Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Radman_Art Blog Homepage 2025 Updated On January 1st with all new art for 2025

This page is reserved for art by me; only. Basically my home page will be reserved for art only. That was my intention when I first started this blog and is mentioned throughout the years on this blog. No politics. I try to keep every page on this blog that way.
This is my update for this year; 2025, Home Page.
Happy New Year  You try to do better. I have been under attack everyday I have tried to contribute to the internet; since day one. I have more things wrong with my computer everyday; more than anyone should have. Why is this page not secure? What does that mean? I should have given up the day after I launched this blog; 12 years ago. Struggle on, I go; in the name of love. When I say from day one I mean the first time I logged on to the internet around 1994. I think my biggest enemy on the internet is people that lie about themselves and others. That is why I am against all conspiracies and anything like that. As long as the lying people with emotional problems are the minority of humans we will be alright. The problem with the internet is people try to reflect that the crazy's are in charge. Yep it was a good year for me as I returned to my roots. For many, many years I did pencil and ink only. It was not until I attended college and took painting classes (many times the same classes more than once) that I started to paint. That was in 2001. Like I always say my house is running out of room to store paintings. I can always put drawings in a box. I have a abundance of boxes filled with art. The art on my new art page and here; are all done on 4 inch times 6 inch blank index cards. I sprayed each one with lots of Grumbacher matte art fixative. I could do a art show with these as well as any of my art from this blog I have done on paper since 2012. Like I mentioned above I am always struggling with the internet and keeping my computer running in good condition. My computer is getting old now and I hate the constant revving it makes when I do 3D art; because of this I have decided to not do 3D art last year. One of the main reasons I did ink (the first time on this blog) is because I can actually buy Micron Pens in most department stores; this still amazes me. I would always have to go to some fancy art store and spend too much for them. I think one of the reasons these pens are more popular is because of people like me talking about them online. Sometimes I think this blog is a culmination of all I wanted to do on the internet. I really wanted to make a place with a overwhelming amount of art by me. I have done that; yet in my heart and soul, I want to continue to work very hard and pile on even more art in the years to come. What make me do that? Maybe it is to prove my naysayers wrong. No matter how hard I try I can not sell any of my art or even get a job for graphic design; (something I went to college for 8 years and have 3 state certified certificates for. Somehow it is because of lack of recognition that makes me want to make more art and artistic breakthroughs. I always think of Van Gough and how he never sold any art work. What he must have felt like creating art no matter what. I can not relate to his mental health problems most likely brought about by his reclass live style; though and that makes me even more amazed his art sells for millions. I always get angry a little; when I see creators sponsored for millions of dollars, when they live a terrible life, while I live the life of a saint, always being good, even if it means swallowing my pride constantly as a lifestyle. I am the underdog and America love the underdog. I hope you like my new art. I know. Last year I thought; who do I want to do art for? You people around here. You know who you are. I live amounts you. I decided to do this page for all the people I am around everyday; especially my wife who loves horse's. It is all about love! Because I care! This is what AI says about the word Care as love.: "Care is love" means that the act of caring for someone deeply is essentially an expression of love, implying that when you truly care for another person, it demonstrates a level of affection and concern that is closely tied to love itself; it suggests that caring is a fundamental component of love. This page should load fast. I finally got a new scanner. I have had my old scanner since 2001. It had a tiny gash in it. I actually had someone online point it out to me one time. I had to use an old computer to use it, because the software went out of date. That old computer died. Another failed computer investment. I do nothing but spend money for the internet with nothing to show for it; except for broken computer stuff and bills. My old computer probably died from the software and hardware attacks that seem to run rampant online. Do not tell me they can not attack your hardware because I think they can. I have had broken drivers to my hardware on my computer since I can remember. The Microsoft warning for that says these drivers to my hardware could be used against my computer maliciously. I have tried extensively to learn how to fix it but have never prevailed against it. The new scanner is a good scanner. I do not want a all in one; that seems to be the only option these days. Like I need a fax machine. I am getting better at using the new scanner. I think the quality of the scans can improve as I get to use it more. I can always scan things like old photos and things like that; so this has many uses besides the internet. At least that money was not spent only for the money tanking, aggravating, internet. We are snowed in right now. It is unreal. Here is a link to the video on it: The video is of the highway not far from where we live. We are praying for this terrible weather to leave us. I am sure the damage this storm will do; is not good. I took screen shot of what our highway looked like yesterday from the above mentioned video, here: on the very bottom of the page. You can also see the video on that page if you want. The burden of life seems to be on us all; no matter who or where we are. Whatever it may be; we all suffer in this life. I was thinking to myself today that we never retire. We work until we die. Work is a part of life. If you are alive you have to work at it. The purposed driven life seems to be the only alternative to letting it get you down and that takes even more work. I think Gods makes us all suffer; so we need Him more. He just wants us to cling to Him no matter what. You have to have love in this world to cope with it all. Without love it boggles my mind how people can survive. I have to make a kind of correction on what I said about computer viruses that can break your hardware. It is very rare that, that takes place through computer viruses. I am probably not a victim of that. I do however have a active troll ware virus that haunts me constantly. I have to deactivate it often and the cure is way to complex for me to fix, besides getting another computer. Thanks again internet. Love this album. Lyrics from the song Just Paul Wall: "I kept my faith in God, even in my younger days I gave my life to Christ, got down on my knees and prayed" Going into art mode soon. That means much less video games. It is time to submerge myself into artwork. I will still play a little bit every day. About 15 percent of what I used to play last year on my off time. If you read last year's homepage; you can kind of tell when that was. Love all my Radmanart fans though. I did the best art ever now. I did like I was doing it 1000 times; just like that. I had my wife shouting how much she liked it too. I never do artwork when my wife and I have our time off together. It is like a pretty bird flew into my house and started singing a beautiful song. I do not want to miss the tiniest moment of my pretty bird's song. I like to focus all my attention on her and her needs as much as possible. What prompted me to republish this page this time; was I sat down all psyched up to play WOT and I lost about 9 battles and won only one. I assume this is because it was just after a update. After a update I have always suspected the programmers play with maxed out tanks that are just given to them without them having to spend years upgrading it like normal people. My mistake was to be so psyched up. Still they misuse the game this way and that is what made me full of righteous anger. I pasted the above from my newly updated: I hate World of Tanks page. Look; I love WOT, Okay? It is the only way I have fun somedays. It is a life line to me. I have always loved tank games since the mid 1990's when I first used the internet. World of Tanks is like a dream come true for me. I realized something yesterday. The best way to play is not to have any emotion. I have always believed that emotion is the path to the dark side. Ever since I left the Pentecostal church when I was about 21 years old; I vowed to be as less emotional as I can. You can read about that in the 3 pages I have dedicated to my Father here, here and here.  I also drink Yogi Tea for stress and energy; that helps me very much to enjoy the game more and perform better. I always have been a big fan of Yogi Tea. Who knows if you play the game you may spot me sometimes with my red white and blue veterans tank; thanks to my wife. Click here to see my very distinct markings I always have on my favorite tank The Patriot Tank; (bottom of the page) when I do not have my red white and blue on it. Also I want to ad that nothing makes my troll ware (mentioned above) go off as often as WOT, when in play. I have always prayed about my art and dedicate that to God and even my game play on WOT. That is what helps me the most in my game play with WOT. I still believe this game is manipulated and should be reprimanded by EULA. If after being exposed as a money grubbing, unfair game, they refuse to stop and change; maybe the only option is to take them down. I must admit I would be sad to see that. Speaking of my sweet wife. I asked her one day if she wanted me to do art; when we have our days off together and she said no. I am so dedicated to her; I would literally do anything for her. She knows when I do artwork; I go away. I am no longer on earth; spiritually, when I take pencil to paper. When I do art; it really feels like I am transcended away. All my art starts with intricate pencil; always have and always will. The last art I did on our time off together was this. I did not like it because it took time away from us together. When she said no art on our time off, I knew exactly what that meant; that meant she wants all my attention and I am more than happy to give her that in abundance forever. I want more than anything to spend eternity wife. We have prayed about that many times together. She is my everything and has been since we met back in 1986. We have been married for almost 40 years now. I have strong, life long beliefs in the sanctity of marriage. I can not deny the power of the sanctity of marriage. I am sure my Sicilian heritage has a long line of faithful husbands. It always inspired me growing up in New England to see the interaction of Sicilian men and their wives. They were tough as nails and had a undeniable loyalty to their wives at the same time, Sicilian's are known for their loyalty. You might say; it is in my blood to be loyal to my wife and my country. I love quoting Pro Deo et patria. I quoted it here last year too. This paragraph was updated There is another way you can recognize my tank in my favorite game ever. Sometimes when I have the rare occasion that I talk to someone around here, that kind of cares about me and I tell them about my art and this blog; they ask me, are you making any money at it? I just figured out why I love the song White Rapper so much. It is because this dude that makes the most awesome rap music; is out of his field, yet he never gives up making it. That is me. I make art that no one will ever buy and I just can not stop making it. Made my wife shout how much she loved my new art; that I made again. I do not know why I get so excited about music I like; it is probably because it is the end of the day and I am tired from all the work I do everyday.  To be honest I really like Rittz but not completely. Some of his songs I have to fast forward through; like his songs about drugs. I have been doing that for years; like the Slowhand Album by Eric Clapton and Workingman's Dead by the Grateful Dead. I never liked drugs in my music like that; it is not right. When I think of that subject matter I think of violence and I am against violence. I base my whole life on being at peace with my surroundings. I think people should go without meat once and a while; to be healthier, mentally and physically. It is just that I really relate to lyrics like this by Rittz from the above mentioned song.: I used to hate when people asked me what I do for a living It feels great to tell 'em you're a musician Until they ask what type of music, I tell 'em I rap Then they laugh, looking at me, they be like "who are you kidding?" Instead of a musician I am a artist in those lyrics and I do not make a penny so it is even worse me. Do not ever think I am begging for money though; I never mean to do that. Remember this video?: Watch it at the 4minute 30 second mark. It's a gooden! The first street style rale slide. 😊 I am going to forgive WOT again, but every time have to repost the page I update it and when I do it makes me righteously angry with them, again. If all I had to be upset about is a video game; I consider myself blessed. I think I will not update this time it has been a rough weekend with them. I have work to be done on my political blog this week after all; that can get tough sometimes. All is good as always here home on the range; other than my video game problems. I have much to be thankful for, like my good loving wife and my buddy the border collie. We are going to have pot pies today for dinner. I haven't had that for years. I like the large single serving size. The small size has more crust than pie; in my opinion. I love hot food when it is cold; it comforts me. I live for comfort. I am turning it out almost everyday; getting my wife to be full of glee at the site of my new creations. Nothing makes me happier than bringing joy to my wife. We will be celebrating our anniversary and her birthday this week. We have been married almost 40 years; 37 years officially but we lived together; common law for 2 years before we tied the knot, officially. She wants what we call Jimmy Johns for dinner. When they first opened; they actually brought subs to my wife's place of employment for free as a sample. Ever since then; we were hooked on Jimmy Johns. We went there a couple of times and then realized we can make this at home with Boars Head deli meat; they are still the best. I do recommend them; their bread and fixin's are really good. I made a new petition for WOT.: It's a gooden. Check it out.: Imagine us all fighting the bad guys together. It would make the game so much more worth while and inspire us all to remember history correctly; in order to not repeat it. You do away with all the Nazi tanks. To be more historically accurate you make the red team all Nazi bots. You could offer it as a alternative to random battles at first. Call it Random Battles 2 or something like that. No Nazi tanks aloud by humans except if they volunteer to be on the Nazi bot team,  this would other player to defeat them all the more. 15 humans' verse 15 Nazi bots and volunteer players. The bots could make up the difference; because I am sure not many people would like to be on the Nazi bot team. See? Or up the number of players; since it might be easier to program with bots. That is a great idea! This is my idea; I came up with. To my knowledge no one has had this idea. I think having Nazi tanks fighting along side of other country's; creates a atmosphere of hate and is the reason so many players of World of Tanks are so negative. Sign here.: We all go down for the sacrificial moment Crucifixion nails stain the bed of the holy Space thing blues diamond studded, sugar coated Well, I am hell a miracle overloading...etc. - White Zombie  These lyrics are unreal. Amazing! I remember seeing them in a old movie; thinking who are these dudes? Sure enough they went straight to the top. The rest is history. I can't get this band out of my head:((( ))) I was drawing my bath (I take baths for sore mules and it really works) when I started sing these lyrics: "Oh, distance has no way Of making love understandable". Then this morning I woke up and could hear these lyrics: "Don't cry You can rely on me honey". Then I figured out why I love this band: the singer sounds like me. I played it for my this morning and she shouted he does sound like you! They have a huge Wikipedia page: I saw the lead singer was on Parks and Rec. Tweedy has appeared as a fictional singer-songwriter on 2014 episodes of Parks and Recreation. See here. I have always loved the Album Yankee Foxtrot and always will. The art is burn inside me now, I am in the stage when I am in the moment of distraction and comfort, like I am a art making machine, it is like my hands and mind are taken control by the spirits of it all; when I do art. I sit down to do art and I become like; oh yeah, here I am again and this is what I do, without question, it just flows like that. We were watching , my second favorite movie of it's kind. I filmed myself and my wife in our old Nissan Sentra (stock with airfoil that; got totaled with me in it, on Wilmoth in McKinney) driving around the local reservoir out near Greenville, with this song playing: playing. I sent the VHS version to my mom back then and still have the original VHS video. That song is dedicated to my dad; who was a good man. It still breaks me up in the end of my favorite movie of GOTG2. Some things can not be described with words; is what I thought and said to my wife, this time when I watched the end of GOTG2. I keep tiny metal figurines of the Rocket Raccoon and Groot near my computer monitor to remind me of the exceptionality of strong spirits that exist on our planet that changes us all; that are of the good. I forgot to mention that not only are we celebrating when my wife and I got married and her birthday; also my border collie's birthday. When we got him, my wife had figured out when his birthday may have been (we do not know) and it was close enough to call it about this time of year also. We all got presents. I got some grey sweatpants my wife got a chalk board (something she wanted as a child and never got) and my buddy got another dog toy; added to his vast collection of dog toys, that he loves all, by name. Made some online AI art today. See here. I reposted my IHWOT page because my virus was acting up way more than normal. I have always suspected my troll ware virus was related to WOT. It is still doing it now; so maybe it was not WOT. Sorry if it was not. Remember I really do love playing WOT very much and I really do not want to go out of business. I will be getting a premium account as soon as I a done doing art. This is taking away from my regular art but it is worth it. I committing myself to this one more and final time. Stay tuned it may take 2 more days. So do not forget to check out my cool 3d art on the bottom of the menu to the right. It is the bomb. Or click here. Also see bottom of menu on right. I just want to say that since I have complained about the trollware virus in my computer it has gone to turning on 3 to 4 times a day to constantly going on. Obviously someone who doe not like me for caring about people for what ever reason; because that is all I am guilty of; has chosen to harass me with trollware constantly. You know what is sad about hackers; sometimes they go to prison. Hollywood loves to glorify hackers; like in the 1st Jurassic Park movie, that is what makes it so sad. I love computer software and seem to be spiritually connection to it. Hackers need to make great software; not destroy the very world they helped create. Isn't that human nature though; to be self destructive? Without the Lord's righteous indignation we would forever be victims to hackers online. I guess we can only pray that the good programmers always win; kind of like the movie Tron. Well I am going to show you some more of my spiritual connection to computer software again soon so stay tuned to my AI ART RadmanArt Style page. Love and peace to everyone and anyone I try to help with my blogs; now and forever, amen. Bush Center event to honor women’s US Army battalion that delivered mail in WWII Bush Center hosts event to honor the Legacy of the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. Updated Feb. 10, 2025 at 5:30 a.m. CST: See here. My wife was in the US Army. Sometimes I think she did that for me; like in my place. I wanted to join but never did. Do you know how many Americans join the service? Statistic say about 1% of Americans join the service. All is well as always on the home on the range. I am having fun every second of everyday that I can. I am getting really good at making my wife happy with new art work about 5 days a week. Sometimes through any day to day problems I have day ; it is so nice to lose myself in my art. It is like covering myself up in a huge warm blanket. I recently added a sister page of this blog. I used my Gmail to sign into to make another co-ship page of this blog. I have had a copy of my political page there since 2012. I was having trouble with my blog here not loading say it is not a secure site. Why would you need a secure page for a web page that you are not buying something from? Is Google a secure page? The good thing is; since I made a sister ship page of this blog, Chrome does not do that anymore. I plan on working on this some more latter. Here is a link to it.  It is good to make doubly sure that RadmanArt is available to inspire artists and fans of art all over the world. Once I started my word to this day. Oh Brother Ali with your Undisputed Truth CD that I have loved and still LOVE; rings true in my head to this day! I bought it at Best Buy when it came out. I was in there with a store credit or something like that. I had recently bought Atmosphere You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having and Aesop Rock Fast Cars Danger and Knives. I saw that CD and thought: this has got to be good, and it was. This song and the next song (Tack Me Home) rings in my head day and night!: I was so much into back then. I have never regretted the purchase of those 3 CD's. I used to buy used allot back then and used trade ins to by CD's. I still enjoy those 3 CD's to this day. I really like the Brother Ali CD and am never really bothered by the lyrics concerning his religion. I have always been comfortable other religions. Freedom of religion is a American staple and one of the main reasons we are so prosperous. All is well here. My art is so great now. You'll see. It is 13 degrees here. This weather is agonizing but it is worth it for the farmers to kill of the insects. We are staying warm and hunkering down; one of my favorite things to do. Pizza day today! I love when my wife makes her homemade pan pizzas from scratch. It is amazing! I took a picture of them back when I first started this blog in 2012. Click here. Just added a new album on Flicker for the first time in since about the year 2001. Click here. I did this because I was inspired by a photo of our president at a Daytona 500 race. I have had a Flicker account since 2001 and then they went out of business, then they came back and I just lost track of it and lost interest in it. Maybe since the president is using it; it will make it more popular. I am not joking; my wife's pizza is the best thing I have eaten since the last time she made pizza, about two months ago. You Rock President Trump! Got this photo emailed to me yesterday; from the White House email list. I have racing in my blood. My cousin Tony Catanzaro was a pretty famous motocross racer. I raced my Ninja 1200 up and down 75 from 2001 and 2008 (for college); they were some of my favorite memories of my life. Love this photo, click here. I forgot to mention my uncle too. Steve Gasparelli the great funny car racer. This is how I remember his car.: Click here.  When I visited and slept over in his house with my wife around 1991; he crashed his car. I have a polaroid photo of it took when we were there. My favorite uncle Albert who owned his own convivence store back east; used to take me every week to watch flat track racing, sometimes Tony would race there. I saw Jimmy Elis there pull wheelies around the whole track one night there. Click here. Years latter I saw Jimmy as a commentator on the television show; Wild World of Sports.: I think maybe Tony's son may be a famous racer right now. Click here. Vroom, vroom, vroom! Love it. Love the smell of that supped up exhaust too. At night. Late at night. I remember that night when we broke off from the Garland Sonic and drove to a secret place to race our sport bikes. The police showed up with helicopters to try to stop us. Lucky me I spotted them long before I got there and left. It was very late at night. That is about as close to racing my Ninja 1200 on a track I ever got. I did my share of racing on 75 though; late at night. In those days the highway was pretty secluded so it was safe to race there then. Those days are long gone with all the growth here. "Third Coast born, that mean we're Texas raised.": Oh my the art work. I have heard this song many times. I just realized that third coast born means Texas is the third coast. It has allot of cuss words though. This album is Pall Wall's best hip hop album. People's Champ is thee best hip hop album ever; that has a pro Texas theme. People may say what is up with me? Why is he talking about the Bible so much? I have always been like this; I have just refrained from sharing it online. I think I have just gotten to the point in my life that I do not care what people think. Also I just like to help people any way I can. Another reason is the more you search the more you will see the internet is very Christian friendly. When I first gave my life to Jesus when I was 18 years old I did everything I could not to sin; thinking that would be the only way I could be able to talk about Jesus to others. I was actually a street preacher then and that was a real wake up to me. You need to watch the street preachers on YouTube to see what I mean. Between the ages of 18 and 19 and between the ages of 28 and 29 (at the skateboard parks mostly (my wife is my witness to many of those occasions between the ages of 28 and 29.) ) It seems like every 10 years I was prompted by the Holy Spirit then. I seemed to stop at the age of 38 though 🙁. I was just like a street preacher during those years. I have seen people reject Christ in ways that defied explanation. Although, always say online: I have no intention of being a church leader in anyway. I have learned at The Fundamental Church not to ever press Jesus on people because that may actually turn people from Jesus more. I remember visiting (search for his name on the link from my other home church; this dude was one in a billion, he worked for the nuclear power plant there. Also look him up on Google he has many hits for his name) Ric Llewellyn's house when I was living in California. He was like a assistant pastor there. To my amazement his only son denied Christianity and being a Christian. Ric Said they did not push it on him. God showed me that even a good Christian father and mother had to be very patient with there own child like that. The older I get the more I realize that we are very imperfect even as Christians. That does not mean we are to keep our relationship a secret from others. For many years on  the internet I have kept my Christianity a secret from the internet. I even went as far to publicly embrace Black Metal music and create what I call satanic artwork. The Satanic Church that I emailed said; it was not satanic art. I call it Black Metal Art because I got all my ideas from this dude in France that specializes in Black Metal CD covers; that are amazing artwork wise. I tried everything I could to not let people on the internet know that I was a Christian. My favorite was always talking bad about Christianity and how it is destroying our country; that is actually true, in many occasions: according to the Bible and us being the Laodicean Church. The lord says; "I will spue thee out of my mouth." In other words the Lord is disgusted with today's Christians. It was not until 2018 that I had enough. That is when I decided to dedicate two years of writing, on this blog; about the Fear of The Lord, the end of the world according to the Bible, my life as a Christian and Salvation. See it: herehere and here.  I have seen the hate of men look me right in the eye just because, in the prime of my life; I talked of salvation through he scriptures of the Holy Bible.  It just wants me to love us all; even more. If you must not read here again because God's Word makes you mad; so be it. Goodbye. I just wanted to share that song by Jeff Buckley. I just worked into the sentence to also state that I would like to speak about Jesus and the Bible more freely here and on my political blog. That Album is absolutely amazing. I do not think Jeff committed suicide. I grew up on the Connecticut river and I know that that river can become deadly at any moment. In fact my actual ancestors came up that river to settle in my home town there. The art work is going great it takes all my free time up these days. I know. Look; I look at myself from a distance and I do not believe it myself. This art ( I do almost everyday) is worth you to wait one year and then some for. When we first got our wonder dog he looked all around when he first got here. That first night. He looked around at all the art and looked at my wife and me and said to her; he did all this, didn't he? The other day I realized something about him. I show him every time I win my video game. I show him the screen when I win every time. If I show him the first screen he thinks nothing of it. If I wait and show him the next screen he pays attention because it is a cool graphic. I think my dog is the ultimate art critic. When and if; it comes down to it all is going down, I am with the Irish! My good Sicilian grandfather who built half of the great home town, I am from, in the east cost; saw it. We need to put all of our backs to the Irish if it comes to that. It Just came to me when I had to look up old crazy wild Kathy Griffin. Then this song came on.: This Wreck of a Life - Sam Roberts. These lyrics hit me hard because all my life I have said.: "When I was a boy I said to myself  That I'd never lean on anyone else". I still feel that way, but then I feel this way too; like the next and last song of this amazing album.: "And we all need someone to save our souls 'Cause the next time could be mine, could be yours". I say that about my grandfather because all his children went to the Irish Catholic school my grandfather befriended from early on and even built on the school; like the brownstone arch from the church to the school. I have written about it many times online. My sister and 2 brothers went there too, the only other bloodlines that went there. None of my aunts and uncles kids went to St. Johns; only us 4 kids. My two brothers mean nothing to me after all these years; it must be a guy thing. It is amazing how little men care about other men. My sister is still good till this day; she like my mom have always been a fan of me. I have recently found out my step mom and her family went there too. My step mom is Irish and came from a big family who lived originally not far from the St. John's school. My whole family gathered round the Irish back then: long before I was born. Of course I am always amazed by my Sicilian heritage but I will always be a fan of the Irish. See it: herehere and here. Search the pages for St. Johns. I had to rewrite the last thing I said here; I was tired and it was just before bed. You do not want to deal with me when I am tired or hungry. Although I am always of a sound mind.: 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Happy Saint Patrick's Day. I updated afore mentioned page today. All is well here as always. I have much to be thankful for. I am most thankful for God's Grace every moment of my life.  This is from my 2019 page; that seems to be a culmination of my study of the Bible on the internet.: January 03 2019: Me writing.: "I sure am enjoying reading a little on Grace every day. I am so happy. I am almost expert on the subject of Grace. It's simple; I do not deserve forgiveness of my sins, no one does. Grace is forgiveness without deserving it. A precious gift to someone that does not deserve it at all. A gift of eternal life for people that do not deserve it. The Bible in other words The Word of God and all it's promises and gifts; to human beings that do not deserve it one bit." The origin of my comment on Grace (mentioned above) is from my 2018 page.: December 05 2018: From: D.L. Moody's ANECDOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Published: 1877 GOLD Dwight L. Moody "We must not limit the mighty grace of God. Grace means undeserved kindness. It is the gift of God to man the moment he sees he is unworthy of God's favor." Moody is and always will be my favorite author and preacher. When I was in California I began to collect old Christian themed books that were recommended to me by my assistant pastor; mostly from the mid 1800's. My favorite book that I ever owned was ANECDOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. I mailed that book to my Sicilian grandmother who was my favorite relative; when I lived in California. I miss her so much; till this day. We have a blanket that she made by hand from yarn that is my wife's favorite blanket; we call it Grammy's blanket. I miss that book till this day. The good thing is I can access it anytime I want online; mostly from.: Click here. This link is thee best because you can see that beautiful embossed cover and turn the page's as you open them. If this book and it's stories do not touch your heart; there is something very wrong with you. I have never read a book like this; that speaks of the truthful burden and resolution of walking through this life, as a human being, on this planet. In this case you have to pay close attention to the whole book. Especially to those moments in life (illustrated by this book) that makes us all gasp at realizing; this is not about the characters in the book. It is about us all. Link.: Oh the artwork. The beautiful intricate artwork I created to rock your world again. I will not let you down. It is a new break though for you again and again until the end. Watch me Death defy Defile my life I don't need I don't care.: February March 17th, 2025.

See the rest of the art I did for this blog last year here.:

 Like I always; I say, please do not judge my art posted here for the way it looks. You really have to see this art in person; to really appreciate these little beauty's. Better yet; it would look even better on your wall in a frame. FYI; the scanner I used made some of the art look like it is cut off in sections; it is not. Each piece of art is on a neat 4x6 blank index card, sprayed with fixative to last many lifetimes over.

Horse Art Made in 2024 for 2025.

Butterfly Art I made in 2024 for 2025.

Spaghetti Western Art/Native American Art/Western I Art made in 2024 for 2025.

This disclaimer is for people that came to this web site for any purposes, other than to enjoy this site for it's artistic content or for portfolio reasons. If you came to this site to enjoy this web site for it's artistic content  first and foremost, or for portfolio purposes then ignore the following. This communication is for use by the intended recipient and contains information that may be privileged, confidential or copyrighted under applicable law. If you are not the intended  recipient, you are hereby formally notified that any use, copying or distribution of this communication in file or text format,  in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. This communication does not constitute consent to the use of sender's contact information for direct marketing purposes or for transfers of data to third parties. Also; Please forgive me if I goof up allot when I type. I am a free speech fanatic and it can be perceived as a bad typist to some. I can write whole sentences that do not mean what I want them to exactly. The bottom line is I need a good editor employed and have since I first typed anything on the internet. I do enjoy writing, though. I am long winded on paper and have been all my life. I consider writing to be a artistic, creative free expression. Many times I compose subjects that may have several different meanings; to inspire the reader to freely navigate the words. Sometimes I simply use poor grammar and sentence structure because I choose too, or rarely simply, by mistake. My thought is I am not getting paid, therefore there is no need to be stringent at all. I can create entire paragraphs that may have different meanings. I do believe in whole subjects being confined to paragraphs and sentences and rarely deviate from that. I would best describe things I write that are rarely deviated as the exception to the rule done with no regret. It is never my intension to be malicious or purposely misleading in anyway; intentionally with any type of destructive outcome. Also; this blog and all my websites and all my emails and everything I do on the internet is not affiliated with any one else or organization. I am totally independent in everything I do and always have been since I first started to use the internet. I post many links on this blog for example and am not affiliated with any of the links at all. I have no idea who posts any of the YouTube links I post here for example. I have my YouTube home page here: and that is the only posts I have ever made on YouTube. I love YouTube and Google and the inexhaustible amount of information they provide. Posting links here to tie all my art into it; in order to promote it and to promote other artists as well: is a invaluable tool. Appreciation for a open and free internet is immeasurable; to exercise the right of free expression.

Please, feel free to judge me by the people that have been hand in hand with; since the day I was born, to this very day.

This was my dad who was a police officer from about 1970 to 1996 in Middletown, Connecticut.
This is a picture of my dad in 1991.

This was my dad who was US Air Force Veteran from about 1957 to 1961 in Great Falls, Montana where I was born.

My Wife a US Army Vet from 1992 - 2001.

I had to re-scan this photo of my wife; because the original photo of her, I have been posting for years, is way too small. I tried many scans to try to get the fuzz of her left shoulder but it did not work. It is a part of the photo not my scanner.

My dad and me around 1962 at the Malmstrom Air Force Base where I was born.

This is where I was born, cool huh? 

 High ranking Air Force doctors delivered me into this world. 
It's all on my birth certificate. 
Check it out:

Malmstrom Air Force Base is a United States Air Force base and census-designated place in Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana, United States. It was named in honor of World War II POW Colonel Einar Axel Malmstrom. Wikipedia

I made this from my favorite war movie:
Saving Private Ryan 

Google Drive:
I have something very cool to share with you all! It took me about 14 years to post it; but I am excited to make this available on Google Drive. I am posting this on top and will leave it here. These are interactive programs I made in Collin College around the year 2003, for my Macromedia Director class with Mike McGee.

8 Ball! I had a 8 Ball that stopped working. I cracked it open and made this totally random program. Just click on the 8 Ball for a random answer every time. I did the 3D work in Tom Ottinger's Cinema 4D Class. Listen to the opening sound effect I made; it is very spooky.

Next is a interactive Radman_Art introduction. It stars Mega Radman and Deadman; 2 characters in my 3d Animations I made in Tom Ottinger's Classes. Just click on the character and they have a conversation with each other. The volume is in the middle. It also features animations. Just click the character that turns lime green.

Next is a little birdy chirp mini program, I made to commemorate the wonderful birds; I hear singing all the time around here in Collin County.

I know you will love them so I will say; your welcome.

A Intro To This Blog:
Please do not judge this blog by this page only. Use the menu on the right and view all the art images of art I created. Everything here is Rated G.

Then after that, view all my YouTube videos I created;  also Rated G, here: or just put Radman_Art in YouTube search.

After you have done that, read as much as you can of the encyclopedia's worth of posts (also Rated G); I have posted on this blog and YouTube.

Then and only then, can you can properly judge the positive contribution I have made to the art world and the internet. Also you can then judge; whether or not I have posted more original art than any one else on the internet.

This is a mirror Blog I made for when this blog stopped working. I just used this account to ad another blog because this blog stopped working. I do not update the mirror Blog as often as this Blog.

Here is the address in case this ever happens again:

January 15 2017:

I emailed my family YouTube links of our videos, of ourselves, and someone told me it had a security block. You should not have trouble playing these videos made with the old 4 inch tablet I did all the great art from 2015. These videos are small in size and that is why I like them so much. If you have a cell phone you can make them too.
These videos open in any browser no problem.

If you get a YouTube security block; which is highly unlikely, you can view the videos here:

My wife and I in the snow January 06 2017:

My wife and I about art and dog part 1 January 06 2017:

My wife and I about art and dog part 2 January 14 2017:

Follow link below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:


Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:

This is the first time this has been posted on the internet. Crank up the quality setting and be transported.

I think I thought of this from spending so much time at home doing homework for college, The idea is your home is transported to another dimension while your in it with out you knowing it. Sram? A play on words for a backwards story. Again I am using the mars theme as a backdrop for the movie. The fact that the first Mars rover landed on Mars at the time is probably the reason I chose Mars. The beam shows the wormhole from Mars to earth. Oh how adorable in my wife's words are my dogs when they were puppies, I love them just as much today as then. The scene with me drawing is a collage type drawing I never completed; long before all my great paintings within paintings were completed. That is my art desk I use to this day. The photos in the corner are of me as a child. Of course that is my wife in the hand made India tapestry. She is supposed to be a spirit I should have used transparency on her. The entire script comes from my head at the time it was made around 2004. The idea was the house was very close to Mars in it's rotation around the earth. I posted the house scene on my YouTube channel a while ago in expectation of posting this. The video has great Maya creations of my work. The space background unlike the Alien Flyboy was made by me in Photoshop. The spacey part is me dreaming. You can barely see my wife with the tapestry in the background throwing the Frisbee. The ending is bloopers of my laughing so hard I can not talk.

Follow like below to see the movie my wife and I made for college in the year 2003:

Hey I have a IMDB homepage!

I have been a fan of the website since college. I had to use this website for many projects in college: 
This is the address: 

I am actively seeking a sponsor so that I can do this full time and give it the due it deserves. If you know of any interested party please contact me at above email address. 

August 11 2018:

I changed all my files on Google Drive. You do not have to be logged in to Google to download all my great free files; anymore. Anyone can download them now. 

Here is a list of all my available downloads:






Copy of radmanart_sk8_footy_1_11_2018.wmv:


Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IV Done May 25 2017.wmv

Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_IX done June 18 2017.wmv

Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VI Done June 3 2017.wmv

Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VII done June 7 2017.wmv

Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_VIII done June 11 2017.wmv

Rad_Computer_Art_Man_Part_X Done June 25 2017.wmv

















My YouTube Channel is Here: