AI ART RadmanArt Style Updated March 13th 2025 Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Stop your browser and read below; 
if you only want to see the new stuff.:

Because this page is getting so big I will make a new page that will have copy's of my newest AI art that is also on the bottom of this page. This will save you on bandwidth; in other words you will not have to wait for this page to load.: 

Also it is on the right hand menu at the bottom.

Updated January 31st 2025 Unlike making this art on my computer; at least this does not rev my computer like a old Harley with straight pipes. The newest art is at the the bottom of this page. 

Updated February 1st 2025

I re-did this one (below) with Photoshop; just to show I could do that. 

Updated February 2nd 2025

Updated February 3rd 2025
Had to change programs. Everyone wants money on the internet. In my day we were happy with the good old Sears Catalog. Just kidding.😊

LOL😆The above is the best I got till now with this free AI art for now. I maxed another free account till they want money with this one too (below). I will ad t till tomorrow till I end all this so called free AI, with still one left. Keep your finger crossed; that my last freeware dies out, leaving me nothing to create with No artist should ever be left with nothing to create with as far as programing goes. My wife the veteran, can program with C++ like it is a fun game and she is a US Army veteran of this United States. 

It is not right concerning me: to withhold programs from accredited graphic design artists; for the sake of money. You can not take that money with you when you go. Maybe we should give it all, all the credit of art, to the wealthy owners of the programs, maybe that is why we fail; instead of giving it to true blue artists who are not the wealthy, yet have college accreditation and the spirit of art burning in their souls for all the world to see. 
Updated February 4th 2025

 The reason I hate all art related 3d software is because I took many courses in college in for Maya and art about 130 credits. Maya is now called Autodesk. I got into a Maya forum about 10 years ago and asked someone in charge their if I could use Maya for free. He publicly shamed me and considered my proposition absurd. You can still find it online if you search enough; as far as I know. I used Maya to create artwork and that is not right that they keep me from it. It is like preventing a artist from creating art. I remind you again; I have basically, 3 diplomas in graphic design and should be given special privilege to be able to use Maya to create art. It is like preventing Picasso from having art supply's. It is not right.

February 5th 2025 You know sometimes I wonder if all my problems come from when I first logged onto the internet in 1994. I have never corresponded with anyone on the internet that is friendly and kind, ever. Even when I email my family it is always so serious like. I think the internet does that to people. I always feel like people on the internet hate me whether it be a video game or any of the big corporations like Google, Yahoo and all the software company's like Autodesk. What is it about me the internet does not like. Maybe it is prejudice against my Sicilian heritage. Anyway here is my happy cool 3d art for today.:
Bye balls for now. Lets splash around.

The best splash.:

Updated February 7th 2025

The last one is always the best on this page. I really need to stop this it is take my art time up. I am sure I will return again to this art creations. 

Here is a couple little diddy's I was contemplating.:

Updated February 14th 2025

AI ART RadmanArt Style Updated March 13th 2025 Happy Saint Patrick's Day