This page is reserved for articles, books or writing by me. Basically my home page will be reserved for art only. That was my attention when I first started this blog and is mentioned throughout the years on this blog.
Fundamental Evangelistic Association and all of it's church's was the only church organisation I could recommend in 1988 and the only church organisation I can recommend today. Click here: |
April 21 2019:
Happy Easter
I took down my PDF copy of ANECDOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. My PDF has damage. I own this book and it is my favorite book I have ever owned.

This book is the last best hope for the lost.
Although I can not post a copy here; I can give you some great links from the greatest archive of Christianity: Google.
Anecdotes and Illustrations.:
This link is a copy on the book in The Library of Congress:;view=1up;seq=11
You can buy it here (if you do not own one Christian book this is the one to own):
This link has a page flipping copy of this great book:
February 22 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
THE PROMISES (entire chapter)
We have for our subject to-day, "The Promises." I am not going to talk much, but I want to have the friends all to be ready to give a promise. I remember a few years ago, in our church in Chicago, we wanted a little more life in the prayer-meetings, and we just gave out, instead of having prayer-meeting the next Friday night, that we would have a promise-meeting, and wanted everyone in the house to bring a promise. We were so afraid the whole Bible would not be read through that we gave each man a book to read, and we got the sixty six books read through in one week. One man found a promise in Job. I didn't know there were any promises in Job. We had promises from all parts of the Bible. I think if the people would just feed more on the promises of God, that we would not have so many gloomy Christians. That is what the promises are for—to help us in this wilderness journey. I don't believe there is a man can get into any position in this world—trouble, darkness, gloom, despondency—but God has some promise that will help him out if he will only hunt it up. But we have to hunt for it.
A man said to me, " What promise do you think the most of in the Bible?" " Well, I could not tell I have three children, and I could not tell which I like the best, but if I had ten it would be the same thing." The promises of God are all good. But we want the promises rightly divided. Satan has some promises, and there are a-great many people can't tell the difference. They are living on the devil's promises and wondering why they don't grow—why they don't get spiritual power. When Satan makes a promise, he may fulfill it, and he may not. He don't care whether he does or not. Then he has not the power to make all his promises good. Then there are promises that are made by man. They are, perhaps, good, and perhaps not. But when God makes promises, they are good—God's promises are all good. I remember, a few years ago, I went to work for a man in Chicago, it was quite a number of years ago. but time goes so fast in the Lord's service, it don't seem to be but a few days. My employer said, " I am going to send you out into the country collecting." The day before I started, he went to the safe and took out a large number of bills and notes, and spread them out on the table, and there he was at work. He would take his pencil and mark on the margin of the bills and notes, and I didn't understand what it meant. I was to start off on the ten o'clock train, at night. Before I started, he said to me, " I want you to sit down, and I will explain to you about these notes." Said he, " When you come to a note and find "D" written on it, that is doubtful. Get all the collateral you can on that note. When you come across a note with " B " written on it, that means bad. That settle up if you can. Then there is another class of notes you will find "G" marked on; that means good. No discount on them. They are worth one hundred cents on the dollar. It was the same promise. The notes all read the same. Four or six months after date, "I promise to pay." All the difference was in the one that signed it. So when you come to these promises of the Bible, you want to find out whose they are. If it is some promise man has made, it may not be worth that [snapping his finger]. If it is a promise of the devil, I would not give that for it. He is an old liar and has been from the foundation of the world. But when God makes a promise, you can write down g-o-o-d on that promise every time. I think the people of the church are really dividing them into three classes. A great many people take some of God's promises and mark them "B," bad, and think God is not going to keep them. Then some they mark " D," doubtful. And then there a few they have seen fulfilled, and when they can't get around it, they mark them " G," good. When we come to one of God's promises, let us put down ''good." There is no discount on any promise God ever made. Then we must bear in mind who the promise is made to. If the promise is made to pay this country one hundred million dollars, it would not help me pay my private debts. The nation might be worth one hundred million ^dollars more, and I not be worth a cent. The promise of a nation is one thing.
We want to get a little closer to some promises that are to us. There are some promises that are to the church. They are very good. Then there are promises to individuals. Those are the promises we want to hunt up. Then there are promises made to Abjaham; some to Adam; some to Noah; some to Moses; some to Eiias, and to Gideon. Now, I could not take a promise that was made to Gideon. If I should take three hundred men to meet the great army of the Midianites, I would get most outrageously beaten and driven back, because that promise was not made to me, but to Gideon. When we study these prophecies, we want to find out that they are for " me." I know there are some for me, and I can
lay hold of them from the fact that they are mine. Now, I am going to give you one or two promises I think a good deal of, and then I will throw the meeting open for others to give promises. John, first epistle, second chapter, twenty-fifth verse: "And this is the promise that He hath promised us, even eternal life.' That means me. That promise was for me. God offers it to me; the promise was eternal life, life without end. That is something I can appropriate. I can lay hold of that. Then turn to the forty-second chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah, sixth verse, you will find another promise/ " I, the Lord, have called thee in righteousness and will hold mine hand and will keep thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people for a light of the Gentiles." We read in the tenth chapter of John and twentyeighth verse, ' ' And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand." No one " shall pluck them out of my hand," neither devil nor man. Some one has said, we might slip through His fingers. But we can't slip through His fingers, because we are a part of His body. He has not only promised me eternal life, but He has promised to keep me. The keeper of Israel never sleeps. He will keep all them that put their trust in Him. In the forty-first chapter of Isaiah, tenth verse, "Fear thou not, for I am with thee: Be not dismayed, for I am thy God; and will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee. Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. " Thirteenth verse, "For I, the Lord, thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. In the thirteenth chapter of Hebrews, last part of the fifth verse, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." So that we may boldly say, the Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Then I turn over into the twenty-third chapter of Joshua. We find there that Joshua was old and weary, and going to rest. If you want to get the real testimony of a man, you don't want to take it in the middle of his life. Joshua was one hundred and ten years old when he gave his testimony. He had tried God in the brick kilns of Egypt, making brick without straw. Talk about the hardships we have to go through! We don't know anything about it. You want to go back six thousand years and see what other men endured. He found God's word was true. This is his testimony: "This day I am going the way of all the earth; and ye know in all your hearts, and in all your souls, that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you." O, let us drive these devil's lies back into the pit whence they came. God will fulfill all His promises. There is a man that tried Him one hundred and ten years and found Him true. I knew an old lady that marked in the margin opposite the promises, T. P. , T. for tried and P. for proven. What we want is to try the Bible and see if it is not true.
Nothing makes me feel better than to cleave to the promises of God's Word.
February 08 2019:
Someone found this, in a comment section on a conspiracy theory video page and I had to copy and paste it here:
Jon. 20 US veterans are committing suicide every day. Microwave voice to skull are giving them subliminal commands to do so. (reference Microwave weapons expert Barry Trower) This saves the US government billions in unpaid pensions an decreases the amount of military trained civilian resistance. They are also using Cybernetics and Remote Neural Monitoring along with other unpublished secret tec as torture and weapon systems. I know this first hand. 5g will be used for civilian control by use of subliminal Microwave voice to skull commands. Suicides and irrational behavior will increase as the Ai are programmed for population reduction.
This is a example of how far gone you can be mentally; concerning beliefs like this. One thing I believe about most of these people, with these mental aliments; is they believe we are in the Great Tribulation. now. I have said this many, many times on this blog: the Rapture 1st then the Great Tribulation.
Nevertheless, free speech is free speech. To censor this would be like I always say: a stepping stone to a government dictatorship of the media and even worse the laws of our land. I believe thanks to the internet and it's bazaar influence on our government; laws have been made to cause many people to suffer great oppression, needlessly. Politicians have gotten allot of votes by using fear mongering, that is well know by all. The internet has a tendency of exploiting fear mongering and conspiracy theorist are a great example of that.
February 05 2019:
The commander of the guard, not knowing of the occurrence, disputed his right to the position when told that he was a captain, and asked him who said it. His reply was, " The emperor. " That settled it. So when the devil comes and says you are not a Christian, tell him who says it, the Lord Jesus said it. " He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. " All the devils in hell can't make me believe that I don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I do believe. "Well," but you say, " you don't love him enough." No, I don't; I wish I loved Him a thousand times more. But I believe Him, and I want to love Him more and more, and better and better. There is one thing I am sure of, and that is, He is mine, and I am His, and when you just get there my friends, then you can go right out and go to work. Really there is no comfort, there is no peace; there, is no joy, without assurance. O, may God give us this assurance!
February 04 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Now, assurance is taking God without any "if's." There is a story in the life of the Emperor Napoleon that has been published a good many times, and that illustrates the point as well as anything I know of. Napoleon was out one day viewing his army, accompanied by his body-guard, when his horse became frightened and ran away at great speed. A private soldier, seeing the peril of his commander, stepped out of the ranks, and, at the risk of his own life, grabbed the horse by the bit of the bridle and thereby saved the emperor's life. "Thank you, captain" said the emperor, and the soldier, instead of taking his usual place in the ranks, took his place as captain at the head of the emperor's bodyguard.
February 03 2019:
The next day he comes to me, and he says, "I wish you would forgive that lie." "I have forgiven you, but to gratify you, will forgive you again." And the third day he comes and brings it up again; and the fourth day brings it up again, and week in and week out does the same thing. Don't you think we are grieving God, if He has forgiven us, by continually bringing up the same sins and asking Him to forgive them? If God has blotted out my sins, that is enough. Satan may bring up the record, but the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
February 02 2019:
He delights in forgiveness. When we do wrong, we want to take our sins right away to Him, confess them, and believe that He has put them away. It is very dishonoring for us to go lugging up our sins to the cross that has been put away. I think I can make that plain. Suppose I go to Chicago next week, and my little boy comes to me and says, "Do you know when you were down in this city, I did something you told me never to do? I told a lie." I am very sorry to hear it. "I am very sorry myself, but I want you to forgive me." I saw the poor boy's heart was broken. It was true contrition. I take him to my bosom and tell him, "Yes, I will forgive you."
February 01 2019:
There was a time that I could sin, and it didn't hurt me. If I did the same thing I once did, it would break my heart. I could not do it. What we want is to go to the Master and tell it all to Him. " He is just and faithful to forgive." When your children do wrong and show true signs of contrition, how glad you are to forgive them! You delight to forgive them. ' 'They say, Short accounts make long friends." What we want is to keep short accounts with God. Just square up the account every night before you go to bed. If you have done wrong, confess it, and ask God to forgive you, and He will put it away.
January 31 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
The whole thing is blotted out. God says ' 'there is nothing in His ledger against us. God justifies the believer, therefore we have nothing to fear. " Ah," but you say, " I have sinned since I became a believer; that is what is troubling me." Now, God has made provision for the believer's sin. If he had not, I think the whole of us would be lost. Who has not sinned since he has believed? But I tell you what the Lord wants us to do* He wants us to confess our sins. Now, John says that if we confess our sins, and that is written to believers, " He is just and faithful to forgive our sins." I think the "believer's sins" would be a good text for a sermon. There are a great many believers that have got discouraged about sin. Now, the difference between a Christian and one that is not a Christian is that the Christian confesses his sins, and the other does not. The true believer will go right to the Lord Jesus Christ and confess his sins.
January 30 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
There was a man in England at one time, that was tried for his life. He had committed the crime of murder and he was convicted. One thing that amazed the court and the spectators was the coolness of the prisoner. He seemed to be quite unconcerned. When the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, it didn't seem to stir him at all. He was the most unconcerned man in the court-room. When the judge came to read him his sentence that he was to be hanged, the man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a pardon, laid it down on the judge's bench and went out of the court a free man. Sin has condemned us to death, but Christ is here with a pardon. I am not going to be condemned because God has justified me.
January 29 2019:
Now, how can we add to all these graces if we have none to add? If we don't know that we have a foundation to build on, how are we to add to it? It is impossible. We must first know that we have a foundation. We must first know that we have passed from death unto life. That we have been translated into the kingdom of His dear Son.
There are two kingdoms, and we must belong to the one or the other. We are either saved, or we are not saved. God didn't come down and forgive me and leave me to perish. Christ died for me, and He will not bring anything against me, and God justified me, and He certainly will not bring anything against me. " Who shall lay anything to God's elect?" Satan may bring on his charges; let him bring up my whole life. If God has forgiven me, what do I care?
I found this really cool story that I believe about John Wayne the subject of my art and a real life western movie hero here:
Before John Wayne passed away! Most of you know John Wayne as an actor.You may not know what happened to him before he died. This is that story!
Robert Schuller’s teenage daughter, Cindy, was in a motorcycle accident and had to have her leg amputated. John Wayne is a big fan of Robert Schuller. He heard Dr. Schuller say on one of his programs that his daughter had been in an accident and had to have her leg amputated.
John Wayne wrote a note to her saying: Dear Cindy, sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you will be all right. Signed, John Wayne. The note was delivered to her and she decided she wanted to write John Wayne a note in reply.
She wrote: Dear Mr. Wayne, I got your note. Thanks for writing to me. I like you very much. I am going to be all right because Jesus is going to help me. Mr. Wayne, do you know Jesus? I sure hope you know Jesus, Mr. Wayne, because I cannot imagine heaven being complete without John Wayne being there. I hope, if you don’t know Jesus, that you will give your heart to Jesus right now. See you in heaven. And she signed her name.
She had just put that letter in an envelope, sealed it, and written across the front of it “John Wayne” when a visitor came into her room to see her. He said to her: What are you doing? She said: I just wrote a letter to John Wayne, but I don’t know how to get it to him. He said: That’s funny, I am going to have dinner with John Wayne tonight at the Newport Club down at Newport Beach. Give it to me and I will give it to him. She gave him the letter and he put it in his coat pocket. There were twelve of them that night sitting around the table for dinner. They were laughing and cutting up and the guy happened to reach in his pocket and felt that letter and
John Wayne was seated at the end of the table and the guy took the letter out and said: Hey, Duke, I was in Schuller’s daughter’s room today and she wrote you a letter and wanted me to give it to you. Here it is.
They passed it down to John Wayne and he opened it. They kept on laughing and cutting up and someone happened to look down at John Wayne. He was crying. One of them said: Hey, Duke, what is the matter? He said (and can’t you hear him saying it?): I want to read you this letter. He read the letter.
Then he began to weep. He folded it, put it in his pocket, and he pointed to the man who delivered it to him and said: You go tell that little girl that right now, in this restaurant, right here, John Wayne gives his heart to Jesus Christ and I will see her in heaven. Three weeks later John Wayne died!
You never know how your witness to another will effect their eternity!
January 28 2019:
We are told over here in Peter's second epistle, first chapter and fourth verse, ' ' Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." When I was born of my parents, I got the first Adam nature. When I was born of God, I got the second Adam nature, which is different. You ask me why God loves. I don't know. You ask me why the sun shines. I don't know. I suppose God loves on the same principle, He can't help it. He is love. If I am partaker of the same nature, I will have that love. " And besides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ."
January 27 2019:
When I was born of God, I got a new principle planted in me; the power to love my enemies; and the first impulse of the young convert is to love. I remember, when I was converted, I loved every person on the face of the earth. All bitterness had been taken out. To love a man that loves me, or a man that is lovely, takes no grace at all. The natural man does that. But to love those that do not care for you takes the love of God. Have you got that love? Let us put that test to ourselves. If we have, that is a sign that the Holy Ghost has shed abroad the love of God in our hearts, and we have the spirit of Calvary. Because the very moment Jesus Christ was being put to death on the cross, that very hour when they were mocking and deriding Him, He was praying, " Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." If we have Christ's spirit, it seems to me we don't want any more evidence.
January 26 2019:
We need not be left in darkness about our having this eternal life, because if we look into the Bible we can find over and over again where he gives us tests that we can put to ourselves. For instance, if I love the brethren, that is a sign that I have got Christ's spirit. If I love my enemies, that is a better sign. Now, it takes the grace of God, it takes the love of God; nothing but the love of God will enable me to do that. To love a man that slanders me; to love a man that would tear down my character; to love a man that would ruin and blast my life, takes something besides human love. You cannot do that of yourself. It is not in the power of man. You go out and preach to the world, tell men to love their enemies; they will say, " I ought to, but I hate them. I just hate them." If a man had come to me and told me before I was born of God to love my enemies, and pray for them that persecute me, he might as well have gone and talked to the wind. It was not in my power to do it.
January 25 2019:
Now, in those twelfth and thirteenth verses, it says 1 'hath" three times; "hath made," "hath delivered," "hath translated." Not that He is going to do it, but that He hath done it. It is a very nice study to take up that little word "hath" all through Christ's teachings. It don't mean something that we are going to have at the end of life. "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life." Wherever you can find a truth repeated three times you may know it is a very important truth, and He wants us to understand it.
It is to me one of the most comforting things in the Scriptures that I have got eternal life; that when I was born—born out of God—that is the true rendering of that—that I got eternal life, and that means life without end. If it was only life for six months, or six years, it would not be everlasting life, would it? It would not be eternal life. And if I did not get eternal life at the new birth, if I did not get eternal life when I accepted of Jesus Christ, what did I get?
January 24 2019:
Then there is another class, people who are living in some sin, not living by the light that God has given them; of course they will not have assurance. The next class is professed Christians, that are not willing to do anything for Christ. I don't believe that they will have assurance. When we are ready and willing to do what He says, I think there will be no trouble about our assurance. Now, Paul says, in the first chapter of Colossians, twelfth verse, "Giving thanks unto the Father which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son; in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins."
January 23 2019:
Our subject for this meeting is assurance. We have said considerable upon this subject, but I think a good deal more is needed to be said in order that the children of God may know that they are saved through Jesus Christ. There are some people that will not know that they are saved because they are not. I think there are some who want the assurance that they are saved that have not been born of the spirit. A person may unite with some church, go through all the forms, be a formalist, and know nothing about the grace of God, be a stranger to the new birth. If a person has not been regenerated by the power of the Holy Ghost, he will not have assurance, and should not have.
January 22 2019:
Peace Part 6
Now, in the fourteenth chapter of John, twenty-seventh verse, " Peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth; give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
A great many people are all the time trying to make peace without entering into the conditions we enter in.
Toward the close of the war there was a proclamation sent out that no more southern soldiers would be received in the union army. There were some in the southern army that hadn't seen the proclamation and a rebel deserter came up to the union army, but the union army would not have him. There he was between those great armies. He would not go back for fear of being shot as a deserter, so he took to the woods and hid him self, and lived on roots and herbs. At last, he had to get food or die. One day, he met a man riding on horseback, and he said, if that man didn't help him, he would kill him. The man said, ' ' What is the trouble?" Then he told him the trouble, " Why, "says he, " don't you know the war is over, and peace has been declared?" " What! peace declared?" " Yes."
Ah, poor man! All he had to do was to enter into it. Thank God, peace has been declared. Jesus Christ has made peace. He has not left it for me. All I have to do is to enter into it.
January 21 2019:
Peace Part 5
Now, there are some enemies to peace. Every sin is an enemy to peace. God turns the ways of the wicked up side down. There is no peace for the wicked. In the twenty-second chapter of Job you will find this passage: " Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace; thereby good shall come unto thee." Get acquainted with God, and you will get peace. He is the author of peace. The way to get peace is to feed upon the blessed word and find out what God is to us. Then we must have righteousness. Righteousness comes before peace. Without right living, we cannot have peace. He wants every one of his children to have it. " Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." But it is not read in that way. It is read, ' ' Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on himself.
January 20 2019:
Peace Part 4
The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together, and the lion shall eat straw like the ox." That day has not come. Some people tell us we are living in the millennium. I don't see any signs just now of a millennium with all these standing armies. " They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious." That is the millennium. That is not the present day. While men are lifting up their voices against God they cannot have peace.
January 19 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Peace Part 3
It is impossible to plant peace in this world without war. That is clear. The world is at war with God. It don't want Him. When we are willing to have peace we can enter into it. Christ brought it. He says in the sixteenth chapter of John, thirty-third verse, ' ' These things have I spoken unto you that in Me ye have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." A great mistake people make is that they are looking for peace in the world. It is not to be found in the world. We are going to have it by-and-by in that millennium reign. Now is the time of Christ's rejection. But by-and-by He is coming back, " and righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins, and faithfulness the girdle of His reins.
Matt has a great new post. Read it here:
I will paste my favorite parts here:
The title is: Moving Ahead in 2019
Even today, in 2019, Satan is still extremely busy using every means possible to attempt to destroy churches and shift the focus of believers away from what God desires them to be doing. Throughout history, Satan has used many means and tactics to steer the believer (personally) and the church (corporately) away from faithful obedience to Scripture. Consider several of Satan’s tactics:
1. Physical threats and persecution
2. Dissemination of false teaching even among professing Christians
3. The theory of evolution—man answers to no higher power
4. Attacks on God’s Word—Satan has used several different means to destroy man’s confidence in the Word of God
5. Theological and moral relativism—the belief that no absolute transcendent truth exists
6. An improper view of the purpose of the church—diverting the focus away from a God-ordained, God-focused ministry
7. Discouragement
8. Apathy and indifference—one’s priorities center around everything other than spiritual things
If we are to move forward in 2019, we must seek to please God rather than men in all areas of our lives—as the leaders of the early church did.
If we are to move forward in 2019, we must seek to please God rather than men in all areas of our lives and proclaim the truth of God’s Word without compromise—as the leaders of the early church did.
If we are to move forward in 2019, we must seek to please God rather than men in all areas of our lives, proclaim the truth of God’s Word without compromise, and rejoice in the Lord in the midst of suffering and hardship—as the leaders of the early church did.
God is not finished with us individually, and He is not finished with His body—the church—corporately. Throughout the New Testament, we are called to keep moving forward, accomplishing the work and will of God until He returns for us or until we see Him face to face in death.
Also there is a post from yesterday by the greatest Christian I have ever met: M. H. Reynolds Jr.
Read it here:
I will paste my favorite parts here:
"Positive" Christianity
Satan has many seductive strategies designed to pollute the gospel and destroy the church. One of his most effective strategies goes by the attractive title “positive Christianity.” But its philosophical and practical basis is dangerous and deadly! Here’s why.
Thus it is that many Christians, longing for an end to conflict, are easy marks for Satan’s new brand of Christianity—“positive Christianity.”
“Positive Christianity” does have a nice ring to it, but it is simply not scriptural.
Praise God, the church does have many wonderful, positive truths to proclaim, but it is also under orders to warn about and separate from evil and error.
If you are one who has been taken in by this “positive Christianity” deception, we urge you to repudiate this unscriptural philosophy and separate from those who are promoting it. Failure to take such steps will inevitably result in the further loss of spiritual discernment which is so essential to the spiritual welfare of every true believer!
— M. H. Reynolds Jr., (1919-1997), Foundation magazine’s founding editor
January 18 2019:
Peace Part 2
One of the wildest young men in Chicago was converted two years ago, and he has become a very devoted Christian. He went to one of his old associates in sin, and spoke to him about becoming a Christian. The man turned on him with great rage and said, ''If you ever speak to me on that subject again, I will knock your head off." "That is strange, when I speak to you, and want to do you good, you get angry and say you will knock my head off." "Well, I ought not to have said it; I don't know what made me say it." " I know what made you say it; it is the devil in you and grace in me. They never have agreed and they never will." When you lay down the sword there is peace. He wants you to get peace. He came for that very purpose. If we will have Christ, then there is peace, but if not, who is to blame? If there is war it is not because He did not bring peace, but it is man's own corrupt nature, his own black heart.
January 17 2019:
Peace Part 1
Our subject to-day is peace. " How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace, that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, thy God reigneth."-—Is. lii. 7. Now, the gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of peace. He comes to bring peace to the earth; that is, to bring peace to those who love Him. Now I have often heard people say, "I don't understand, then, what that means in the tenth chapter of Matthew and thirty-fourth verse, 'Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword.'" But it is peace to them that have it, but a sword to them that have the sword. They that live in the flesh cannot live there with them that live in the spirit. There is a war between nature and grace. There always was and always will be. The spirit of God and the spirit of the natural man never agreed and never will. There is as much difference between them as between oil and water, or day and night. You cannot unite them.
January 16 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Grace Part 6
Yes, my friends, that father was willing to forgive him when he knew that the boy wanted grace. Now, God knows all your hearts, and if you want grace to-day, the God of all grace will meet you. He will meet you in mercy. He will meet you in pity. He will bless you to-day. He wants to bless you. Sin ruins, sin casts down, but the grace of God lifts up. O, may the grace of God lift you up to-day out of the pit, and place your feet on the Rock of Ages!
January 15 2019:
Grace Part 5
Mr. Dorset said, "Well, he is your boy yet. He won't be long." The father turned again. "Is my Joseph
sick?" "Yes, your boy is at the point of death, sir. He is dying. I have not come here to ask you to take him home, or to ask you to give him anything, sir; I will see that he has a decent burial. All I want is to have you tell me that you forgive him, and let him die in peace." The great heart of the father was broken, and he said, " Forgive him? O, I would have forgiven him long ago if I had known he wanted it. Forgive him! Certainly. Can you take me to him?" The man of God said he would take him to him, and they got into a carriage and were soon on their way; and when the father reached the garret he could hardly recognize his boy, all mangled and bruised by the fall of sin. The first thing the boy said to his father was, "Father, can you forgive me? Will you forgive me? " " O Joseph, I would have forgiven you long ago if I had known you wanted it." He met him in grace right there. The father said, " Let my servant take you in the Carriage, and take you home. I cannot let you die in this fearful place." "No, father, I am not well enough to be moved. I shall die soon, but I can die happy now that I know you have forgiven me; for I believe that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven me." And in a little while, with his head on the bosom of his father, Joseph breathed his last, and passed back to his God.
That's it. That's all you have to believe: I believe that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven me." It only takes a second to be saved for eternity.
This is a email I just sent my mom:
"I hope you are staying warm. It is very important for your health to stay warm. I am constantly chasing my wife around when she is home to make sure she is warm. Sometimes I go get her cloths and put them on her in the morning's when she is fixing her tea and healthy cakes she makes; in the morning. It is very cute; the way she lifts her feet and holds her arms up for her shirt. I thank the Lord all the time for her and the love we share, in audible prayer with her."
I am always amazed how my wife took the place of my family when I met her. The bible says:
Mark 10:7-9
7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;
8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.
9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
I hope all people are staying warm. If not and people are suffering, whoever they are; I pray for them to scream out in silent prayer to the "King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords." for help. I hope they do not stop screaming in prayer to the Lord; until they are safe and warm. People say; if there is a God, why is there suffering? I believe it is God Himself who causes people to suffer for the simple reason He wants them to cry out to Him for help.
Revelation 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
January 14 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Grace Part 4
Mr. Dorset went up to the West End of London to a most beautiful place and rang the bell. A servant dressed in livery came to the door. Mr. Dorset inquired if his master was in, and was told that he was. He was taken into the drawing-room, and while he was waiting there for the man of the house to come down, he looked around him. There was not a thing that heart could desire that had not been laid out on that beautiful home. By and by the man came into the room. Mr. Dorset got up and went across the room to shake hands with him. He said, " You have a son, sir, by the name of Joseph, have you not? The father's hand fell by his side. His countenance changed. Mr. Dorset saw that he had made him very angry. He said in a great rage, " No, sir. And if you have come here to talk to me about that worthless vagabond, I want you to leave my house. I don't allow any one to mention his name in my presence. He has been dead to me for years, and if you have been to him you have been deceived. He cannot be relied upon." He turned on his heel to go out of the room, to leave him.
January 13 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Grace Part 3
The young man shook his head, " Christ don't love me." " Why not?" " I have sinned against Him all my life." " I don't care if you have. He loves you still, and He wants to save you." And he preached Christ to him there. He told him of the glorious grace of God. He told him that God could save him, and he read to him out of the Bible. The light of the gospel began to dawn upon that darkened mind, and the first sign of a new life was, his heart went out toward those whom he had injured, and he said, ' ' If I could only know that my father would forgive me, I could die in this garret happy." He asked him where his father lived. He said, " In the West End of London." Mr. Dorset said, " I will go up and see him, and will ask him if he will not forgive you." The young man shook his head. ""I don't want you to do that. Why, sir, my father had disowned me. He has disinherited me. My father has had my name taken off the family record. He does not own me any more as his boy. I am as dead, sir, to him If you go and talk to him about me, he will get angry and order you out of the house, and you have been so kind to me I don't want your feelings hurt."
January 12 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Grace Part 2
He is dying, and I can't make him believe that there is any hope for him. I wish you would go and see him." The man of God said he would be glad to go. She took him down one of those narrow streets until they came to an old filthy building. She said, "I think, perhaps, you can manage him better alone." It was a five-story building. He went up stairs to the upper story, and found a young man lying there upon some straw; there was no bed. Ah, the way of the transgressor is hard! He had got clear down into great poverty and want, and there he was sick and dying. Mr. Dorset bent over him, whispered into his ear, and called him friend. The young man looked up at him astonished. " You are mistaken, sir, in the person. You have got in the wrong place." "How is that?" asked Mr. Dorset. " Well, sir, I have no friend; I am friendless." He said, " You have a friend." Then he told him of the sinner's friend. He told him how Christ loved him.
January 11 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS 1900
Grace Part 1
There is a story told of William Dorset, that Yorkshire farmer. He was preaching one night in London, and he made the remark that there was not a man in all London so far gone but that the grace of God could save him. That is a very strong assertion, for there are some pretty hard cases in London, a city of four million inhabitants. You go into the east of London and see that awful pool of iniquity; the stream of death and misery flows right on. But he made that statement, that there was not a man or woman in all London so far gone but that the grace of God could save them. It fastened in a young lady's mind, She went home that night, and the next morning she went to see the Yorkshire farmer. She said, " I heard you preach last night, and I heard you say that there was not a man so far gone in all London, but that the grace of God could save him." She said, "Did you really mean it?" "Why?" he said, "certainly I meant it." "And do you think that there is not a man in all London but that can be saved if he will be? " " Why, certainly," said Mr. Dorset, "not a man." " Well," she said, " I am a missionary, and I work down in the East End of London, and I have found a man there who says that there is no hope for him.
January 10 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Grace Part 4
That is what the grace of God is for. There is not a man, woman or child in this city so far gone but the grace of God can save him. What we want is, as Christians, to be up and publishing the tidings, proclaiming the glorious gospel of Christ. It is a gospel of glad tidings. My friends, make haste. Take the torch of salvation and carry it down into the dark lanes, and dark alleys, and dark homes, and light them up with the glorious gospel of the Son of God. Jesus is mighty to save. His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. He is a mighty Savior, but the world don't know it. The world has been deceived by the devil; has been blinded by the god of this world. What we want is to tell them that Christ is able to save, and that He is ready to save.
January 09 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Grace Part 3
It was refreshing to preach the gospel of the Son of God to that poor man. I prayed with him, and after I prayed with him, he didn't ask me for any money, but I took him to a place where he was provided for that night, and the next morning I had a friend go to the pawnbroker's to get his coat; got his coat upon him, and in a little while he came out a decided Christian; and when Mr. Sankey and myself went to Europe, We did not leave a brighter light in all the western states than that young man. The grace of God found him. The grace of God saved him, and the grace of God has kept him.
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
January 08 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Grace Part 2
He thought he could not be saved. But it was for the like of him. I talked with him, and found out what his trouble was. He was just one of those poor unfortunate men that liquor had got the mastery of, and, although it was one of the coldest nights, he had no coat on. He drank that up. He said that within the past six months he had drank up twenty thousand dollars. "And now," said he, "my wife has left me, and my children, and my own father and mother have cast me off, and I expected to die here in the gutter one of these nights. I expected this was my last night." He said, " I didn't come in to hear you; I came in to get warm, but my heart is broken. Do you think the grace of God can save me, a poor, miserable, vile wretch like me?" I said, " Yes."
January 07 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Grace Part 1
I remember preaching upon the grace of God once in Chicago, to a fashionable congregation, and I was just hungering for some souls. I was anxious that the grace of God might find some one there, and while I was preaching I was looking around to see if I could see any one that was anxious to be saved. At the close of the meeting I said, " If there is any one here that wants to be saved, I will be glad to stay and talk with him." It was one of the coldest nights of the winter, and they all got up and went out, and my heart sank within me. I looked all around and did not see any one wait. I got my overcoat, and was the last one to leave, as I supposed; but as I got to the door, I saw a man behind the furnace. He was crying as if his heart would break. I sat down by his side and I said, ' ' What is the trouble? " He said, "Well, you said something to-night that broke my heart." "What is it?" "You said that the grace of God was for the likes of me." I said, "That is good; I am glad it has reached you."
January 06 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
In the second chapter of Titus, eleventh and twelfth verses, Paul says, "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men." I can imagine a man says, " Do you think that is really true? " " Yes." "What! Does that mean drunkards?" "Yes, every drunkard in this city." "What! Do you mean all these harlots that are walking the streets to-night?" "Every harlot the grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to every man." " What! Do you mean gamblers? " ' ' Yes, every gambler. " ' ' And these murderers down here in prison, and some that haven't been caught?" "Yes; every murderer. The grace of God hath appeared, bringing salvation to all men." If men are lost, it is because they spurn God's gift. They spurned His offer of mercy. It is not that God don't offer it. It is as free as the air we breathe.
That's right we can not pay God for his gift's. When God see's our Laodicean Church and all the money we have; God say's: I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Revelation 3:14-22
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
January 05 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Now, the question comes, "To whom does he offer this gift? To the righteous? He offers it to the world. He offers it to sinners; and if a man can prove that he is a sinner, I can prove he has got a Savior. If man can prove he was born into this world, I can prove that God has provided a Savior for him. " God gave Him up," says Paul, "freely for us all." I like these texts that have these sweeping assertions that take us all in. " God gave him up for us all." Christ did not die for Paul any more than He did for the rest of us. He tasted death for us all. " That is what I believe," says a man down there, "and every man will be saved." Yes, every man that will lay hold of the cross will be saved. If ye die in your sins, where I am ye cannot come.' If a man goes on sinning, violating the law of God, trampling it under his feet, and will not take the yoke of God upon him down here, do you think he is going into the kingdom of God? Do you think he will have any taste for heaven?
January 04 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Now, don't you see that it is a gift? All through the Bible it is called a gift. If it is a gift, it must be without works; it must be without money. It would be no gift at all if you paid for it, if you paid a farthing. It is a gift from God. But you can spurn the gift. You can trample it under your feet. You can say " I will not have grace." Then you must have judgment. If any man will not have grace, he must have judgment. If a man will not have mercy, he must have punishment. Is not that the teaching of the Scriptures? God says, " I delight in mercy; I want to give you the gift of eternal life." The wages of sin is death." Man has got to take his wages, whether he wants to or not. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."
Just sent this email to my mom:
I'm your son:
Ephesians 6:1-3 - Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Read More...)
Exodus 20:12 - Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Proverbs 30:17 - The eye [that] mocketh at [his] father, and despiseth to obey [his] mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.
Try telling that to all those cynical people out there and those who believe everything physcology tell's people.
January 03 2019:
I sure am enjoying reading a little on Grace every day. I am so happy. I am almost expert on the subject of Grace. It's simple; I do not deserve forgiveness of my sins, no one does. Grace is forgiveness without deserving it. A precious gift to someone that does not deserve it at all. A gift of eternal life for people that do not deserve it. The Bible in other words The Word of God and all it's promises and gifts; to human beings that do not deserve it one bit. That's Grace.
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Now, if you ever get salvation, you have to take it as a gift. You cannot buy it, and you cannot get it by your good works.
Suppose I should say to this audience if anybody wants this Bible, he can have it, and a man steps up; I reach out the Bible; he takes it, puts it under his arm and starts off home. He gets home, and his wife says, ' ' John, where did you get that Bible?" And he says, " Why, Mr. Moody gave it to me." That would be a gift. But suppose I should say, I will give that Bible to any one that wants it, and a man comes up and says, "Mr. Moody, I don't just like your terms. I don't like to be under obligations to you," and that is about the way with sinners; they do not like to be under obligations to God. So this man says, " I would like to take it, but not on your terms. I will give you twenty-five cents for the Bible." I know it is worth a good deal more than that; but suppose I take the twenty-five cents, and the man goes home with the Bible under his arm, and his wife says, "John, where did you get that Bible?" He says, " I bought it." It is no gift at all. He bought it.
January 02 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Paul says, in the fourth chapter of Romans and fifth verse, "It is to him that worketh not, but believeth." We get salvation by faith and not by works. Not but that salvation is worth working for. It is worth climbing mountains, crossing rivers, swimming streams, crossing deserts and lakes, and going round the world on our hands and knees for. It is worth it, no doubt about it, but you can't get it in that way, you can't get it by works. "It is to him that worketh not, but believeth." If I employed a man to work for me all day, and I gave him two dollars for the day's work, and he goes home, and his wife says to him, "John, where did you get that two dollars? " and he said, "I worked and earned it," there would be no grace about it at all. But suppose he is sick and could not work, or suppose I did not have any work for him, and he was in distress, and I gave him two dollars. He goes home, and his wife says, "John, where did you get that money?" and he says, " Why, it is a gift; Mr. Moody gave it to me."

That's right we can not pay God for his gift's. When God see's our Laodicean Church and all the money we have; God say's: I will spue thee out of my mouth.

14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
January 05 2019:
Now, the question comes, "To whom does he offer this gift? To the righteous? He offers it to the world. He offers it to sinners; and if a man can prove that he is a sinner, I can prove he has got a Savior. If man can prove he was born into this world, I can prove that God has provided a Savior for him. " God gave Him up," says Paul, "freely for us all." I like these texts that have these sweeping assertions that take us all in. " God gave him up for us all." Christ did not die for Paul any more than He did for the rest of us. He tasted death for us all. " That is what I believe," says a man down there, "and every man will be saved." Yes, every man that will lay hold of the cross will be saved. If ye die in your sins, where I am ye cannot come.' If a man goes on sinning, violating the law of God, trampling it under his feet, and will not take the yoke of God upon him down here, do you think he is going into the kingdom of God? Do you think he will have any taste for heaven?
January 04 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Now, don't you see that it is a gift? All through the Bible it is called a gift. If it is a gift, it must be without works; it must be without money. It would be no gift at all if you paid for it, if you paid a farthing. It is a gift from God. But you can spurn the gift. You can trample it under your feet. You can say " I will not have grace." Then you must have judgment. If any man will not have grace, he must have judgment. If a man will not have mercy, he must have punishment. Is not that the teaching of the Scriptures? God says, " I delight in mercy; I want to give you the gift of eternal life." The wages of sin is death." Man has got to take his wages, whether he wants to or not. "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life."
Just sent this email to my mom:
I'm your son:
Ephesians 6:1-3 - Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. (Read More...)
Exodus 20:12 - Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Proverbs 30:17 - The eye [that] mocketh at [his] father, and despiseth to obey [his] mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.
Try telling that to all those cynical people out there and those who believe everything physcology tell's people.
January 03 2019:

From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900
Now, if you ever get salvation, you have to take it as a gift. You cannot buy it, and you cannot get it by your good works.

January 02 2019:
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900

January 01 2019:
Happy New Year 2019
Let me just say this I have bought Wahl products before, (years ago), 2 times and they have wound up in the trash. One, the soft handle corroded off all by itself. One just stopped working for no reason.
Recently I bought the Wahl Chrome Pro and it was amazing. You know when you are sitting in the barber chair and the barber trims your head with ease. I have tried Wahl home trimmers before to no avail. If you buy a Wahl hair trimmer just make sure it says Pro, because today it really means Pro. I have always been a fan of the military style haircut after living around the military bases where my wife was stationed. Wahl Pro hair trimmers will eliminate you having to pay the barber for a great high and tight haircut.
From: Dwight Lyman Moody's LIFE WORK AND GOSPEL SERMONS printed: 1900

Then, in the eleventh chapter of Romans and sixth verse, Paul says, " And if by grace, then it is no more of works; otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace." He is there bringing out the point. He says, if men are saved by works, there is no grace about it at all.
This series is called Fun To Draw; because these are my favorite things to draw.
See The Artist of this Blog in Video's
August 14 2019:
I posted this because I had a serious problem with my YouTube videos on this blog. It was actually jamming the page making it nonfunctional. I do not post here until January so it is a good thing I checked it. I did my best to fix everything and will have to keep a eye on this blog more often.
It seems Google has changed there ability to post YouTube Videos on a blog. It is s good think I have them backed up on my Google Drive so I am pasting them all here:
Here are the links to the above videos:
Mars Worm Hole:
This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret. It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet. I post many links on this blog for example and am not affiliated with any of the links at all. I have no idea who posts any of the YouTube links I post here for example. I have my YouTube home page here: and that is the only posts I have ever made on YouTube. I love YouTube and Google and the inexhaustible amount of information they provide. Posting links here to tie all my art into it; in order to promote it and to promote other artists as well: is a invaluable tool. Appreciation for a open and free internet is immeasurable; to exercise the right of free expression.
This is a picture of my dad in 1991. |
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This was my dad who was US Air Force Veteran from about 1957 to 1961 in Great Falls, Montana where I was born. |
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My Wife a US Army Vet from 1992 - 2001. |
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My dad and me around 1962 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base where I was born.![]() This is where I was born, cool huh? High ranking Air Force doctors delivered me into this world. It's all on my birth certificate. Check it out: Malmstrom Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base and census-designated place in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, United States. It was named in honor of World War II POW Colonel Einar Axel Malmstrom. Wikipedia |
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I made this from my favorite war movie: Saving Private Ryan |
Google Drive:
I have something very cool to share with you all! It took me about 14 years to post it; but I am excited to make this available on Google Drive. I am posting this on top and will leave it here. These are interactive programs I made in Collin College around the year 2003, for my Macromedia Director class with Mike McGee.
8 Ball! I had a 8 Ball that stopped working. I cracked it open and made this totally random program. Just click on the 8 Ball for a random answer every time. I did the 3D work in Tom Ottinger's Cinema 4D Class. Listen to the opening sound effect I made; it is very spooky.
Next is a interactive Radman_Art introduction. It stars Mega Radman and Deadman; 2 characters in my 3d Animations I made in Tom Ottinger's Classes. Just click on the character and they have a conversation with each other. The volume is in the middle. It also features animations. Just click the character that turns lime green.
Next is a little birdy chirp mini program, I made to commemorate the wonderful birds; I hear singing all the time around here in Collin County.
I know you will love them so I will say; your welcome.
A Intro To This Blog:
Please do not judge this blog by this page only. Use the menu on the right and view all the art images of art I created. Everything here is Rated G.
Then after that, view all my YouTube videos I created; also Rated G, here: or just put Radman_Art in YouTube search.
After you have done that, read as much as you can of the encyclopedia's worth of posts (also Rated G); I have posted on this blog and YouTube.
Then and only then, can you can properly judge the positive contribution I have made to the art world and the internet. Also you can then judge; whether or not I have posted more original art than any one else on the internet.
This is a mirror Blog I made for when this blog stopped working. I just used this account to ad another blog because this blog stopped working. I do not update the mirror Blog as often as this Blog.
Here is the address in case this ever happens again:
January 15 2017:
I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.
If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:
My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:
My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:
Follow link below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
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Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
This is the first time this has been posted on the internet. Crank up the quality setting and be transported.
I think I thought of this from spending so much time at home doing homework for college, The idea is your home is transported to another dimension while your in it with out you knowing it. Sram? A play on words for a backwards story. Again I am using the mars theme as a backdrop for the movie. The fact that the first Mars rover landed on Mars at the time is probably the reason I chose Mars. The beam shows the wormhole from Mars to earth. Oh how adorable in my wife's words are my dogs when they were puppies, I love them just as much today as then. The scene with me drawing is a collage type drawing I never completed; long before all my great paintings within paintings were completed. That is my art desk I use to this day. The photos in the corner are of me as a child. Of course that is my wife in the hand made India tapestry. She is supposed to be a spirit I should have used transparency on her. The entire script comes from my head at the time it was made around 2004. The idea was the house was very close to Mars in it's rotation around the earth. I posted the house scene on my YouTube channel a while ago in expectation of posting this. The video has great Maya creations of my work. The space background unlike the Alien Flyboy was made by me in Photoshop. The spacey part is me dreaming. You can barely see my wife with the tapestry in the background throwing the Frisbee. The ending is bloopers of my laughing so hard I can not talk.
Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:
Hey I have a IMDB homepage!
I have been a fan of the website since college. I had to use this website for many projects in college:
This is the address:
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I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at above email address. |
August 11 2018:
I changed all my files on Google Drive. You do not have to be logged in to Google to download all my great free files; anymore. Anyone can download them now.
Here is a list of all my available downloads:
Copy of radmanart_sk8_footy_1_11_2018.wmv:
Free Bible setup 1110.exe
King James Bible 1611.pdf
M.H. Reynolds,
Misc Bible Audio from
Pastor MH Reynolds JR 1985 -
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IV Done May 25 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IX done June 18 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI Done June 3 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII done June 7 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VIII done June 11 2017.wmv
Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_X Done June 25 2017.wmv
Reynolds 89 -90 RevelationJohn F. Walvoord .zip
WDTBS - MISC - 1981 - 1984 radmanart
WDTBS - Misc 1979 - 1983 radmanart
Audio Bible
Books By My Favorite
Desktop Wallpaper made for background for youtube for Radmanart
From: Addresses ON Prophecy Dr. C. I. SCOFIELD Printed 1975

Fundamental Evangelistic Association and all of it's church's was the only church organisation I could recommend in 1988 and the only church organisation I can recommend today. Click here: |