I made these last year for my phone, mostly to send to my wife. I used the online gif animation maker. I used graphics that I found on Google images and added the most important word affirmative. I made this because usually when I send this to my wife; I am playing my favorite one and only online game of over 8 years now; World of Tanks. I plan on using my American M4 Improved tank mostly this year. I have the turbo boost on it for extra power. Sometimes I trick it out with 3 huge and 2 small American flags.

For years I have known about this camo available only by WOT. Recently on my usual trip to the Home Depot; I tried to use my Military ID and was refused because she said Home Depot only takes military ID on the phone. (I know that my military ID is good for ever; told to me personally by the military.) I knew from WOT; that a online military ID, was attainably online. So through WOT I got it done. They give you this very cool camo when you do. The photo above is my tank with my new camo.
Below is my very distinct markings I always have on my favorite tank The Patriot Tank. |