball at the YMCA and was once called the future NBA hopeful by some sports dude, observing me at the time. I am uploading the rest of may art from last year to Pinterest now and it is no small task. I am adding a limited amount of art on Pinterest this year so if you want to see it all you will have to come here. I had to change to computer art only because my house got to be overstocked with paintings and drawings. I was running out of room to store them. I dedicate all my Veterans Day's to my favorite veteran; my wife. From email I got from NAACP 5pm yesterday.: HONORING OUR VETERANS On Veterans Day, we celebrate the courage, sacrifice, and dedication of our veterans who have selflessly defended this country. Throughout the history of this nation, Black Americans have served our Armed Forces with unwavering dedication and valor, despite facing discrimination and racism within their ranks. We celebrate their legacy and recognize the countless contributions of Black soldiers and veterans — past and present — not just on Veterans Day but year-round. Tomorrow, let us not only thank our veterans for their service but also commit to honoring them by remaining steadfast in the enduring fight to protect freedom, justice, and equity for all. End email. I could not find any Thanksgiving images that was worthy of my desktop so I made one combining some I found on Google. See it here. Top of page. I do not usually do this; since it is Christmas I just made some computer art to show here before the 1st of January like I normally do here. I saw this font art that I loved and recreated it with some great Christmas art I found on Google images. I also made a animated 3d gif file; all made with Microsoft Paint 3D. See it here. Bottom of page. You know the best way to celebrate Christmas on the internet? Well you download and play the newest version of World Of Tanks. World of Tanks keeps the Christmas spirit in all of us of old and I can only hope, the young. My mom was a expert in buying my Christmas gifts all year long. I mean a first class expert. One year; it was a ruff year for me and my mom being in communication and she gave me the best gift I ever remember. It was a gourmet pizza made of chocolate. I hope to see you on my team (on the battlefield); best compared the sight of Armageddon, the actual field of battle recorded in the Bible, that will be fought in the future, (Armageddon). Generals that have viewed the sight of Armageddon say; it is the greatest battlefield ever created. See you there; in my American line up of close to maxed out tanks. And be here when this blog becomes dedicated to 2024 in all the art that I did in 2023. You know me: I have some great art lined up, as every year so far. It is because of love. I use the power of love; without it there would be no (((Artist of Radmanart))). I added a screenshot of my garage this year for World of Tanks. I maxed out all my decorations in about a week this year. You custom decorate the entire village every year. See it here top of the page.This paragraph was updated December 19th, 2023.
This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret. It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet. I post many links on this blog for example and am not affiliated with any of the links at all. I have no idea who posts any of the YouTube links I post here for example. I have my YouTube home page here: https://www.youtube.com/user/RadmanArt2012 and that is the only posts I have ever made on YouTube. I love YouTube and Google and the inexhaustible amount of information they provide. Posting links here to tie all my art into it; in order to promote it and to promote other artists as well: is a invaluable tool. Appreciation for a open and free internet is immeasurable; to exercise the right of free expression.
This is a picture of my dad in 1991. |
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This was my dad who was US Air Force Veteran from about 1957 to 1961 in Great Falls, Montana where I was born. |
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My Wife a US Army Vet from 1992 - 2001. |
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My dad and me around 1962 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base where I was born.![]() This is where I was born, cool huh? High ranking Air Force doctors delivered me into this world. It's all on my birth certificate. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmstrom_Air_Force_Base Malmstrom Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base and census-designated place in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, United States. It was named in honor of World War II POW Colonel Einar Axel Malmstrom. Wikipedia |
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I made this from my favorite war movie: Saving Private Ryan |
Google Drive:
I have something very cool to share with you all! It took me about 14 years to post it; but I am excited to make this available on Google Drive. I am posting this on top and will leave it here. These are interactive programs I made in Collin College around the year 2003, for my Macromedia Director class with Mike McGee.
8 Ball! I had a 8 Ball that stopped working. I cracked it open and made this totally random program. Just click on the 8 Ball for a random answer every time. I did the 3D work in Tom Ottinger's Cinema 4D Class. Listen to the opening sound effect I made; it is very spooky.
Next is a interactive Radman_Art introduction. It stars Mega Radman and Deadman; 2 characters in my 3d Animations I made in Tom Ottinger's Classes. Just click on the character and they have a conversation with each other. The volume is in the middle. It also features animations. Just click the character that turns lime green.
Next is a little birdy chirp mini program, I made to commemorate the wonderful birds; I hear singing all the time around here in Collin County.
I know you will love them so I will say; your welcome.
A Intro To This Blog:
Please do not judge this blog by this page only. Use the menu on the right and view all the art images of art I created. Everything here is Rated G.
Then after that, view all my YouTube videos I created; also Rated G, here: https://www.youtube.com/user/RadmanArt2012 or just put Radman_Art in YouTube search.
After you have done that, read as much as you can of the encyclopedia's worth of posts (also Rated G); I have posted on this blog and YouTube.
Then and only then, can you can properly judge the positive contribution I have made to the art world and the internet. Also you can then judge; whether or not I have posted more original art than any one else on the internet.
This is a mirror Blog I made for when this blog stopped working. I just used this account to ad another blog because this blog stopped working. I do not update the mirror Blog as often as this Blog.
Here is the address in case this ever happens again: http://radmanart2ndhomept2.blogspot.com/
January 15 2017:
I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. http://radmanart2ndhome.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_51.html These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.
If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:
My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:
Follow link below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
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Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003: |
This is the first time this has been posted on the internet. Crank up the quality setting and be transported.
I think I thought of this from spending so much time at home doing homework for college, The idea is your home is transported to another dimension while your in it with out you knowing it. Sram? A play on words for a backwards story. Again I am using the mars theme as a backdrop for the movie. The fact that the first Mars rover landed on Mars at the time is probably the reason I chose Mars. The beam shows the wormhole from Mars to earth. Oh how adorable in my wife's words are my dogs when they were puppies, I love them just as much today as then. The scene with me drawing is a collage type drawing I never completed; long before all my great paintings within paintings were completed. That is my art desk I use to this day. The photos in the corner are of me as a child. Of course that is my wife in the hand made India tapestry. She is supposed to be a spirit I should have used transparency on her. The entire script comes from my head at the time it was made around 2004. The idea was the house was very close to Mars in it's rotation around the earth. I posted the house scene on my YouTube channel a while ago in expectation of posting this. The video has great Maya creations of my work. The space background unlike the Alien Flyboy was made by me in Photoshop. The spacey part is me dreaming. You can barely see my wife with the tapestry in the background throwing the Frisbee. The ending is bloopers of my laughing so hard I can not talk.
Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
Hey I have a IMDB homepage!
I have been a fan of the website since college. I had to use this website for many projects in college:
This is the address:
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I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at above email address. |
August 11 2018:
I changed all my files on Google Drive. You do not have to be logged in to Google to download all my great free files; anymore. Anyone can download them now.
Here is a list of all my available downloads:
Copy of radmanart_sk8_footy_1_11_2018.wmv:
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IV Done May 25 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IX done June 18 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI Done June 3 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII done June 7 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VIII done June 11 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_X Done June 25 2017.wmv
My YouTube Channel is Here: